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Chapter 1429


The administrative office is Hancheng.

Deng Cheng, the governor of Yezhou, is a gentle and elegant person.

His skin is fair, and his movements are unhurried and calm. Anyone who has met him will say that he is a great man.

Because of the emphasis on literature over martial arts, the status of warriors was low, so the aesthetics of the Southern Zhou Dynasty also changed.

If you look burly, powerful, and full of masculinity, you will probably be told behind your back that you will definitely be a thief in the army in the future.

And those who are gentle, personable, fair-skinned, and gentle in their actions will be regarded as role models for men.

This trend first came from the upper class.

After the founding of the Southern Zhou Dynasty, the founding emperor looked at those powerful generals and thought that he could succeed in usurping the throne by mastering military power. What about these people? Do they want to repeat my path to success?

Once a person is dirty inside, he will feel ugly when he looks at everyone in the world.

So the emperor ordered a banquet to be held in honor of the generals.

During the dinner, the emperor was slightly drunk and pretended to be drunk and said: "Are you happy at this moment?"

The generals were naturally happy and chanted the saint.

"You have worked hard for half your life with me in the east and west, and now the world is at peace. You have worked hard in the army. Wouldn't it be nice to be a rich man at home...?" The emperor looked sideways at the generals, half-smiling but not smiling.

Why do you work so hard to lead troops?

Why fight to the death?

Isn’t it just for wealth?

I give it to you!

From now on, if you have nothing to do, you can eat, drink and have fun in Bianjing, if you have nothing to do, you can play with women and have children... In one word, if you leave your military power behind, I promise you that you will be prosperous and wealthy for generations to come.

There was a shrewd thought among the generals. They observed the emperor carefully and found that something was wrong in the way he looked at the generals who expressed their loyalty to the emperor to the end.




Lead troops and seek death!

Go home rich!

The emperor's words are clearly implying to us: Do you want to live or die?

Many of these generals were the emperor's former colleagues in the army, and everyone knew the ins and outs...

"I have been in the army for half my life, and I am already exhausted physically and mentally. I would like to return home to take care of myself in old age!"

Some people took the lead, and most of the others expressed their willingness to choose wealth.

There are only two mallets... They are also pure warriors, the kind who rely on force to gain power, and they still clamor to open up territories for the emperor.

In the end, those who chose to go home were all wealthy and prosperous. The two sticks were later found guilty, stripped of their official positions, and went home to eat old rice.

The generals saw this and became more and more uneasy, so they followed the example of the civil servants.

Civil servants like to read, so we should read too.

Civil servants like Fu fans, and we also love Fu fans... Everything should be learned from civil servants!

These people have learned all kinds of things with their children and grandchildren, but their purpose is correct, which is to wear away all the aura of warriors.

In the end, it actually became a popular trend in Bianjing.

Therefore, from then on, these powerful children and literati mostly regarded softness as beauty.

Once a few free and uninhibited people appear, they will be regarded as immortals.

"I've seen Zhizhou!"

Deng Cheng smiled and nodded slightly to the officials who were saluting him.

Until I entered the check-in room.

As soon as he entered the check-in room, the smile on his face disappeared and he said sternly: "That idiot Chen Mai, I told you not to provoke the Northern Xinjiang Army. It's just a day if you can delay it for one day, but he sent a scout to provoke him."

.This is great, the scouts from the Northern Xinjiang Army are here."

The entourage followed, "Zhizhou, the Northern Xinjiang Army will definitely attack Yezhou."

Yezhou blocked the advance route of the Northern Xinjiang Army and could not be bypassed.

Moreover, such a city must not be bypassed, otherwise the food route will be worried.

"At this moment, we should keep calm and wait for reinforcements from Bianjing. By the way, have you found the doctor I asked you to find?"

Deng Cheng sat down and asked.

The attendant leaned over and said, "The villain found a doctor and asked him if he could help me pretend to be sick. The doctor said that doctors have a parent's heart and cannot do such immoral things."

"You didn't promise?" Deng Cheng's eyes were full of dissatisfaction.

"The villain said that he would give him one hundred dollars first, and then five hundred dollars after the work was completed. But the doctor refused. He said that on the first day of studying medicine, he was taught medical ethics and couldn't do several things, one of which was

You must not lie for money."

"Bitch bitch slave!"

Deng Cheng waved his hand and left.

Walking outside the door, the attendant heard Deng Cheng's voice coming from behind.

"The troops from Northern Xinjiang are approaching fiercely. Chen Mai swore that if he could hold out for a month and a half, he would definitely be able to wait for reinforcements from Bianjing. What this idiot didn't know was that once the people in Bianjing knew that the King of Qin was leading his army south, the first thing he did was not to reinforce Yezhou.

Instead, increase troops to Jinzhou, Xinzhou and Yongzhou, the three gateways of Bianjing. As for Yezhou... let it fend for itself!"


After Fang Chong set out, Han Bi launched an offensive.


Han Bi led a group of officials to impeach more than 30 conservative officials. The evidence was so sufficient that Peng Jing, who was preparing to defend those officials, also changed his expression.

"Han Bi looks rough and arrogant, but in fact he is as meticulous as a hair. He must have been collecting these evidences a long time ago, and he was just waiting for this to suddenly attack."

Peng Jing and a group of officials were discussing matters in his duty room.

Someone said: "Prime Minister Peng, those people were the most effective cadres who opposed the New Deal at the beginning, we can't leave them behind!"


"Just a few flaws."

"Who hasn't made a mistake yet?"


Peng Jing pressed his hands, and after everyone calmed down, he said: "Han Bi took advantage of Prime Minister Fang's outing to attack, and he chose the right time. However, I am a little confused. If Prime Minister Fang returns with the victory, he will be the one to counterattack.

Can it be resisted?"

A civil servant coughed dryly and said, "Prime Minister Peng, don't forget, Han Bi has said that the King of Qin will definitely lead his army south to attack the Zhou Dynasty. In this way, Han Bi will judge that Prime Minister Fang's trip is not only fruitless, but guilty."

A group of you swore that the King of Qin would return to Guanzhong, but the result was that the army went south.

This is so wrong to the country!

Peng Jing sneered, "This person is a bit of a gambler, but it's okay. I'll send him home with this one!"

Peng Jing stood up and said, "Don't gather together for too long. Go back separately."

If you gather together for too long, the emperor will become jealous.

Everyone left. Peng Jing sat for a while and suddenly sneered, "Old dog!". Then he got up and entered the palace to ask to see the emperor.

Nian Xu is in a good mood.

I am talking to the queen at the moment.

The emperors and empresses of the Southern Zhou Dynasty were very easy-going and not as tense as those in the Tang Dynasty. Of course, this is also related to the ancestral system of the Southern Zhou Dynasty to suppress relatives.

In the Southern Zhou Dynasty, if a foreign relative showed up, he would be attacked by civil servants. If he showed up too much, be careful.

Once the queen gets involved in politics, the civil servants will attack her in groups.

Does the queen want to learn martial arts?

Sorry, we don’t have this tradition in Dazhou.

"I've asked Ziyue many times, but the girl has grown up and can no longer talk to her father. She no longer wants to whisper to me like she did when she was a child."

The old father was a little sad.

The queen is of ordinary origin and looks ordinary, but one advantage is that she is considerate. She does not act like a monster in the harem, nor does she make trouble.

Hearing this, the Queen pursed her lips and smiled, "Zi Yue has this kind of temperament. Not to mention Your Majesty, even when I asked her many times about whether she has someone she likes, she either didn't answer or said she didn't."

"The one you love?" Nian Xu was startled, "No way!"

The queen also shook her head, "Ziyue grew up in the palace, and has been serving as a hostage in Chang'an since then. There is no chance." Seeing that the emperor was in a good mood, she smiled and said: "It seems that there has been a lot of good news from the previous dynasty recently, your majesty.

There are also more smiles.”

"Shi Zhongtang was an evil neighbor. Now that evil neighbor has been destroyed by King Qin, the Great Zhou Dynasty is no longer a threat."

"Oh!" The palace did not pay much attention to the fall of Shi Zhongtang. The queen said: "I know a little bit about King Qin. It is said that after he paid filial piety to the emperor, it was not easy to get to where he is today. Speaking of which, there are no young people in this world.

People can reach it.”

"Yes!" Nian Xu stroked his beard and laughed at himself: "Compared with him, I am quite old."

"Your Majesty is still young," the queen said with a smile, "at least younger than the ministers and ministers in the court. The ministers and ministers have aged a lot over the years, but Your Majesty is still as energetic as ever."

When mentioning Zaifu, the emperor's eyes flickered.

"When Fang Chong was defeated, I wanted to ask Sun Shi to come out for the second time, but Peng Jing quietly came to the palace to see me, saying that at this critical moment, if I used Sun Shi, it would inevitably lead to chaos in the court. Shi Zhongtang was already very angry.

Zhou raided southern Xinjiang, and he will definitely take action when he sees this... I have no choice but to... feel ashamed of Sun Shi."

The Queen was surprised, "Peng Jing is a leading figure who opposes the New Deal. By saying this, isn't he threatening His Majesty?"

"He was threatening me." Nian Xu smiled bitterly, "The new policy was unsustainable at first, and more and more ministers were attached to Sun Shi, and there were also military generals. I felt uneasy, so I took advantage of the situation and let Sun Shi go back..."

Subsequently, all the blame for the failure of the New Deal was placed on Sun Shitou.

And the emperor is still the wise and mighty emperor.

"Now that there is no external threat, I will use Sun Shi again. This time, I will never regret it!"

Nian Xu clenched his fist.

"I know your Majesty's determination to revolutionize the Great Zhou Dynasty." The queen gently pressed his hand and said, "It's just that after King Qin retreated, the Tang Dynasty is still a threat!"

"The King of Qin needs to stabilize Guanzhong, and then he has to attack Shu. It will take at least five to ten years to do all this. Five to ten years will be enough to make the Zhou Dynasty strong and powerful, and make the King of Qin surrender."

Xie Yingong came in and said, "Your Majesty, I would like to see Mr. Peng."

"This person...comes with bad intentions!"

Nian Xu nodded.

The queen got up and left.

The emperor stopped her and said, "Remember to urge Ziyue to say that I want to be a maternal grandfather."

"Yes!" The queen smiled and left.

Later, Peng Jing was brought in.

"I have met His Majesty!"

The emperor who was sarcastic before was now full of joy, "Is there something wrong with Peng Qing?"

"Your Majesty, the DPRK and China have been quite peaceful recently." Peng Jing opened his mouth and said, "Hanbi has suddenly made trouble in the past few days. I am worried that someone is instigating it behind my back..."

"You mean Sun Shi?" The emperor's voice was a little cold.

"Yes." Peng Jing said without hesitation, "Although Sun Shi is dormant, his correspondence with Han Bi and others has never stopped, and it has become even more frequent recently."

A young scholar from the Qing Dynasty also came to report this matter, saying that Han Bi was asking Sun Shi for advice on the current countermeasures between the Zhou Dynasty and the Tang Dynasty.

The emperor pondered, as if he was seriously thinking about Peng Jing's accusation.

After a long time, the emperor said: "I will consider this matter."

This is considered shelved.

But Peng Jing was not an easy man, "Your Majesty, many people are dissatisfied with Han Bi!"

If you don't clean up the Hanbi, don't blame me for your inability to control the situation if the public becomes passionate.

"I understand." The emperor's voice was still gentle.

Only Xie Yingong, who had served him for many years, could hear the anger.

It is strange for ministers to persecute the emperor.

Peng Jing raised his head and saw the emperor's eyes looking at him with a little coldness.

I got carried away with my pride!

Peng Jing's heart tightened and he quickly resigned.

Behind him, the emperor said coldly: "What I regret most at this moment is that I joined forces with them to suppress those officials of the New Deal."

Checks and balances ultimately lead to imbalance.

"Impeach Han Bi!"

After returning to the duty room, Peng Jing issued the order.

Immediately, the emperor's desk was filled with memorials to impeach Han Bi.

"Old dog!"

During the court meeting, Han Bi shouted and cursed at Peng Jing.

Peng Jing said calmly: "I only act with fairness!"

The emperor watched them yelling and scolding from above, but did not interfere.

He suppressed all the bullets and prepared them to be sent to the kitchen to set fire to them.

But once the conservatives launched an offensive, they refused to give up easily, and officials immediately began to impeach Han Bi.

The biggest crime is to deceive the emperor.

"... Prime Minister Han is making alarmist remarks, suggesting recruiting troops and increasing troops in the border areas. What is he trying to do? He wants to anger the King of Qin!"

Han Bi acted rough and arrogant, but it was hard to find excuses. Therefore, conservative people clung to this fact.

And this is also the biggest difference between them and Han Bi.

The Korean wall cannot support itself alone...

While you are sick, I will kill you!

Peng Jing finally left the class and said: "Your Majesty, I think you should be severely punished!"

Severe punishment does not exist, and the most that can be done is to be thrown into a place where no one can shit and become an official.

A dusty man asked anxiously outside Peng Jing's duty room: "How soon will Prime Minister Peng be back?"

"It's still early! You are so anxious, but Prime Minister Fang is in an emergency?"


The court meeting lasted from morning to noon.

This has never happened before.

The emperor and Han Bi knew that the conservatives were determined to solve Han Bi in one fell swoop.

"I second the proposal!"

"I second the proposal!"

"I second the proposal!"

The crowd of ministers went out to work, their voices uniform and powerful.

I, after all, am trapped in a cocoon.

Nian Xu looked calm.

Han Bi looked at Peng Jing stubbornly with contempt.

Peng Jingyun stood there calmly, and for the first time, a certain thought came to his mind.

——So, is this the majesty of the One Word?

Really, refreshing!

Outside the door, a waiter hurried in without waiting for word.

Xie Yingong's eyes turned cold and he stepped forward to greet him.

"What's the matter?"

"Here comes Prime Minister Fang. There are urgent military and national matters!"


"Your Majesty, the King of Qin wanted to attack the Great Zhou Dynasty, but the Prime Minister failed to achieve success. The King of Qin led his army and went south!"

This chapter has been completed!
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