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Chapter 1247 Siege

A large amount of grain and grass were stored in the racecourse city, and the sergeants guarding it were strangled by hundreds of northern Xinjiang cavalry, who then set fire to it.

The city was on fire, and the people chose to hide in their homes without hesitation.

There was constant sound of horse hooves outside and howling.

Hoo ho ho!

"Open the door!"

A fierce voice came from outside the door.

This is the real Shegu people.

In the past, this family would inevitably open the door, and then either the wife and daughter would be unlucky, or the money and food would be unlucky.

But today, the male host held the only iron kitchen knife in the house, shook his head firmly, and said towards the crack of the door: "Go to hell! Y."

The sound of horse hooves approached, followed by a miserable howl.

"A good death!"

The hostess gritted her teeth and said.

Their daughter huddled in the corner shivering.

After an unknown period of time, the city gradually became quiet.

"Oh my God!"

The male host heard his neighbor open the door and go out, followed by a surprised voice.

"I'll go out and take a look first."

The male host opened the door and quietly took a look outside. A guy was almost vomited by the smell of blood.

When he walked out of his house, he saw corpses of people and horses scattered all over the street.

Those Shegu people who used to be fierce and evil in the past fell to the ground with their teeth bared and could no longer dominate.

The male host and his neighbor picked up two long knives and went to the county house with the nearby neighbors.

Outside the county, the corpses of hundreds of defenders fell.

A head was hung on the gate of the county house.

"It's Qi Hu!"

Qi Hu is dead.

The people in the city immediately went to the scene of the fire to grab some food, found the remaining cattle and horses in the city, took their weapons, and left their homes without hesitation.

The male owner led the horse out of the city and looked back in the direction of home, "We will come back!"

The wife held her daughter in hand and said, “When I come back, I don’t know who is the owner of this place!”

The male host said without hesitation: "No, Yang Gou, dear Yang Gou!"

When the news that Racecourse City was raided and all the grain and grass were burned reached Linluo City, Asibao was still able to overturn the case with one kick.

"My plans have never gone wrong." Asibao roared: "That food is enough to support us for a month. But Yang Xuan will never stay in the north for another month. He will withdraw his troops. Then we will attack all the way until we occupy Ning

Xing, take over the northern part of Bei Liao. But now, food and grass..."

Asibao looked at Deji and gasped: "How much food and grass do we have left?"

Deji closed his eyes and sighed in his heart, "Ten days at most."

Someone suggested, "Let the warriors eat less!"

The officers and men in the army are all big-bellied men and consume countless amounts of food every day.

Idiot... Deji glanced at this man and said, "Once the food supply is reduced, the warriors will speculate whether there is a shortage of food and grass. Since ancient times, no matter how powerful the army is, it will collapse once there is a shortage of food and grass."

Asibao's eyes were a little red. "Where is Qihu?"

The loss of Racecourse City was discovered by a scout from Zhenbei City, and they were the ones who came to report it.

"Qi Hu's head hangs on the gate of the county house." The scout took the lead, feeling a little sad in his heart.

"He failed me!" Asibao said coldly: "Remember, Qi Hu's family will be used to reward merit after the war."

In other words, Qihu's family members became slaves from then on.

The king is ruthless, this is Deji's understanding. But Asibao is very caring about the old man who follows him, and tolerates him even if he makes mistakes.

Deji felt this was wrong, but he couldn't persuade her too much about the so-called alienation or lack of intimacy.

Unexpectedly, the loss of Racecourse City made Asibao change his attitude.

"Leave a son and inherit everything from him!"

After all, Asibao couldn't let go of his former partner.


Deji didn't know whether this was a good thing or a bad thing... Those who were Asibao's former companions came out, knelt down, and swore allegiance to him.

One of the guards even pulled out a short knife and made a cut on his face. Blood flowed down the gash. Deji felt severe pain for him just looking at it.

Asibao then helped them up and recounted the past, even telling interesting stories about each person and himself.

Deji firmly believed that even if a million troops were besieging him at this moment, these people would still fight for Asibao until the last moment.

When the enthusiastic friends went out, Asibao sat down, rubbed his brows, and said, "Deji."

"Your Majesty!" Deji stepped forward.

"Save food for ten days, which means we must defeat Yang Xuan on the tenth!"

"Yes, Your Majesty."

The two were silent.

How difficult it was to defeat Yang Xuan in ten days.

"I'm not sure!" Asibao let go of his hand and said with a smile: "Actually, since I came out of the mountain, I have not been sure all the way. My heart beat like thunder in the first battle. But I know that if I retreat, I can only retreat to the forest.

Go in."

"Deji, when I went to Ningxing and Taoxian, I saw prosperity and elegance. Why is this not from Shegu? Why did God allow them to enjoy a warm house, delicious food, and warm clothes?

, the enviable knowledge makes the Shegu people live like savages?"

"This is unfair!"

"After returning from 66, I didn't want to stay in the mountains for a day anymore. It was my suggestion to go out. I cleverly used the undercurrents between my father and several brothers to promote the Shegu tribe to go out. Then, I

There is only one way left, go forward."

Asibao pointed outside, "If I take them back to the mountains and forests again, they will kill me without hesitation."

Deji sighed, "After enjoying the mortal world outside the mountains and forests, the warriors can no longer endure the loneliness and suffering."

When the time comes, they will kill Asibao without hesitation and choose a new King Shegu who is willing to take them out of the mountains and forests again.

This is exactly the same as the Law of the Grassland.

The difference is that the Shegu people are more fierce.

Asibao said: "I don't want to go back either. So, within ten days, either I will die in front of the two armies, or Yang Xuan will die under my sword! Deji, who do you think can win?"

Deji looked at him and was about to speak when Asibao shook his head and smiled: "I just said casually. This battle will be won!"

He talked about his advantages easily, "Yang Xuan's army has been away from Northern Xinjiang for a long time, and the soldiers are tired. This is our advantage. Secondly, Lingdu's night attack was successful at least, which damaged the morale of the Northern Xinjiang army. Finally, we

There is no retreat. When the Shegu warriors who have lost their retreat break out, believe me, they will shock their opponents."

"Yes!" Deji said, "I am convinced of this."

"Then, let's take action!"

The Shegu scouts and rangers resumed their intensive attack.

For a time, Wang Laoer's pressure doubled.

"Shegu people are crazy!"

Tu Chang said heartbrokenly when he saw Wang Laoer returning from the bloody scene.

"Although Jiang Cunzhong hasn't come back yet, I am convinced that Racecourse City is probably in ruins." Han Ji said with a smile.

Wang Laoer dismounted and came over, "My lord, there are too many Shegu people's cavalry, they are overwhelming. They not only cover the direction of Linluo City, but also expand a lot to the two wings."

"Jiang Cunzhong must have succeeded and been discovered. This is to intercept him!" He Lianrong touched his bald head, "My lord, the Shegu people must be preparing to go to war. This is to use Jiang Cunzhong and others before the war.

His head was brought to the flag as a sacrifice. It should be the response."

Yang Xuan looked at everyone.

Wang Laoer still raised his hand tirelessly.

This kid doesn’t even think about it, is it easy for me to get my money? Many times I have to give you my own money.

Yang Xuan cursed, "Pei Jian goes!"

"Take orders!"

The two most powerful generals of the Northern Xinjiang Army join forces, and I don't know what the consequences will be.

Jiang Cunzhong is running for his life at this moment.

After leaving Racecourse City, he still took a long detour along his original route, but was discovered the next day.

Afterwards, the Shegu people appeared from time to time like a pack of wolves. When there were few people, they would look around, and when there were many people, they would approach from time to time, waiting for an opportunity to get close and take a bite.

The Northern Xinjiang cavalry immediately used small crossbows to teach them how to behave.

On the third day, a large group of cavalry appeared on the left, and Jiang Cunzhong knew that a crisis was coming.

It was night, and he first ordered his men to camp and rest. In the middle of the night, he suddenly ordered his men to get up and assemble.

He led his men in a surprise attack, defeated more than two thousand Shegu people on the side, and then drove them south. This caught the Shegu people by surprise.

In the darkness, the enemy troops shouted in panic, so that the general's orders could not be conveyed in time.


Jiang Cunzhong pointed his sword forward, and his men rushed forward.

Taking the lead, Jiang Cunzhong led his troops to successfully break through the opponent's encirclement and escaped into the wilderness at dawn.

Behind him, the enemy general roared, urging his men to assemble and then pursue them.

Reinforcements are coming.

Brought orders from Asibao.

This northern Xinjiang army must be surrounded and annihilated!

Groups of Shegu cavalry were dragging a net across the wilderness to search.

A large group of people are following behind. Once they find any clues, they will surround you like a pack of wolves.

Jiang Cunzhong is like a cunning fox, relying on his keen sense of smell to lead his men through the big net.

On the morning of the fourth day, while he was encircling and annihilating a group of Shegu scouts, he heard the sound of horse hooves on the flank.

More than a thousand ancient cavalrymen appeared.


Jiang Cunzhong abandoned his opponent without hesitation and fled with his men.

The two sides were chasing and escaping. When Jiang Cunzhong noticed that his opponent suddenly slowed down, he felt cold and said: "Go to the right!"

But it's too late!

Thousands of Shegu cavalry appeared from the left, while the pursuers behind them had already surrounded them from the right.

Jiang Cunzhong knew there was a trap ahead of him without even looking.

But he had no choice but to plunge in with his men.

As expected, thousands of Shegu cavalry appeared in front.

He escaped for several days, and the Shegu people kept shrinking the encirclement. Today, the encirclement has shrunk to the end.

"Kill out!"

Jiang Cunzhong shouted.

The Northern Xinjiang cavalry shouted and ran headlong into the enemy troops waiting in front.

Every soldier was fighting hard, trying his best to break out a bloody path before the enemy forces on the left and right surrounded him.

However, the enemy's resilience was unexpectedly strong and they refused to retreat even an inch.

Both sides shouted for a fierce battle, and more than a dozen Horned Dragon Guards took the initiative to advance. Wu Rong ordered the Yunshan monks to follow without hesitation.

More than a dozen iron rods swept out a hole, and Monk Yunshan's long sword immediately penetrated it.

A Qiu Long Guard glanced at Wu Rong, "What a good man!"

Wu Rong felt hot in his heart, and a feeling of recognition emerged spontaneously, "You too!"

"Stop them!"

Pei Jian led eight thousand cavalry on the periphery, desperately trying to penetrate the enemy's defense line.

However, the enemy used layers of defense to weaken the morale of the Northern Xinjiang cavalry.

"Left wing!" Pei Jian pointed to the left wing calmly, and the reserve team behind him dispatched 500 cavalry.

The addition of five hundred cavalry caused the enemy's defense line on the left to waver, but soon the opponent sent a reserve force to block the gap.

"What else can you do?" The enemy general looked at the Pei flag and said with a ferocious smile.


Pei Jian pulled out his horizontal sword and said, "Attack!"

He set off with his last thousand cavalry.

"Stop him!"

The enemy general also sent out his last reserve team to intercept.

As soon as the two sides came into contact, the horizontal sword in Pei Jian's hand turned into a deadly weapon, and the sword flashed as he approached the enemy general.

He refused to invest his troops all at once because he wanted to make the enemy general proud.

When people are proud, they will overestimate themselves.

This is what my father Pei Jiu said back then.

It’s also the art of war!

The enemy general raised his sword with despair in his eyes.

The light of the knife flashed.

Heads fell to the ground.

"Wan Sheng!"

Pei Jiu took the lead and led his men to break through the enemy's last line of defense.

To the right, smoke and dust billowed.

The general under his command said: "He is from Shegu!"

Pei Jian took a look and said, "The Duke is here!"

The Shegu people dispatched 20,000 cavalry.

They vowed to surround Pei Jian in this wilderness.

But when they were preparing to outflank Pei Jian's retreat, a large flag appeared on their left.

"It's Yang Ziqi!"

Under the banner, Yang Xuan said calmly: "If Asibao wants to fight decisively now, then I will accompany him."

The order from Asibao was quickly delivered.

The enemy general shouted: "Retreat!"

Jiang Cunzhong and his men have now reached the most dangerous moment.

Enemy troops surrounded him from all sides, and he led his men to charge and kill him repeatedly, but every time he was surrounded and surrounded by the enemy troops.

Later he learned that among these Shegu cavalry, there were more than two thousand real Shegu people.

Coupled with the superior cavalry composed of soldiers from the Northern Liao Dynasty, they successfully surrounded Jiang Cunzhong's troops.

"Capture the enemy general alive!"

General Shegu shouted excitedly.

A burst of cheers broke out among the Shegu people, "We must win!"

It turned out that a small group of cavalry composed of real Shegu people approached Jiang Cunzhong from the side!

"Do you think I'm powerless?"

Jiang Cunzhong sneered and immediately strangled these Shegu people together.

He was so jealous that his subordinates shouted: "General Jiang!"

Jiang Cunzhong raised his head and saw more than a thousand ancient cavalrymen coming from a distance.

A feeling of discouragement arises spontaneously.

"For Northern Xinjiang!"

Jiang Cunzhong shouted, "For the sake of the Duke!"

"Kill the enemy bravely!"

The Northern Xinjiang cavalry shouted and followed Jiang Cunzhong to the south.

"They are finished!" the enemy general laughed.

"What is that?"

Someone asked, pointing to the south.

Groups of cavalry were approaching quickly.

A big flag was suddenly raised.

Pei Ziqi!

"It's the Northern Xinjiang Army!"

"It's Pei Jian!"

Pei Jian raised his sword under the banner and shouted: "Kill the enemy!"

He led his men into the enemy's formation.

Not only does the cooked duck fly away, but it is also in danger of eating itself.

The soldiers of the Northern Liao Dynasty who were supported by the belief of victory were the first to collapse.

Pei Jian and Jiang Cunzhong joined forces and then fled far away.

A big flag is waiting outside.

Yang Xuan smiled and raised his hand.

Those northern Xinjiang cavalry who narrowly escaped death shouted, "The Duke is mighty!"

Yang Xuan looked in the direction of Linluo City and said, "The decisive battle is right in front of us!"

As if to verify his words, a team of scouts came to report.

"My lord, the Shegu army from Linluo City has dispatched."

This chapter has been completed!
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