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Chapter 1358 Mutiny

The imperial concubine has been unable to sleep.

All kinds of thoughts are spinning around in my mind.

One moment, the emperor showed great power and suppressed all kinds of rebellion. The next moment, the rebels caught up with them.

She was feeling hot all over and a little hungry. A low voice came from outside, "Who?"

"This is my king, hurry up, I have something important to report to Aye." The imperial concubine was startled.

"What's going on?" The person on duty outside was the servant of Tianma Camp. "Someone is planning to rebel."

There was silence outside for a moment, and then someone said: "Your Majesty, Your Majesty!" The imperial concubine gently shook the emperor: "Your Majesty!"

The emperor opened his eyes, and by the candlelight, the imperial concubine saw the coldness and ruthlessness. "Your Majesty, I respectfully ask for an audience with you."

The emperor's eyes gradually returned to normal, he sat up and said, "Let him in." The imperial concubine huddled under the quilt, her long black hair spread on the pillow.

King Jing came in to salute, and the emperor said coldly: "What are you going to do if you don't sleep in the middle of the night?" "Aye!" King Jing said, "I can't sleep, so I went out for a walk."

King Jing likes to go out and hang out in the middle of the night recently, and Tianmaying has reported this to him.

"In the military camp outside, I heard them saying that they were preparing to rebel. They also mentioned that they didn't have enough to eat, but Aye could eat roasted fat sheep. Some people said, some people said..."

"What did you say?" The emperor's eyes were cold. "Say that the King of Yue is kind..."

The tent became quiet. King Jing took a peek and found that the emperor's expression was gloomy and uncertain. "Aye, they said they were planning to rebel." King Jing said.

The emperor glanced at his son, who never cared about him, and saw the admiration in his eyes. He couldn't help but sneer in his heart and said, "I know."

"Yes!" King Jing excused himself.


"Your Majesty wants to kill us!"

In the outer military camp, hundreds of soldiers gathered together.

"We used to be fine in Chang'an, but now we are suffering here. Why is that?" "Dun... Wuwuwu!"

"Female gangsters are so dominant that they rebel in southern Xinjiang." "Yes, that's exactly what it is."

"Now that Guanzhong has fallen, the world is in chaos, but Nv Gan Ning is still there!" "Nu Gan Ning is still alive, and the chaos will continue!"

The atmosphere gradually became brighter.

Someone ran to report Chen Xiao and Yang Minghe.

"What?" Chen Xiao said in disbelief: "They want to rebel?" "No, they say they want to kill the female gangster."

"Who?" "Brother and sister, concubines."

Chen Xiao patted his cheek, and after feeling awake, he ordered while getting dressed: "Go and invite Yang Minghe."

"I'm here."

Yang Minghe's voice had a heavy nasal sound. He opened the curtain and walked in. His eyes were bright and he said, "But you started it?"

"I will find out later."

It was agreed that we would decide whether to take action after the outcome of the war came out, but now there was a clamor in the camp. "Suppress it!"

Chen Xiao gritted his teeth and said, "You must not take action at this time." "Go and take a look first."

The two of them went out, and a wave of voices came in. "Kill the female gangster!"

The soldiers held torches and illuminated the camp as if it were daylight. "What do you want to do?"

Chen Xiao shouted sharply: "Everyone go back!" Some soldiers retreated slowly. Okay!

Yang Minghe applauded secretly.

As he was about to go out, he heard someone in the crowd say: "Your Majesty is preparing to suppress us!" The soldiers who were preparing to retreat stopped.

The atmosphere is not right. "Nonsense!"

Yang Minghe said sharply: "Your Majesty has never said such words."

"But where are all the people who have offended His Majesty these years?" someone in the crowd said. Yes!

Where have they all gone? Either exiled, demoted, or even killed.

Who doesn’t know the emperor’s vengeful nature?

Since there has been a commotion tonight, there must be no way to be kind. "Kill the female gangster!"

Someone raised their arms and shouted, "Kill the female gangster!"


, go and meet His Majesty!"

Someone started making noises, and then thousands of soldiers went to the emperor's tent in a noisy manner. More people were brought along along the way, and the noise became louder and louder.


Chen Xiao shouted, but no one listened to him.

"We must go!" Yang Minghe's face turned livid. "Otherwise, the lieutenants and generals will be dissatisfied with you and me afterwards, and those people will hate us to the core. There is no place for you and me in this vast world."

At this moment, these two people are not human inside and out.

It is useless to dissuade them, and the emperor will naturally regard them as traitors. If they do not go under his command, they will be regarded as the emperor's lackeys and traitors among his own people.


Chen Xiao trotted to catch up, "Follow me!"

Yang Minghe called his confidants, "Hurry and report to the abbot, saying that the sergeants launched the attack on their own."...

The father-in-law was getting older, and there was a lot of noise and noise outside the camp, which woke him up several times. He felt that his scalp was numb, his temples were throbbing, and a kind of anger that wanted to slap himself arose spontaneously.

"Go and ask what's going on." Yang Songcheng ordered.

"Prince of the State." Before the servants outside could leave, someone came to report, "Master of the State, those soldiers went to His Majesty shouting to kill the female cadre."

Yang Songcheng was stunned for a moment.

"What are Chen Xiao and Yang Minghe doing? Come here, change your clothes!"...

Huang Chunhui's family was outside the camp. As soon as there was a commotion in the military camp, Huang Chunhui woke up. He closed his eyes, listened to the shouts, and stood up suddenly.



Huang Lu lived in a tent with him and woke up in a daze, "What's going on?" "Mutiny!"

·····Wei Zhong also woke up. "Ah, it's so noisy!"

Wei Ling'er said dissatisfiedly from the tent next door: "What's going on?" "Mutiny!"


Zhao Sanfu rushed out of the tent, "Where is the trouble?" A fire was moving outside the camp. Xin Quan came out with a serious look on his face, "Mutiny!"


Zheng Yuandong also discovered the mutiny. His expression changed drastically, "The timing is wrong!"

Only after the outcome of the war comes out, will the dissatisfaction with the emperor reach its peak...

King Yong had already woken up. He hurriedly dressed and went out. King Zhen was outside, "It's starting to make a scene."

"Where?" King Yong asked.

"Say it was a mutiny." King Zhen smiled happily, "Years ago, the old dog launched a palace rebellion, and many years later, someone launched a mutiny. The retribution is not good! Hahahaha!"

King Yong was startled. Thinking of the hardships he had endured over the years, he couldn't help but cursed: "Does this old dog have this day?"

"Aye, look at it!" King Zhen said through gritted teeth, "Li Mi, this old dog's retribution is about to come."

"Second brother, I am more concerned about the outcome of that battle." King Yong said.

"If he wins, our situation will become even more embarrassing!" King Zhen said with a stern face, "We are brothers. Your and my biological mother are both nobler than the Huang family. Logically, we should be the ones to ascend the throne..."

"But he conquered the country, why should he give it to us?" King Yong said with a bitter smile.

"So, our existence will make him afraid." King Zhen pointed forward, "Tonight is the best opportunity. If the false emperor and his son fight each other and both sides suffer, Zhao Sanfu and the others will launch..."

"You!" King Yong was startled, "How do you know?"

"Do you still want to hide it from me now?" King Zhen sneered: "Although Zheng Yuandong is respectful to me, every time he talks about great causes, he is always vague and does not touch on the fundamentals. I was puzzled at first. The last time I talked with him,

When you entered the palace for the banquet together, Zheng Yuandong was the first to look at you when he saw us!"

King Zhen looked at King Yong, "Who do you value? When he appears, you will be the first to look at him."

King Zhen, who seemed to have a quick temper, actually had such observation ability. King Yong sighed, "Second brother, your impatience is just an act, right?"

"Isn't it your weakness?"

The two former emperor's grandsons, who had stayed in Changsha to save their lives, were relatively speechless at this moment.

"Let's look at tonight first." King Yong said, "The false emperor and his family are still alive, but our brothers started fighting first. It's really a joke if word spreads."

"I never care about the jokes of outsiders, I only care about what I will say when I see Aye underground." King Zhen looked at the fire and walked to the middle of the camp, and said softly: "I want to ask Aye, is that swaddling baby

Are the children born stronger than me?"


The emperor put on his clothes and sat in the big tent accompanied by Han Shitou. The imperial concubine was inside, with a complicated look on her face as she thought about what her brother had said in the past few days: "Amei, Your Majesty wants everyone to betray their relatives and leave."

When the emperor got up before, he said to her: "I will spend our days with you." What love words can touch people's hearts more than this?

At that moment, the imperial concubine shed tears...

Liang Jing was not too tired, he was almost scared to the point of peeing.

Liang Jing was very annoyed when he was woken up from a sound sleep. He put on his clothes and came out ready to yell, but he saw the fire moving towards this direction and the sound of shouting.

"Kill the female gangster!"

A group of civil and military officials outside looked at each other in shock.

Liang Jing yawned and asked in a daze: "Who is the female gangster?" All eyes slowly turned to him.

Liang Jing: "..."...

Liang Jing ran away.

Outside, Huahua and Jiang Xing were discussing.

"This is a mutiny. They are shouting slogans to kill the female gangsters, and they are targeting the Liang Jing brothers and sisters." Jiang Xing rubbed the gum in the corner of his eyes, "However, if you are not careful, the false emperor will not survive."

"Those sergeants dare to kill the emperor?" Huahua thinks not.

"You don't know about the mutiny." Jiang Xing said: "Those are strong-blooded men who are the easiest to be incited. Once the blood goes to your head... To put it simply, you know about massacre, right?"

Huahua nodded.

"No matter how timid a person is, seeing his colleagues killing people wantonly will arouse the rage in their bones. His Highness once said that this is called bestiality!"

The bestiality broke out, and the emperor was killed with one blow. The imperial concubine slept together.

Huahua was startled, "The false emperor cannot die!"

Once the false emperor died, it would be a lifelong regret for King Qin.

"Let's sneak in and take a look." Jiang Xing also had a headache. "The Pseudo-Emperor has many good hands around him, but at this time, good hands are of no use."

Under the cover of the rebel army, the good player could only kneel down. "Let's go!"

The two of them followed the crowd towards the center of the camp.


"Kill the female gangster!"

Thousands of soldiers surrounded Chen Xiao and Yang Minghe as they marched forward.

There were more than ten officials in front. The leader pointed at them and shouted: "What are you doing? Why don't you retreat!" The torch shone on the face, and someone said, "It's Wei Yan!"

Wei Yan was the backbone of Webster's family. He served as Zhongshu and had a bright future.

At this moment, he looks so majestic and inviolable that people can't help but praise: "He is indeed the son of Wei!"

Those sergeants kept moving forward. Ouch!

Someone drew a knife and the light of the knife flashed.

One by one, the sergeants stepped on the headless corpses and continued to move forward. The officials turned around and ran away.

"Killing people!"

The emperor's body in the big tent was shaken.

The nature of a mutiny is related to the casualties. If no one is killed, then everything is fine. The rebels who killed people...

The rebels arrived outside the tent. "Kill the female gangster! ...

Liang Jing is in the big tent.

When he discovered that the target of these people was his brother and sister, he wanted to run away, but then he thought that his sister was still with the emperor, so he came back again.

"Amei, they are coming."

Liang Jing's face turned pale, but the imperial concubine said calmly: "Don't worry, Erlang is here! He will definitely protect us."

Liang Jing shook his head, "Do you believe him?"

The imperial concubine looked at her brother, "Don't you believe it?" Liang Jing hesitated for a moment and nodded slowly...

"Please see your Majesty!" the rebels shouted.

In the big tent, the emperor asked, "What's going on?" Several civil servants came in. "Your Majesty, Liang Jing is plotting a rebellion."

Liang Jing sneered inside and said: "Everyone is pushing against the wall!" The emperor said lightly: "How could I not know?"

"Please see your Majesty!"

The shouts outside became louder and louder. The emperor stood up and said, "I'll go take a look." He walked out of the tent.

The outside was brightly lit by torches. Thousands of soldiers were waiting for him.

That look in his eyes turned out to be less awe and more unruly...

This chapter has been completed!
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