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Chapter 1021 Let him live longer

The world is going to be in chaos!

Metaphysics has been passed down for thousands of years, but those seniors just squatted on the mountain, looking at the bustling world with disdain, and said to their disciples: "That's a cesspit!"

The disciples who had just entered the school, such as Ning Yayun back then, listened to the master's words and were thinking about the entrance of the alley and the woman he could not forget.

Shit pit?

If that woman could look back, he would be willing to plunge headlong into that big cesspool and never look up.

Not only can you see the big cesspit in the mountains, but you can also see the changes in the big cesspit.

The cesspit is calm most of the time. When the cesspit starts to roll, the teachers will say meaningfully: "Okay, we have to go down the mountain again."

"Master, what are you doing down the mountain?"

"Save the common people!"

The free and easy teachers put on durable coarse cloth clothes, carried dry food on their backs, carried long swords, and saluted to the portrait of the ancestor.

"Master, disciples, let's go!"

This journey is filled with blood and fire.

When we come back again, maybe there are one or two people left, maybe they are gone.

In vain, the portrait of the ancestor is left mottled by the years.

No force in the world knows the signs of troubled times better than metaphysics.

But Ning Yayun obviously ignored those signs.

"How long have I been in Chang'an?"

Ning Yayun was calculating and it gave her a headache, "It's been a long time! It's been so long that I'm numb."

Yang Xuan coughed dryly, "Didn't you stay in seclusion for too long?"

Ning Yayun was locked inside Metaphysics, and even in the prosperous Chang'an, he still did not go out.

"When did you become so sharp-tongued?" Lao Shuaiguo was a little dissatisfied.

"Occasionally, I can be young and energetic." Yang Xuan smiled with some gloating.

"When I took my metaphysics up and down the north, I met many homeless people along the way. But at that time, I was like a lost dog, and my mind was filled with the future of metaphysics, so I ignored this matter. How many years has it been?"

"It started as a small-scale refugee situation, and it lasted ten years."

“What is small-scale?”

"Just don't rebel."

"Is there a rebellion?"

"Yes, three years ago, a farmer in the south had his land taken away. He declared himself king, made his wife queen, his eldest son prince, and his other sons kings. Dozens of farmers rebelled."

"What happened next?"

"Suppressed by Muramasa."

"Hey! Will there be more later?"

"Every year."

"But why haven't I heard of it?"

"If the local magistrate reported it, it would be a scandal."

"I understand." Ning Yayun smiled bitterly, "If someone rebels under your rule, even if there are only dozens of people, it is still the fault of your poor governance."

"The emperor of Chang'an, who was immersed in the prosperity of the Tang Dynasty, would naturally not admit that it was his fault."

"Someone has to take the blame."

"Everyone in the world is his scapegoat."

"Two or three more years?"


"Maybe it's not that accurate, but according to my understanding, once rebellion occurs... it can be ignored occasionally. But if such things happen continuously, it means that there is a big problem in the world."

"Five years, this is just a rough estimate." Yang Xuan felt that the world now smelled like a powder keg.

"The common people have nothing to eat, so they don't care about the prosperity of your sage. They only look at Chang'an. Once Chang'an can't provide food, those common people will eat them. Then, they swept across the world, killing heads of nobles.

In the final analysis, the source of these disasters is those greedy meat eaters.

But often when the butcher's knife is placed on their necks, those meat-eaters will repent. But it's too late! This kind of trick has been going on for many years."

"This is called reincarnation!"

Ning Yayun was silent.

Yang Xuan pointed to the north again, "Once there is internal chaos in the Tang Dynasty, Northern Liao will show its teeth. If I don't take this opportunity to weaken Northern Liao, by then, I can only stick to the northern border and sit back and watch the civil strife in the Central Plains.

Do you understand?"

"I understand."

Ning Yayun said quietly: "If there is civil strife in the Central Plains, those grass-headed kings will keep an eye on Northern Xinjiang. Will you fight then? If not, they will fight you."

"He Lianchun will not sit idly by. This man looks like a fat pig, but he has a bright heart. Once such an opportunity arises, he will definitely attack the border with a large army and contain our main force in northern Xinjiang. At that time, those grass-headed kings will give me northern territory.

A blow from the border."

Ning Yayun seemed to have seen that scene and took a breath. "At that time, the Northern Xinjiang collapsed, and the Northern Liao cavalry drove straight in. Can those grass-headed kings resist? If they cannot resist, the aliens will trample on the Central Plains, and even the people who rule the Central Plains will

The scene will happen again."


Therefore, I must attack Beiliao within this time window.

Do you understand?

Yang Xuan felt that he was fooling a friend he had known for many years.

But this analysis is correct.

Can Northern Xinjiang just sit back and watch those rebellious people turn Datang into a hell?

Therefore, he has a clear conscience!

"It's rare for you to have such thoughts." Ning Yayun looked at the top of his head, "Serving the country and the people will always be rewarded."

Four-clawed dragon!

This return is supposed to be pretty good.

"What reward?"

Yang Xuan knew that Ning Yayun had some tricks, so he asked.

"Such things cannot be seen yet."

Ning Yayun didn't want to tell anyone about the vision she had seen. He was worried that Yang Xuan would use this as an excuse to covet the artifact.

Changing dynasties and so on has nothing to do with metaphysics.

But among a hundred ambitious people, ninety-nine will die.

Zitai, isn’t it good to be alive?

He felt that his idea was correct.

"It's time to eat!"

Ning Yayun turned around and saw Wang Laoer waving to them at the edge of the camp.

A happy face!

It seems that he is about to have countless net worth.

"Headmaster, let's eat!"

There was always a knot in Yang Xuan's heart, but it didn't show on his face.


The two of them go in.

"If you were five years ago, you would be uneasy and it would show." Ning Yayun put her hands behind her hands and said, "You must be uneasy now, but your face is as usual."

"If revealing my uneasiness can help with the current problem, then Headmaster, I can cry for you right now!" Yang Xuan said with a smile.

"You, you!" Ning Yayun pointed at him, dumbfounded, "It's okay."



"You...are you trying to comfort me?"

Yang Xuan felt like a phobia patient. When he saw something wrong, he immediately magnified it and thought of many things in an instant...

In fact, he was really afraid of illness for a while.

Not long after he arrived in Chang'an, he entered the Imperial College. What a country boy! When he sees those female classmates every day, he will inevitably have daydreams about them.

One night, the boy suddenly had a dream. When he woke up, he felt lost and confused.

He felt he was sick.

After washing his underwear, he sat in the courtyard and looked at the moon, feeling worried and thinking that he must be sick.

The abominable Suzaku kept holding it in until the third day, when he saw that he didn't want to eat or drink, the green light flashed wildly, forming a burst of wild laughter.

"Young man! You are now an adult! Hahahaha!"

After doing some research on physiological knowledge, Yang Xuan just wanted to turn off Suzaku permanently.

It took a few days of fear, but it left an unforgettable experience in a lifetime.

Ning Yayun didn't say it was okay, but as soon as she said it, Yang Xuan's fearful experience was brought out from the depths of his memory.

"I told you, it's okay!"

Ning Yayun felt that she had already hinted clearly.

"Is it really okay?"

Ning Yayun covered her forehead helplessly, "It's a good thing!"

Is it enough?

"Tell me earlier!"

Yang Xuan was instantly resurrected with full blood, "Boy, what do you have to eat?"

Wang Laoer said happily: "They got a chicken, and He'er got what you taught me to call a flower chicken. It smells so good!"


"It's my turn to cook the beggar's chicken. If the heat is not good enough, it will be over!"

Yang Xuan was so anxious that he hurried away with Wang Laoer.

Ning Yayun: "..."

Yang Guogong, who was worried and anxious a moment ago, now left him here.

Beggar's chicken?

Ning Yayun's heart moved slightly, and then she felt a little ashamed, "The ancestor said, don't be greedy. Otherwise, you will inevitably fall into the sea of ​​desire and be unable to extricate yourself!"

He turned around and turned around again.

"I'll just go down and have a roll!"

"Just get wet!"

“You won’t fall into a sea of ​​misery after eating it!”

"I'll just go and have a look!"

Ning Yayun coughed dryly and went to look for Yang Xuan.

Jiang Heer is digging a hole.

There were scattered firewood burning beside it, and Jiang Heer dug out a ball of mud.

The mud ball was burned to dryness, Jiang Heer drew his knife...

"Stay here!"

Yang Xuan hurried over, "Are you going to cut them off in two? It's a waste of natural resources, get out of the way!"

Jiang He'er couldn't control himself, and the horizontal knife had already fallen.

"It's over!"

Last time Yang Xuan talked about how to make a beggar's chicken. After talking for a long time, Jiang He'er felt that he understood it, but he never saw him actually practice it.

call out!

A burst of energy passed by his side, and Lin Feibao turned around suddenly, his eyes fixed on Yang Xuan's back.

With this move, I can feel at ease... Headmaster Ning stopped his hand and said calmly: "What kind of treasure is it? Take it out and have a look."

The horizontal knife in Jiang He'er's hand was hit by this force, his wrist went numb, and the horizontal knife fell to the ground.

As for that? She was dumbfounded.

Yang Xuan rolled the mud ball over and patted it gently, and it split open.

Damn it!

The chicken feathers are still there!

But fortunately, as the mud ball disintegrated, the chicken feathers also disappeared, revealing a smooth and yellow body.

The fragrance suddenly spreads.

"I'll give it a try."

Ning Ya Yun said sternly: "Don't be poisonous."

"Let's try a chicken leg first." Yang Xuan got a chicken leg.

“My chicken wings!”

Jiang Heer took action angrily.

As soon as Wang Laoer took action, the chicken legs flew up inexplicably. He turned around in anger, and Ning Yayun took the chicken legs and took a bite.

My eyes can't help but light up...


I want to jump into this big cesspool!

It was a very comfortable meal.

After dinner, Ning Yayun found Yang Xuan.

"Be more generous when doing things in the future!"

"What do you mean?" Yang Xuan was puzzled, "One chicken drumstick is not enough?"

"I'm not that greedy person." Ning Yayun wanted to roll her eyes, "I mean, no matter what you do from now on, be more generous."


Yang Xuan didn't take it seriously at all.

You have four claws!

You should behave in a somewhat... radiant manner!

This is Ning Yayun’s understanding.

"After this battle, that princess from Northern Liao will probably want to kill you!" Ning Yayun said.

"Chanling? Her temperament is that even if she wants to kill me, she has to discuss poetry and poetry with me first."

Literary and youthful women are irredeemable. Even when faced with such big issues as life and death, they will still choose to be different.

"I'm afraid her life will be difficult." Ning Yayun sighed: "Men are the cause of trouble."

Yang Xuan lowered his head and raised his head, "What you said... He Lianchun and Lin Ya decided to join forces, how can she stay out of it? She can only choose to agree. As for the future, I think she will have her own considerations."

"The country belongs to her father."

"But her father gave the country to that fat pig."

"But at any rate, we have to maintain it!"

"Young women, don't think like normal people, you'll get killed!"

Yang Xuan felt that Changling's idea was different.

"Go to sleep!" Ning Yayun thought the cesspool was really boring.

On the second day, Zhang Yi arrived at the city head early in the morning.

He slowly chewed the cooking cakes, listened to the footsteps behind him, and said, "Is there any news about the reinforcements?"

Coming behind him was He Yin, "No news!"

"I originally thought it would take ten days, but if you think about it carefully, if Lin Jun's anomaly is reported to the forwards, they will definitely speed up. Otherwise, if Chenzhou is lost, they will also be responsible."

"Yes! But no one can tell how many days it will take to arrive."

"The enemy is coming."

Tang Jun came slowly after eating and drinking.

The trebuchets were at the front, and the cavalry lazily followed behind. There was no need to worry about the defenders opening the door to attack.

A general rode forward and carefully assessed the distance.

Shouted: "Use me as the boundary, stop!"


Trebuchet positioning.

Assembly begins immediately.

"If there are dozens of trebuchets in the city, I can make Yang Xuan hate him on the spot!"

Zhang Yi was a little envious.

"Didn't the Eagle Guard steal the recipe for making the trebuchet?" He Yin was not qualified to deal with the Eagle Guard.

"We have been there, but that slutty fox is well versed in the Eagle Guard's methods. Those who went there were ambushed twice. After suffering heavy casualties, the Eagle Guard refused to help us take chestnuts from the fire again."

"That flirtatious fox, by the way, He Lianrong is also said to be in the Jinyi Guards."

"It's not hearsay, it's fact."

"He Lianrong can be considered a great person, and he is willing to work for Yang Xuan."

"Don't underestimate Yang Xuan. This man is not that kind of dandy. He comes from a poor background, and he achieved his feats with swords and guns. It is not an exaggeration to say that this kind of people are heroic. In another place, I would also

I am willing to associate with him and have fun with him over wine."

"Hey!" He Yin was a little frustrated.

"However, these people are proud!" Zhang Yi said: "More proud than me. In this case, I will challenge him to boost his morale."

"Morale is a bit low, but how to provoke? Swear?"

Zhang Yi said calmly: "Do you think I would appreciate such a shameless method? Just watch!"

Yang Xuan and several generals approached the city and were planning the focus of the subsequent attack.

He saw Zhang Yi at the top of the city pointing at him and shouting: "Yang Gou, the vanguard of Ningxing's army has already approached Longhua Prefecture, but it will only take three days. After three days, the army will encircle you, and you will die without a burial place!"

Yang Xuan: "Is this so crazy?"

Han Ji said: "How to stimulate generals!"

Zhang Yi said: "Do you dare to attack the city?"

"This man is a little crazy!"

Yang Xuan knew what he meant, which was: reinforcements are coming. If you don't run away now, what are you waiting for?

He smiled and said, "If Ning Xing's reinforcements are not far away, I should be waiting to ambush them at this moment, instead of trying to fight with you here!"

The Duke is so rude... Jiang Heer pouted.

Zhang Yi, who was at the top of the city, saw him taking action, and felt happy, "If you are brave, can you rest for an hour and try?"

This is still playing psychological warfare!

Yang Xuan touched his chin, "How dare a man or a ghost play this with me? Do you really think I'm a paper tiger?"

Han Ji smiled and said: "He is just boosting morale."

Jiang Cunzhong frowned, "His method is quite clever, but we can't fight back... If the morale of the defenders is allowed to rise, we will suffer a lot in attacking the city later."

Several generals were thinking hard about how to deal with it, and then they heard their prince laughing.

Yang Xuan pointed to the city head.

"Order the army to rest for half a day!"


Han Ji: "..."

Jiang Cunzhong: "..."

Ning Yayun: "..."

Generals: "..."

Chengtou: "!!!"

Is he crazy!?

Yang Xuan looked at the stunned people, "I said, let him live half a day longer!"

You asked me if I dare to rest for an hour!

I'll rest for half a day!



The morale of the Northern Xinjiang Army is like a rainbow!

(End of chapter)

This chapter has been completed!
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