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Chapter 1039 two sons-in-law

@@In Chang'an in autumn, dead leaves are falling.

For meat eaters, this is the most enjoyable time.

It's neither cold nor hot, and it's slightly cool in the morning and evening. Not to mention the feeling of sleeping in under a quilt.

In the opera garden, the emperor and his concubines were watching the singing and dancing.

"Sanlang." The imperial concubine raised her glass with a smile in her beautiful eyes.

"My body feels good these days and I feel much lighter." The emperor raised his glass.

Han Shitou was very happy beside him, as if the emperor was happy.

The emperor slowly drank a glass of wine and said, "Liang Jing has been a little quiet recently."

Liang Jing was a fierce dog he raised, but now this fierce dog is a little weak.

The imperial concubine sighed: "The abbot has been quite friendly with His Majesty recently."

What Liang Jing needs to bite is Yang Songcheng and others, but now that the emperor and Yang Songcheng have joined forces, Liang Jing has no place to use them. If his sister was not in the palace and was still favored, Liang Jing would have to worry about being cooked by lackeys.


The emperor was silent for a moment, "Recently, Saburo has been a little too active."

This was to ask Liang Jing to turn his gun on the King of Yue.

But the King of Yue and Yang Songcheng were in the same group!

This is hunting cattle across mountains.

But this will destroy the hard-won good situation. What is the emperor thinking?

The imperial concubine smiled and said, "I'm just afraid that the King of Yue will be dissatisfied."

--Let's stop playing hide and seek, please give us a signal!

The imperial concubine straightened her chest, and the emperor's eyes moved slightly, "I heard someone say the day before yesterday that Saburo has the appearance of a wise king?" Isn't this seeking death?

The imperial concubine was stunned, and then said: "I will look for my brother later."

The emperor coughed dryly and said, "His time in the Ministry of War is not short. Let me take a look and mention it at least."

If you want to make a fierce dog obedient, you must give it enough meat.

This point would not be ignored by the emperor who was experienced in raising dogs.

Can my brother be promoted?

The imperial concubine thought about it carefully. It seems that there are no important positions in the court that are vacant!

After Raman Tobe left, the emperor appointed his closest confidant to take over.

There are no vacancies in the six departments, and the same is true for the three provinces.

Honglu Temple seems to be missing... But going to places like that would mean moving to the left for Liang Jing.

She glanced at the emperor and knew that she had tested enough today. If she continued, she might arouse suspicion.

Accompanying a king is like accompanying a tiger. The emperor who looks doting on his face may turn out to be as cold as ice the next moment.

"Thank you, Jiro!"

The emperor smiled and raised his glass, and later called Han Shitou.

"Knock the third one!"

"There are many slaves."

Han Shitou left the palace and went to Prince Yue's Mansion.

"Second brother is here."

The King of Yue went out to greet him with an overjoyed look on his face. Han Shitou avoided his salute and said, "Your Majesty has sent this slave to have something to say."

The King of Yue immediately straightened his body.

Han Shitou said with a cold face, "Books are good things. Reading makes people sensible. The Tang Dynasty governed the country with filial piety, but there is no such thing in the king's recent articles. Farewell!"

"Second brother..."

The King of Yue chased him out in confusion and did not dare to give him any benefits. Han Shitou was rich and never accepted gifts when he went out.

"Second brother, can you give me some advice? I'm very grateful." The King of Yue lowered his attitude.

Han Shitou held the horse rein in his hand and turned around: "There are still things in the palace waiting for the slaves to deal with. There is a chamberlain who, relying on the attention of the superiors, got carried away and talked nonsense. Such people should be beaten!"

The King of Yue saluted and said seriously: "Thank you, second brother, for your advice."

Han Shitou left, and the King of Yue turned around, his face ashen, "Check! Whoever has said nonsense recently, investigate strictly!"

He went to the study by himself, not reading, but practicing calligraphy.

"Your Majesty!"

Zhao Dongping came in.

The King of Yue was still writing, "Speak!"

Zhao Dongping said: "The day before yesterday, one of our officials drunkenly said to someone, Your Majesty..."


The King of Yue held a writing brush in his hand and "ordered him to report that he was sick at home, and then... drove him away."

"I'm afraid it's not enough." Zhao Dongping said, "How about killing him?"

There are good hands in the palace of the King of Yue. It is not difficult to make the official look like he died of illness. The King of Yue shook his head and said, "Aye Shan is jealous. If he kills that person, it will be concealed in Aye's eyes."

Zhao Dongping smiled bitterly, "Your Majesty, how difficult it is."

The King of Yue smiled and said, "As a son, you should fulfill your filial piety, as long as Aye is happy."

Zhao Dongping nodded, and King Yue took a step back, "How about looking at the word "I"?

Zhao Dongping took a step forward and glanced sideways.

It's all one word.


"Good words!"

The King of Yue put down his pen and said, "It's dealt with."

Zhao Dongping got a spittoon, filled it with water, and soaked the piece of paper with the word "forbearance" written on it in it.

After rubbing it a few times, the words were blurred, but there was some turbid ink in the water. It looked like the weather outside at the moment.

Slightly cool and gloomy.

On the second day, the King of Yue went to court as usual.

"Second brother didn't come?"

Outside the palace gate, the King of Yue asked.

The guard said: "King Wei hasn't come yet."

The King of Yue looked back, "Maybe there is something going on at home!"


"Your Majesty, someone is coming from the palace. They say they would like to invite you into the palace to discuss something." "No time!"

King Wei, carrying a basket on his back and dressed in cloth, shouted towards the backyard: "Sister, I'm going out."

Sister Huang's voice came from the backyard, "Remember to go to Luo's house to buy their candy."

"Got it!"

King Wei went out and prepared to go to the door.

Ding Chang said with a grimace, "Your Majesty, you haven't been to the palace much recently."

"What are you worried about?" King Wei tilted the door panel into the slot, straightened it, and slowly slid it toward the middle.

"As time goes by, the king is forgotten outside!"

"The power is in the hands of Aye, Yang Songcheng and others. There has been a fierce fight between them recently. Why did I come to the palace? To see them flirting with each other, like they share a strange bed."

Ding Chang praised: "The word "fellow bedfellows" is used very well!"

The alliance between the emperor and Yang Songcheng and others was not like bedfellows.

"What Yang Songcheng wants is the identity of the future emperor's grandfather. In the final analysis, what he wants is power. But Aye also wants power. They joined forces because of Northern Xinjiang, but privately they have plans for themselves. Ersha

I'm deceitful, hypocritical, and it looks disgusting. I won't go today."

"Yes. By the way, where are you going, Your Majesty?" Chief Ding said, "How about I follow you, my old slave?"

"I'm going to buy groceries, are you going too?" King Wei closed the last door panel, locked it, turned around and clapped his hands.

"Old slave..."

Chief Ding was a little embarrassed.

There is someone in the palace who is responsible for purchasing, and he only supervises it.

Moreover, King Wei won four million yuan last time. He is a well-known rich man in Chang'an City. He is not short of money! How can Chief Ding care about the small money for buying vegetables?

He didn't even know where to open the door of the vegetable market.

"Go back!"

King Wei carried the basket on his back and walked forward vigorously.

In the alley, old people came out to bask in the sun, children came out to play, and women came out to gossip in twos and threes.

"What are Li Er going to do?" asked the old man, who was hunched over his back and holding his grandson.

"Buy groceries!" King Wei nodded.

The two women diagonally opposite stopped gossiping. The fatter woman looked at Wei Qian with gossiping eyes, "Li Er, my family refuses to go shopping for food. Why are you willing to go to the market? Why are you willing to go to the market?" ?」

King Wei said, "Isn't it a shame to eat?"

() The woman was startled and muttered, "Sister Huang is so lucky!"

Another woman laughed and said, "Li Er is so rich, why haven't you ever thought about taking a concubine?"

We have always advised people to make peace, not divorce. There is no difference between persuading husbands to take concubines and persuading people to divorce.

This woman was sarcastic and jealous of Sister Huang's situation. She felt that such a country girl could find such a good man like Li Er and live such a good life. It was really heart-wrenching like boiling water!

King Wei glanced at her and then shook his head.

"My waist is not good!"

The woman was stunned for a moment. It wasn't until King Wei left that the woman next to her asked, "Why didn't you ridicule Li Er just now?"

The woman patted her chest and said tremblingly: "Just now Li Er glanced at me, as if he wanted to kill someone."

"A dull person like Li Er is such a stupid person to kill!"

All the way to the market, King Wei went to buy meat first.

Several women gathered around a meat stall. King Wei leaned over and took a look, "Here's a leg of lamb."

The butcher raised his head and said, "Li Er! Where is your eldest sister?"

"At home!" King Wei pointed to a leg of lamb.

"Twelve coins."

"Has it gone up?" King Wei wanted the front legs, but he didn't expect the price to go up.

The meat dealer complained, "It was fine at the beginning of the year, but in the summer, the government did not know who had enough to eat. It was said that the beef and mutton in northern Xinjiang were rampant in Chang'an, and all the money earned was Yang Ni's. Therefore, the government ordered a strict investigation of the north Xinjiang traders are not allowed to sell beef and mutton."

King Wei's heart moved, "It's impossible to check it completely, right?"

How could it be prohibited at such a wide junction?

"It can't be kept clean, but if you want to come in, you have to..." The butcher's face showed a look that you know how to do. "You have to give me benefits. If not, the price will go up."

"But it's not that expensive, right?" a woman complained.

The meat dealer smiled bitterly, "Originally, there were a lot of sheep in Southern Xinjiang, but this year there are a lot of thieves in Southern Xinjiang, and they want to recruit warriors. These warriors must eat meat! No, the cattle and sheep from Southern Xinjiang exported to Chang'an Most of it is missing. Alas! In addition...many things are expensive nowadays..."

Wei Qian remembered that a while ago, a royal censor had said that prices in the market were soaring. After investigation, he found that people from various places were working to extort merchants. When the tide lifted, prices would naturally rise.

This incident triggered a period of discussion, and North Korea and China vowed to crack down on officials and soldiers who were tantamount to gangsters.

"Didn't the imperial court say that the checkpoints should be cleared?" King Wei asked.

"What are you cleaning up?" The butcher cut off a front leg and prepared to weigh it. "I said a while ago that I arrested a few officials, but they were released after a few days."

"Why?" King Wei thought of officialdom, and also thought of Luo Cai. If Luo Cai was here, if he heard about such things, he would definitely be furious, and then he would roar in the court until the court made a decision. and keep an eye on implementation.

The butcher pointed at the scale and said, "Two pounds. Although the front legs are not as fleshy as the hind legs, they are more tender. You will buy them."

King Wei stretched out his hand and said, "No need to tie the straw rope."

He took the leg of lamb, threw it back from his shoulder into the basket, and then gave him money.

The butcher said: "Those officials have backers. Otherwise, how could they dare to extort money at the checkpoints around Chang'an? If the backers don't protect them, what will they do if they reveal their backers?"

"All officials in the world are black-hearted!"

"That's right, your Majesty, unfortunately, doesn't know anything."


Several women were full of complaints.

In their view, officials can be killed, but the emperor must be innocent.

This is the effect of thousands of years of awe of the emperor.

The butcher drove the bone chopping knife into the chopping board, making several women stare in shock. He sneered, "It's warm in the pear orchard, and you can find everything to eat."

Several women looked at him, bowed their heads and left.

The butcher regretted his words and said to King Wei: "A few women with long tongues have long hair but short knowledge."


() King Wei nodded and immediately went to buy candy.

Standing outside the market, he saw the chamberlain.

"Your Majesty has summoned you!" "I have to send the dishes back first."

"Someone's sending it." The waiter, who was an old acquaintance, waved, and a man who looked honest and honest came over.

"The villain will say that the king met some friends and was dragged to drink." The man said.

This is the third time he has helped King Wei deliver things, and he is familiar with the journey.

Until he entered the palace, King Wei was still thinking about the previous conversation.

North Korea and China are cracking down on smugglers from northern Xinjiang to Chang'an, but this is a bluff. The real situation is that checkpoints in various places use this opportunity to collect bribes from smugglers.

As soon as they enter or exit, the people suffer from rising prices.

On the southern side of Xinjiang, I don't know if it is Zhang Chumao or Shi Zhongtang who is expanding the army.

The third question is that after Luo Cai left, the officials were obviously obsessed with serving the emperor, but neglected the administration of officials.

Because people make things happen, things will inevitably not last long!

King Wei looked at the palace gate silently, feeling that it was like a huge mouth, ferocious and greedy.

The world!

Aye, did you see it?

The emperor obviously didn't see it. When King Wei entered the palace, he said in high spirits: "Shi Zhongtang from southern Xinjiang sent a raw rhinoceros, all white as snow..."

Yang Songcheng smiled and said, "This is auspicious."

The emperor glanced at King Wei who came in and suddenly lost his desire to show off.

"Aye!" King Wei saluted.

The emperor hummed, "Over in northern Xinjiang, Yang Ni sent troops and disappeared without a trace."

Yang Songcheng stroked his beard and said: "Northern Xinjiang is already difficult, but he is good at fighting every year. This is the way to his own destruction!" King Wei looked at the King of Yue silently, and found that this little brother looked a little dazed, as if he was frightened.


"The people at the mirror are trying their best to find out the news." The emperor rubbed his eyebrows, "The generals said that Yang Ni is afraid that he will have a fight with Lin Jun this time. In this case, it is not a bad thing."

Yang Songcheng smiled and said: "Lin Jun took Taizhou privately, and he was also a traitor. A big fight between the two was very good."

The emperor coughed dryly and said, "Over in southern Xinjiang, Shi Zhongtang said that there are still a lot of thieves, and Zhang Chumao is a little slack."

Yang Songcheng was startled, and just when he was about to speak for his son-in-law, the emperor said, "I heard that he has been in poor health recently, so the head of state should show some sympathy to his son-in-law, hahahaha!"

This statement may seem funny, but it contains a cold meaning.

The emperor wanted to capture the southern Xinjiang army. He never concealed this idea and even adopted a foreign general as his adopted son.

Zhang Chumao was squeezed out by Shi Zhongtang in southern Xinjiang and had no place to stand, just waiting for the emperor's final statement.

Today is obviously the emperor's ultimatum to Yang Songcheng.

Yang Songcheng smiled, "This matter depends on the overall situation!"

Does your Majesty want to destroy the great situation that we have joined forces?

"Next year will be a good year." The emperor said something meaningless.

King Wei knows that this is the deadline - I can tolerate Zhang Chumao for one more year at most. In just one year, please find a safe place for your son-in-law.

This matter was not that urgent at first, but the Hanhai Jiedushi and Western Xinjiang boss Zhao Song came to Chang'an last time and surrendered to Yang Songcheng, which triggered the emperor's backlash.

If you are weak, he will be strong. In political struggles, there is no room for mercy.

But this matter is quite funny...the emperor and Zhang Chumao turned out to be brothers-in-law.

Their joint father-in-law, Yang Songcheng, passed away.

Yang Songcheng's expression remained the same, but the atmosphere was somewhat disturbing.

The emperor coughed dryly and said, "Zhu Qing." Zhu Wei, the Minister of Rites, saluted with a respectful expression, "Your Majesty!"

Emperor Fu recently sent a medical officer to diagnose his body and said: The Ministry of Rites must be Zhu Qing!

With such respect and love, even if Zhu Wei is an old man, he will shed tears of gratitude for it.

Recently, Zhu Wei comes early and comes home late, and his loyalty has increased by at least 50%.

The emperor first glanced at Liang Jing and said to Zhu Wei: "I heard from the doctor that Zhu Qing is not in good health. Although I am reluctant to leave, I can't bear to sit back and watch Zhu Qing get exhausted. Go home and rest first!"


Zhu Wei lost his composure and said: "Your Majesty..."

The emperor waved his hand violently, interrupting his words, and then smiled gently at Liang Jing, "Liang Qing is so lucky to be so optimistic about the Ministry of Rites for me!"

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