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Chapter 39 A Small Thing

Chapter 39 A little thing

Author: Mei Shiniang

Chapter 39 A little thing

Wang Zhanyang also said hello to their high school classmate, who is now the director of Yongcheng City Cultural Center.

When they were studying, Yongcheng had not yet been restructured from a county to a city, and Wang Zhanyang's father was the deputy county magistrate in charge of culture, education and health at that time.

Because of this background, although Wang Zhanyang is as thin as a reed, he is still relatively domineering in school. The teacher and principal also gave him three points. The male students in the class consciously took sides, and most of them took his side. Only

Yu Wenhao, Ermao, Sansan and Wuren, this F4, if they don't buy his fault, they will become a country of their own.

When I was a sophomore in high school, something happened because of a small thing that seemed to be caused by San San. What was it specifically? It was so small that I even said hello to myself. I can’t even remember it now. Anyway, it was just that the two sides were not convinced by each other. Then you said I

In one sentence, the scolding war began. Because it was noon, there were many people in the classroom, especially the female students who were watching from the side, and both parties could not get off the stage.

The quarrel escalated when they began to push each other, and then the other party took advantage of the large number of people and prepared to give the four of them a good beating and teach them a lesson, which turned them into real turds. This is what Wang Zhanyang and the others usually said to ridicule F4.

There were more than a dozen people on the other side, but there were only four of them on Yu's side, so they were immediately at a disadvantage.

At a disadvantage, Yu Wenhao followed the principle of catching the thief first, and rushed towards Wang Zhanyang without caring about the fists falling on his head and body. He punched Wang Zhanyang hard. Wang Zhanyang screamed and fell down, lying on the ground.

Blood flowed like a stream.

The two sides of the conflict came to an abrupt end, and everyone was frightened. The female monitor ran out, and then the head teacher, dean of students, and principal were all awakened from their naps and ran over.

Yu Wenhao's punch was so hard that he broke Wang Zhanyang's nose and his own hand. The problem was that his fractures were invisible, while Wang Zhanyang's fractures can be described as terrifying.

His face was pale, his white school uniform was stained red, and his blood was still flowing. The school doctor and teachers who helped him to the hospital said that they were really afraid that he would die on the way.

Deputy County Magistrate Wang's son was beaten. What could happen? The director of education rushed to the school and knew that he was gone, and then rushed to the hospital.

Wang Zhanyang's mother worked in the Land Management Bureau building diagonally across from the school. She received the call and rushed to the school, and then to the hospital. When she saw Lahu's son stabbed with blood, she felt heartbroken and angry.


Deputy County Magistrate Wang's son was beaten. Of course the principal and the Director of Education took it very seriously. It was their immediate boss and the immediate boss of his immediate boss. Coupled with the angry pressure from Deputy County Magistrate Wang's wife, the Director of Education turned the pressure around

After notifying the principal, the school quickly made a decision.

It was originally a group fight between the two parties, but because Wang Zhanyang was injured, the matter became a matter between Yu Wenhao and Wang Zhanyang.

The principal called both parents to the school. On Yu's side, his mother went to the school to say hello. On Wang Zhanyang's side, it was impossible for Deputy County Magistrate Wang to make a grand visit. It was his mother, a section chief of the County Land Management Bureau, who went.

The principal announced the decision to both parties, mainly the decision to say hello, which was expulsion.

After hearing the decision, Yu, who had been keeping Wang Zhanyang's mother company, said hello to her mother, this woman with a good temper who usually smiled when she saw everyone's face turned cold.

She asked the principal: "It's been decided and it can't be changed? If you say hello to our family, you will definitely be expelled, right?"

The principal looked at Wang Zhanyang's mother. Wang Zhanyang's mother was sitting there with a straight face and no expression. The principal turned back and said hello to Yu, "It has been decided. This is our collective decision."

Yu greeted his mother and then looked at Wang Zhanyang's mother and asked: "Is this your opinion too?"

Wang Zhanyang's mother snorted but made no sound.

"Is this also Wang Chuomao's opinion?" Yu Wenhao's mother then asked.

The principal and Wang Zhanyang's mother present, especially the latter, changed their expressions when they heard this.

Yu Wenhao's mother turned out to be a member of the county Yue Opera Troupe. After the Yue Opera Troupe was disbanded, all members were required to self-digest in the cultural system, and she was integrated into Xinhua Bookstore to sell books.

Wang Zhanyang's father was the deputy director of the County Cultural Bureau at the time, and was in charge of the placement of Yue Opera Troupe personnel. Personnel placement was a headache, and Deputy Director Wang needed to use emotion and reason to solve their ideological problems one by one.

He and Yu Wenhao's mother also communicated many times before communicating with her at the counter of Xinhua Bookstore. Of course they were very familiar with each other.

Wang Zhanyang's father has a scab on the right side of his neck. There are several very long hairs on the scab. According to folklore, the hair on the scab cannot be cut. As a result, these hairs grow strong and arrogant, which also gives Wang Zhanyang's father

He brought the nickname "Yi Zu Mao" and combined with his surname, it became "Wang Zui Mao."

Of course, no one dared to call Deputy Director Wang this nickname in person. Later, Deputy Director Wang became Director Wang, and then Deputy County Magistrate Wang, and no one dared to call him in person.

Yu Wenhao’s mother stood up, first pointed at the principal and yelled at him, saying:

"The fight is a matter for the whole class, and the leader is her son. As for injuries, my son also suffered a fracture. Now your school is dealing with it, but my son is the only one to deal with it? I know that you are trying to flatter Wang Chuomao.

I don't care if you want to flatter him, but if my son is fired, I will come to your office every day to work, and I will do what I say."

Yu greeted his mother and then pointed at Wang Zhanyang’s mother and said:

"I won't bother you. You should go back and make it clear to Wang Zhuomao. If my son is expelled, I will work at school every morning and go to his office in the afternoon. There is no such thing as bullying. We, the older generation, are bullied by you.

It’s okay if you sit on top and bully others, but when you get to the younger generation, you will still be bullied by you. You bullies are addicted to bullying, aren’t you?”

After Yu said hello to his mother, he turned around and left without listening to the principal's explanation.

The final result of this matter is said to be that Deputy County Magistrate Wang called the principal directly and told him that it is not normal for boys to fight and fight among themselves? Don't make it bigger, just write a review, don't ruin other people's lives.

You won’t have to take the college entrance examination next year, right?

"Yes, County Magistrate Wang, I understand, but the college entrance examination will be a matter of the year after tomorrow." The principal said.

At that time, Yu greeted them and their first semester of high school had just started.

Deputy County Magistrate Wang said, "Oh, I don't care about this child's affairs. I'm a bureaucracy."

The head teacher went to see Yu Wenhao, but Yu Wenhao said nothing and refused to write a self-criticism. He said with a pinched neck, in the worst case, you can fire me. This gave the head teacher a headache and almost gave him a hard time. The purpose of writing a self-criticism is to prevent you from being dismissed.

Expelled, Xiao Xiande? You are really fine!

In the end, the head teacher called me over and told him that you are good at writing this, so just write it down and let this matter be over.

The widower agreed wholeheartedly.

When I was absent from class too much, my teacher couldn't bear it and asked him to write a self-criticism. He immediately took out a self-criticism from his schoolbag and handed it in. After handing in the self-criticism, he still came and left when he wanted.

, as if to save the liver and gallbladder.

Today, the self-criticism in the school bag was not needed. We sat down, brushed it, and quickly wrote the self-criticism. We signed it with a greeting and gave it to the class teacher. The class teacher thought the writing was brilliant and the attitude was sincere and profound.

.I almost couldn't help but pick up the pen, put a √ on the review, and then write "excellent".

The head teacher is right, I am really good at writing this.

Thank you Xinghai Bookworm 1977 for the reward! Thank you Ji Zhimi and Chuan Lin for your monthly pass! Thank you for all the recommendation votes and reading! I wish you all a good afternoon!

(End of chapter)

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