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Chapter 223 Please accept the loyalty of your devout servant

Hughes was stunned, he didn't expect Lu Jing to be so direct.

He had actually verified those copies a long time ago. There was no need to verify them and they couldn't be fake, but he still took them over and took a look.

It is indeed the original original.

After closing it, he said: "Mr. Lu, are you in a hurry for money?"

Lu Jing did not deny it, nodded and said: "Yes."

Hughes pondered for a moment and said, "Mr. Lu, shall I tell you the story of our old master first?"

Lu Jing motioned to him and said.

Hughes pondered for a while and said: "My Rogoff family has been waiting for the day when the descendants of the old master will come for generations. The origin of everything in the Rogoff family comes from the old master..."

Lu Jing listened as Hughes spoke slowly.

It took half an hour to finish.

Actually it's nothing.

According to Hughes, when his ancestor met Zhan Shichai more than a hundred years ago, he was a little beggar who was about to starve to death.

It was Zhan Shichai who gave him a mouthful of rice, and then he followed Zhan Shichai all the time.

It was natural for me to become a servant. Being a servant in that era was normal and an honor.

And discovered that Zhan Shichai was a god-like figure.

Lu Jing actually knew this well. It was simply because Zhan Shichai had the cultivation level and the earth-centered gourd that he was a god in the eyes of Hughes' ancestors.

Later, Zhan Shichai killed a powerful vampire, refined the vampire, and purified three drops of blood essence.

One drop was given to Hughes' ancestors.

Relying on this drop of vampire blood, Hughes's ancestor lived a disease-free life of 108 years, and also established the Rogoff family's huge family fortune in one fell swoop.

Also because of their bloodline, the descendants of the Rogoff family have some abilities that ordinary people don't have.

Of course, not everyone has superpowers, or can awaken their bloodline abilities.

There is no doubt that Rogoff has become a lucky one. His awakened bloodline ability can freeze anything at more than 200 degrees below zero.

In the eyes of ordinary people, this is a miraculous ability.

Because of the power of blood, Rogoff Hughes expanded the family business again and has now become a huge wealth empire.

But as you get older and reach your end, the blood capacity in your body has backlash. His freezing ability starts to bite you back and freeze yourself. The result is paralysis and breathing difficulties. It is a trivial matter not to be able to walk. Breathing problems are life-threatening. Every day.

He relies on drugs and oxygen to stay alive.

For this reason, he even had blood replaced and returned his granddaughter Elena's blood to himself.

The result was still useless. Instead, it allowed her granddaughter Elena to awaken her bloodline and gain the ability to freeze.

The strange thing is that Elena didn't react at all, but was able to completely control the power of freezing.

According to Hughes' calculation, this is because of her strong body function, and her granddaughter Elena is young and full of vitality.

But as she gets older and her functions decline, Elena will eventually be counterattacked, even more intensely.

Hughes is eighty-nine years old, and he has a premonition that he will be completely devastated and die by the time he is ninety.

And her granddaughter Elena's bloodline awakening is stronger than his, and it is estimated that she will not live to be thirty years old.

She is now 28 years old.

The huge Rogoff family is now in the hands of his granddaughter Elena. If the two of them die one after another, there is no doubt that this family will also perish.

Hughes was unwilling to face death.

He consulted the family classics and finally discovered the method left by his ancestors for the awakening of bloodline backlash.

And this method is not a secret method, but comes from the super power of the old master.

The reason why our ancestors can live to be one hundred and eight years old and resist the backlash of their bloodline is because their physical bodies have been strengthened by their old master Zhan Shichai, so the backlash is not big.

The ancestor left a sentence in his last words, waiting for the heirs of the old master to come, in order to eliminate the disadvantages of blood backlash, so that future generations will remember to harvest the wealth left by the old master. If one day the heirs of the old master come, remember to

The wealth of the Rogoff family was handed over to him. Everything in the Rogoff family belongs to the old master. Every member of the Rogoff family will always be the servant of the old master.

Hughes said he had been waiting.

He firmly believed that someone would come looking for him.

Just when it felt like the deadline was approaching, Lu Jing's letter arrived.

This gave him hope, and he immediately came to China with his granddaughter Elena.

After Lu Jing finished listening, he looked at Hughes. He didn't beat around the bush and said directly: "I do have a way to solve your physical problem."

He knew very well that the old Hughes told this story to ask whether he could save him.

Do you have the ability?

If not…


Not to mention the owner, I'm afraid I won't get even a dime of the original shares.

But having said that, the problem of old Hughes is a piece of cake for him and he can solve it easily.

Zhan Shichai is a failure, and he is the destined son chosen by the Earth's Core Gourd.

"Really? Please help me, Mr. Lu~"

Old Hughes became excited.

Lu Ding didn’t even say a word, but used actual actions to prove it.

He walked directly to Old Hughes, stretched out his hand and put it on his back, urging the true energy to enter Old Hughes' body, and began to absorb and refine the cold power in Old Hughes' body.

Ten minutes later.

Old Hughes's pale face gradually turned red.

It was smoother than ever before, and my breathing became even.

Old Hughes, the client, felt a long-lost warmth in his body, and he seemed to feel that his legs were feeling.

I had no consciousness before.

Now I feel numb.

A thick layer of frost gathered on Lu Jing's palms.

This kind of cold energy is indeed overbearing. If I hadn't practiced more powerful techniques, I might not have been able to refine it.

He refined 70% of the cold power in old Hughes's body.

Then it stopped.

Leave a backup plan.

At least he has to get old Hughes to cash it in for him.

It cannot be cured in one go.

After stopping, Lu Jing deliberately looked at his ice-condensed palms in front of Old Hughes and said: "The cold air in your body is really overbearing. You are lucky to have met me. Just stop here today. It will take a few days to completely resolve it."


As Lu Jing's zhenqi circulated as he spoke, the ice on his palms melted away at a speed visible to the naked eye and returned to its original state.

"Okay, you can try standing up. It shouldn't affect your normal life." Lu Jing motioned to Old Hughes.

Elena, who had been silent at this moment, her eyes glowed when she looked at Lu Jing.

Old Hughes was shocked when he heard this.

Try to stand up.

Sure enough, I was able to stand up, take steps, and walk around the room.

Then he looked at Lu Jing and said with suppressed excitement: "Mr. Lu, can the problem of my granddaughter Elena be solved?"

"Yes, but you have to take your time. Her situation is better than yours. As long as she strengthens her body, she can control the power of ice in her body. But don't think about it. If the coldness in your body is completely eliminated, how many more years can you live?

Year." Lu Jing said bluntly.

Immediately, Old Hughes and his granddaughter looked at each other, and the next moment he pulled his granddaughter Elena and knelt down in front of Lu Jing.

He said in an extremely pious tone: "Hughes Rogoff, Elena Rogoff, pay homage to the young master. The Rogoff family will always be the master's servants. I will follow the last wishes of my ancestors and continue to serve you as the young master."

, please accept the loyalty of your devout servant."

After speaking, Old Hughes put his forehead against Lu Jing's feet.

This chapter has been completed!
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