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Chapter 764

There is no doubt that this bird is a sky-swallowing sparrow.

In order not to cause trouble when he went out, Lu Jing used his magic power to condense a birdcage and put the sky-swallowing bird in it, leaving it to Yinbing to take care of.

The true identity of the Sky-Swallowing Bird was not mentioned, only that it was a spiritual pet.

He took care of this little bird in the Taoist palace and kept it safe and sound.

Unexpectedly, it started to chirp at this moment.

Calling myself uncle again.

Yin Bing looked at Lu Jing regarding the Sky-Swallowing Bird's request.

Lu Jing knew that the nature of the Sky-Swallowing Bird was hard to change. Tao Zun also said that even though he helped the Sky-Swallowing Bird break the seal, the Sky-Swallowing Bird was still in a state similar to Nirvana and was in the mode of rebirth.

It takes a long time to return to the peak, so it is normal to have character flaws, so Lu Jing should not worry about them.

As soon as he thought about this, Lu Jing said to Yin Bing: "Let the little bird come out and let it do as it pleases."


Yin Bing opened the birdcage, and the sky-swallowing bird immediately flew out and pounced directly on the table full of spiritual fruit and spiritual wine.

Let yourself go completely.

Lu Jing ignored it.

On the contrary, Ji Yuan smiled and said: "I didn't expect Brother Lu to have a hobby of raising spiritual pets. This bird is quite interesting."

Lu Jing knew that Ji Yuan couldn't tell that the little bird belonged to the Sky-Swallowing Bird, so he smiled and said, "I just bought it to relieve my boredom. Brother Ji will laugh at it."

"This bird is so ugly." Fuyao didn't give any face.

"Junior sister, please don't be rude." Ji Yuan scolded.

Lu Jing waved his hand and said with a smile: "It doesn't matter, this bird is ugly to begin with."

Naturally, he wouldn't ask Fuyao, a little girl, to explain this kind of thing in a movie.

"You little girl, who did you say was ugly in the movie? You are ugly, your whole family is ugly."

Unexpectedly, the Sky-Swallowing Bird was unhappy.

He flapped his wings and flew over, directly attacking Fuyao.

"You...you ugly bird is so ugly. You are just ugly." Fuyao didn't expect Lu Jing's ugly bird to scold her, so he yelled in anger.


The next thing she knew, her face turned blue.

Because when it comes to cursing people, Tiantian Que is simply a hooligan.

Fuyao almost cursed and vomited blood, and burst into tears as he chattered incessantly.

If Lu Jing and Ji Yuan hadn't stopped them, they would have started fighting.

Finally, Lu Jing puts the sky-swallowing bird back into the birdcage, and Fuyao ends with a crying face.

Although Mr. Lu scolded the sky-swallowing bird and imprisoned it in a birdcage, he still sent a message to the sky-swallowing bird when he was imprisoning it: "Well done, I'll give you a snack later."

Fuyao is the kind of wealthy young lady who is spoiled. She has never been beaten up by the society and disrespected him. He can't really get along with a woman, but he is always unhappy. The Sky-Swallowing Bird gives him some relief.

After the little farce ended, Old Cheng left and returned.

I brought a small album of this auction.

Lu Jing and Ji Yuan started researching.

Lu Jing wants to find the elixir he needs.

Without looking at anything else, I turned directly to the elixir catalog.

He still needed nine rare elixirs to refine the Nine Transformation Soul Pill. After reading the elixir catalog, he found that eight of them could be found at the auction.

The last bad elixir is called Babao Precious Bird Herb, which is not available at the auction.

This Lu Jing was put aside for the time being.

I plan to win all eight types from the auction and then think of a solution.

Lao Cheng also briefly introduced the auction process.

According to Lao Cheng, the Second City Auction is a truly large-scale auction, and first of all, the quality is guaranteed.

Secondly, the variety is complete. Almost all the cultivation resources used by monks can be seen in this auction.

There are all kinds of elixirs, exotic flowers and herbs, rare stones, a complete collection of formations, magical skills, magical weapons, and even fairy weapons...

Involving tens of thousands of items.

In short, everything you can think of is there.

And there is no time limit.

Every Second City auction normally takes about ten days to end.

After Lao Cheng's introduction, the auction began.

On the auction stage, a sassy-dressed woman appeared and slowly began her opening remarks.

In fact, it is the same as other auctions.

There's not much difference.

Tens of thousands of monks gathered on three floors all around the venue.

Soon the first auction item started.

The first category of auction items is the ritual objects.

Lu Jing doesn't have much interest in magic weapons.

In his hand, he has the Unique Sword that he has made by himself, as well as spiritual treasures such as Kaitian Bamboo that were nurtured by heaven and earth, as well as wind and fire wheels, etc. There is no shortage of magic weapons, so naturally he is not very interested.

However, the spiritual weapons that can appear in the large-scale auction in the second city of Chaos City are naturally not bad, and the first one is a high-grade spiritual weapon.

The auctioneer explained that it was a flying sword made by a famous weapon refiner in the spiritual world. Its attack power was the highest in its class. The starting price was 500,000 spirit stones.

Each price increase shall not be less than 50,000.

Hundreds of people started bidding fiercely from the beginning.

In the end, two million spiritual stones were sold.

This surprised Lu Jing. Sure enough, there were many wealthy people.

Special exhibition of magical instruments.

Lu Jing had been watching and did not participate.

During this period, Jiyuan and Fuyao participated twice and took photos of a suit of armor and a flying boat.

The armor is a top-grade spiritual weapon, and the final transaction price was eight million spiritual stones.

Feizhou was worth a sky-high price, and the bidding was fierce. In the end, Fuyao won it for 55.8 million spirit stones.

The little girl didn't even blink.

It made Lu Jing gain a new understanding of the financial resources of the brothers Ji Yuan and Fuyao.

Until the third day, Lu Jing never took action.

Fuyao also mocked Lu Jing as a poor man, saying that if you don’t have any spiritual stones, I’ll lend you some.

Lu Jing just smiled at this.

But on the third day, the elixir finally appeared.

Lu Jing cheered up.

Because the first elixir that appeared was the elixir he needed.

The auctioneer on the auction stage introduced: "The auction of elixirs will begin below. The first elixir on the market is called Xuantianhua Core. It is produced in the land of thunder. It has been bathed in thunder for thousands of years and finally condensed into Xuantianhua.

The flower core is the best elixir. If there are levels of rarity and acquisition, and it is divided into ten levels, then I would like to say that the rarity and difficulty of obtaining the Xuantian flower core will be level seven, and it requires a great monk in the tribulation period.

Only then can you get it with all your strength.

All Taoist friends, you all have picture albums in hand. I believe you have already understood the rarity of Xuantian Flower Core. I won’t go into details. The auction is now starting. Xuantian Flower Core has a starting price of five million spiritual stones. Each increase in price must not be less than five

One hundred thousand spiritual stones, there is no upper limit, whoever pays the price can get it, starting now..."

Lu Jing lowered his head and looked at the information album of Xuantian Huaxin. He knew that the auctioneer was a little complimentary, but Xuantian Huaxin was indeed rare, and it was an indispensable elixir for alchemists to refine the power of the soul.

He is determined to win.

At the auction venue, someone has already shouted out the price of six million spiritual stones.

"Six and a half million spirit stones."

"Seven million spiritual stones."

"Seven and a half million spirit stones."

"Eight million spiritual stones."

After reaching eight million spirit stones, the bidding slowed down.

After all, eight million is not a small number.

Moreover, this kind of elixir can only exert great effect in the hands of an alchemist.

Alchemists have always been a scarce talent in the spiritual world.

Lu Jing picked up the Small Everything Mirror and activated his Qi. If he wanted to bid, his voice could be heard throughout the audience through the Mirror in his hand.

At this time, someone bid for 8.5 million spirit stones.

Lu Jing said slowly and directly: "Ten million spiritual stones."

After finishing speaking, Ji Yuan and Fuyao's eyes suddenly fell on Lu Jing.

The auction house suddenly stopped bidding.

This is what many people are thinking about.

Who is this?

Everyone else's bidding starts with 500,000 spirit stones.

This is good, I just shouted out the sky-high price of 10 million, and the price increase is 1.5 million spiritual stones.

If you're not a big boss, you're a fool, right?

This chapter has been completed!
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