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Chapter 55 It's Over

Chapter 55 It’s over

Author: Mei Shiniang

Chapter 55 It’s over

Although Mr. Wang felt that it was over, he was still a little unwilling to give up. He called Mr. Ma. Mr. Ma received the call and complained to him in turn:

"Mr. Wang, what's going on? I've never encountered one before, and even the appraisal company can't handle it. What's going on with you?"

Mr. Wang held the phone and was speechless. He was thinking, I really want to do it, but they don't give me a chance to do it. They won't even eat a meal. What can I do?

Mr. Wang used to do bank loans and had dealings with appraisal companies. Those appraisal companies would eat and drink with you, and you would take care of things. When any appraisal company issued a report, they did not just turn a blind eye and turn a blind eye to the report.

They are all filled with water, and they meet both your requirements and the bank's requirements. Everyone is happy.

Mr. Wang has never seen such an impartial evaluation report, nor did he expect it beforehand.

Mr. Wang and Mr. Ma said: "Mr. Ma, how about you help me talk to the finance company about changing to another appraisal company?"

"How can I change it? You are already a bad name in the financial company now. They all know your situation. Who dares to pick up this hot potato like you? No one dares to touch you."

"Mr. Ma, can you help me introduce another financial company?" Mr. Wang begged.

"Mr. Wang, Mr. Wang, have you forgotten that I am the funder? I was not intimidated by you, and I answered your call. This is already very considerate of you. I was called over by Mr. Li just now and scolded me.

Suddenly, he said that all the bad projects I took on were bad."

Mr. Ma kept shaking his head on the other end of the phone for a while, and then he said to Mr. Wang:

After being disappointed, Mr. Wang's excited heart began to calm down. He replayed the whole thing in his mind, and he felt doubtful. Could it be a scam and that he had encountered a scam?

However, in the list of counterfeit companies published on the website, the names of Mr. Ma and his company are not seen. It seems that they have not forged official seals or fictitious equity, but only used the name of China Investment Corporation.

Mr. Wang called the phone number on the website to inquire. The other party told him that the company Mr. Wang mentioned was not their subsidiary and had nothing to do with them.

Mr. Wang is right.

The friend continued: "If this is true, there will be no problem with the appraisal report they issued. In turn, it will only prove that they are a very good and standardized appraisal company. What are you suing others for? Are you suing them for not committing fraud? Or are you suing them?

That so-called CIC investor? They will confiscate your money, and they didn’t exaggerate that they were affiliated with CIC.

When I opened the CIC website, there was a moving pop-up window on the homepage. The pop-up window displayed "Statement on Beware of Fraud Using Our Company's Name". Mr. Wang clicked on this statement and it said that it was discovered that criminals had passed through.

By forging official seals, false equity structures and other means, they deliberately misled the public about their association with CIC and conducted illegal operations.

"By the way, you're on to a good point. It's because the companies they go to are all defective companies, so they are emboldened." My friend said, "They don't even need to make lies. As long as they find your problem,

List your problems, you are a high-risk enterprise, and everything can be stopped.

"But that's what people wrote, and it's correct, right? Not all companies should respond to the country's call?" the policeman asked.

Mr. Wang is still a little puzzled as to how a company like this can be a state-owned holding company.

He went to check Mr. Ma's company and found out that the nature of their company is that it is a state-owned holding company. This is different from the short-selling companies that usually engage in fraud. He checked their business license, company name and address.

The legal person of the company was exactly the same as what he had seen in person. The legal person was Mr. Li.

"Every agreement was stipulated in the agreement, and everyone followed the agreement. You paid the appraisal company's appraisal fee. They also issued an appraisal report to you. The appraisal company was also right," said the friend.

Mr. Wang said: "But I didn't make it."

Mr. Wang said yes, people came and the report was released.

"You just go to the relevant departments for approval, and they will tell you that CIC, CICC, etc. are just common names, and there are no regulations saying that these words are not allowed to appear in company names. By the way, you said that their company also has

Legal Department, what do you think their legal department is doing? It is to design the entire process and make it very legal so that people like you have no holes to take advantage of.

"In this case, Mr. Wang, either you can continue to work at your bank. Once you get it done, I will help you with Mr. Li's work here, okay? The most I can help is this."

"What will I do? I won't let a hundred companies fail to succeed. In that case, the economic investigation can determine that the whole thing is a scam. I will follow this process and succeed in a few companies. Which companies are successful?"

Whether it is their own affiliated companies or the companies they actually control, I will successfully list several of them, so as to show that our company's business is real and not a scam."

The lawyer friend crushed the whole matter in this way. After analyzing it bit by bit, Mr. Wang felt that this was really the case. From the first time he followed Xiao Yu to their company, he was destined to lose so much money.

Let them chop off the piece of meat on the chopping board one by one.

"You really met a master." My friend looked at Mr. Wang and said, "Now you have no choice but to admit that you are unlucky. If you have more than one million, you can just treat it as tuition."

The policeman shook his head: "Then we have no evidence and no way to confirm that their behavior is fraud. You can go to the court and see if you can sue them in the name of a contract dispute."

This matter has come to an end and can't go any further. Mr. Wang threw away more than one million and only got two evaluation reports.

The police asked Mr. Wang, did the other party falsely say that his company was a subsidiary of the China Investment Corporation you mentioned in front of you?

Mr. Wang thought about it carefully and found that it seemed that he had not. Neither Mr. Li, Mr. Ma nor Xiao Yu had ever told him that their company was a subsidiary of CIC. He thought they were a company under CIC or themselves.

I just figured it out. I just saw that their company name started with the words "China Investment" and thought they were related.

"Then have they ever come to your place for evaluation and issued an evaluation report?"

"Do you see, is the design of the whole process seamless? Grasp your psychology, step by step, let yourself push it, and in turn keep asking them for help. You walk to the edge of the cliff by yourself, and then jump off

Yes, they didn't push you."

Mr. Wang did not give up and found the website of CIC. CIC's full name is "China Investment Co., Ltd.". It is a wholly state-owned company established with the approval of the State Council and engaged in foreign exchange fund investment management business.

At that time, this film company accounted for 60% of the company's shares. This film company probably no longer exists, but its status as a major shareholder here still exists. After several industrial and commercial changes, the major shareholder has not

What has changed is the small shareholders and legal persons, so until now, the nature of this company is still a state-owned holding company.

Mr. Wang nodded and said yes.

"Then you and the appraisal company have negotiated in advance. Is this the price?"

"A mute eats Coptidis chinensis, can't he tell the story of his suffering? I don't know how many people and companies there are every year because of what they did, but there is nothing you can do against them. On the contrary, if you spread bad news about them on the Internet, say

They are liars, they will find you immediately, and you will lose and compensate. This is why there is no negative news about them on the Internet.

"Did you call the appraisal company for both 500,000 and 600,000?" the policeman asked.

In the days that followed, it was impossible for Mr. Wang to trouble them any more even if he wanted to. He didn't have that time anymore. He was overwhelmed with the people who came to trouble him every day. How could he have the time and energy to trouble others?

Mr. Wang found a lawyer friend of his, who listened to the whole story and said to Mr. Wang, you should save your money. Even if you go to court to sue, you will definitely lose and there is no possibility of winning.

"Who stipulates that the evaluation report can only say good things for you?" My friend asked, "The state stipulates that evaluation companies should make evaluations based on facts, not on the requirements of customers. They said that your company has risks, but you said

Tell me, have they made up the facts? Do you have the two things they said?"

Mr. Wang could only nod.

The police then asked Mr. Wang, did the other party make up the name of his company? Mr. Wang said no, the other party's industrial and commercial registration was with this name. The police then asked Mr. Wang where the money went, and whether it had been transferred to the other party's company? Mr. Wang shook his head again.

He said no, and the other party didn't charge a penny, not even travel expenses.

In addition, he also visited their company's website. The website said that the company responded to the country's call and vigorously supported the development of the country's western region, the transformation of the old industrial base in the northeast, and the construction of new rural areas. These great names made him mistakenly

I thought they were really a large state-owned company.

This company has been registered for more than ten years. One of the original shareholders is a film company. In the past, almost every county in the country had a film company. Like Xinhua Bookstore, these film companies were state-owned enterprises before restructuring.

Mr. Wang quibbled and said: "Then a company like ours would go to their company. It must be a company with flaws of one kind or another. If there are no flaws, just go to the bank directly. Who would go to them?"

A friend found this company on the Internet and continued to research it. Even his friend sighed, saying that this is too clever and too deceptive. They didn't even make up this, they are really a state-owned company.

holding company.

Mr. Wang was unconvinced and shouted: "But that evaluation report is useless,"

"Let me tell you, in Beijing, there are a lot of companies with names like CIC, CICC, CNOOC, Sinochem, etc., which make people mistakenly think they are companies with Chinese prefixes. There must be something fishy in the name approval of these companies.

But they still approved it.

"They just need to go through all the previous steps in an orderly and normal way, and at the end, apply the brakes and end the matter reasonably and legally. They just know that companies like yours are the ones who come to them.

, so that you can go forward step by step. If it is really a good company and a company without flaws, you will reject it from the beginning.

"I also suspect that this whole thing is a scam, but it can only be a suspicion. I can't find any evidence, and even if the economic investigation intervenes, there is no way. They are really experts. Let me tell you, if I were their company's legal counsel

, and I am sure that nine times out of ten they have done so.

Mr. Wang was speechless when asked.

"Who stipulates that you must do it? It is impossible for the economic investigation to ask them to give you the money, right? When you go to the bank for a loan, you will still be rejected more often and less successful. The bank guarantees that everyone who comes for a loan will get it.

Did you get the loan? It’s your own fault if you’re not given a loan. You’ve been identified as a high-risk enterprise by the evaluation company, so why should they lend you a loan?”

After hesitating for a day, Mr. Wang decided to go to the police station to report the case. The police officer who received the call heard Mr. Wang tell the whole story and found it difficult to handle. It failed to meet the requirements for filing a case and it was difficult to define the other party's behavior as fraud.

(End of chapter)

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