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Chapter 252

The martial artist finally gained a place in Lu Jing's heart.

The systems he now knows include martial arts, monks, and Gu masters. In addition, last time he learned from old Hughes that there are vampires in the West.

This means that the earth actually has many systems.

In fact, monks are just a general term on earth, and there must be many branches of cultivation.

For example, he is now strictly a cultivator or also called an immortal cultivator.

There are also Buddhists, Taoists, and maybe wizards...

In the final analysis, no matter what the system is, it is the great road, and all dharma have their origins and they all have something in common.

After chatting with Yuwen Changtian about martial arts.

The topic returned to the Gu family.

Lu Jing said: "Arrange for me to visit Gu Tianqi."

"Uh, you don't need this, right?" Yuwen Changtian said, with a strange look on his face.

Lu Jing was puzzled: "Why?"

Yuwen Changtian said with pride: "Because we are from Warehouse 004 and the leaders of the martial arts conference. Even if we want to visit, it is his Gu family who comes to visit the warehouse owner."

Lu Jing also realized at this time, it was indeed true!

What he currently represents is Warehouse 004, Warehouse 004 means officialdom, and all martial arts in the world are theoretically supervised by Warehouse 004.

This is the consensus of all martial arts circles on earth.

It’s just that Lu Jing is not sure whether everyone respects Warehouse 004.

Then he asked: "Will everyone who came to participate in the martial arts conference, including the Ye family, also come to pay homage?"

"Yes, of course they are in awe of Warehouse 004, or in other words, the owner of Shangguan Warehouse." Yuwen Changtian's words were very straightforward.

The meaning is obvious, people come to visit you not because of Lu Jing's face, but because of Shangguan Xuanji's face.

"Uh, what's the point?" Lu Jing asked.

Yuwen Changtian said with fiery eyes: "Because the owner of Shangguan Xuanji Warehouse is a strong man, a real strong man, the first person in the world."

The first person in the world?

Lu Jing felt a little unbelievable.

"How strong is it?" He didn't see through Shangguan Xuanji at all that day. Now he might be able to learn some of Shangguan Xuanji's deeds from Yuwen Changtian's mouth.

"I don't know how strong Lord Shangguan is, but one thing I can tell you is that that year when the Yangtze River flooded, it was a thousand-year-old anaconda that caused trouble. Shangguan Lord destroyed the thousand-year-old anaconda with just one sword strike.

The python was beheaded, this is what I said with my own eyes, and some old guys in the world have seen it with their own eyes, so none of them dare to disobey Warehouse 004 because they cannot afford to offend the owner of Shangguan Warehouse." Yuwen Changtian said when he said this

Very proud.

At this moment, Lu Jing felt a huge surge in his heart.

Kill the thousand-year-old anaconda with one sword!

He didn't know how strong an anaconda with a thousand years of cultivation was, but how could an anaconda that had been practicing for a thousand years be so weak?

The thousand-year-old anaconda is the key point in this sentence.

In other words, there are monsters on earth.

There are even many, many things that he didn't expect.

Most of the time, they were taken care of by martial artists led by Warehouse 004, and ordinary people would never know.

Lu Jing had a deep understanding of Shangguan's mystery.

Yuwen Changtian would not lie, and there was no need to lie. He had seen it with his own eyes.

Then... what kind of golden elixir is Shangguan Xuanji?

Lu Jing felt pressure inside for the first time.

Fortunately, he is now a colleague of Shangguan Xuanji, as long as she is not an enemy. A woman who is so powerful that no one knows the depth of it!

No, it should be said that she is an unimaginably powerful old witch!

It seems that when you see Shangguan Xuanji and talk to her in the future, you should have some etiquette and propriety.

Lu Jing's back felt a little chilly when he recalled the conversation he had with Shangguan Xuanji yesterday.

It seemed that he didn't regard Shangguan Xuanji as a powerful senior at all yesterday.

But it’s not his fault. Who made Shangguan Xuanji look so young?

Appearances are sometimes the most confusing.

After swallowing, Lu Jing asked: "Are there still demon clans or something like that in the world now?"

Yuwen Changtian nodded and said: "Yes, as long as they appear and dare to cause trouble, they will be killed and suppressed by the people from the 004 Warehouse and the martial arts world. It is difficult for ordinary people to know. This kind of thing has actually happened since ancient times, oh

By the way, Lord Haojue Lucang knows that the martial arts world is just a general term for all the extraordinary people today. In fact, there are many systems of people in the martial arts world or in the world of martial arts."

Lu Jing solemnly remembered it in his heart.

Seeing that it was getting late, Xia Yuan said, "Master of the warehouse, would you like Team Leader Yuwen to eat first?"

Lu Jing saw that it was indeed dark outside. Everyone was tired from the journey today and needed to replenish food.

"Okay, let's make arrangements!"

There is nothing delicious here at all, just vegetarian hot pot and some instant noodles.

One serving per person.

Lu Jing originally wanted to get some vegetables from the elixir field, but he thought better of it!

Taking out vegetables and fruits at this time will make people suspicious, and the earth-centered gourd on him will be exposed.

Before he learned about Shangguan Xuanji and the martial arts master's strength, he didn't care much about it, but now he had to be cautious.

I feel that my cultivation strength at the peak of my Qi refining period, even if I have mastered the thunder method, is not a strong one anymore.

Just keep a low profile!

The world may be more dangerous than he imagined.

The water is very deep!

After dinner, everyone went to their respective tents to rest.

As a warehouse owner, Lu Jing naturally enjoys a large tent.

Just when he was about to take a rest, Xia Yuan's voice sounded outside: "Master of the warehouse, the ancestor of the Gu family, Gu Tianqi, and the ancestor of the Qin family, Qin Wen, are here to pay a visit."

Lu Jing's heart moved. Yuwen Changtian was really right.

As expected, it was the other party who took the initiative to visit me.

"Please come in."

When someone came to visit, Lu Jing naturally didn't put on airs and quickly asked Xia Yuan to invite the two of them in to talk.

The status of Warehouse 004 seems to be much higher than he thought.

Of course, the high status of Warehouse 004 is not only because it represents the official martial arts, but in Lu Jing's opinion, it is more because of the existence of Shangguan Xuanji.

The old monster who looks like a little girl is the core of the 004 warehouse.

Someone who can kill a thousand-year-old anaconda with one sword!

He is truly a fairy-like figure on earth.

No wonder he couldn't see through her at all.

On the other hand, Lu Jing now felt that he had already seen through Shangguan's secrets.


Xia Yuan came in with two old men.

They are all white-haired and look very old, but they are very stable.

One is tall and one is short.

"Gu Tianqi met Master Lu Cang."

"Qin Wen, I have met Master Lu Cang."

The two of them bowed their hands in greeting.

And it’s an ancient ritual.

Lu Jing returned the greeting: "You two seniors are polite, please take a seat."

Regardless of the level of cultivation, first of all, he must be respected based on his age.

The three of them took their seats and served tea in the summer garden.

Lu Jing looked at the two of them.

Gu Tianqi is tall and thin, but he can feel that this old man contains huge energy and blood power. He is no weaker than Yuwen Changtian, but he is very restrained. From the outside, he looks like an ordinary old man.

Qin Wen was similar. Compared with Gu Tianqi's casual smile, Qin Wen always had an amiable smile, giving people a sense of intimacy.

But Lu Jing knows that you can’t judge people by their appearance.

After Xia Yuan served tea to the three of them, she walked out.

Then Qin Wen smiled and said: "I have long heard that Master Shangguan has appointed the master of the outer warehouse. I didn't expect Master Lu to be so young and have a formidable future. I congratulate fellow Daoist Lu for becoming the master of the first warehouse. Please give me more advice in the future."

This chapter has been completed!
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