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Chapter 129 Scraping the ground is not professional enough

"Yang Xuan?"

One of his generals had just been killed, but he didn't even dare to lose his temper. Hua Zhuo was in a bad mood, until he heard the name, and his anger burst out.

"That liar!"

Could it be that Wa Xiebu has a private connection with Chen Zhou? He Lianchun narrowed his eyes, "What did he lie to you about?"

Oops, why did Ben Khan blurt it out!

Hua Zhuo was worthy of being the Khan in charge of the Ministry, and he immediately reacted, "His people came to the Waxie Ministry to cheat some medicinal materials."

"Medicine?" He Lianchun asked immediately, "Why didn't Liu Qing come?"

Hua Zhuo said with a smile: "I don't know, the emperor, but Liu Qing just led his army to destroy a group of horse thieves. I'm afraid he is very proud of it!"

Hua Zhuo used many of these methods of sowing dissension when he first became Khan. Now that he is regaining his skills, he can't help but feel a little sad after all the changes in the world.

"Go and try." He Lianchun said.

Hua Zhuo was overjoyed, "The emperor's men and horses are powerful, and they will definitely be able to suppress the arrogance of the Tang army."

He Lianchun took a sip of milk wine and said calmly: "Who said that my king's men will go? Your people will go. But... peace is the most precious thing."

Hua Zhuo's face changed as soon as he came out of the tent, and he said coldly: "Send three hundred riders to give us a shock."

Wahai, who appeared behind him at some unknown time, said softly: "I'll go."

Hua Zhuo shook his head, "Once Yang Xuan dies on the road, He Lianchun will feel embarrassed." He sneered: "He Lianchun said earlier that he would ask Chen Zhou for two thousand sheep, and if he didn't give it, he would provide weapons and equipment at a low price.

Give us food."

"What are the conditions?"

"Let us continue to harass Chenzhou until they bow their heads."

"Making it impossible for spring plowing in Chenzhou?"


"We became He Lianchun's thugs demanding money!"

"Wahai." Hua Zhuo sighed: "Many times, you have to be qualified to be a thug."

Yang Xuan walked slowly with fifty cavalry.

This was considered a diplomatic event, so the flag was in front. Yang Xuan was under the flag, feeling like a wooden statue of a god.

"Lang Jun, will Hua Zhuo surprise us?"

The old thief was holding a book of war in his hand. He probably asked nervously because he had just seen the content of the raid.

"He doesn't dare." Yang Xuan said firmly, "Otherwise the charitable man would feel embarrassed."

"That's good." The old thief felt relieved.

Zhao Youcai rode over and said, "Ming Mansion, it's time to go and scout."

He lowered his voice and said, "Hua Zhuo might send some good people here, so we have to have experts to suppress it."

"Old thief."

The old thief who was reading the military manual looked up.

Yang Xuan said: "Take twenty brothers to scout."

Old thief: "..."

Hua Zhuo was miserably cheated by Chen Zhou, no, by Yang Xuan. The first was that he was deceived, and the second was that Liang Chao's tribe was destroyed.

Two great hatreds!

The old thief really couldn't guess what Hua Zhuo would do. He only knew that if Hua Zhuo got the news that they were coming to Vashe, he would definitely want to kill them in his dreams.

Seeing that the old thief was a little uneasy, Yang Xuan smiled and said: "Don't worry, Wahai won't go out."

The old thief found it difficult to say, "Why?"

Yang Xuan smiled and said, "Wahai will kill people when he goes out, but the imperial uncle is here, how dare he."

Yes ha!

The old thief said happily: "I'm going to go and spy now."

Then Yang Xuan heard what he was muttering... The general started as a sentinel.

After he left, Wang Laoer asked: "Lang Jun, does Hua Zhuo really dare not kill anyone?"

Yang Xuan said: "He dare not kill me."

Without the negotiator, the emperor's uncle would strangle Hua Zhuo to death.

Half an hour after the old thief left, smoke and dust billowed in front of him.

The old thief was galloping with his men, followed by hundreds of horsemen chasing after him.

"Mr. Lang!"

The old thief came galloping all the way.

"Lang Jun, they really dare to shoot arrows to kill people."

Three hundred riders, fifty riders here.

The two sides were a hundred steps apart, and the enemy cavalry divided into two groups and outflanked them from the left and right.

"Calm down!"

Yang Xuan comforted the old thief, squinted at the enemy general coming alone in front, and said, "Just wait."

Seeing him riding alone, the old thief who had just been tricked subconsciously said: "Mr. Lang, be careful!"

All fifty riders drew their swords, and Zhao Youcai gritted his teeth and said, "If they dare to touch a single hair of my husband, I will fight today."

He turned around and said: "Kill each one and count them all!"


Everyone agreed in unison... A dangerous light flashed in the eyes of a group of former felons.

Yang Xuan arrived at the front and was almost face to face with the enemy general.

"What are you doing here?" asked the enemy general.

Behind him, his subordinates were holding riding bows or long swords, waiting for an order to take action.

Everyone is waiting for Yang Xuan's explanation.

He raised his hand and glanced at the palm of his hand.

Then wave!


Three hundred horses.

Fifty riders.

Together with the people accompanying him, under the watchful eyes of everyone, Yang Xuan slapped the enemy general and covered his face, and his eyes were blank for a moment.

I almost fainted.

"Bitch bitch slave! Kill him!"

The enemy troops drew their bows and arrows and were furious.

"Mr. Lang is in danger!"

The old thief galloped up and wanted to go up, but Wang Laoer made a move and pounced...


The enemy general raised his hand and shouted vaguely at his subordinates.


He opened his mouth and spit out a few teeth and blood, and said fiercely: "I'll kill you..."


Another slap.

The enemy general looked at him blankly.

"If you don't kill me, you don't believe in Zhao, don't call me Zhao Youcai." Zhao Youcai praised: "I feel so comfortable, get ready."

The fifty former gangsters stared at their opponents with sharp eyes.

The enemy general's cheeks were slowly swelling, and his subordinates were yelling and cursing crazily.

Just wait for him to give the order and kill all these little brats.

The enemy general turned around and said, "Let's go!"

Those angry subordinates were dumbfounded.

What's this?

Do you want to dry yourself?

Some people are still shouting:

"Kill them!"

The lonely shout echoed on the grassland in early spring, and the three hundred horsemen retreated quickly.

Yang Xuan turned around and said, "Let's go."

The old thief's eyes shone brightly and he stepped forward and asked, "Mr. Lang, what kind of military art is this?"

"I'm just testing." Yang Xuan said: "Three hundred horses are coming... Do you think you can kill us all?"

The old thief shook his head, "No, Lang Jun, the villain and the second brother can form an arrow and lead the brothers to break out. The brothers will suffer a lot, but we can return to peace."

"So I slapped him. If he dared to give the order, it means that the emperor's uncle is not enough to deter the Vashe tribe. In this case, what are we going to do? It's serious to go back and kick those brats to plow the land. .”

Yang Xuan smiled with contempt in his eyes.

The old thief took out charcoal and paper and wrote down the information in crooked handwriting on horseback.

"What to write?"

Wang Laoer asked.

"I am learning Lang Jun's art of war." The old thief said proudly: "From now on, I will lead one side alone, and at least I can give face to the ancestors of the Jia family."

Wang Laoer wondered, "Fighting for face?"

The old thief lamented: "Old Jia's family has ancestral tomb robbing. The ancestors all left a legacy to tell their descendants to study. If they succeed in studying, they will change careers. But none of you can succeed in studying. Later, I became a general. Tsk tsk, ancestors. I’m afraid I’ll wake up laughing even if I’m underground.”

Wang Laoer nodded and said sincerely:

"But the old Jia family is going to be extinct!"

One day later, Yang Xuan saw Wang Ting.

Thousands of riders lined up outside, with a trail open in the middle.

A general shouted: "Raise your sword."

Thousands of horsemen drew their swords and raised them above their heads towards the front.

This is to let Yang Xuan enter the big tent from under this mountain of swords.

On the way through, if anyone suddenly wields a sword, unless Yang Xuan is indestructible, no matter how good his cultivation is, it will be in vain.

Yang Xuan smiled and said: "Who will go with me?"

The old thief stood behind him.

Wang Laoer stood in front of him and was pulled by Yang Xuan, "Go behind him!"

Fifty fierce bandits said in unison: "I am willing to follow the Ming Dynasty."

"Stay behind." Of course Yang Xuan wanted to bring fifty people in, but the big tent couldn't fit in, and he was suspected of being timid with too many people.

Zhao Youcai said loudly: "Please rest assured, Mingfu, if anyone dares to take action, all brothers will definitely die in battle."

You damn girl, can’t you say something auspicious?

Yang Xuan nodded and walked into the forest of knives first.

The sword-raising hands of the tribal warriors on both sides were uneven. Some were as steady as a mountain, some were trembling, and some sneered at Yang Xuan...

Several people came out of the big tent, headed by the emperor's uncle.

"Your face doesn't change?" He Lianchun was originally quite dissatisfied because Liu Qing didn't come. Now that he saw Yang Xuan walking away very calmly, the anger in his heart dissipated a little.

Yang Xuan walked all the way without moving his eyes, just staring at He Lianchun.

This is a diplomatic occasion... Yang Xuan has seen many diplomatic scenes in the scrolls and came to a conclusion: the one who greets first is either the master or the weakling.

Of course, there is a third possibility: the guest takes over the guest.

The best way is to say hello together.


He Lianchun's honest face did not mean this.

Yang Xuan didn't mean that either.

The two of them were very close to each other, within arm's reach.

But he stood still.

Hua Zhuo watched this scene from the side, his hands behind his back waving slightly.

A general quietly stepped back and nodded to the thousands of warriors.

One by one, the warriors slowly approached.

The blade is sharp.

Yang Xuan felt a chill on his spine and numbness on his scalp.

What does this obese fat man mean?

Take action?

No, if he wanted to take action, Hua Zhuo would not go with 300 cavalry, but with 3,000 cavalry.

Is this a demonstration?

Yang Xuan's eyes were more calm and gentle.

A soothing sound came from the headphones: light rain pattering on the branches and leaves, falling on the ground...

Yang Xuan squinted his eyes slightly, feeling the comfort.

Hua Zhuo was ready to kill his enemies. He was even ready to hang Yang Xuan on a tree and feed him every day to keep him alive.

There are many carrion birds on the grassland. Hua Zhuo likes to watch these carrion birds pecking at people. It is difficult to describe the feeling in words. It is very comfortable and gives a sense of superiority.

He glanced at He Lianchun.

This fool... no, this old fox is squinting his eyes at the moment, as if he is wandering outside.

"Ha ha ha ha!"

Fat people laugh very interestingly, have a rich echo, and give people a heroic feeling.

"Ha ha ha ha!"

The young man smiled heartily and his voice was a bit shrill.

It's like a little rooster that just crows.

The two laughed almost at the same time.

The general stared at Hua Zhuo, saw the corner of his mouth twitching, and wondered whether he should take action?

Hua Zhuo looked at the warriors who were approaching. Everyone looked confused and their murderous intent was gone.

Ben Khan was taken advantage of by the old fox!

He Lianchun used his warriors to give Yang Xuan a blow but failed, but he also saw Chen Zhou's sincerity - Liu Qing did not despise him for sending such a bold county magistrate.


He Lianchun should go in first.

Yang Xuan followed.

Hua Zhuo was about to follow, but the little old man stretched out his hand to block the door curtain.

Hua Zhuo glanced at him.

The little old man shook his head, "You can't come in!"

Hua Zhuo: "..."

That's too much!

In the tent, Yang Xuan and He Lianchun sat down opposite each other.

"Where are you from?" the emperor's uncle asked kindly.

"From the countryside of the Tang Dynasty." Yang Xuan replied with a smile. He knew that he could not let He Lianchun continue to ask questions, otherwise he would be passive, so he asked: "Uncle Huang's invitation this time, I, Chenzhou, attach great importance to.

But on the way, I was intercepted by Hua Zhuo's men, what does this mean?"

He Lianchun narrowed his eyes at him and smiled honestly, "Really? I will take care of him later."

Yang Xuan wanted to praise him casually, but looking at this fat uncle, if you want to say that the emperor is handsome, it is a slap in the face, if you want to say that the emperor is powerful, it is even more nonsense. Finally, he squeezed out one sentence: "The emperor is heroic."

The emperor's uncle chuckled, "I was driven from the capital to Tanzhou by the emperor. I am just a bereaved dog. I cannot say that I am heroic."

You've already said what I want to say, how can I continue with this?

Yang Xuan said sincerely: "I don't know why, I felt friendly when I saw the emperor's uncle today."

"That's because I am fat." The emperor's uncle knocked on the table and said, "Both sides have ceased fighting!"

Yang Xuan stopped smiling and said coldly: "The Vaxie tribe is ambitious."

Hua Zhuo outside heard this and shouted at the top of his lungs, "Uncle Emperor, it was Chen Zhou who sent troops first to destroy my men."

The emperor's uncle looked at Yang Xuan honestly.

Yang Xuan said calmly: "That's a horse thief. The year before last, he killed more than a hundred people who were working for me in Chenzhou's reclamation. This is an irreconcilable hatred."

The emperor's uncle obviously didn't want to get involved in this matter, "I just want to say this, the two sides are not allowed to fight."

Hua Zhuo's breathing could be heard outside, and he finally stomped away, "It's all up to the emperor's uncle!"

The emperor's uncle looked at Yang Xuan, "How about Chenzhou?"

There is definitely something fishy between these two, maybe He Lianchun and Hua Zhuo have already reached an agreement. What kind of bullshit peace, there is not even a piece of paper, and you have to use your hands to wipe your butt.

Yang Xuan smiled very kindly and said, "It's easy to talk."

This peace was a bit of a joke, Yang Xuan didn't believe that He Lianchun came here just to play a joke.

Sure enough, He Lianchun sighed, "I am here to mediate the disputes among you. I'm afraid Tanzhou will be in trouble and the people will suffer!"

This is a rip off!

Yang Xuanlian thought of the news that the emperor's uncle was ruthless and angry as soon as he arrived in Tanzhou, so he asked tentatively: "I heard that the emperor's uncle's family is not in a good situation?"

He Lianchun was raised as a son by the former emperor. His family background was not good. In this world, only the royal families and aristocratic families had good family fortunes.

This is a temptation.

He Lianchun sighed, "Yes! We can't make ends meet every year. No, it's just the beginning of the year and I'm already worried about this year's expenses."

Yang Xuan said casually: "I heard that Tanzhou's water conservancy has been in disrepair for many years."

He Lianchun snorted softly, "What do you want to say?"

Yang Xuan said calmly: "Uncle Huang is devoted to serving the country and the people, why doesn't he build water conservancy projects?"

He Lianchun said casually: "No money."

Yang Xuan sighed: "I feel sorry for the emperor. But... why doesn't the emperor ask for money from His Majesty the Emperor of Northern Liao?"

"No!" He Lianchun looked at Yang Xuan, his eyes narrowed with impatience.

Yang Xuan said: "I think these matters are related to people's livelihood. Why doesn't the emperor discuss with the people and ask each person to pay a certain amount of money for the construction of water conservancy... The so-called taking from the people, use it for the people!"

Uncle Huang's eyes gradually brightened...

As soon as He Lianchun came to Tanzhou, he scraped the land, but his methods were too crude. He snatched money from the people's hands, which made people angry, so much so that He Lianfeng couldn't stand it any longer, and asked people to come.

Tanzhou scolded.

It can be seen that in the heart of this greedy uncle... integrity is a piece of shit. Yang Xuan thought of the cases he had read in the scrolls, and couldn't help but feel that the methods of corrupt officials at this time were far inferior to that of that world.

"Whoever dares not to pay will be secluded from the emperor's uncle and the army and people of Tanzhou!" Yang Xuanyi's stern words.

"Yang Xuan, you have turned black!" The green light flashed in an unbelievable way.

This chapter has been completed!
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