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Chapter 47 Brother Wang said

Chapter 47 Brother Wang said

Author: Mei Shiniang

Chapter 47 Brother Wang said

"When talking about Lao Lai, the first reaction of many people is that he is a heinous person. He is the kind of person who relies on money and refuses to pay it back. Are there such people? There must be, and there may be a lot of them. But there are still others

Many people are forced to become deadbeats and have no ability at all, or in other words, they are not given the opportunity to repay their debts.

"What do you mean? We just fool people into starting a business. Now when I hear the word entrepreneurship, my head is going to explode. Someone asked me, and I also told him, don't start a business in anything. To start a business is to be a thief.

If you get on a boat, you can't get off. Those who can reach the shore may not necessarily have good results. Haha, look at how many big bosses have not been punished. Aren't they trembling?

"If you don't make it to shore, you will die miserably. You are fooled into starting a business, but there is no protection for entrepreneurs. You are just running naked. Let me give you a simple example. We do not have a bankruptcy protection system.

Yes, this aspect is lacking.

"In countries with a bankruptcy protection system, if my company is in trouble, I can file a bankruptcy application with the bankruptcy court. Once I file the application, I will enter the bankruptcy protection period. At this time, all my debts will be frozen, and the debt I owe to the bank will also be frozen.

Well, whether you owe a supplier or an individual, you are not allowed to even make a debt collection call. It is illegal to do so.

"Then the court will organize the debtors and set up a committee to see if the business is still possible to continue. The business will continue to operate normally, and the money earned through operation will be paid to creditors in batches until all debts are paid off.

, you also lift the bankruptcy protection and become a normal enterprise again.

"We are not a company. As soon as there is any trouble, everyone will come to rob, whether it is banks, individuals, or suppliers. The boss of the company has no time to deal with them every day. There is still time to think about the company.

In business matters, he still had to hide for his life when faced with debt collection by loan sharks.

"Anyway, it's just a long time. Everyone comes to grab it, but they're afraid that they won't be able to grab anything if they arrive late. Everyone who comes here is trying to kill themselves for their own interests. No one cares about your company at all.

If it continues to operate, will it have a future? As long as time is given, the rights and interests of creditors will be protected.

"My business is like this. My products are very good and the market has opened up. All I need is a breather. If you give me such a time to breathe, I will definitely survive and ensure everyone's safety."

Claims, but no, we do not have such a bankruptcy protection system.

"When encountering this kind of situation, I really feel helpless. What can I say to those people? I told them that these machines in my hands are assets and money printing machines that can be turned into money.

If it comes into your hands, it's just scrap copper and scrap iron. They won't care about it. Even if it's scrap copper and scrap iron, they'll grab it.

"Many bosses and companies I know are in the same situation as me. Even if a good company encounters some temporary difficulties and no one helps it, it will collapse. In such a big environment,

You still want to trick people into starting a business? You still want to start a business? You are so stupid and naive.

"The result is like a pebble dropped into the water, it disappears after a splash. There is not enough money, and it is still in short supply. You have borrowed all the relatives and friends who can borrow it, but the money is still not enough, and you are still in need of help everywhere. At this time,

Of course you are still unwilling to give up, let alone let the company fail. You know that if the company fails, it will be all over. You can only take another gamble and continue to find money.

Brother Wang kept talking, getting more and more excited as he talked. At the end of the sentence, he sighed, turned around and asked Yu: hello:

Yu Wenhao remembered similar words. He remembered Jiang Yihe said it when she talked about her parents' factory.

"After thinking about it, I probably have no choice but to deliver food. I have a debt of tens of millions and you ask me to pay it off by delivering food. Isn't that a joke? You don't let me make money or start a business, but you also want me to hurry up as soon as possible.

Pay off the debt, saying that only after the debt is paid off can you start a business, you say, isn't this a joke? "

"When a company is in trouble, it's like when a child gets sick. If the child gets sick, you just throw the child away? Definitely not. As a parent, you will definitely not be willing to give in. You will definitely try your best to save him, right?"

"Also, I'm not allowed to fly or take the high-speed rail. Not only can I not start a business, I can't even apply for any company. I can go to the recruiter and say, I'm sorry, I can't take the high-speed rail or fly.

So I can’t travel, will anyone still want me?

"Originally, Xiao Yu, let me tell you." Brother Wang said, "I won't talk about other people, I will talk about myself. I will talk about myself, how I fell into it step by step. I have worked hard for more than ten years,

It took me to build the factory to that scale, and that enterprise is like my child..."

"It's true that I am a bad guy. Even loan sharks are suing me. How can I not be a bad guy? But you said, I have money and don't want to pay it back? I wish I could pay back all the money right away, but for what purpose? I

Can I write a check with a pen and give it back to you?

"You Yu, do you also think that Lao Lai is the kind of person who spends money on borrowed money and refuses to pay it back even if he has money?"

"Someone said that they can lend you money, but the interest rate is higher. Do you want to do it or not? It seems that there are two answers, but in fact there is only one answer, and that is yes. Because at this time, you have no other way to go.

If you don't want it, your company will collapse immediately. The hundreds of millions you invested in the early stage and your more than ten years of hard work will all be lost. Do you dare to don't want it?

Brother Wang continued: "It's full of holes, it's full of holes, we need money here, we need money there, and I can't get a loan from the bank. What should I do? The first thing is to borrow money from relatives and friends.

At that time, there was still dignity. You could make a phone call and get tens of millions, and they would borrow it right away. After you took the money, of course you threw it in immediately.

"That height limit order is even more ridiculous. You have deprived me of all possibilities of repayment and left me no chance at all. You still want me to repay the money? Isn't this just asking me to write a check? I am now

If you can't apply for a business license, you've blocked the way to start a new business. If you can't get a bank loan, you've blocked the second way.

"Don't die right away. If you still have a breath and hope, maybe tomorrow you can get a certificate and get a loan. For this breath, you have to. Just like that, I owe loan sharks again. As soon as I go,

There is no turning back.

"Then do you know that some people are forced to become old people, and this society does not give them the opportunity to pay off their debts?" Brother Wang asked.

"What I regret most now is that I didn't stop early. I wanted to build a new factory, expand production, and create my own brand, 'cereal milk, the third type of milk for mankind.' Haha, now I think of it

This makes me laugh or cry.

Yu Wenhao nodded.

"If I had stopped early and didn't have to do anything or create any shitty business, and just wander around in society, I would still have a prosperous life, unlike now, where I have become a deadbeat.

People are not like humans and ghosts are not like ghosts.”

Yu Wenhao shook his head and said: "I have never been exposed to it, and I have never thought about it."

Yu Wenhao thought about it for a while and said, "Listening to what you said earlier, I think what you said makes sense."

"In addition, if you apply for a job in another company, the boss and personnel of the other company are not stupid. If you search on the Internet, wow, you turn out to be a scumbag! Even if you have great abilities, others will not dare to hire you.

(End of chapter)

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