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Chapter 828 Elf World

Lu Jing couldn't help but interrupt the two of them and said: "Tell me for a long time, why does your clan use the precious blood of Qinglong in Tianchi?"

The leader of the Three-Eyed Tribe said bitterly: "Tianchi is a secret place. It is considered a place where spiritual objects exist with consciousness. I, the Three-Eyed Tribe, baptize and open the third eye, which consumes the power of Tianchi. For countless years,

The consumption of Tianchi is so huge that in the past thousand years, very few members of our clan have been able to successfully baptize.

If in the past, almost every three-eyed tribesman could successfully open the third eye and gain innate magical powers, but now... Tianchi is declining, and I have no choice but to find a way to use the world's rare heavenly materials and earthly treasures to extend the life of Tianchi, Qinglong

Precious blood is considered a kind of thing!"

"Then...what can I do for you?" Lu Jing knew that the leader of the Three-Eyed Clan kept him here, whether it was just for a simple chat, it was obviously related to the difficulties of the Three-Eyed Clan.

When the leader of the Three-Eyed Tribe heard Lu Jing's words, his eyes suddenly lit up and he said: "Friend Lu, I can only say that I fully support you in your treasure hunt. I will leave my tribe's difficulties to you. Let Qingyou follow you to help from now on!"


"Chief Qingxuan, I... this..." He wanted to say, but I wasn't completely sure.

But he was interrupted by the leader of the Three-Eyed Clan: "Don't worry, Fellow Daoist Lu, if others can't do it, you can definitely do it. You are the savior of our tribe, and you will also be the leader of our tribe in the future."

"Chief Qingxuan, you are promoting me. I am just a young monk in the integration stage, and I dare not be the leader of your Three-Eyed Clan." Lu Jing was shocked by the words of the Three-Eyed Clan's leader.

What a joke.

The Lord of the Three-Eyed Tribe???

I haven't lived enough yet.

Are you flattering me or trying to trick me?

Unexpectedly, Qingxuan, the leader of the Three-Eyed Clan, looked at Lu Jing with a smile and stared straight into his eyes.

It made Lu Jing furious.

"Fellow Daoist Lu, what I say is naturally well-founded. First of all, you opened the Heavenly Eye in our clan's ancestral land, and it was recognized by the immortal soul of our clan's Heavenly Ancestor. There are various reasons that I am not in a position to tell you now, but

I can tell you that your Heavenly Eye is called the Xuantian Yin-Yang Eye. It is the most powerful gifted Heavenly Eye recorded in the history of our clan. Only the first generation of Heavenly Ancestor of our clan had it.

After you have the Xuantian Yin Yang Eyes, you will definitely succeed in searching for the Qilin treasure. By then, the crisis in our clan's Tianchi will naturally be resolved. In addition, there is a record in our clan's canon, but when the person who opens the Xuantian Yin Yang Eyes appears, it will be the glory of our clan.

time, it is also the time when the master of our clan appears, so you will be the master of our clan from now on."

Listen to what the leader of the Three-Eyed Tribe said.

Lu Jing was extremely shocked.

I can't recover for a long time.

But if you think about it carefully, it might have something to do with that Heavenly Ancestor Immortal Soul.

There are some questions that the leader of the Three-Eyed Clan doesn't want to talk about anymore, and it's hard for him to ask them again.

After all, he thought he didn't suffer at all.

On the contrary, it seems to have made a lot of money.

Naturally, I will not stop searching for the Kirin treasure, so I just agree.

The next thing will be easier to handle.

After staying in the Three-Eyed Clan for three days, he received the highest level of reception from the Three-Eyed Clan.

It's like reaching a deal with the Three-Eyed Tribe.

He is looking for the Kirin treasure. When the time comes, he will find the Kirin treasure and solve the problem of the Three-Eyed Clan's Tianchi, and the Three-Eyed Clan will become his back-up.

After the fourth day, the three of them set off from the Three-Eyed Clan and set off to continue searching for the second location of Qilin's lair.

Before leaving, the leader of the Three-Eyed Clan originally wanted to send several strong men from the Three-Eyed Clan to follow him, but Lu Jing refused.

The reason is that too many people are irritating.

When the Qilin lair is found and needs support, the Qingxuan clan leader will be notified as soon as possible.

This trip to the Three-Eyed Clan was a blessing in disguise for Lu Jing.

Although it is not the place where the Qilin nests, it has gained the helper of Qingyou Saint, and even obtained the Xuantian Yin and Yang Eyes, and an extra heavenly eye between the eyebrows.

Moreover, it is a celestial eye with great magical power.

That day, a single blow was able to scatter the magical hand of the leader of the Three-Eyed Clan, which is enough to illustrate the power of this eye.

However, Lu Jing did not dare to use this eye easily. After using it that day, his head almost exploded.

When not in use, it is just an eye mark, and the third eye will only open when activated.

The biggest gain is that after the Hongmeng Gourd absorbed all the yin and yang evil spirits of Xuantian in the forbidden area of ​​the Three-Eyed Clan, Lu Jing can now finally perceive the Hongmeng consciousness somewhere inside the Hongmeng Gourd.

This can be regarded as a milestone and important step in communicating Hongmeng consciousness.

Take a flying boat ride.

Entered the starry sky sea.

After watching Lu Jing and the others leave, Qingxuan, the leader of the Three-Eyed Clan, looked at the sky and fell into deep thought.

Recalling the conversation that Tianzu Immortal Soul had with him alone that day, he still feels uneasy.

"Remember that the origin of the Heavenly Eye of our clan is traced back to the gift of a powerful being. The Xuantian Yin-Yang Eye is originally a ray of my immortal soul left in the ancestral land to protect it. It is something that I want to give to him. The survival of the Three-Eyed Clan depends on him.

I want you to lead the Three-Eyed Tribe to follow him unconditionally. Even if the Three-Eyed Tribe dies, you must not violate it... Don’t tell him too much about these words today."

Tianzu's words still echoed in Qingxuan's mind.

In the starry sky.

Lu Jing, Qingyou Saint and a little dark demon formed a trio of treasure hunters.

"Where is Xiaoyao's next place?" Qingyou asked.

An Xiaoyao said: "In the Elf Star World, there is a Sun and Moon Immortality Mountain somewhere. I hope it is the place where we want to find the Qilin's lair."

Lu Jing didn't ask about it. An Xiaoyao filtered out the detailed information about the place. When he heard her talking about the Elf Star World, beautiful and charming elf people with wings suddenly appeared in his mind.

"What do elves look like?" Lu Jing asked curiously.

An Xiaoyao said casually: "A group of birdmen."


Angel Man suddenly appeared in Lu Jing's mind.

"You seem to be disgusted with elves? Give me some knowledge." Lu Jing asked.

"What popular science?" Dark Little Demon asked.

Lu Jing: "To popularize my hometown dialect, I would like to talk about the elves in detail."

"Oh, then I will give you some popular science." An Xiaoyao said flexibly: "The so-called Elf Star World is actually very big, more than a hundred times larger than the Three-Eyed Clan's planet. It is full of Elf people, but the Elf people are also

There are many ethnic groups. Some people just look like humans and are very insidious and cunning. Some people are no different from ordinary human beings, but they only have wings. The wings of some ethnic groups are feather wings, and some are like cicada wings..."

"The place we are going to is the Elf Kingdom. The Elf King is not easy to deal with. Let us inform all the Elf clans. The Royal Family is different from other Elf clans. They are very beautiful and possess some natural spells. They call them magic. They appear in endlessly and they also have

The powerful strength is not weaker than that of the Earthly Immortal in the Mahayana period.

The Elf World is actually very exclusive. We should be careful when we go there this time. Sun and Moon Evergreen Mountain is in the Forest of Life in the Elf Kingdom, and the Forest of Life is the most sacred place in the Elf Kingdom. If you want to enter the Forest of Life, you must go through the Elf King.

I don’t know if they will let us in. If we force our way in, we might be in a lot of trouble." An Xiaoyao said.

"Let's take it one step at a time. Treat it as a journey. I'm really looking forward to seeing the legendary world of elves." Lu Jing's inherent image comes from the scenes of elves in earth's film and television dramas.

An Xiaoyao rolled his eyes and said, "Haha, you may be disappointed."

This chapter has been completed!
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