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Chapter 1362 He Should Be Emperor

The prince has captured Jiagu Pass!"

This news brought everyone out of last night's mutiny drama like lightning.

"What?" Even Wei Zhong's eyes almost popped out of his head. His Royal Highness, who only had hundreds of subordinates, actually captured Jiagu Pass?


Shi Ni led his army out of Guanzhong from Jiagu Pass, seeking a decisive battle with the Northern Xinjiang Army.

As soon as Jiagu Pass was lost, Shi Ni was locked out of the pass. Huang Chunhui was stunned, "What a King of Wei!"

It was known to the whole family that he did not recognize King Wei as the crown prince. Chen Xiao and Yang Minghe looked at each other in confusion.

They dared to launch a mutiny, relying on the fact that the emperor was at the end of his rope.

But now that the prince has captured Jiagu Pass, it seems that... the emperor can save it again.

The Emperor, who was drinking with the Supreme Emperor, heard the news and smashed his glass. He stood up and said with bright eyes, "Okay! Erlang has indeed lived up to my expectations. Come on."

"Your Majesty!" Han Shitou came in.

The emperor was in high spirits, "Tell them to go back immediately! I will personally lead the army to counterattack Shi Ni!"


The emperor came back to life and looked ten years younger. The prince took control of Jiagu Pass. As long as the emperor arrived, he could control Guanzhong again.

Then he drilled the army, won over the big families in Guanzhong, and trained his troops in Guanzhong...

Yang Songcheng sighed after hearing the news, "Is this destiny?"

After hearing the news, the King of Yue sat down on the mat and said in despair, "Why is God so kind to him?"

After cleaning up, the emperor led everyone to Guanzhong on the second day.

He was chatting and laughing with the powerful people, hinting that he could forget the past and promising to give their family more benefits.

After walking for half a day, the emperor had successfully won the hearts of most of the powerful people.

People live for benefits. Since the emperor can provide it, why should we take risks?

The atmosphere was quite harmonious for a while.

Zhou Zun once again found himself being left out...the powerful people who sat on the fence stayed away from him and his father Zhou Qin.

It seems as if the overtures to Mr. Zhou in the early morning were all a dream. People’s hearts are not as old as they used to be!

Zhou Qin laughed at himself and said: "The wind is blowing randomly, making me a little dizzy."

There was a sudden commotion ahead. "What's going on?" Zhou Qin looked from the carriage.

Several riders came around the official road and galloped all the way towards the emperor.

The emperor was in high spirits and talking about the future blueprint with a group of dignitaries. He saw the knights being intercepted by the surrounding guards. After some explanation, they were let in.

"Your Majesty, you are from the mirror." Wang Hai beside him said.

"Did Erlang order them to pick me up?" The emperor seemed to feel the kindness of his son, and said kindly: "This child is always so eager. Will I still blame him after a few days?"

Everyone laughed apologetically.

Several stakes came over, and the leader saluted.

"Your Majesty, His Royal Highness the Crown Prince dedicated Jiagu Pass to Yang Ni." The emperor's face suddenly turned pale, and then became ashen.

"That bitch!"

But, immediately his face turned pale again. The traitor could pass, but what about Shi Ni? There is only one possibility, that traitor will win.

The emperor stared at the stake and said solemnly: "What's next?"

Zhuangzi's lips twitched a few times, "Shi Ni came out of seclusion and fought with Yang Ni for two days. He was defeated and fled south."

The emperor's body shook.

He only felt that the world was dark, and he saw Yang Songcheng in a trance. His father-in-law also looked pale...

There was dead silence all around. "That bastard!"

The Supreme Emperor's cry was particularly clear in this dead silence. "Brother, is this your revenge?"

Zhou and his son were outside, Zhou Qin was holding a birdcage and talking to the old dog, and Zhou Zun was reading a book.

"Duke Zhou!" Who is this! So kind!

The father and son raised their heads and saw a certain dignitary who had previously turned a blind eye to them. Now he held his hands towards them and smiled particularly cordially.

"Duke Zhou, you are so lucky!" Why is this man so arrogant in front and so respectful in the back?

Zhou Qin said calmly: "Why, you see me lonely and want to give your daughter to me?"

This is somewhat humiliating.

It was also Zhou Qin who was insinuating the shamelessness of the powerful. He was also prepared for the powerful to fall out.

The powerful man held up his hands and said happily: "Then it's settled." Zhou Qin:

Zhou Zun: "..."


Huang Chunhui sat on the carriage and explained to Huang Lu.

"If the accompanying sergeants cause trouble, don't worry about anything else. Just lead them to the outside and run towards the outside of the pass."

"What about you, Aye?"

"I have a horse pole in my hand, and I can control it... cough, cough, cough! I can... cough, cough, cough, control the world!"

While Huang Lu was beating his back, she complained: "You are already so old and you are still trying to be brave. If you want to leave, just leave as a family."

"It's better to keep a few more seeds."

Huang Chunhui panted, and his grandson handed him a water bag. He touched his head and said with a smile: "Once the emperor returns to Chang'an, he will kill people, kill many people. Our family will bear the brunt. Do you understand?"

"Once he takes control of Guanzhong again, the emperor will definitely stay tight. In this way, he will not be afraid of the Northern Xinjiang army."

The emperor who is not afraid of the Northern Xinjiang Army will take revenge.

"It's good if you can understand this truth." Huang Chunhui was very pleased. He suddenly lowered his voice, "If the emperor wants to take action, you can take them to surrender to the King of Qin."

Huang Lu felt uncomfortable in her heart. Huang Chunhui patted him on the shoulder and said with a smile: "The King of Qin values ​​​​love and will definitely treat my family well." That is a good person.

Huang Chunhui thought about those years and couldn't help but smile. "Turn around!"

At this time, someone from behind shouted, "All of us turn around and go to Shu!" "Why?" someone asked.

The man didn't answer.

A servant from an unknown family hurried over and saluted, "I've seen Huang Xiang."

"Who are you....."

"This villain is a servant of the Zhou family who was ordered to tell Huang Xiang that he is very happy..." Huang Chunhui squinted his eyes, "Where does the great joy come from?"

His heartbeat was a little fast... He was old, so this was not possible. Huang Chunhui took a deep breath and suppressed the thought in his heart.

But no matter how hard I suppressed it, the thought couldn't be suppressed and kept coming out.

"My uncle defeated Shi Ni, and King Wei surrendered Jiagu Pass. Now, Guanzhong is controlled by my uncle..."

Huang Chunhui ignored the rest. Zita actually defeated Shi Ni?

Huang Chunhui had nothing to do, so he was rehearsing the battle during this period. Wei Zhong would come occasionally to simulate the rebels fighting against him.

After many discussions, the two came to the conclusion that the best outcome for this battle would be a draw.

But now Zhou's servants told him that the Northern Xinjiang Army had won a great victory. That's right!

If not, the emperor... no, the false emperor. If not, how could the false emperor turn around?

A wave of ecstasy surged into his heart, Huang Chunhui clenched his hands into fists, and his eyes were filled with tears.

"The Tang Dynasty cannot be destroyed!"


Wei Zhong was almost stunned.

"It is said that Shi Ni's army fled all over the mountains and plains. The King of Qin deeply hated these foreigners for burning, killing and looting in the Central Plains. He ordered them not to take any prisoners, but killed them all and built the capital."

Wei Zhong raised his head and felt that his eyes were bright.

He is a marginalized general. If the emperor gains a firm foothold, he will inevitably be liquidated.

But now that King Qin has won a great victory and has taken control of Guanzhong, how can the emperor dare to attack him?

"King Qin, you are indeed blessed by God!" Wei Zhong praised. Behind him, Wei Ling'er poked her head out, "Aye is wrong." "Why is it wrong?" Wei Zhong was in a good mood.

"I have long said that the King of Qin will win. But you just don't listen, and you spend your whole day wondering about the right time, place, and people."

"Don't you think about this when you are fighting?" Wei Zhong smiled. Wei Ling'er said, "But that's the King of Qin!" Wei Zhong was startled.

"Yes! That's King Qin!"

"How powerful Beiliao was, wasn't he finally destroyed by him?" Wei Ling'er raised her eyebrows proudly, "What does Shi Ni mean?"

"By taking Guanzhong, King Qin will dominate the world!" Wei Zhong recalled the young man who deliberately made friends with him and couldn't help but have mixed feelings.

"It's his world!" Wei Ling'er muttered, then felt that her momentum was too weak, so she raised her voice:

"He should have been the emperor!"...Below Jianzhou City.

"Some people say that when you ascend the throne alone, you rule over the world."

Li Xuan looked at the defenders at the top of the city and said: "The country is not the territory, but the people's hearts. If people turn against them, the country will overturn. At present, the rebels are still entrenched in the south, and the false emperor is still escaping to Shu. Gu Bian is anxious.

Ascension to the throne, why are you so anxious?"

He felt that these people were a little... How should I put it? "The emperor is not in a hurry, but the eunuch is!"

King Qin's words made Jiang He'er cover her mouth and snicker, while Han Ji and others had black lines on their heads.

Because deep down in their hearts they also hope that King Qin will ascend the throne soon. But he must be in Chang'an.

Before setting off for Chang'an, you have to reorganize Guanzhong, right? The enthronement ceremony cannot be ambiguous, right?

You have to prepare for at least a month or two... After ascending the throne, you will be rewarded with civil and military officials and a large army.

And then....then the Rebels recovered early.

He Lianrong also smiled, "Those people are confused, but fortunately, His Highness is extremely sober."

Jiang He'er couldn't help but ask: "Why can Your Highness not be in a hurry?"

"It's lonely, morning and night."

Li Xuan pointed to the top of the city, "Are you ready?" "Your Highness, please order me from the death camp!"

Suoyun knelt down. "Then, let's get started!"

At the top of the city, Ashina Yanrong looked gloomy, and someone beside him said: "The king has run away, how about we surrender!"

Why doesn't Ashina Yanrong want to surrender?

"The people from Bei Liao are asking for surrender. The most they can do is to build roads, and maybe they can become civilians. But Li Xuan has already warned me that he will not surrender!"

Someone is crying.

While crying, he said: "I was happy when I massacred the city, but now retribution has come, retribution has come."

Ashina Yanrong murmured: "Chang'an allocates a lot of money and food to us every year. The Ministry of Revenue finds it troublesome, so most of it is drawn from the taxes paid by the southern states and counties... In other words, it is the people in the south who support us.


But what they repaid the people in the south was a butcher's knife. "We betrayed those people!"

Following Ashina Yanrong's mournful screams, the death camp rushed to the top of the city.

In just half a day, the rebels who lost their fighting spirit were defeated. They fled into the city, trying to hide in people's homes.

Boom boom boom! Several rebels are knocking on the door.

"Open the door and let me wait in!" But the door was closed tightly.

"Please, open the door and let me in!" the rebel was begging.

A pair of eyes full of hatred looked out from the crack of the door. "You thief, go to hell!"

In just half a day, Jianzhou City fell into the control of the Northern Xinjiang Army.

"Your Highness, Ashina Yanrong said that he has something to report to Your Highness." Ashina Yanrong was brought.

"Kneel down!" Uda shouted.

Ashina Yanrong's knees weakened, he knelt down, raised his head and smiled flatteringly, "I have met His Highness!"

"What do you have to say?" Li Xuan asked lightly.

"The villain only wants atonement!" Ashina Yanrong said: "The villain knows many things about the rebels. The villain also knows Shi Zhongtang's character and is willing to serve His Highness."

Li Xuan looked at him and said with some curiosity: "I heard that you are a strong general of the rebel army and are not afraid of death. Why are your bones weak today?"

"It is better to die than to live." Ashina Yanrong's smile became even more humble, "I am willing to be His Highness's slave, and my descendants will serve His Highness..."

Seeing Li Xuan's calm expression, he felt confused and shouted: "The villain is willing to

I castrated myself and entered the palace to serve His Highness. I am willing to be castrated, Your Highness!"

"Kill me!"

Li Xuan waved his hand and said to Han Ji: "Tell the people below that all rebels will be killed without asking for permission."


This murderous aura made even the generals shudder.

Jiang He'er said to He Lianyan: "Those people seem to be a little afraid of Your Highness."

"Do you know why the founding emperors often become wise kings? It's because the ministers are afraid of him." He Lianyan said.


"Just because most of them are horse kings!" He Lianyan looked at Li Xuan with admiration in his eyes, "His Highness fought from north to south, and even the founding emperor was not as good as him!"

Jiang He'er looked at Li Xuan on the horse, his calm expression was heart-breaking, and he couldn't help but praise: "Yes!"

This chapter has been completed!
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