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Chapter 1165 You, Shi Zhongtang, Want to Rebel

Sun Shi's second son, Sun Yao, committed a crime.

This son is smart, but he likes to take shortcuts. This has given Sun Shi a headache since he was a child, and he felt that his second son was not like himself.

Back then, Sun Yao was caught having sex, and Sun Shi had no choice but to pursue his own interests.

This smuggling is even more shocking.

News from Lovers Division keeps coming in.

"What Sun Yao smuggled was weapons and sold them to thieves."

Nian Xu's face turned livid, "I have rewarded the Sun family a lot, and Sun Yao and I have also rewarded him with an official position. Why is it not enough?"

Nian Xu was always willing to give up to important ministers and rewarded him endlessly. Moreover, when one person attained enlightenment, chickens and dogs ascended to heaven.

"Who caught Sun Yao smuggling?" Nian Xu suddenly thought of this matter.

That was Sun Shi's son. Even if he was caught, the matter should be handled quietly.

Sun Yao's temperament, I remember, was quite tactful, how could he commit suicide?

When Sun Shi returned home, Sun Yao's body was placed on the door panel, and his old wife sat beside him crying.


Sun Shi staggered over and saw a solidified wound on his son's neck. He hissed: "Erlang is most afraid of pain. How could he commit suicide? Who is it?"


The prime minister who was in charge of the government was furious, and all the yamen in Bianjing did not dare to slack off and went out to investigate the matter one after another.


Privy Councilor Han Bi smiled bitterly upon hearing the news, "Those people are waiting for you to investigate!"

The emperor sighed for it in the palace.

But Peng Jing and Fang Chong were drinking and celebrating together.

"Well done!" Peng Jing raised his glass and said with a smile, "By the way, how did Sun Yao hook up with those rebels?"

Fang Chong said calmly: "I asked people to pretend to be the rebels in southern Xinjiang, and got in touch with Sun Yao and asked them to buy weapons. Sun Yao naturally agreed."

"In the past few years, Da Zhou often sent weapons to those rebels. Being able to exchange them for money is a skill." Peng Jing nodded.

"Subsequently, I sent people to contact a group of rebels in Dazhou and promised to sell them a batch of weapons at a cheap price."

Fang Chong smiled, "Does Mr. Peng understand?"

Peng Jing's body was shocked, "Then the real rebel came to make a deal,

Sun Yao, who originally thought that the visitor was a foreigner from southern Xinjiang, went happily."

"I ordered people to stay nearby and everyone got the stolen goods immediately."


Peng Jing stroked his beard and praised: "This is the art of war! It's wonderful!"

The conservatives have been trying to deal with Sun Shi for a long time, and they are even clamoring internally to get rid of the Sun family.

But Sun Shi was stubborn, upright, and refused to be flexible, so he couldn't find any excuses.

In the end, Fang Chong planned this game and deceived Sun Yao in one fell swoop.

Peng Jing asked: "Now that we have the handle, why is Sun Yao dead? Sun Yao is better alive!"

Only the living Sun Yao can humiliate Sun Shi.

Aren’t you clamoring for selflessness?

Aren’t you shouting that I am serving the country and the people, and you have nothing to be ashamed of?


Let’s take a look at what Sun Shi’s son did!

He actually sold weapons to the rebels!

You, Sun Shi, said you wanted to revive the Zhou Dynasty, but your son is poaching the Zhou Dynasty.

Do you have a split personality?

If this huge public opinion is suppressed, if Sun Shi does not commit suicide, Peng Jing will lose.


Fang Chong sighed, "The people below are messing around. I said they can just capture them. They are eager to do their best and force Sun Yao."

"They forced Mr. Erlang to report Alang."

Sun Yao's followers are all alive, and no one dares to silence them.

They witnessed the entire incident.

"Erlang Jun refused, so they said this was a scandal and could make Alang commit suicide in shame."

Sun Shi looked pale.

"Erlangjun grabbed a knife and that's it"

The attendant gestured.

Pull hard!

That son who is afraid of pain!

He had many incompetences, but in the end he still refused to harm his father.

Sun Shi sat there, motionless.

"Then Sun Yao was so decisive that he grabbed a knife and committed suicide."

Fang Chong took a sip of wine with some regret.

Peng Jing said: "This matter must be revealed immediately."

"I know that if Your Majesty suppresses it, it will be difficult for us to talk. Therefore, after I learned of the success, I asked people to spread the word outside.

The ruling Sun Shixiangong sold weapons to the rebels!

The news spread throughout Bianjing City.

It stands to reason that Sun Shi should go to court to defend himself.

But he didn't respond.

"Xianggong Sun was sitting next to the corpse, muttering to himself."

Nian Xu asked: "What did you say?"

Xie Yingong went to the Sun family in person and said, "What if I can be famous forever? Maybe I can get my son back!"

Nian Xu was shocked, "Is he discouraged?"

"Yes!" Xie Yingong nodded.

Nian Xu said: "If you go again, please give me my condolences."

"Your Majesty sent Xie Yingong to the Sun family for the second time!"

The news reached Peng Jing and his wife.

"Your Majesty is worried that Sun Shi will be disheartened and the New Deal will come to an end."

Peng Jing smiled and said: "If it were someone else, without Sun Shi's courage, the New Deal would naturally exist in name only."

Fang Chong said: "No more inquiries!"

The two toasted and laughed.

Xie Yingong came again.

"Prime Minister Sun, Your Majesty expressed his condolences!"

Sun Shi remained motionless.

Xie Yingong leaned over and heard it.

"Who can comment on the merits and demerits of a thousand years? ***!"

Xie Yingong was shocked.

"Prime Minister Sun?!"

"Sun Xiang!!!"

Sun Shi didn't move.

"My family, my country, and my world are all empty!"

Xie Yingong was horrified, and after repeated consolation, he left.

He walked outside the gate and turned around to take a look.

The wind blew his clothes, then gently went in and rolled up Sun Shitou's long gray hair.

Ling Xie Yingong thought of Xue.

as well as.


Peng Jing and Fang Chong drank and celebrated all night long, and people kept coming to congratulate them, speaking flatteringly, and some even congratulated them in advance on taking charge of the government.

Rest at dawn.

"I won't sleep anymore." Peng Jing stretched and said, "I'll go to Chaozhong later."

"That's good!" Fang Chong looked at the fish belly outside and said with a white smile, "I have never been so energetic."

Sun Shi went out.

One person and one horse, we arrived alone outside the imperial city.

At this moment, the time has not yet come, and the gate of the imperial city is closed tightly.

When the sergeant at the head of the city saw it was Sun Shi, he said, "This is Mr. Sun. Open the door and invite him in."

This is what the emperor gave yesterday.

——Even if it is the middle of the night, as long as Sun Shi comes, open the door! Wake me up!

As for the rule about not opening the door at night, go away!

Xie Yingong still remembered the emperor's face at that time.


Xie Yingong trotted to the front of the imperial city.

The sound of footsteps echoed in this deserted early morning.

He saw the lonely Sun Shi outside the gate.

I also saw the white hair.

Sun Shi knelt down.

"I am incompetent, please beg for bones!"

Generally, ministers often use old age as the reason for resigning from office. In this era when the average life expectancy is very low, no one will say anything to you if you say you are old when you are forty years old.

But Sun Shi used the word incompetent.

This is to take all the responsibility for the failure of the New Deal on himself.

Xie Yingong was dumbfounded.

The news was sent to the palace as if flying.

Nian Xu, who had just finished breakfast, had a deep look in his eyes.

His cheeks trembled slightly.

He walked out and looked at the rising sun, and said softly:

"The sunset, is it going to set?"

The rolling mountains and the grasslands under the mountains are a paradise for foreigners.

When nothing happens, they are there

Grazing on the grassland, when the autumn is high and the horses are fat, they will plunder everywhere. When they encounter strong enemies, they will escape into the mountains. Once the storm is over, they will become heroes again.

If you want to completely wipe out the foreign tribes, it is impossible without a hundred thousand troops. But if a hundred thousand troops enter the mountains without fighting, you can't maintain the food road.

If a small group of people enters the mountain, they will only be surrounded and annihilated by the alien tribes.

So there is a dilemma.

Such alien races in southern Xinjiang are a headache.

When Zhang Huan was here, he adopted the strategy of attacking when the enemy showed up, attacking foreigners when they pricked them, and not interfering if they were honest.

When the foreign tribes in southern Xinjiang raised their flags of rebellion, Zhang Huan had no choice but to eradicate them with all his strength.

The Southern Zhou Dynasty was weak, so the original Southern Xinjiang army had nothing to do but show off its power.

If nothing happens to people like Ashina Shi Ming and Shi Zhongtang, they will become low-ranking generals of the Southern Xinjiang Army in the future.

But the rebellion of the Southern Xinjiang Army made him quickly stand out.

Some people say this is life.

Some people also analyzed it from the overall situation.

"How could the foreign people in southern Xinjiang dare to rebel before? It was the Southern Zhou Dynasty who was behind them, helping them train their army, providing them with weapons, food and grass, and even giving them money."

Outside the city gate, a group of business travelers waiting in line to enter the city were talking about the foreign military envoy.

"Speaking of it, the purpose of the Southern Zhou Dynasty was somewhat helpless. At that time, the Southern Xinjiang army was aggressive, but Nan Nian Xu found Sun Shi to implement a new policy. If the Southern Xinjiang army invaded, what new policy would be implemented? So Nian Xu secretly supported it.

The aliens rebelled and contained the southern Xinjiang army."

"This is the general trend!"

"Yes, under the general trend, Shi Zhongtang stood out."

"What is this if not fate?"

"It's fate, but I don't know whether it's good or bad."

"Why do you say that?"

"He is the adopted son of His Majesty and his concubine. He has a high and powerful position, that is, he is under one person."

"Hang on, you say he is inferior to one person, but I know there is someone who is better than him."


"The Duke of Qin in Northern Xinjiang!"

"Hey! That one is rebellious!"

"Rebellious ass, I didn't see the Duke of Qin going south."

"Your Majesty said he was rebellious, so he must be rebellious!"

"Your Majesty said that the shit he pooped was delicious, so you want to take a bite?"

"Cao Ni Ma, can you speak?"


The two travelers rolled up their sleeves and started doing it, while the people beside them were watching the fun and muttering at the same time.

"Nowadays, the court and the central government don't have much favorable impressions of Shi Zhongtang, especially the new right minister who came to power. What did he say when he mentioned Shi Zhongtang?

He’s just an ambitious little brother.”

"Isn't this what the bad boy said?"

"That right minister is a bad boy."

"Tsk tsk! That one is the imperial concubine's biological brother, and this one is the imperial concubine's adopted son. This is uncle and nephew!"

Everyone burst out laughing.


In terms of relationship, Liang Jing is Shi Zhongtang's uncle.

But this uncle couldn't stand Shi Zhongtang.

There were a few idle men nearby. After these people entered the city, they went to the Jiedu Envoy's Mansion.

We went all the way in and arrived outside a check-in room.

"Mr. He."

The little official who led the way knocked on the door.

"Come in!"

The clerk opened the door, and an elegant fragrance suddenly hit him.

There was no incense in the room, but there were several sachets on the table.

He Zun was reading the article and raised his head and said, "What's the matter?"

A man came in and saluted, "Mr. He, we have heard a lot about business travelers today."


He Zun nodded.

"Business travelers from the south are talking about the armor-protecting laws in Southern Zhou, saying they are harmful to the people. Some people also say that Sun Shi's side may not be able to withstand it."

"The business travelers from the north mentioned the Duke, saying that Liang Youxiang was quite dissatisfied with the Duke. In addition, they also mentioned Yang Xuan, the Northern Xinjiang Army, saying that our Southern Xinjiang Army was no match."

He Zun squinted his eyes. "Continue to inquire."


Several men resigned.

He Zun collected the papers and said to the clerk: "Pass them all out.


He Zun stood up and asked, "Is the Duke here?"

The clerk said: "I went out earlier and came back a quarter of an hour ago. We are discussing something in the lobby."

"Practice quickly."

Shi Zhongtang summoned the generals to discuss matters. He looked at Ashina Zheming and asked, "How about the Tiger and Leopard Cavalry?"

Ashina Zhiming stood up, his majestic body making people feel oppressed.

"Xiaguan trains his subordinates every day, and last month he lost more than a hundred high-quality war horses."

High-quality war horses are only used for powerful soldiers and are quite valuable.

Shi Zhongtang said happily: "Okay!"

This will only happen if you practice hard.

"The Southern Xinjiang Army is an arrow, and the Tiger and Leopard Cavalry are the arrows I rely on. Zheming, you should know who the Tiger and Leopard Cavalry is aiming at." Shi Zhongtang said.

Ashina Zheming's eyes were keen, "Northern Xinjiang Army, Black Armor Cavalry!"

"The Black Armor Cavalry is the sharpest one in the Northern Xinjiang Army, the Tiger Ben who makes the final decision at the critical moment. I hope the Tiger and Leopard Cavalry can be even better."

Ashina Zheming said: "I will live up to the expectations of the Duke!"


Shi Zhongtang was very satisfied.

"The Duke."

A clerk came in and said, "A messenger has come from Chang'an."

"But Aye and Aniang?"

The majesty on Shi Zhongtang's face disappeared without a trace, and his smile was particularly gentle, "Please come in, no, I will greet you personally."

"He is the envoy of Prime Minister Liang."

Grass mud horse!

Shi Zhongtang stopped and said with a cold face, "Let him come."

An official entered the lobby, looked up at Shi Zhongtang, and said, "I have met Lord Shang."

Shi Zhongtang nodded, "Did Prime Minister Liang give an explanation?"

He Zun arrived at the door, but did not come in. He just looked at the messenger.

The envoy said: "Xiang Liang said that in the first half of the year, Southern Xinjiang frequently reached out for money and food, but Southern Zhou Dynasty was weak, and the people in the country were beaten into dog brains due to the dispute over the New Deal. How could they dare to covet Southern Xinjiang? What do you mean by Southern Xinjiang?

Xinjiang rebels, the southern Xinjiang rebels were struck by thunder last time, they were already frightened, how could they dare to come out?"

He Zun's heart trembled.

The right prime minister of Liang was a bad boy, and he attracted a lot of ridicule when he first became an official. Once he was promoted to the right prime minister, Shi Zhongtang even celebrated with his forehead and hands, saying that the opportunity had come.

The chaos in the court was Shi Zhongtang's opportunity.

Didn't expect

"Xiang Liang said that as a minister, you must follow the rules of being a minister. A minister is better than his master. What do you want to do? Pretend to be respectful while sharpening your sword secretly. Such a junior. Such a minister must be ambitious.


He Zun's expression changed slightly.

Shi Zhongtang's plan to rebel was only known to those in the inner circle, and the outside world, including Chang'an, was kept in the dark.

Last time the emperor sent people to reward Shi Zhongtang's two sons, which was very kind.

It can be seen that the monarchs and ministers of Chang'an were very relieved of the Southern Xinjiang Army and Shi Zhongtang.

But now Liang Jing came out and said that Shi Zhongtang was ambitious.

Looking back, I have to find a way to make Liang Jing change his mind! Shi Zhongtang's back was already wet with sweat and his whole body was hot.

The envoy shouted sharply: "Xiang Liang said that you, Shi Zhongtang, want to rebel!"


There was lightning and thunder inside and outside the hall of the Jiedu Envoy's Mansion.

This chapter has been completed!
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