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Chapter 114 I am the Tang Dynasty, mighty

In Yang Xuan's opinion, a battle formation should be both intense and quiet.

The fierceness is the struggle between the armies of both sides, while the quietness is the strategizing of the generals on both sides.

Unmoving as a mountain!

This is an element of the art of war.

But now he wanted to move.

When the old thief was hit by an arrow, he wanted to rush over on horseback and kill those enemies.

Especially when the old thief rushes into the middle of the enemy army, this impulse is so strong.

"One general's success will make a thousand bones wither." Suzaku said.

He knew he couldn't move.

The dozen or so cavalry he brought with him were the last reserves. Once they were dispatched, the eager enemy reserves would pounce on them, just like a pack of wolves hunting their prey, surrounding them and killing them.


That's an old thief!

The old thief who pretended to be blind squatted next to him and wanted to run away after discovering that the Southern Zhou people were transporting gold, silver and jewelry.

That old thief who hides behind everyone when he encounters a powerful enemy...

This old thief is called Jia Ren, and he is timid and slippery most of the time.

But just before, this slippery old thief stepped to the front line without hesitation.

What should I do!

Yang Xuan took off his long bow, opened the bow and nocked an arrow.

call out!

Arrows flew past like a volley of arrows.

The enemies who were attacking the array fell one after another.

Yang Xuan knew that this would cause changes in the battle situation.

But he doesn't care!

He even expected the enemy's reserves to come out in full force.

Let’s have a decisive battle!

Nayin saw this scene.

As a general, he must respond.

He took a deep breath and said, "Get ready!"

The war situation has entered a stalemate, and he can either choose to evacuate or fight decisively.

The escaped Tang army scouts will bring reinforcements. God knows how many reinforcements there will be.

So, this is the last chance!

Hundreds of cavalry gathered.

The long knife points forward.

"Must win!"

Yang Xuan pulled out the horizontal sword.

Someone behind him shouted hurriedly: "Yang Ming Mansion, where are we? Where are we?"

Yang Xuan turned around and saw Song Zhi, the official escorting the grain truck, and said: "For the Tang Dynasty, do your duty faithfully! Guard the grain truck and watch us fight."

He nodded slightly, then spurred his horse forward.

"Second dick!"

Wang Laoer followed closely and raised the flag.

The Tang-character flag is waving in the wind!

More than ten cavalrymen followed this big flag and rushed towards the enemy in the new wind.

No turning back!

Song Zhi stared blankly.

"Master Song, come back quickly."

Someone in the motorcade was shouting.

The head of the household department stared blankly ahead.

"What to shout?"

Song Zhi turned around suddenly, and the clerk who called him was startled by his red face.

The driver and the people accompanying the carriage all held weapons and watched the battle nervously.

The war situation is stalemate.

But Yang Xuan went up.

The two sides are rapidly approaching.

Yang Xuan drew his bow and arrows, and people on the opposite side kept falling off their horses.

"He's the Condor Shooter!"

Someone was exclaiming.

Nayin shouted in the middle: "Speed ​​up!"

Facing the Condor Shooter, the only thing you can do is get close to him.

The two sides keep getting closer.

Yang Xuan put away his long bow and drew his horizontal sword.


The enemy in front of him was instantly killed by him.

At the array, the enemy troops were taking turns attacking.

The array seemed to be crumbling.

A death battalion sergeant was dragged out by two enemy soldiers.

He struggled desperately and roared.

"help me!"

But the enemy tried their best to stop him, and the sergeant was dragged out.

He was left behind.

He sat up in panic and struggled. But the injury on his leg prevented him from standing. He used his hands and feet to crawl toward the array.

The enemy general shouted on horseback: "If you don't surrender, he will be an example."

A knight rushed forward and knocked down the sergeant.

He fell heavily to the ground and rolled rapidly.

The second rider rushed up.

The horse's hoof stepped on his calf.


The sergeant howled miserably, hugging his deformed calf, and looked at the charging third cavalryman in horror.

"help me!"

He scratched the ground with his hands, trying desperately to dodge.


One after another, the horses rushed over, and the screams gradually became fainter.

Until it disappears into oblivion.

When the horse's hooves stopped trampling, there was only a puddle of meat on the ground.

Yang Xuan, who was fighting with the enemy, saw this scene.


The cruelty of the enemy army did not frighten the former murderers, but instead aroused their anger.

Song Zhi's eyes were red, and he shouted almost like a howl: "For the Tang Dynasty, do your duty faithfully!"

He raised his sword high and ran towards the formation.

The clerk shouted: "Master, come back, come back..."

Another clerk climbed onto the cart and jumped out.

"Where are you going?" the clerk asked.

The young official who jumped down drew his sword: "Be a man of the Tang Dynasty! Go and fulfill your duties faithfully!"

A coachman climbed onto the cart and jumped out.

Then another...

One man after another climbed onto the cart and jumped off.

The little official stamped his feet and jumped down too.

In the front, Song Zhi shouted, "Let these barbarians see what a man of the Tang Dynasty is!"

Both sides who were fighting were stunned.

People in death camps feel that they are alone, so where do these people come from?

Someone glanced sideways and exclaimed: "It's from the motorcade!"

"Wan Sheng!"

Song Zhi doesn't know how to fight, so he doesn't know how to form a formation at this moment.

He took a group of petty officials and coachmen and just crashed into it.

Lin Da was already exhausted, but at this moment, his strength returned to his body inexplicably.

He shouted, "Let these barbarians see what a Tang man is!"

"Kill the enemy!"

The array moves forward.

The enemy troops in front of them retreated one after another.


The old thief panted and followed with a lame leg. His voice was already hoarse, but he still kept shouting.

"Barbarians, look what a Tang man is!"

Civilization was born on this land countless years ago. Generation after generation of Central Plains people created a splendid culture. They sown, cultivated, and raised. They smelted, forged, and made tools; they used morality to restrain everyone and let this Central Plains people

It operates according to a rule...

Their days are prosperous.

The rich Central Plains has attracted the covetousness of wild wolves from outside the region. They don't like farming, they prefer to plunder, using long knives and horse hooves to seize everything they covet.

So they rushed into the Central Plains and were undoubtedly beaten severely.

At that time, the Central Plains people contemptuously called them "barbarians" and "Rongdi". In the eyes of the Central Plains people, the barbarians and themselves were people from two different worlds.

But as the power of the Tang Dynasty gradually declined, these alien races began to get ready to move again, plucked up their courage again, and began to madly attack the borders of the Tang Dynasty.

The internal attitude of the Tang Dynasty towards these foreign races gradually changed from contempt to fear.

Therefore, when Song Zhi called out the barbarians, the former glory of the empire seemed to have returned again.

Everyone strives to be first.


After several waves of attacks to no avail, the enemy army was already frustrated. Now being counterattacked by the death camp, their momentum stagnated and they retreated continuously.

If Nayin is here, then he can lead a reserve team to counterattack, suppress the death camp's counterattack, and even defeat the death camp's advance in one fell swoop.

But he was entangled by Yang Xuan.

Yang Xuan led more than ten cavalry to charge into the enemy cavalry. When he was out of the way, he looked back and saw the death camp's counterattack.

"My Tang Dynasty is so magnificent!"

He couldn't help but praise.

Nayin was furious and cursed: "Those idiots were defeated by a group of criminals and coachmen. Go back!"

Suddenly there was a scream from behind. Nayin looked back and saw that Yang Xuan was drawing his bow and setting an arrow, as if the target was him.

Nayin shrank his neck, and the subordinate in front was hit by an arrow and fell off his horse with a scream.

"Stop him!"

Behind him, more than ten riders reined in their horses.

But Yang Xuan and others behind them were chasing too closely. Before they could turn around, they were slashed with swords and spears.

Leaving behind the corpses of men and horses, Yang Xuan caught up with the enemy.

Before he could take action, a big flag stretched out from behind, stabbed one person down, and then stabbed another person to death...

Wang Laoer exploded, "I want my head!"

This kid had heard that merit was recorded based on the number of heads, so he took it seriously.

Yang Xuan shouted: "I'll give you dried meat later!"

Nayin in front was chased and had nowhere to escape, so he had no choice but to turn.

He thought that Yang Xuan would pursue him...killing enemy generals was the top military achievement of the Tang Dynasty, and anyone would choose to chase him.

When he heard the silence behind him, he turned around again and saw Yang Xuan leading the remaining troops towards the flank of his side, which was retreating steadily.

"Yang Xuan!" Nayin's eyes turned red and he turned his horse around, "You bitch slave!"

The enemy army, which was retreating steadily but had not completely collapsed for a while, saw the attack by Yang Xuan and others.

Someone shouted: "Lost!"

"Kill him!" the enemy general roared!

To upset the morale of the army at the critical moment, he would dare to kill even Hua Zhuo's son.

The long knife was waved, and the man was decapitated.

But the eyes of those tribal warriors were full of fear.

The soldiers were confused.

The enemy general shouted: "Turn around and block!"

"Run away!" someone shouted.

Once the retreat begins, no one can stop it.


Once the enemy troops fled, the morale of the death camp soared again.

Zhao Youcai shouted: "The whole army attacks!"

Everyone, as long as they could move around, were hunting with weapons.

Looking at this scene, Nayin couldn't help but feel his heart twisting.

The confidant said: "Chief, we have to go!"

Otherwise, when the Tang Army's reinforcements arrive, no one present will have to leave. They will become the Tang Army's credit, their bodies will be thrown into deep pits and buried, and their heads will be hung on spears to show off...

But after returning, Hua Zhuo will definitely take the opportunity to attack. How should I respond? Nayin gritted his teeth and said: "Express me!"

The confidant said with understanding: "The main culprit is to escape before the battle and cause the rout!"

The mistake is from Hua Zhuo, the supervisor of this trip.

But Zhecuo was lying on the ground at this moment, half of his head was gone.

A foot stepped over his head, and then another...

"The enemy army was routed."

The coachmen who stayed behind cheered.

The defeated troops panicked and made no choice. When they got to the edge of the horses, they fought for it. They were hacked and killed by the chasing death camp. Some managed to get on their horses and ran away, some were hacked to death, and the rest knelt on the ground and begged to surrender.

The cavalry began to pursue him.

He didn't return until he was five miles away.

There were laughter and laughter along the way, but what Yang Xuan valued more was these soldiers of the death camp who already showed some elite looks.

This is a baptism!

A baptism that can transform the death camp.

When we returned to the battlefield, the doctors were treating the wounded and the coachmen were cleaning the battlefield.

Several petty officials knelt and sat together, surrounding one person.

Looking sad.

Yang Xuan was greatly shocked, so he dismounted and walked over.

Song Zhi was lying there, with a hole in his chest and abdomen, and he was panting at the moment.

"Master Song!"

Yang Xuan came over.

There was a glint in Song Zhi's eyes, "Yang...Yang Ming Mansion."

Yang Xuan asked: "Where is the doctor?"

Several petty officials lowered their heads.

Yang Xuan looked carefully at the wound on his lower abdomen and could see the organs. His lips trembled, "Master Song..."

Song Zhi trembled, "The grain truck has been saved."

"Yeah!" Yang Xuan nodded.

There was a blush on Song Zhi's face and he was in much better spirits. He looked around and said, "Go back and tell... tell my wife and children that I'm sorry."

Several minor officials choked and nodded.

Song Zhi looked at Yang Xuan, smiled and asked: "Yang Ming Mansion, I...am I...fulfilling my duty?"

"Yes!" Yang Xuan knelt down on one knee, held his hand, and nodded vigorously, "Yes!"

Song Zhi looked at the sky, "I am... a Tang... man?"


The eyes that looked at the sky gradually lost their luster.

The dark clouds that blocked the sun were slowly dispersing.

Yang Xuan stood up and punched the breastplate hard.


He went to another place.

It was a puddle of meat.

Several sergeants from the death camp were gathering this pile of meat.


Yang Xuan pounded his breastplate hard and asked, "Where are the prisoners?"

Someone pointed back.

More than a hundred prisoners squatted together.

Several prisoners were resisting, punching, kicking, and shouting curses.

"What are they yelling at?"

Yang Xuan asked.

Someone said: "They say that one day sooner or later the army will overwhelm the Tang Dynasty, let the men of the Tang Dynasty herd cattle for them, and make the women of the Tang Dynasty become slave women who can be ridden by everyone!"

Yang Xuan said: "Bring it here."

Someone went over to deliver the order.

The five prisoners were brought over, still looking fierce.

Yang Xuan ordered: "The one with the best equestrian skills in the death camp will come out."

More than ten people came out.

Yang Xuan pointed at the five prisoners.

"Drag them to death!"

Everyone was stunned.

Yang Xuan raised his voice, "Drag them to death!"

In an instant, the sergeants in the death camp were all breathing heavily.

The five prisoners had their hands tied and were tied to the horse. They began to panic, and someone said: "Spare me! I am willing to surrender to the Tang Dynasty."

"Help!" Someone's face turned pale, and the fierce look he had just now was no longer the same.

Yang Xuan raised his hand and said coldly: "Delay!"


The five prisoners were dragged down and then howled miserably.

The sergeant holding the pile of minced meat shouted: "Brother, open your eyes and see, the Ming Dynasty has avenged you!"

Yang Xuan turned around, and Wang Laoer came supporting the old thief.

"Not dead?" Yang Xuan looked at the old thief carefully.

The old thief grinned, "He's not dead!"

It's just a simple sentence, but it says nothing.

Zhao Youcai is here.

"Ming Mansion, sixty-three brothers were killed in the battle and eighty-five were injured."

This battle almost crippled the death camp.

The remains of those who died in the battle were collected and placed one by one on the ground, neatly arranged like an array.

Some of the corpses were mutilated, but this did not detract from their majesty.

The corpses of enemy soldiers will be dug and buried. I think the weeds here will be especially lush next year.

Yang Xuan stood in front, with the soldiers of the death camp arrayed behind him. Even the lame man stood upright holding on to the shoulders of his comrades.

The sound of horse hooves came suddenly.

He Zun arrived with reinforcements.

Ear the law.

The war horse was so stimulated by the evil spirit after the war that it stopped moving forward and neighed.

Someone exclaimed, "This... the enemy army was actually defeated?"

"They... the death camp actually defeated 800 enemy cavalry?"

"Shut up!" He Zun shouted to his subordinates.

The corpses of enemy soldiers were thrown into the pit, which looked horrifying.

Yang Xuan and his men stood in front of the corpses of his comrades who died in the death camp.

He lowered his head.

He looked up for a long time.

He hit the breastplate hard.


Bang bang bang...

Yang Xuan turned around with the people.

He Zun couldn't help but slap his chest.

Everyone beat their chests.

Salute these brave warriors who are marching with their heads held high.

He Zun asked: "How was this battle?"

Yang Xuan said: "In this battle, 800 cavalrymen from the Waxie tribe made a surprise attack, and 400 soldiers from our Taiping Death Battalion formed a formation to respond. The enemy was ferocious, and our soldiers from the Death Battalion refused to retreat..."

He Zun only needs to look at the ruins of the battlefield to know how brutal this battle was.

"The two sides fought hard, the enemy's will collapsed, and the officials accompanying the grain team..." Yang Xuan glanced in the direction of Song Zhi, "Song Zhi, the head of the household department, led the grain team to join, and then the enemy army collapsed..."

Yang Xuan nodded: "I, the Tang Dynasty, are mighty!"

Everyone said solemnly: "I am the Tang Dynasty, so mighty!"

The dark clouds gradually drifted away, and the sun pierced the edge of the dark clouds and sprinkled onto the earth.

At some point, the eagle flew back and soared in the sun.

Second update.

This chapter has been completed!
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