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Chapter 678 Going to the Great Cultivation World


Lu Jing held the Kaitian Bamboo and struck the sealing well.


The nine sealing iron chains broke instantly.

"It's done."

Lu Jing felt happy.

He didn't expect that this time it would go so smoothly.

But it's normal to think about it, he is not the rookie he was back then.

Now he is still at the level of cultivation in the God Transformation stage, and has opened two major palaces, this is the third palace, and he also has big killer weapons such as Kaitian Bamboo in his hand.

It's not surprising that the sealing chain can be broken easily.

Master Banshee Master said back then that as his cultivation level increased, the damage recovery of the broken gourd would speed up.

Within the Hongmeng Gourd, he is the master, but he does not control all the Dao Palaces. Instead, he needs to continuously improve his cultivation and gradually unlock each Dao Palace.

No matter what, he is blessed now that he is in the Taoist Palace.

It is not difficult to break the iron chain of Dao Zun's sealing well.

"Young man, try to break the inscription."

Tao Zun urged.

Lu Jing rolled his eyes and said, "No need to try, I haven't even opened the second palace yet."

"How will you know if you don't try?" Tao Zun didn't believe it.

Lu Jing had no choice but to try.

There is no doubt that there is nothing he can do about the inscription on the sealed well.

The Taoist Master sighed: "That's all. Being able to open the sealing iron chain has made me feel much more comfortable. Once your cultivation level improves, you should be able to do it."

It was a bit of self-comfort.

After Lu Jing chatted with the old man Dao Zun for a few words, he withdrew.

He was still thinking about the two stone statues in the Third Dao Palace compound.

I don’t know how powerful the immortal puppet is, but I don’t think it is weak.

It's a pity that the cultivation level is not enough and it cannot be activated.

I can only wait until I go to the great cultivation world and break through to the out-of-body realm to try again.

This will happen after a while.

At the moment, he is putting all his energy on Bai Qiansu and the others to overcome the catastrophe.

It went smoother and much faster than expected.

After Song Jing overcame the tribulation, what Lu Jing never expected was that the second person to overcome the small tribulation of Jindan was actually his son Lu An.

When this kid overcame the tribulation, he refreshed the outlook of the entire Jinxia Sect.


Because Lu An was over three years old, when he was undergoing a tribulation, he took out magical weapons one after another.

The worst ones are all high-grade magic weapons.

There are more than thirty top-quality magical instruments.

However, his son Lu An's journey through the tribulation also made Lu Jing sweat.

Because this kid's Golden Core Heavenly Tribulation is actually at level eight or nine.

Fortunately, I have a strong family background and destroyed hundreds of magical artifacts.

In the end, the Five Elements Gravity Monument was squeezed out to withstand the final thunder disaster.

Lu Jing passed the Five Elements Gravity Monument to his son.

Afterwards, many people said that Lu An relied on his magic weapon to withstand the catastrophe.

But only Lu Jing knew that the magic weapon was only one aspect, and that the boy himself was even more weird. He had eight or nine heavenly tribulations, and almost ninety-nine. This also shows from the side that his potential in the future is unlimited.

In the following days, people would be saved every now and then.

There were constant thunders on the Tribulation Platform.

Everyone in the Jinxia Sect was curious and nervous at first, but later they got used to it.

Lu Jing personally watched Bai Qiansu, Li Luo, Lu Jia and others successfully overcome the disaster one by one.

Half a year later, my parents finally passed the golden elixir disaster.

Faster than expected.

Everyone completed the minor tribulation.

The stone in Lu Jing's heart finally fell to the ground.

After everyone has entered the realm of Jindan, they can extend their life for hundreds of years even if they don't practice. What's more, with the cultivation resources of Jinxia Sect, it will be easier to practice than any other force in the future.

He began to consider leaving the Earth's Core Realm and preparing to go to the Great Cultivation Realm.

After spending half a year with his family, Lu Jing Qiaoran left on this day.

No farewell.

Everyone here knows it.

He doesn't like the depression of separation.

Everything that needs to be said and explained has been said and done.

Taking one step forward, he appeared outside the Poison Miasma Wall Formation.

Didn't bring anyone with me.

Even the little flying squirrel and the mount Xiao Hei stayed in the Jinxia Sect.

Although today's Jinxia Sect is at its peak in the Earth's Core Realm, it has become the number one force.

But Lu Jing knew that it was because of his reputation.

To put it into perspective, it has been less than ten years since the Jinxia Sect was established.

The foundation is very shallow.

So he asked Bai Lu, Tang Qian, Ji Xiaorou, etc. to all stay, firstly to protect the Jinxia Sect and to accumulate some knowledge by sitting in charge of the sect.

Secondly, it is even more worrying.

Once you leave the inner earth realm, there is no way to come back.

In the entire history of the inner earth realm, no one has ever been able to come back after leaving.

You can only come back unless your cultivation reaches a certain level, or you master some kind of secret method that can open up time and space, or you have a treasure.

In the great spiritual world, everyone knows it.

But what is it really like.

No one can tell clearly.

In Lu Jing's view, the world of great cultivation must be more cruel than the inner earth world.

It may not be a good thing if everyone rushes to the big spiritual practice world.

It was better for him to go first and make a name for himself in the great spiritual world. Even if he established the Jinxia Sect in the great spiritual world, he would be able to provide a stable environment for those who came after him.

This is what Lu Jing thinks.

His first concern is to protect his family and friends.

Letting Bai Lu and the others stay for twenty years was not only to protect the people of Jinxia Sect, but also for them.

After Lu Jing went out.

Everyone in Jinxia Sect looked to the sky.

The guards in 100,000 brocade robes finished their training, stopped patrolling, and stood up to salute: "Farewell to the sect master."

The sound was deafening.

In the Purple Bamboo Forest, in the Nine Palaces Tower of Secret Guards, one after another secret guard figures walked out of the darkness, shouting one after another to greet the Lord, but only he knew their voices.

Qin He, who was in charge of the secret guards, stood on the ninth floor, looked outside the mountain gate and said quietly: "Activate the second team of secret guards to go to the big practice world. The Lord won't let us leave, but we can't do nothing. Jiugong Secret

Wei must walk ahead of the Lord and provide intelligence for the Lord and the sect."

A response came from the darkness behind him: "Palace Master Qi, the secret guards selected by the second team have already gone to the mountain and sea forbidden area teleportation array. They can leave at any time. Do you want to go now?"

"Go now."


Lu Jing did not know the actions of the secret guards.

Qin He arranged a team of secret guards who had gone to the Great Cultivation World earlier than Lu Jing. This was the second team.

Bailu and Tang Qian stood together and watched the sky.

Others also came out and looked outside the mountain gate.

They were all sending Lu Jing off in their own ways.

Everyone's eyes were firm, and they secretly vowed to practice hard and go to the big practice world as soon as possible to meet up with Lu Jing.

Lu Jing naturally heard the voices of Jinxia Sect members.

He smiled bitterly, but without looking back, he took one step forward and disappeared, heading straight to the forbidden land of mountains and seas.

He went to meet the descendants of the three giants in the forbidden land of mountains and seas.

Suan Ni cubs are very familiar.

After the two forces formed an alliance, everything was safe and sound.

To travel to the teleportation formation in the great cultivation world, Jinxia Sect directly uses the one from the forbidden land of mountains and seas.

If it is open all year round, Jinxia Sect has plenty of spiritual stone resources to support the operation of the formation.

The formation is activated.

Lu Jing stepped into it.

At this time, a figure came quickly and rushed directly into the formation.

"Wait for me."

Lu Jing saw that she was the Queen of Fineness.

After the last separation, she said she wanted to travel to the inner earth realm, but did not return to the Jinxia Sect. Lu Jing knew that after she advanced into the Drought Demon Body, she could protect herself in the inner earth realm, so he did not look for her. Unexpectedly, now

It actually showed up.

Entering the formation, before the two of them had time to speak, the formation started to move and the light flickered, and then the two of them disappeared.

This chapter has been completed!
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