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88. Chapter 88 Planning

88. Chapter 88 Planning

Author: Mei Shiniang

Chapter 88 Planning

"When it's time to eat, they go to our canteen in batches to eat, and they have to buy their own meal cards. I ask the canteen to give them meal cards and let them eat for free. Many people below still can't figure it out, saying that it shouldn't be done at all.

Let them eat." Lao Shi said, "I scolded them and said, why do they care? If I can send these gods away with a few meals, I will still have a big feast."

"Lao Shi, you are right." Yu Wenhao said, "If you don't let them eat in the cafeteria, the dozen of them will order takeaways separately for three meals a day. Even if they go to the same store, they will not order together.

, but wait until this one is delivered before ordering a second one. Then your place will be busy, with people delivering food coming and going all day long.

"It's okay for them to say, what do you think about the chaos? There are food delivery people running around, and it's not us. If you want to talk to them, go and complain to them."

Lao Shi sighed: "So that's what it is!"

Yu Wenhao nodded: "That's it. Then in your company, other people can come and go freely, but you can't, right?"

"Hey, who's to say it's not the case? Otherwise, I wouldn't be so embarrassed and a man disguised as a woman to escape. I have never done such a shameful thing in my life."

As he spoke, Lao Shi raised three fingers and gestured to Yu: "Three days, three whole days, I was stuck upstairs and couldn't get down."

"Besides, they won't do anything to you." Yu Wen said with a smile.

Lao Shi nodded: "Yes, don't do anything. As long as I go downstairs, whether it is in the lobby on the first floor or in the basement, as long as they see me, they will come over and surround me, even if I go downstairs with other people."

, they also left other people alone and only blocked me.

"They gathered around me and asked me to pity Xiao Fu's parents. After being blocked like this for a few minutes, Xiao Fu's parents came over. His father knelt in front of me and cried, and his mother held my feet and cried, and

Just like dealing with the police, this kind of life is hard to bear.

"I couldn't move at all. I couldn't go anywhere else. I had to retreat to the elevator. Well, as soon as I returned to the elevator, they wouldn't follow me and let me go upstairs by myself. As long as I didn't leave the building, they wouldn't do anything.

It doesn’t matter where I want to go. With this look, I was blocked twice when I went down, so I dare not go down anywhere again.”

"This is all planned, including where everyone stands. It's just like a basketball coach arranging his troops. He won't leave any way for you. It's completely man-to-man zone defense. All you have to do is retreat to the elevator.

There is nowhere to go." Yu Wenhao said, "It depends on how long you can hold it in."

"Le Yu, tell me, who are these people?" Lao Shi asked, "How did they do it?"

Yu Wenhao said: "Someone died. They found the deceased's family and negotiated terms. Then they asked the deceased's family if they knew any of their fellow villagers in Hangzhou. If they did, they would provide contact information or call them over. If the deceased's family members did not

Knowing that, they went to construction sites and nearby factories to look for them. Folks are all nesters. If they find one, they can find a nest.

"When these fellows come here, they don't have to do anything. They just play cards and mahjong every day, and they get paid. Who wouldn't come to do it? The worst they can do is to see you coming downstairs, and a few people will surround you and block you first.

, someone has already called to contact the family there. The family members and planners are nearby. As soon as they receive the call, they will come over and you will not be able to leave.

"The biggest purpose of looking for fellow villagers is that when people from the police station come, they check their ID cards and they are all in the same place. They all claim to be relatives and friends of the deceased. Since they are relatives and friends of the deceased, it does not hinder your normal business activities. It's just that

Let’s ask for an explanation here. The police don’t know who is right or wrong between you two, and they have no choice but to let you negotiate on your own or go to court.”

"So that's it." Lao Shi understood, "It's all set up and interlocked. It's really seamless. Come, come, Yu Yu, drink tea, drink tea, hey, hey, this world is really alive.

Come and learn from the old school, and see you in the long run."

Putting down the cup, Lao Shi looked at Yu Wenhao and asked: "Less than, is there any way to break this situation, I mean solve this problem?"

"Yes." Yu Wenhao said.

"Speak quickly, speak quickly, Yu Yu, what can I do?" Lao Shi asked anxiously.

Yu Wenhao said: "It is not easy for the police to deal with the family members of the deceased, but as long as you find the person behind the plan and find out that he is instigating these people to come to your company to cause trouble, he will get benefits from behind. This is disrupting public order for his own benefit."

Li, the police can arrest him if he is properly provoking quarrels and causing trouble.

"As long as this guy is captured, the birds will disperse. Moreover, these fellow villagers who were called here, it turns out that this guy promised them remuneration. Because this guy was caught and has no whereabouts, they will definitely not do it, and they will definitely turn against him.

Come here to find the family of the deceased. At this time, it is too late for the family of the deceased to escape, so they dare not stay."

"It makes sense, it makes sense, haha, it's clear now, right?" Lao Shi laughed.

Yu Wenhao looked at Lao Shi and said, "Lao Shi, can I say one or two more words?"

"Okay, tell me."

Yu Wenhao said: "After all, the family members of the deceased are also pitiful people. They just shouldn't be instigated and greedy for money. At this time, we don't have to do anything. You can have people take them out.

Find a hotel to stay in, avoid those people, and then quietly handle the funeral arrangements for the deceased and send them away. This can be considered a good deed."

"That's right, Yu Xiao, you really spoke to my heart." Lao Shi said, "That Xiao Fu, after all, turns out to be from my company. I dare to make the decision here, I'm sure

To arrange his funeral affairs properly, I will add 100,000 to the 200,000 originally promised to his parents and give them 300,000."

Yu Wenhao nodded and said: "That's good. If you can do this, it's fine, Lao Shi."

Lao Shi thought for a moment and said: "There is another question. Less than, do you think there is any way to find the person behind the plan? Our hall is monitored, and the person who planned it will definitely not come here once.

, otherwise how can we plan, right? Is there any way to find him from the surveillance?"

Yu Wenhao shook his head: "It's useless to find out who is planning it from the surveillance. There is no evidence. They say they are acquaintances and help Zhang Luo. There is nothing you can do."

"That's right." Lao Shi nodded, "Then what do you think you can do?"

"One of them is to sneak into them and become one of them. You will know everything about how they planned and arranged it. If you secretly record what the planner said, he will not be able to escape.


When Yu said hello, Lao Shi kept nodding. When Yu said hello, Lao Shi said:

"Less than, I have an idea."

"What do you think?" Yu Wenhao asked.

Lao Shi said: "They have a plan, let's also make a plan, tit for tat, tit for tat, less than, how about you plan it, just come and help me plan, how to find the people behind them, during this time, you don't need to open the Internet

You've made a taxi appointment, and our company has booked it for you."

"No, no," Yu Wenhao said, "I drive a ride-hailing car part-time, and I have to go to work during the day."

"You have to go to work, which unit do you work for?"

"A printing company under the Hangzhou News Group."

"Where's Lao Qu?" Lao Shi asked.

Yu Wenhao was stunned: "Do you know our Mr. Qu?"

"Haha, we don't just know each other, we know each other very well. I am your old customer." Lao Shi said.

Yu Wenhao thought it was wrong. He was in the workshop, and everything printed in the workshop needed to be printed by his own hands. From Yu Wenhao's impression, it seemed that he had never printed anything from the Tri-Ring Group.

Yu Wenhao asked: "I'm in the printing workshop, Lao Shi, you guys..."

"Hi, our group doesn't need to print anything, but for the real estate company under me, all the building brochures and promotional materials are printed by you, as well as the factory, the materials in the factory, including everything going to the Canton Fair, are all printed by you.

It's printed there." Lao Shi waved his hand and said.

Yu Wenhao understood. It turned out to be a subsidiary below. The name of the subsidiary was not that of the Tri-Ring Group. No wonder he hadn't seen it before.

"I'll call Lao Qu right away and lend you a hand," Lao Shi said.

(End of chapter)

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