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Chapter 1006 The third beauty

What is Luo?

To the emperor, Luo Cai was a stubborn veteran.

Imperial authority comes from rewards and punishments.

The prize is money, beauty, and promotion.

The punishment is life and death, demotion or removal from office.

In this process, the role of the official department is huge.

If the emperor wants to use his power and wealth for his own use, the minister of official affairs must be his own.

But Luo Cai was like a nail, sitting in the official department for more than ten years without moving.

It happened that Emperor Wu's words made the emperor unable to move.

Bear it, bear it!

Finally I couldn't bear it anymore.

Therefore, taking advantage of the crisis in northern Xinjiang, the emperor integrated Yang Songcheng and other forces and began to attack.

Luo Cai retreats!

Maybe he was disappointed, maybe he gave up because of the difficulties.

The emperor was overjoyed, and perhaps a little stunned, wondering why Luo Cai left without resisting?

If Luo Cai wants to resist, it will take another month or two at least.

Therefore, the emperor was very happy, and with a wave of his hand, he rewarded Luo Cai with 100,000 yuan.

But after Luo Cai left, someone went to clean up his residence and found that the 100,000 yuan had been kept at home.

Leave it intact.

I don’t want your reward!

Veteran ministers from Emperor Wu's period disdained these things.

The emperor didn't take it seriously, as if he had driven away a bedbug.

At this moment he arrived in northern Xinjiang.

Yang Xuan led his army to greet him personally. This was not a protection, but a ceremony to highlight the importance of Luo Cai.

The so-called scholar dies for a confidant.

When a person is talented, he longs for someone to respect and appreciate his talent.

Song Zhen was like this, and Luo Cai was like this too.

The emperor does not value me, but Northern Xinjiang is eager for my talent.

Look at Yang Xuan, the burning in his eyes is like dry wood meeting fire, a man who has been in drought for a long time meeting a beauty...

There was no walking backwards to greet each other, but this ceremony moved Luo Cai.

"Why so?"

Luo Cai said humbly that he felt that Yang Xuan was giving too much face by going out to greet him a few days in advance.

Yang Xuan held his hand and said kindly: "I wish I could go to Chang'an to greet Duke Luo. But Duke Luo knows that if I appear in Chang'an right now, countless people will want my life."

"You can go with an army!" Luo Cai joked.

Lao Luo seemed very relaxed, which meant that he had fallen in love with Northern Xinjiang... Yang Xuan said with a smile: "Of course it is possible, but I am afraid that when the Northern Xinjiang army arrives, Chang'an will be shocked. At that time, people in the world will say that I am treasonous."

"That's a problem." Luo Cai was not used to being held by others and coughed dryly, "I have been traveling all this way, and after entering Northern Xinjiang, I slowed down and started touring the mountains and rivers."

"There will be more opportunities in the future."

Yang Guogong said shamelessly, completely forgetting that Liu Qing and Song Zhen were treated as cattle and horses by him, and they had agreed to go on a trip, but they have yet to show up.

"Hahahaha!" Luo Cai couldn't help but laugh, took the opportunity to take out his hand, pointed forward and said: "Look, the fertile fields are thousands of miles away, and the people are hardworking. If it is supported by officials who perform their duties and people are put to good use, it will be great governance."

In fact, Yang Xuan is not used to holding a man's hand. He prefers to hold the beauty's little hand and rub it while talking casually.

"What Mr. Luo said is on point. Those in power always hope to maintain the good life of the people, and are willing to provide some good policies for this purpose. For example, my administrative purpose is to govern for the people, which sounds a bit loud, but if the officials cannot govern,

Clearly, this kind of purpose will inevitably turn into an act that harms the people. In everything, government administration comes first."

Luo Cai looked at him carefully, wanting to see the truth of what he said.

Very sincere.

These words directly stated the importance of officialdom to the dynasty.

Official governance comes first.

If you want to be strong, you must have good policies.

Good policies require a group of dedicated officials to drive and implement them.

Everything depends on people.

For Luo Cai, it was a kind of appreciation for Yang Xuan to have such understanding.

I know the importance of officialdom, so I am very happy for your arrival.

This realization moved Luo Cai more than anything else.

Yang Xuan said sincerely: "Let's talk about the New Deal of the Southern Zhou Dynasty. Is the New Deal of Sun Shi and others good? Good! The starting point is right. But I am not optimistic about this New Deal. I even think that the New Deal will ruin the Southern Zhou Dynasty."

Luo Cai also thought about the New Deal of the Southern Zhou Dynasty in Chang'an and was quite curious about the direction of the New Deal. "Oh! I would like to hear the details."

"Let's go!"

Yang Xuan pointed forward, feeling like a scumbag at the moment. After having two beauties, Lao Liu and Lao Song, in his family, he came to seduce a third one.

The two walked side by side, and Yang Xuan said: "The New Deal has some flaws, but the flaws cannot be concealed. Moreover, the New Deal is endorsed by the emperor and implemented forcefully by Sun Shi. For this reason, he does not hesitate to fall out with the opposition. Logically speaking, there should be no problem!

But now the Southern Zhou Dynasty is in chaos, and the central court is divided into two factions to attack and criticize endlessly. The Ministry of Revenue seems to have gained a lot, but the price is too high."

"Yeah! Now it's a party struggle." Luo Cai nodded.

"In my opinion, Sun Shi's reputation as prime minister is somewhat untrue."


Sun Shi was a famous official in the Southern Zhou Dynasty and had many fans in the Tang Dynasty.

Luo Cai himself had a good impression of Sun Shi. When he had nothing to do, he would drink a few glasses of wine and complain about Sun Shi.

Seeing that Luo Cai was a little dissatisfied, Yang Xuan thought to himself that this was the best opportunity to conquer Luo Cai.

A good minister chooses his master to serve, and a good bird chooses a tree to roost in.

Although Luo Cai came to Northern Xinjiang, if he is not satisfied with Yang Xuan, his boss, he may leave at any time.

Yang Xuan deliberately mentioned the New Deal of the Southern Zhou Dynasty in order to completely conquer Luo Cai.

He said: "As I said before, in everything, administration comes first.

The New Deal of the Southern Zhou Dynasty aimed to enrich the country and strengthen the army. In the final analysis, it was to reorganize the layout, from taxation to the court, and bring about a major change.

This idea is correct. But he forgot that people are the implementers of policies.

Sun Shi only focused on the court, thinking that if the opposition was suppressed, then there would be no mistakes in the new policy, and it would naturally be implemented in the Southern Zhou Dynasty..."

He paused, "He forgot that those officials were all good and bad, and he even forgot that his new policy was cutting off the flesh of the people of the world.

The people were helpless, but how could those with vested interests be willing? So after the New Deal reached the local areas, officials colluded with the local powerful, and the good policy of enriching the country and strengthening the army turned into a bad policy that harmed the people. What changes happened in this? It is the rule of officials.

It’s just corruption!”

Luo Cai was stunned by these words.

He pondered over the New Deal of the Southern Zhou Dynasty and even debated with many people on the merits of the specific policies of the New Deal.

Now that the New Deal has arrived, everyone can actually see that it has entered a quagmire and is struggling to move forward.

Why is this happening?

Most of the reasons given by people from all walks of life in Chang'an are similar: there are traitors at work.

The so-called traitors are the opponents. In other words, they blame the New Deal's ineffectiveness on those opponents of the New Deal in the court.

But Yang Xuan denied this view and sharply pointed out that the fault of this matter lies with Sun Shi and others.


Are there any problems with the New Deal?


But as Yang Xuan said, flaws cannot cover up strengths.

But why did this new policy fail?

Yang Xuan gave a new idea, and Sun Shi was wrong.

Before the New Deal was implemented, the emperor, Sun Shi and others would first rectify the administration, adjust officials in various places, and promote as many knowledgeable people as possible who supported the New Deal.

So, how did the New Deal turn into a policy that harmed the people?

Luo Cai suddenly felt enlightened and looked at Yang Xuan with warm eyes.

"How about my northern Xinjiang?"

I...Northern Xinjiang!

These words really moved Luo Cai!

Yang Xuan was happy in his heart, "I have always put government administration first, but after all, I have no right helper. Now that Luo Gong is here, for me, it is like a fish in water."

Duke Luo can take over all aspects of official administration.

When we arrive at Taoxian County, Duke Liu, Duke Song, and Duke Luo, you three will be in charge of civil affairs."

"What do you want from the official administration?"

"Combining leniency with severity. I know it is impossible to be absolutely honest, but I must try my best to ensure the integrity of officials. What I cannot tolerate the most is unfavorable governance, or even violation of the rules. Once discovered, severe punishment will not be spared."

"With Chang'an cut off, those officials who took the imperial examination and became officials will not come to northern Xinjiang. So, where do the officials come from?"

This is the biggest problem.

On the way, Luo Cai thought that after the talent exchange in Northern Xinjiang was cut off in Chang'an, the only people Yang Xuan could use were the local powerful children.

Long before the Chen State, this was the case for officials in the Central Plains. Local governments evaluated powerful families and arranged them according to their family status.

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That is to say, only looking at the clothes and not the person.

In fact, when the common people cannot study, even if the imperial examination is held, the vast majority of participants are the children of the upper class. When it comes to appointing officials, the common people who have not avoided studying can only watch.

In other words, in this world, the common people only have soy sauce once.

The material selection system has still returned to its original state.

"For this matter, I will take Mr. Luo to a place."

Yang Xuan summoned local officials, "Take me to the county school to have a look."

"County school?" Luo Cai frowned.

He knew about the falling out between Yang Xuan and the powerful men in Northern Xinjiang.

Therefore, the local powerful children have no use for it.

Aren't most of the students in county schools and state schools just the children of powerful people?

What are you going there for?

When the group arrived outside the county school, Yang Xuan stopped the official and informed the professor, "Let's see for ourselves."

He took Luo Cai into the school in plain clothes.

The sound of reading was loud, which made Luo Cai feel relaxed and happy.

"Mr. Luo, come and take a look."

Luo Cai followed Yang Xuan to the door and looked inside.

There are more than thirty students sitting in the classroom, uniformly wearing blue shirts.

"More than 70% are ordinary people's children!"

Yang Xuandan said a word, and then glanced at Luo Cai.

If you are not shocked, Lao Luo, my surname will not be Yang.

Luo Cai was indeed shocked.

"Seventy percent!"

What does 70% mean?

Northern Xinjiang is not a small country, with schools in various places containing at least hundreds or thousands of people.

Seventy percent, which means hundreds of people are ordinary people.

"Seventy percent?"

"Yes, originally there were more, but Liu Gong and others tried hard to persuade them, saying that if they were the children of officials or powerful people, if they could not enter the county school, they would be forced to a dead end.

I'm not afraid of chasing dogs down a back alley, but when I think about it carefully, I control Northern Xinjiang and shouldn't decide political affairs based on personal preferences, so I let some slack. Otherwise, I'll say less."

When Yang Xuan saw Luo Cai's surprised look, he knew that this old gentleman had been in the official department of Chang'an for a long time and was accustomed to the rule-abiding officialdom culture, and was not used to the gangster-like governance methods in Northern Xinjiang.

"With such talented people, Mr. Luo, there is a lot to be done in the administration of officials!"


Luo Cai was very excited, "Let's go to Tao County."

The old gentleman couldn't wait to get into the role.

After going out, Yang Xuan called a guard and gave instructions in a low voice.

The guards rushed back to Taoxian County as fast as they could.

"The former official minister Luo Cai arrived in northern Xinjiang."

The news spread throughout Tao County in an instant, and then began to spread.

"Luo Cai arrived in Northern Xinjiang?"


Sun Xian was stunned and then shocked, "Who spread this rumor?"

Lin Qian said: "Everyone in Jiedushi's house is talking about it."

"This... this is a slap on His Majesty's face!" Sun Xian beat his chest and stamped his feet.

What he didn't know was that the emperor already knew something was wrong.

"Your Majesty, Luo Cai's family is missing."

The emperor has been very proud of himself recently, and has teamed up with Yang Songcheng and others to do a lot of things.

"Where's Luo Cai?"

"He is nowhere to be found either."

The emperor squinted his eyes and said, "Check!"

The people at the mirror are here.

"Your Majesty, Luo Cai... seems to have gone to the north."

"Is he... imitating Song Zhen?"

The emperor cursed: "Old dog!"

Wang Shou walked out of the palace with half of his face bruised and swollen, and everyone was amused to see him.

"Say yes, Luo Cai went to the north!"

After Yang Songcheng got the news, he just smiled.

For him, this is not a bad thing.

The stiffer the relationship between the emperor and Northern Xinjiang, the better for him.

The emperor wanted to check and balance the world, but he didn't know that Yang Songcheng was also checking and balancing the world.

The greater the quarrel between Northern Xinjiang and the emperor, the smaller the emperor's choice... Letting King Wei take charge of the East Palace is to put a fire under the emperor's butt.

The more the emperor fears the Northern Territory, the lower the possibility of King Wei ascending to the throne... Now, Yang Songcheng feels that it is almost impossible.

Respecting the king is like a puddle of mud, so the emperor has only one choice...the King of Yue!

Yang Songcheng turned around and looked at Miyagi.

As the sun sets in the west, the palace city is reflected in its splendor.

"This is a symbol of power. How many people risk their lives for that supreme throne... Now, it is in my hands!"

The abbot clasped his hands and smiled.

"Luo Cai went to Northern Xinjiang and His Majesty received a slap in the face. I think those people in Northern Xinjiang also know that if Yang Xuan declines, His Majesty will definitely cleanse Northern Xinjiang, and the entire upper class of Northern Xinjiang will not be spared."

Sun Yan, the staff member, smiled very happily, "Yang Xuan said that he would not let down the Tang Dynasty, so the only thing he can do is to stand in line and participate in the battle of Conglong. His only candidate is King Wei. In this way, King Wei will again

There is no possibility. The Yingchuan Yang family has been quite low-key in recent years, but now, it can be considered proud and proud."

Yang Songcheng looked at Gong Cheng with his hands behind his back, "Yang Xuan offended me many times. Last time, he even invaded the Yang family and knocked down the wall of the Yang family. I tolerated it.

Is it because I don’t dare to kill him? Or is it because I can’t kill him? It’s neither.

My son-in-law is a smart man. He wants to make Yang and Yang Xuan bloody, so that he can reap the benefits.

But how could I get what he wanted? I endured it. The conflict between Yang Xuan and the emperor no longer had a buffer.

Yang Xuan conquered Kunzhou, and the world was shocked. I still endured it, obeyed the emperor's words, and joined forces to deal with Northern Xinjiang. So the emperor thought that he had the overall situation in hand, and started the purge. Otherwise, without my support, do you think he would dare to move easily?

Luo Cai?"

Sun Yan's body was shaken, "Is all this planned by the abbot?"

A chamberlain walked out of the palace, stretched and shouted: "Peace in the world!"

This is a signal that Miyagi will no longer accept visitors.

"What do you think?" The head of the state smiled, "The Yang family of Yingchuan has been passed down for thousands of years. Dynasties have been changing endlessly, and emperors have been rotating. They are all gone, but the Yang family of Yingchuan is still here. They are here today, and they will be here in the future."

He pointed at Miyagi and said: "And here, I think it won't be long before another owner changes. This owner will call me, Grandfather!"

This chapter has been completed!
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