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Chapter 1435 Wealth Makes Your Knees Soft

The first battle with the Japanese army made the Northern Xinjiang army in awe.

"Your Highness, how should we dispose of those corpses?"

A general came to ask for instructions.


King Qin looked in the direction of Bianjing and said: "Han Bi used 5,000 dead soldiers to shock the morale of our army. His goal was achieved. But the shock is just a shock. Unless he can find 50,000 elite Japanese soldiers, he will

…The Southern Zhou Dynasty will become history this year.”

A secret agent from the Love Division was watching the battle in disguise nearby.

Then he returned to Bianjing to report.

"Five thousand Japanese soldiers rushed towards the Northern Xinjiang Army without fear of death. The King of Qin lined up behind and witnessed the battle. Those soldiers..."

The secret agents of Lover's Division should be cold-blooded, but this secret agent choked up, "Even if they are hung on spears, they still sing military songs and work hard to bite their opponents."

Only the spy's voice echoed in the court hall.

"The Northern Xinjiang Army encircled, but failed to attack. All the remaining Imperial Guards died in the battle, and no one knelt or begged!"

The secret agent raised his head and said, "The villain has a request!"

How can a secret agent make demands in court?

The dead young man's face also became more angry, "Bold!"

Nian Xu looked sad and said, "Let him speak."

The spy said: "The villain wants to join the army!"

Nian Xu nodded, and the secret agent stood up to leave, "I want to flatter the Japanese army."

"Let's go!"


The secret agent resigned, Han Bi left his post and saluted.

"Five thousand loyal and brave soldiers were destroyed, and it was all my fault! Your Majesty, please come out of Bianjing."

He wanted to step out of Yingshui and lead this battle.

"What is Han Qing's crime?" Nian Xu sighed: "This battle must have shocked the Northern Xinjiang army and was of great benefit to the overall situation. I am sad because I think of those loyal and brave men who were by my side in the past, but I never comforted them.

, missing the reward.”

Peng Jing said: "Your Majesty, after this battle, the momentum of the Northern Xinjiang Army will inevitably slow down. In this way, Jinzhou and other places should be strictly ordered to defend. As for when the army will attack, I think that we will wait until the Northern Xinjiang Army cannot attack for a long time before we take action.


"Master, if you have no merit, it's time for the decisive battle." Fang Chong also agreed with this opinion.

"Where is Han Qing?" Nian Xu asked.

"Your Majesty, it is not appropriate to allow the three states to defend." Han Bi said: "In a defensive battle, morale is the most important. If the defenders learn that they are isolated and helpless, they will eventually collapse. In addition, if there is no large army to contain them, northern Xinjiang will

The army can then besiege the three states unscrupulously..."

If the Northern Xinjiang Army is allowed to besiege the three states, the city will be broken sooner or later.

And what Han Bi didn't say was, if so, how would the soldiers and people of Southern Zhou view this battle?


It turns out that Da Zhou was being beaten passively.

Moreover, he received the most severe beating!

Nian Xu glanced at Fang Chong with complicated eyes, "I can't live without Han Qing. How about finding someone else to go with me?"

Han Bi shook his head and said resolutely: "Your Majesty, if the Three Prefectures are defeated, Yingshui will never be able to stop the Northern Xinjiang Army. When the Northern Xinjiang Army approaches the city, Bianjing... cannot be defended!"

"Why?" Nian Xu asked.

After all, Bianjing can be considered a fortified city.

Han Bi was silent.

Nian Xu sighed, "That's it, Han Qing will lead the army. But be careful."

As soon as Han Bi left, the court became dominated by Peng Jing and others, and the emperor felt lonely and worried like never before.

He went to the harem.

The queen is enjoying flowers with her nianzi.

There was a flower businessman in Bianjing City who was willing to sell flowers to the palace at a low price. The queen was praising the businessman for his loyalty.

"Mother, if anyone outside knew that his flowers were sold to the palace, how many people would rush to buy them!" Nian Ziyue felt that the queen had been in the palace for too long, and she had forgotten her nature as a businessman.

"A businessman cannot afford to be too early if he is not profitable!"

Nian Xu's voice came.

"His Majesty!"


Nian Xu came over, reached out and touched the flower, and said with a smile: "Ziyue is more beautiful than the flower. Let's see who is lucky enough to take it."

There is no such emotion as shyness in this young age, but the eyes are slightly lowered and the long eyelashes are fluttering, adding a bit of elegance.

"Your Majesty looks bad." The queen asked, "But you feel unwell?"

"Han Bi led his army to set off." Nian Xu looked at the colorful flowers in front of him, but felt melancholy in his heart. "He is the only handsome man in the court who can coordinate the war. When he leaves..."

"Father is worried that Prime Minister Han will be defeated?" Nian Ziyue raised his eyes, "Actually, many times, worrying is useless. It is better to do what you should do and just wait."

"Do your best and obey destiny, okay?" Nian Xu said with a smile.

"Yes." Nian Ziyue nodded seriously.

"I thought so too, but this is a national war." Nian Xu said: "No one expected that Hancheng fell in three days, the battle report came, and the people in Bianjing were panicked... The people were fine, but the dignitaries actually wanted to escape.


"Your Majesty, can you let me go?" the queen asked.

Nian Xu shook his head and said sarcastically: "I have people guarding the four gates. People can leave, but all the money will be left behind."

"How far have we gone?" The queen felt that this decision was wrong.

"Three families left!"

Nian Xu's voice was a little erratic, "Hundreds of years of peace have created a group of greedy carnivores!"

In Bianjing City, the dignitaries were gathering to discuss the battle.

In a mansion, more than ten powerful people were sitting on the waterside pavilion. On the artificial lake, a painted boat was moving slowly, and a singer was singing on the boat.

The sound of singing comes leisurely with the breeze, which makes people feel relaxed and happy.

The old man in charge was a descendant of the founder of the country, but the middle-aged man he attacked was from the clan.

The old man said: "Han Bi set off with an army of 70,000 people. I dare not say how this battle will go. However, King Qin would rather put aside Guanzhong and Shu and go south. This shows how determined he is to destroy our great Zhou Dynasty. This battle,

Either completely defeat the Northern Xinjiang Army, or... just wait until death!"

The middle-aged man took a sip of his drink and said, "Han Bi has many handsome talents, but he has never fought against the King of Qin. In this battle... if we are more cautious, I think we can stabilize the situation."

"I said that unless the Northern Xinjiang army is defeated, King Qin's intention to destroy Zhou Dynasty will not disappear."

"You don't like it?" The middle-aged man looked at the old man.

The old man nodded, "I don't understand the art of war, but I know one thing. The King of Qin kept his word in the army, and the officials and generals in Chang'an and Northern Xinjiang were loyal. In this way, a joint force can be formed. But on the side of Hanbi, Peng Jing and others in the DPRK

People are watching him with eager eyes, eager to find an excuse for him."

The old man sighed, "Do you still remember Sun Shi's New Deal?"

Everyone nodded.

"I have read the provisions of the New Deal. To say that it is a policy that harms the people is pure lies. But why did such a good policy turn into a policy that harms the people down there? Someone is causing trouble!"

Everyone knows who the old man is talking about.

"The front is fighting, and the back is holding back. No matter how talented Han Bi is, he can only do nothing. This is what I am most worried about."

"During the crisis of national subjugation, don't Peng Jing and others know how to take care of the overall situation?" someone said dissatisfied.

The middle-aged man smiled and said: "In the eyes of those people, what is the overall situation?"

The old man said: "The overall situation in their eyes is their own interests. For their own interests, they...that's all, why do I say this?"

The middle-aged man belonged to the clan, and the clan of the Great Zhou Dynasty could not engage in politics, so he had no scruples and sneered: "For their own interests, they would rather destroy the Great Zhou Dynasty."

"Your Majesty may..." Someone looked fiercely.

The middle-aged man shook his head, "Behind Peng Jing and others are... powerful families and local tyrants. To be honest, there are some people here who are with them, right?"

Most of the people present remained silent.

"Then what should we do?" someone asked.

"I want to leave, but Your Majesty won't allow it." The old man scolded: "You are not allowed to come here and you are not allowed to come, but you have to find a way! The way is to let Han Bi lead the army across Yingshui. As soon as Han Bi leaves, the DPRK will This is the world of Peng Jing and others, and this court, owned by Cao Te Niang, is full of monsters and monsters."

"I wonder if Your Majesty has ever regretted not keeping Sun Shi behind."

Everyone couldn't help but feel frightened when they thought of the stubborn and troublesome former chief assistant.

"If Sun Shi were here, he would definitely be able to suppress Peng Jing and others at this moment."

In the small house, Sun Shi was posting books.

The floor was covered with mats, and the old servant had a bad waist, so he could only help tidy it up on the side. Sun Shi did all the placing of books himself.

The sun was a bit harsh. Sun Shi spread the book and tilted his head violently. A drop of sweat dripped from his face to the side.

"Not bad!" Sun Shi couldn't help but smile happily when he saw that the only volume was intact.

"Alang, a guest is here."

Sun Shi stood up straight and thumped his waist with his backhand.

The person who came was his chess friend Tan Mao. He hurried in and said, "Master Sun, something serious has happened!"

"Who died?" Sun Shi asked.

"Yezhou is lost."

"So fast?" Sun Shi leaned over and picked up a book. "How did the court deal with it? That's all, I'm just an idler now, why do you ask these questions?"

"Han Bi led the army across Yingshui."


Sun Shi stamped his feet, "He is the only civil servant in the court who can command the army. If he goes, Peng Jing and others will take advantage of the situation and act like monsters..."

"Alang." The old servant came over, "A follower who calls himself Prime Minister Han is here."

"Let him come."

The visitor brought Han Bi's letter, handed it to Sun Shi, and said, "Alang said, Mr. Sun is enjoying a happy life in the wild, but the current situation is critical, and we must rise up."

"The whole court is dominated by Peng Jing and others. Your Majesty's attitude is ambiguous. How can you stand up?"

Sun Shi opened the letter.

First there are greetings, then an introduction to the current situation, and finally...

——I said that if the Northern Xinjiang army crosses Yingshui, Bianjing cannot be defended. Your Majesty asked why, but I didn’t say anything.

——Bianjing is a city of wealth and wealth. Wealth can make people weak in the knees!

——I have gone. I don’t know the outcome here, but behind me is Bianjing. If there is news that the troops from Northern Xinjiang are approaching Yingshui, then I must have died in the battle.

Sun Shi squinted his head and looked outside.

It took a long time before I read the letter again.

——The current situation is difficult. His Majesty wants to recall you, but first of all, he cannot save face. Secondly, he is worried that your return will cause turmoil in the court.

——Master Sun, I have said that at this moment of national subjugation, we should abandon our past grudges. Go! Go to Bianjing and kick those weaklings to wake up.

Sun Shi raised his head.

There were tears in his eyes.

The entourage saluted, "Alang said, it's better to do it sooner rather than later."

Sun Shi stood blankly under the scorching sun for a long time, shaking his head.

"I am very old!"

He turned around and slowly walked into the study.




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