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Chapter 106

The fact that Yang Xuan and the others were found by Wahai was not God's will, but man-made.

"Who leaked the news?" The old thief couldn't use his right hand for the time being, so he could only use his brain.

Nan He had just arrived, but he still analyzed it, "Lang Jun, it stands to reason that the Vaxie tribe cannot insert spies in, unless they are bribed. But most of the people in the city are criminals, who would do such a thing?"

Cao Ying sneered and said: "People's hearts are unpredictable. Lang Jun, how about... get all those gangs out, beat a few of them with sticks first, beat them half to death and then ask questions."

Yang Xuan was silent.

Nan He looked at him curiously, wondering what kind of decision this gentleman would make.

Yang Xuan spoke slowly, "We must convince others with virtue."

Nan He: "..."

Yang Xuan stood up, "It's not easy to take action now, Nan He."

Nan He stood up and stood with his hands tied.

"Follow me to train."

"Take orders!"

After leaving the county, the common people saluted cordially when they saw Yang Xuan.

"I've met the county magistrate."

"The county magistrate is out!"

"County Honor..."

Nan He felt that the relationship between the government and the people was too good. When Yang Xuan rubbed the head of a girl, pinched her face, and when the girl was about to cry, he took a piece of dried meat and passed it over. Nan He felt that the relationship between the government and the people was too good.

This relationship is not very good, but it is so good that it is hard to believe.

The girl licked the dried meat, raised her head and said, "Mingfu."


"When will those horse thieves come again?"

Nan He: "..."

He found that the people around him looked dissatisfied with their desires, and they actually wanted horse thieves to come and rob them quickly.

Am I dazzled?

Nan He rubbed his eyes.

Then left the city.

Where is the 500 death camp?

Nan He followed behind and looked all the way, but couldn't see any trace.

After walking around the foot of the mountain several times, my eyes suddenly opened up.

A square stands in the middle of this open space.

It's human!

Five hundred people formed a square formation.

Standing there silently.

The wind blows.

The phalanx remained motionless.

Nan He was stunned, "This is..."

Yang Xuan dismounted and walked over.

Then stood.

Nan He was confused and stood beside him.

Then everything seemed dead silent.

After burning the incense, Nan He felt that he could no longer stand and felt uncomfortable all over.

He looked ahead and saw that figure was still upright and straight.

If the husband can stand, so can I!

Time passes.

Nan He felt that his legs were going to die.

He didn't know that his body was shaking at the moment.

Yang Xuan in front still stood upright.

The square formation remains the same.


Zhao Youcai shouted.

The array that seemed dead just now suddenly came to life.

"I've seen the Ming Mansion!"

Five hundred people shouted in unison.

Yang Xuan waved his hand in front of his shoulder, and Nan He stepped forward.

"This is Nan He. From now on, he will lead the army."

Zhao Youcai looked as usual, but Diao She knew that the old man was dissatisfied.

Nan He stepped forward and beat his chest hard, "I've seen all of you brothers."

But everyone didn't know how to call him.

"I practice Wu at home, and outsiders mostly call me Wu Ge!"

"I've met Fifth Brother!"

Yang Xuan thought this was good, otherwise even if he gave Nan He an official position, it would be troublesome to address him.


Nan He turned around and knelt down on one knee.

He said loudly: "I have met Mr. Lang!"

This is to show my identity and attitude - I am loyal to Mr. Lang.

Yang Xuan nodded, "Do it well, and come back and ask me if you don't understand."

Nan He promised loudly, stood up, and respectfully sent Yang Xuan back.

But Yang Xuan's words made him smile a little.

Is there anything you don’t understand... He had been in the army for many years, and was later selected as a bodyguard to honor the emperor. As for leading the army, he felt that at least he would have no rivals in Chenzhou.

After all, Lang Jun has a young mind.

Zhao Youcai came over to ask for instructions, "Fifth brother, can you practice?"

"Let's get started." Nan He nodded with his hands behind his hands.

He wanted to see the level of the death camp. As long as it was not too bad, he would be sure to train a strong force.

"Array up!"

Zhao Youcai shouted.

Rows of prisoners stood, guns slung on their shoulders.

"It's very neat, as neat as a palace guard."

The guards in the palace want to win face for the emperor, so they like to do face-saving projects, and one of them is to line up neatly.

Zhao Youcai was on the side. He glanced at Nan He and confirmed that the fifth brother despised the death camp, and he felt more gloating in his heart.


Everyone moved their spears forward in unison.

The sound was unbelievably neat.

Still neat!

Nan He shook his head slightly, thinking about where to start improving his training.



A surge of momentum followed the assassination.

Nanhe Yilin.


The spear stabbed again.

As the saying goes, laymen watch the excitement, while insiders watch the door.

Just two assassinations shocked Nan He.

The hands holding the spears are extremely stable, and there is no movement deformation in the front thrust... This alone can be regarded as an elite soldier.

The key is, the eyes of those sergeants!



But with longing.

Like a beast that has just emerged from a putrid pit.

Oh My God!

Who trained such an elite army?


When the prisoners were practicing with rocks hanging from their spears, Nan He's face was as numb as a paralysis.

When the prisoners aimed at the grass ring and stabbed accurately...

Nan He couldn't bear it any longer and asked, "Who did the training?"

His eyes swept over Zhao Youcai, thinking, could it be this person?

"It's Mingfu!"

"Mr. Lang?"

Nan He reluctantly watched the cavalry drill, and then looked for an opportunity to return to the county house.

Yang Xuanzheng was talking to Jiang Zhen with a smile. When he saw him coming, he patted Jiang Zhen on the shoulder and said, "You are wrong about this matter, but no one is wrong, so just pay attention next time."

Jiang Zhen lowered his head, hiding his complicated expression.

"Yes, I will resign, villain."

"Go ahead."

Yang Xuan watched him go out with a smile.

Nan He comes in.

"I just watched the death camp drill. It was very fierce. May I ask Mr. Lang, whose art of war is this?"

He is also experienced. He has seen the military training methods of the Tang Dynasty and Southern Zhou Dynasty, but he has never seen such strict methods.

"I went into the mountains when I was ten years old and saw all kinds of beasts. I once saw a group of wild hogs swarming and fighting back against a few wolves. I usually see ferocious wolves with no power to fight back."

"Later I entered the Imperial College, which contained a lot of books, including military books, so I combined my own knowledge and came up with this kind of military training method. Unexpectedly, it turned out to be pretty good!"

"Mr. Lang is so talented and intelligent, why worry about not succeeding in his great cause?"

Nan He knelt down in ecstasy.

Yang Xuan stood there with a book of documents in his left hand and his right hand behind his back.

Looks calm.

"Believe me, this is just the beginning."

Nan He lowered his head and said almost piously: "Yes."

He only learned about Yang Xuan's situation from Yang Lue's mouth. It was said that he was bullied severely by Yang Ding's family, so he thought that this young man would have a weaker nature.

But now it seems that he was wrong.

No, they are all wrong!

North of the city.

Except for three merchants in Taiping City, they are all slums, and the whole city is a slum. And the north of the city is a slum within a slum.

On a street filled with sewage, a man hurriedly walked past. He walked to the outside of a dilapidated house and knocked on the door gently.

Someone inside the door asked: "Who?"

"I, Wang Zhangyi."

The door opened slightly, and a man wearing a horizontal sword on his waist looked outside warily.

Wang Zhangyi had a fierce face and asked: "Is Mr. Sun here?"

The man closed the door and said softly: "Here."

Wang Zhangyi bypassed the front and went directly to the back.

This is what the two houses look like after they are connected, but to the uninitiated, they are still two households.

A big man stood outside the wing in the backyard, nodding to Wang Zhangyi, "Mr. Sun, Wang Zhangyi is here."

"Come in." A clear voice came.

Wang Zhangyi went in, crossed his hands and saluted first, and then said: "Mr. Sun, there is someone from Yang Xuan, who seems to be leading the army."

In the side room, there are tables, incense burners, and a box that Wang Zhangyi has seen since he followed Sun Yu, but he has never seen what is inside.

Sun Yu, who is thin and has a calm temperament, is sitting behind the desk.

Even though he is over fifty years old, he still looks fair-skinned and his hair is mostly black.

"Someone is coming?"


Sun Yu raised his eyes, and his eyes, which were still black and white, had a hint of amusement.

"It is said that this Mingfu has a relationship with a certain nobleman in the palace. Is this person... the nobleman's helper for him, or someone of his?"

Wang Zhangyi's ferocity subdued here, and he bowed slightly, "Mr. Sun, these are not important. We have been here for many years, and he is just a passerby."

"Passenger?" Sun Yu smiled with a very elegant smile, "From the moment he entered the city, this city was quieter than Chang'an, and everything was in order. These are the meeting gifts I gave him. I'm waiting for you.

, when he discovers that Taiping is a place that can trap him to death, he will get out automatically. But he didn’t.”

"I thought he would win the hearts of the two petty officials first, and I also thought he would win the hearts of the death camp first, so that I could save my life, right? But I didn't expect that he would win the hearts of both."

Sun Yu sighed: "What surprised me even more is that he just gave up some horse meat and won the hearts of the people in the city. I have been here for more than fifty years and have experienced countless officials. I have never seen such a county magistrate.


"Mr. Sun." Someone came from outside.

"Come in."

Sun Yu nodded.

A man came in, saluted, and said, "Mr. Sun, Yang Xuan seems to be preparing to leave the city."

"Where to go?" Sun Yu asked calmly.

"That Zhen Siwen is complaining, saying that the state is too stingy and there is not enough food. Yang Xuan is going to Huilong County to catch the autumn wind and get some food back."

"Sun Gong, opportunity!" Wang Zhangyi said excitedly: "The people from the Waxie tribe have gone back, but our people can report the news and intercept Yang Xuan on his way back."

Sun Yu pondered.

Wang Zhangyi said eagerly: "Mr. Sun, at first glance, this man is a passionate young man, and he is ready to do something big here. How can we do business without him here?"

Sun Yu nodded slightly.

Just when Wang Zhangyi turned around and was about to go out.

"Send someone reliable."

He said the word "stable" very seriously.

Wang Zhangyi said: "That's Zhang San. His sister is in our hands. He loves her so much that he doesn't dare to tell us about us even if he is captured."

A clear voice came from behind.


This chapter has been completed!
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