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Chapter 1433

A group of forbidden army knights looked at Hancheng from a distance.

"Still there!"

The general said with great satisfaction:

"The Northern Xinjiang Army is still surrounding Hancheng, informing Bianjing that Yezhou is fine!"

In the distance, the sound of hoofbeats from the Northern Xinjiang Army's cavalry shook the earth.


More than ten rides away!

The general glanced at the charging opponent and said coldly: "This is just the beginning, retreat!"

The third day.

The climate of Southern Zhou Dynasty is very different from that of Northern Xinjiang.

In northern Xinjiang, the morning is neither cold nor hot, and the air is neither dry nor dry.

And here, it's not only hot, but also a little humid.

A Liang had some pimples on his body. After checking them, Li Xuan told him not to scratch them and went to see Ning Yayun.

"I'm not acclimated to the climate." Lao Shuaiguo checked it, and when he saw King Qin's suspicious eyes, he said dissatisfiedly: "My medical skills rank among the top three in metaphysics."

"Then who is fourth?"

The first one is naturally my mother-in-law.


Ning Yayun pulled down A Liang's clothes and said, "Only three people study metaphysics and medicine."

There were a lot of medicinal materials accompanying the army. Ning Yayun got some to mix the ointment, and King Qin also asked for some medicine.

In the morning, King Qin personally made a meat porridge and cooked it with medicinal herbs. The most bizarre thing is...

"What are you doing with the soil?" Ning Yayun asked in confusion.

The King of Qin put away the cloth bag containing the northern territory and said: "The so-called incompatibility with the soil and water, this has a miraculous effect."

"Where did you get the recipe?" Ning Yayun sneered.

"God's gift!"

There is a lot of rice in the south, but people in the north are not used to eating it and don’t like to eat it.

Ah Liang squatted beside the clay pot, watching his father stirring the meat porridge in the pot with a spoon, sniffing, "It smells so good!"

Ginger slices and a few meat bones were added to the meat porridge. After it was thickened, King Qin sprinkled in a handful of green chopped green onions.

The fragrance comes out immediately.

Suddenly, the sound of swallowing was heard all around.


Ah Liang was full of praise as he drank the meat porridge.

After breakfast, King Qin said to Pei Jian and others who came to ask for instructions on today's war.

"Cooking and attacking also have something in common. In cooking, the heat is very important. The same is true for fighting. I gave the defenders a break for two days, and these two days made the defenders very confident. Today, it's time to stop the fire. !”

The army immediately moved out.

At the top of the city, Deng Cheng changed his panic from the previous few days and said calmly: "I think we can hold on for at least half a month."

In half a month, it was time for the reinforcements from Bianjing to arrive.

This old dog!

The deputy general glanced at him.


The Northern Xinjiang Army came and formed a formation in the city.

There are many flags, fluttering in the morning breeze.

"Death camp!"


"Tu Shang!"


"At one go, destroy the city!"

"Take orders!"

A wave of stone bullets flew up.

Then came the dense crossbow arrows.


“So many people!”

The defenders at the top of the city looked at the Northern Xinjiang troops rushing towards them in astonishment.

In addition to the death camp, the fierce soldiers of the Northern Xinjiang Army also came.

"This is..." Deng Cheng asked: "Is this a general attack?"

A crossbow arrow passed by his side, and screams came from behind. Deng Cheng couldn't help but shrink his neck and hunched over.

"Yes." Chen Mai took a deep breath, "Be alert!"

But as soon as the offensive and defensive battle began, the Northern Xinjiang Army put a completely different pressure on the defenders than the previous two days.

In just a quarter of an hour, the city was breached in many places.

"Is this what you can hold on to?" Deng Cheng yelled, "You bitch slave!"

Chen Mai smiled miserably and said: "I am no match for King Qin..."

An hour later, a big flag was flying high at the top of the city.

"I am willing to surrender!"

Deng Cheng, the governor of Yezhou, knelt outside the state house, holding the official seal of the governor in both hands.

But Chen Mai was lying in a pool of blood at the top of the city, with no fear in his eyes, looking calmly at the sky.

In mid-April of the 16th year of Daqian, the Northern Xinjiang Army defeated Yezhou!

The prisoners were gathered together, waiting with some anxiety to be dealt with.

This is the school grounds in the city, surrounded by cavalry guards from the Northern Xinjiang Army.

"I have met His Highness!"

The King of Qin came, and in addition to the accompanying civil and military officials, he also took a child with him.

"There are quite a few who surrendered." Han Jigang took a look.

"Be careful."

The King of Qin walked up to the prisoners and said in a pleasant tone: "The envoy was rude, which made Gu furious. Logically speaking, one should not raise an army out of anger, but the monarchs and ministers of the Southern Zhou Dynasty were eyeing the southern border. How could Gu return to Chang'an safely?"

These words were very sincere and clearly explained the reason why King Qin sent troops south.

The responsibility lies with Southern Zhou Dynasty.

The prisoners felt relieved.

Next comes the most important item.

How to deal with them.

"Gu said that the Southern Zhou Dynasty and the Tang Dynasty share the same culture and race, and they are all one family. After you return, you will be one family.",

King Qin was very kind and said, "I will release you now, but I am worried that there will be a fire in the back."

"Ha ha ha ha!"

Seeing how kindly he spoke, everyone couldn't help but laugh.

A Liang glanced at his father. He had a strong soul and had long felt the fear of the prisoners. But at this moment, most of those fears had dissipated and became gentle.

"I took a look yesterday and found that the roads in Yezhou are in a state of disrepair. The ruts on the official roads are so deep that people can get stuck. How can these roads be passable? In this case, you can repair the roads later."


The prisoners thought that they would receive preferential treatment, but they did not expect that they would be required to build roads like the Beiliao prisoners. They were suddenly disappointed.

Ah Liang felt frightened again.

"One year!"

King Qin raised his index finger and said with a smile: "This can be regarded as a benefit to one party and a meritorious service. After one year, you can choose where to go. Those who are willing to return to their hometowns can go back to their hometowns, and those who are willing to join the army can join the army. Whatever you want to do... you can do whatever you want!" "

Just one year?

There is no time limit for the prisoners of Northern Liao to work as coolies. The only way to escape is to join the army, join a death camp, and use military merit to atone for their sins.

This is a road of narrow escape.

However, Southern Zhou prisoners only had to work as coolies for one year before they could be freed.


The prisoners knelt down in sincerity.

"Thank you, Your Highness!"

King Qin nodded and led A Liang away.

After leaving the school grounds, King Qin asked: "How scared is A Liang these days?"

"Don't be afraid!"

Ah Liang was very determined.

Then he asked: "Aye, why do you only let them work as coolies for one year?"

"The Southern Zhou Dynasty is rich. This wealth is beneficial to the country and the people. Although the purpose of this war is to destroy the country, it cannot destroy the Southern Zhou Dynasty. One year of coolie work can just repair the roads in various parts of the Southern Zhou Dynasty. In addition, these captives gather together to always It's a troublesome thing. They dispersed after a year and each found his own way out, which also saved the local officials a lot of worry."

"Isn't it just that you eat everything and don't admit it!" Suzaku said in his ear.

King Qin had a lot of things to do, so he was escorted back to the state. Before leaving, he asked Wang Laoer to take care of A Liang.

"I happen to be fine."

He Lianrong volunteered.

Later, he took A Liang out of Hancheng.

Outside the city, you can still see some bloodstains that have turned black, as well as some small craters made by the rebound of stone bullets.

"Da Langjun watched the three days of fighting, are you really not afraid?" He Lianrong was very curious about this.

Most children will be frightened out of their wits when they see two villains slashing at each other with knives. This is a big battle!

"I lied."

Ah Liang said.


He Lianrong was stunned. After thinking about his words, he said, "Da Langjun should tell the truth...to His Highness."

The alienation and conflicts between father and son in the Tian family often start with suspicion. And the source of suspicion is lying to each other.

"I also want to tell the truth, but Ah Ye is very tired." A Liang sighed like a young adult. "I woke up at night, and Ah Ye was sitting there, wondering what to do. When I woke up again, Ah Ye was already outside.

Ready to make breakfast for me."

"Your Highness is thinking about the war!"

Behind every cloud and breeze, there must be countless nights of racking one's brains.

"Aye is very hard."


"When I was a child, I was scared at night and always felt like something was floating around. I told Aye, and Aye stayed with me for half a month. During that half month, Aye would wake up from time to time at night to check... Half a month later,

I lost a lot of weight."

Ah Liang turned around and looked up at He Lianrong, "I just don't want Ah Ye to worry...Actually, I am afraid."

"The Imperial Cavalry of the Southern Zhou Dynasty was on the outskirts. Our army repeatedly drove them away, but they came back again after leaving."

Wang Laoer felt that he had encountered a group of shameless guys, who dispersed at the first touch and then came again, making him extremely annoyed.

Han Ji said: "Set a trap and send out troops to attack together!"

King Qin shook his head, "No need, let them in."

Is this to frighten the enemy?

The Northern Xinjiang Army's rangers immediately opened their mouths.

"What does this mean?"

The Forbidden Army Rangers thought it was a trap, but they couldn't resist the urge to go in and investigate, so they ordered more than a hundred riders to test it.

This is the Suicide Squad.

More than a hundred riders galloped on their horses.

"Not surrounded!"

The Northern Xinjiang Army did not cut off their return route.

"What does this mean?" The Forbidden Army general frowned, "I have some ominous premonitions."

More than an hour later, more than a hundred riders came back in full force.

Looks ugly.

"Hancheng, lost!"

"It's only been three days!"

The general of the Forbidden Army said in disbelief: "The analysis from Bianjing said that we can hold on for at least ten days, but... let's go!"

The imperial cavalry left, and then Wang Laoer appeared with the rangers.

"His Highness said, this battle is about the human heart! Damn, what is the human heart?" Wang Laoer took out a piece of dried meat, "Is there any delicious dried meat?"

He stuffed the dried meat into his mouth and chewed it several times.


In Bianjing, a steady stream of baggage is being transported out.

Groups of Forbidden Army soldiers filed out.

The literati were having a party outside the city, no, it was a poetry meeting.

Large trucks loaded with luggage passed by one after another.

Groups of brightly armored Imperial Guards walked past...

The poems are pouring out one after another, and the talent is like a diabetic incontinence, no matter how hard it is, it can't be stopped.

"Everyone, the army is out today, and in the coming days, good news will be spread frequently. I have my little brother!"

A scholar raised his glass, drank it in one gulp, and then shook his hair...

Partying has always been the same in ancient and modern times, at home and abroad, and a woman is a must.

More than a dozen female prostitutes immediately clapped and looked at this famous young handsome man with admiration.

At the top of the city, Han Bi was watching the reinforcements set off. He glanced past the group of scholars and said to the generals around him: "We must launch an offensive outside Yezhou as soon as possible to contain the Northern Xinjiang Army."


"The King of Qin ordered his subordinates to be kind to the returning soldiers and civilians. When the news came, those idiots said that the King of Qin was hypocritical and hypocritical, but they didn't know that the King of Qin was fighting for the hearts and minds of the king and the people. In the battle to destroy the country, heart-warming must come first!"

At this time, there was a burst of cheers from below. Han Bi looked over and saw the young scholar nodding his head carelessly and more than a dozen female prostitutes cooing, praising his literary talents.

"What poems did this person write?" Han Bi's literary talent is also good.

"In general... when the army goes out to fight, it should wipe out all the enemies and serve the king."

"It's interesting, at least the winnings are good!" Han Bi said with a smile.

A group of cavalry and reinforcements came in the opposite direction.

"It's a messenger delivering a battle report, get out of the way!"

Shout from the front!

The literati stood up and looked at the messenger.

Han Bi squinted his eyes and raised his hand.

The messenger looked up, saw him, and shouted: "Prime Minister Han, the Northern Xinjiang Army will break through Yezhou in three days!"

City head.

Under the city.

Dead silence!

This chapter has been completed!
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