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Chapter 1207 The Collision of Two Old Foxes Thanks to Zhao Dongping

"After you get around Linde, don't hesitate. Make a surprise attack immediately. Set fire to it and evacuate when it's done. If it doesn't work, evacuate immediately. I just want to disturb you, do you understand?"

"I understand!"

Prime Minister Zhang saluted, "Your Majesty, don't worry."

He Liantong said: "After you set off, I will personally lead the main force to attack and respond. If Yang Xuan leads the army to come back for reinforcements, I will lead the army to raid. You can lead the army to withdraw from Linde and wait for an opportunity to attack him from the flank."


Heliantong nodded, "Go!"

Prime Minister Zhang set out with 10,000 cavalry.

Chen De hurriedly came over with a document, "Your Majesty, someone in Ningxing is impeaching someone."

"What to impeach?" Heliantong asked.

"The impeachment king has a large army but does not want to make progress, and allows the Northern Xinjiang army to break through Linde without rescuing him."

"Linde hangs in front of Jiangzhou. Yang Xuan leads the army for the first time, and the morale is high. I attack at that time and it is the decisive battle." He Liantong said coldly: "Jiangzhou is the last barrier before Ningxing, unless we are sure

, otherwise I won’t attack. If you don’t even understand this truth, what is this person impeaching?”

Chen De said: "There are quite a few people following me."

"At this time, there will be more monsters and ghosts. What does the eldest princess say?"

"The eldest princess suppressed it, but the Ministry of War sent someone to send a message and asked the king if the troops were sufficient."

He Liantong was silent for a long time, "The eldest princess has no other skills after all. I don't care what the Ministry of War says!"

"Yes!" Chen De said: "Now it seems that the opposite Yang Xuan is also waiting for the opportunity for a decisive battle."

"He must be thinking about how to force me to come out for a decisive battle. If I don't move, all he can do is to press forward step by step, and finally reach the gate of Jiangzhou City. Then, I will naturally have means to deal with him.

"If Prime Minister Zhang can capture Linde, the initiative will return to our hands again in this battle." Chen De tightened his grip on the paper.

Zhang Xiang led 10,000 cavalry, and after leaving Jiangzhou, they made a circle to the left.

"After Linde was breached, almost all the defenders were wiped out, and the Northern Xinjiang Army would definitely relax. This is our good opportunity."

During the break, Zhang Xiang looked at the map and moved his fingers around the front of Linde. "Yang Gou is camping here. After he breaks Linde, he will definitely send reinforcements. In this way, we can leave in one strike and ambush the reinforcements halfway."

.The king’s main force arrived later and defeated Yang Gou in one fell swoop.”

"Good idea!"

"This. Yang Gou has used this method before."

Zhang Xiang nodded, "What Yang Gou is best at is to support others in his own way, and then give him aid in return, wouldn't it be even better?"

"Ha ha ha ha!"

Ten Thousand Riders made a large circle, avoiding two groups of scouts along the way.

"The Northern Xinjiang Army's scouts were so far away, Yang Gou was really cautious."

In the afternoon, Prime Minister Zhang rode his horse on a hillside and told the people around him: "Let me tell you, your Majesty, everything goes well!"


Several riders turned around and left.

"There are still three days to go."

Zhang Xiang said: "Hurry up and hurry up!"

Ten thousand horses galloped across the wilderness, and the soldiers couldn't help but sing. The songs were either gentle, like a lover's caress, or majestic, like thousands of troops fighting.

The setting sun hung in the sky, and Zhang Xiang said with a smile: "The morale of our sons is high. This is a good sign."

"Hurry up!"

Wang Laoer and his eight thousand riders were also on their way.

The raid on Xinba was the key to Yang Xuan's victory.

Leave this matter to Wang Laoer, what Yang Xuan likes is his quickness.

According to Yang Xuan's explanation, once the raid is successful, the army will immediately go out to respond. If He Liantong ignores it, then he will take control of Xinba. If he attacks, it will be a decisive battle.

"My lord, I don't know what to be anxious about!" Wang Laoer felt that Yang Xuan had been a little irritable and restless recently, as if the world was about to be in chaos.

"Second brother, let's set up camp!"

The fat elder pointed at the sunset, "It will be too late if we don't set up camp."

"Wait a quarter of an hour."

Wang Laoer shook his head.

In front, a cavalryman said: "Listen!"

Everyone listened.

"It's nothing!"

The cavalryman said: "You will hear it later."

Everyone shook their heads, but this man was known for his good hearing, so someone immediately went to report Wang Laoer.

"Second brother, they found something."

When Wang Laoer arrived at the front, the sergeant pointed to the left, "Second brother, there seemed to be some movement earlier."

"What now?"

"No more."

Wang Laoer looked at the sky and said, "Let's set up camp!"

He dismounted, chewed dried meat, squinted at the sunset, and thought of Helian Yunshang.


I’m not used to having more people!

"Go get water!"

Someone is shouting.

The army cannot move far away from the water source, otherwise once the water is cut off, no matter how powerful the army is, it will collapse.

There is a small river on the left, the water flow is slow, and it winds silently into the distance.

It was dark, and more than a hundred soldiers went to fetch water.

When I walked to the river, someone heard coughing from the other side and cursed: "Why are you crossing the river?"

Someone on the opposite side scolded: "You damn girl crossed the river by yourself, and you still talked about me!"

Both sides slowly raised their heads.

At this moment, the moon has not yet risen into the sky, but the sun has set, and the sky and earth are dark.

Vaguely, I could see shadows of people on the other side.

"Light the torch!"

one team was shouting.


The torch flickered in the wind, and a person on the opposite side looked at them.

That armor

Damn it!

"He's from Beiliao!"

"It's the Northern Xinjiang Army!"

Both sides subconsciously stepped back.

"Enemy attack!"

Then he turned around and ran away.

"Enemy attack!"

Wang Laoer swallowed the dried meat, "Where? Where?"

The sergeants who were fetching water stumbled back, "On the other side!"

Wang Laoer's eyes lit up, "Assemble! Assemble!"

At this dark time, it would not be wise to attack.

Opposite, the Bei Liao Army, which had already set up camp and was resting, was also alerted.

"Careful, the Northern Xinjiang Army has been discovered!"

"How many people?"

Zhang Xiang asked.

"It seems like dozens of people!"

Most of the sergeants responsible for fetching water were coolies and did not have the sharp eyes and accurate judgment of the scouts.

"Dozens of people?"

Prime Minister Zhang’s first thought was, “Scouts from the Northern Xinjiang Army!”

"Be careful." A general said: "If we can't destroy them, our whereabouts will definitely be leaked."

Zhang Xiang said: "But it's dark now, how can we catch them all in one fell swoop?"

Someone said: "How about giving it a try?"

Zhang Xiang said: "A thousand horses."

Dozens of scouts and only a thousand riders went to cast the net. It would be good if the net could be caught. But if the net could not be caught, Prime Minister Zhang also had a way to deal with it.

"Five hundred horses march forward to intercept the enemy troops heading towards Linde."


In this way, even if a fish slips through the net, it will not escape death.


Wang Laoer got on his horse and shouted.

"Second brother, that should be the enemy's scout." Someone said, "We can't pursue him at night."

But Wang Laoer scolded: "The raid on New World First Bus is impossible. Are we going to go back empty-handed?"

He has commanded the Scout Rangers for many years and knows that it is impossible to completely wipe out the opponent in this darkness. As long as one person escapes, Heliantong will densely deploy scouts in front, making the surprise attack a joke.


Wang Laoer became furious, "Kill them!"

The thin elder said: "Second brother, it's not worth it for dozens of people."

"I want to vent my anger!"

Wang Laoer said: "I am so angry that my liver hurts. I don't want to eat dinner tonight unless I kill a few people."

As he spoke, he took a piece of dried meat and stuffed it into his mouth to chew.

But no one thought there was a problem.

The second brother's eating of dried meat only hurts his throat and has nothing to do with dinner.


Wang Laoer led his men and rushed through the shallow water area.

The sound of horse hooves is loud.

In the camp, Prime Minister Zhang heard the sound of horse hooves, and his expression changed drastically, "Assemble! Assemble!"

The subordinates who were eating dry food hurriedly gathered together, and Wang Laoer had already arrived.

"Come in!"

Wang Laoer was overjoyed when he saw Daying.


The Northern Xinjiang Army rushed in, and there was a burst of killing.

The newly assembled Northern Liao army was caught off guard in a hurry, suffering heavy casualties and retreating steadily.

Wang Laoer personally led his warriors to charge forward, constantly defeating the assembled enemy squads, and assaulted deep into the area.


Zhang Xiang's face was livid, and he gritted his teeth and said: "Yang Gou actually had people come to attack him!"

The two old foxes came up with the idea of ​​using a surprise attack to break the deadlock and force their opponents to make mistakes. But now the two teams were facing each other.

"It can't be stopped." The general under his command said in panic.


Zhang Xiang shouted.

His subordinates lit the tent on fire, and the flames shot into the sky. The horses of the Northern Xinjiang Army visibly hesitated.

After hesitating for a while, Zhang Xiang reorganized his team and then slowly retreated.

But more than two thousand cavalry were left behind, and they were gradually wiped out by Wang Laoer's encirclement and suppression.


When he saw Wang Laoer coming back, Yang Xuan wanted to kick him.

"I discovered the enemy's sneak attack."

Wang Laoer said with joy, "They were eating dry food. I couldn't eat it, so I took the others to vent my anger. I rushed and killed more than two thousand people."

Yang Xuan was stunned.

When Wang Laoer saw this, he said, "Did the Duke have no money?"

More than two thousand heads!

The Duke doesn’t even have any food left!

"Yes!" Yang Xuan said, thinking about the purpose of He Liantong's move.

"Why is the prince looking so sad?"

"I'm thinking about something."

The Duke was poor, and Wang Laoer felt a little disappointed and went out of the tent.

"Second brother, you have made a meritorious service this time!"

Tu Shang came to comfort him, "Although I failed to raid Xinba, I discovered the enemy's sneak attack conspiracy, which is a big contribution. Hey! Why are you unhappy? What are you thinking about?"

Wang Laoer said seriously: "I'm thinking whether to lower the price!"

Tu Shang was puzzled, "What price reduction?"

"Human head."

In the big tent, Yang Xuan was looking at the map.

He traced his fingers along the spot where Wang Laoer found the enemy.

"Ten thousand cavalry raiding my camp will mean death."

"Then, what is he here for?"


The finger pointed heavily at Linde.

"Old guy, you're going to give me a heavy blow!"

Yang Xuan shouted: "Find out the news about Jiangzhou Army."

As soon as the army left Jiangzhou City, He Liantong sent someone to Ningxing to report, "If everything goes well, the decisive battle is right around the corner."

More than ten horses came galloping.


He Liantong was startled, and Chen De said, "It's Prime Minister Zhang."

Zhang approached and dismounted, knelt down and lowered his head.

"Why are you back?" Heliantong asked warmly.

Zhang Xiang's body trembled, "I'm a lower official. I met Wang Laoer on the way."

Heliantong nodded, "That's it."

He turned his horse around and said, "Go back!"

The army that had just left the city slowly turned around and filed in. "Your Majesty, Wang Laoer is planning a sneak attack!"

Chen De said.

"Xinba!" He Liantong pointed to the right, "With Xinba, the Northern Xinjiang Army can attack Ningxing. By then, I can't even think of fighting."

Chen De said: "Speaking of which, Prime Minister Zhang can be regarded as meritorious."

"Yeah! Reward Zhang Xiang's family 50,000 yuan!"

"Thank you, Your Majesty!" Zhang Xiang saluted happily.

"Prime Minister Zhang was so incompetent that he defeated the camp, beheaded him, and hung his head as a warning to all the troops!"

This chapter has been completed!
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