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Chapter 256

Although the large crack that appeared was bottomless, it was not a vertical trend, but tilted downward at 30 degrees, which was not a regular trend.

It's not difficult for everyone.

Lu Jing walked hundreds of meters in one breath before stopping.

Because there are four crazy monks to take care of.

Compared to the others, the four crazy monks are actually weaker.

As a soldier under his command, he must be responsible.

The temperature here is starting to be lower than outside.

It might be thirty or forty degrees below zero.

Looking now, this big crack seems to have no end.

And the further you go down, the colder the air becomes.

Lu Jing estimated that over time, the four crazy monks might not be able to bear the cold here, but they would freeze to death before they even reached their destination.

Soon Yuwen Changtian and three other team leaders from the inner warehouse arrived.

Sure enough, the four crazy monks were no longer there.

Lu Jing frowned.

"Why did Lu Cangzhu stop?" Yuwen Changtian asked.

Lu Jing snorted coldly and said, "Don't you realize there are too few people?"

Yuwen Changtian looked at Lu Jing blankly.

"Don't understand?" Lu Jing said in a bad tone and glanced at the four of them.

Yuwen Changtian and the others did not understand, but they felt Lu Jing's displeasure.

"Please let Master Lu Cang make it clear." Yuwen Changtian said.

"Look at them." Lu Jing's eyes signaled him to look back.

Yuwen Changtian and the others looked back, just in time to see the four crazy monks coming in a hurry.

At this time, I understood something.

Before he could speak, Lu Jing said with a straight face: "From now on, please remember that Warehouse 004 is not divided into inner and outer warehouses, but everyone who enters the Bingxueguan ruins is a group. Don't look after each other.

I want to help you, do you understand what I mean?"

Now Yuwen Changtian and the others finally understood what Lu Jing meant.

Indeed, compared to the four of them, the four crazy monks are much weaker.

But here in Lu Jing, regardless of strength, as long as we enter the ruins, everyone is a whole. On the way forward, we must look after and help each other. We must not leave anyone behind or give up on anyone. What we need is unity.


Yuwen Changtian and the four others nodded solemnly.

I also agreed with Lu Jing's words in my heart.

As a leader, 004 Warehouse must first look like a leader.

If they themselves are not united and don't care about their teammates, then the four major families and some casual cultivators behind them will not worry about anything. When the time comes, they will definitely fall into chaos if they encounter any danger.

The four crazy monks came to Lu Jing out of breath, feeling a little embarrassed.

They promised not to hold anything back, but at the beginning, Bubu couldn't keep up with Lu Jing and others, and the four of them felt a little embarrassed.

Lu Jing glanced at them and did not say anything sarcastic. Instead, he smiled and held out four talismans in his backhand and handed them over: "This is the Fire Condensing Talisman. No one can withstand the cold here just by putting it on their body."

"Spell?" The crazy monk was most familiar with Lu Jing and knew Lu Jing's character, so he went without any hesitation.

Granny Miao and the three of them thanked each other and placed their hands on themselves.

Suddenly, white gas began to appear on the four of them.

Everyone's face turned rosy.

Warmth began to radiate from the whole body, and it was indeed able to resist the cold.

The crazy monk’s eyes lit up and he said: “What a good thing~”

"It's just a gadget. Its effect can only last for an hour. Everyone must hurry up and enter the Ice and Snow Temple ruins as soon as possible." Lu Jing said.

Yuwen Changtian and the four of them glanced at each other, a little greedy.

Although the four of them can resist the cold air on their own, they still feel uncomfortable. They also want a Fire Condensing Talisman, which is embarrassing.

Unexpectedly, Lu Jing could actually bring out the talisman.

This is unique to Taoism, with the Heavenly Master being the most important.

They all thought that Lu Jing might be a descendant of Taoism.

Lu Jing didn't explain anything, because the ancestor of the Ye family had already appeared in his field of vision.

"Let's go."

Turn around and continue...

Half an hour later.

There is no way.

They reached the end of the great chasm.

Lu Jing made a rough estimate and found that he had already descended to a depth of about 500 meters underground.

Even five hundred meters away is already covered with ice.

Even Lu Jing felt the chill when he arrived here.

Yuwen Changtian and others resisted the cold, but they didn't look very comfortable either. Their hair and eyebrows were covered with frost.

The four crazy monks don't look so cold with Lu Jing's Fire Condensing Talisman.

At this time, there was no road ahead of them.

But there was a thick white fog.

More than thirty meters away, I felt the chill.

This is a phenomenon caused by the cold air emitted when the temperature reaches a certain level.

"The warehouse owner's place is the limit that Xia Yuan and the others can detect. The temperature outside the white mist reaches about minus 50 degrees. They haven't detected anything further inside. However, it is inferred that the coldest air in the deepest part of the white mist is definitely minus 70 degrees.


Scientists once dropped a piece of steel from a height of about 1.5m in the Antarctic environment at 89°C. As a result, it fell to the ground and broke into pieces. The white fog area we saw was more than ten meters wide, with ice on both sides.

How old it is and what condition it is in are unknown.

Generally speaking, it is speculated that the white mist area is the real ruins of the Ice and Snow Temple. The white mist that gathers but never disperses is very strange and does not spread outwards. It always rolls like a sea of ​​clouds. Generally speaking, an innate low-grade warrior can advance up to twenty meters.


No one knows what is in the deepest part. We need to go in and detect it. Of course, we don’t know how far we can go.”

Yuwen Changtian gave an overview of the situation.

At this time, people from the four major families and those casual cultivators also came one after another.

Except for a few people such as Ye Taiqing, everyone else looked miserable.

The temperature here is indeed so cold that all the warriors are shivering.

But now is the real beginning.

But Lu Jing was the only one who seemed unaffected.

This made Ye Taiqing, who had always been arrogant, stop despising Lu Jing.

The person who could lead Warehouse 004 was the first to arrive in the Baiwu District, and he acted calmly. Even though he had come all the way, he felt that it was not easy.

Everyone knows about the same situation.

Everyone knows that the white fog area in front of us is our destination this time.

Whether or not you gain anything next depends on your luck.

The prerequisite is that you must have the strength to withstand the cold.

"Do you know what is in the white fog area?" Lu Jing asked Yuwen Changtian.

Yuwen Changtian replied: "Yes, Xia Yuan and the others discovered a crystal plant twenty meters away in the Baiwu District, which can extract energy that is helpful for spiritual practice."

"How many are there?"

Before Lu Jing could ask, Ye Taiqing couldn't help but ask.

Everyone else also looked at Yuwen Changtian.

The latter glanced at Lu Jing, who nodded, and Yuwen Changcai said: "Not many, but definitely more than one. According to speculation, the deeper you go into the depths of the white mist, there may be other things, but the white mist

The temperature in the depths of the fog can be fatal, so after entering, everyone should do their best!"

As soon as these words came out, many people's eyes lit up.

Ye Taiqing immediately said to the Ye family behind him: "Let's go."

The old guy stepped into the white fog area without hesitation.

People from the other three families also walked in one after another.

Everyone knows that there are really good things in it, and anyone who wants to come across them can belong to them.

I can't wait at this moment.

"Where are we, the warehouse owner?" After Yuwen Changtian watched everyone go in, he saw Lu Jing standing still and couldn't help but speak.

"Why are you so anxious? Even if you know there are good things in it, it still depends on whether you can survive."

Lu Jing's eyes flickered at this time, looking towards the white fog area, as if he could see through the white fog.

This chapter has been completed!
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