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Chapter 1443

Jinzhou City gradually calmed down.

The people looked at the conquerors with some timidity. When they discovered that they were not the evil spirits officially promoted, they were inevitably relieved.

"The King of Qin said that we are all one family!"

After the Northern Xinjiang Army opened its warehouses to stock up on food, all worries about the conquerors dissipated, and some even shouted that His Highness would live a thousand years longer.

Han Ji looked at the people happily accepting the grains, shouting in the direction of the state that His Highness is a thousand years old, and said: "For the people, as long as the conquerors of the same culture and race are kinder, they will soon forget about the Southern Zhou Dynasty!"

He Lianrong said: "The people of the Southern Zhou Dynasty have not had a hard time these years, otherwise why would Nian Xu go to war to implement the new policy?"

"His Royal Highness is marching south at this time. This is destiny!" Han Ji said with a smile.

"Mr. Han, master." A petty official found them and said, "His Highness has given orders to discuss matters."

"Come right away." Han Ji nodded and left slowly with He Lianrong.

"He Lianyan has been very close to you recently?" Han Ji asked with a smile.

"Do you think she can take charge of the Imperial Guard?" He Lianrong said.

Both of them were from Northern Liao, but the so-called alliance was just for self-protection. Whenever He Lianrong dared to show any ambition, He Lianyan would report it to the King of Qin immediately.


"That's right."

The two of them smiled.

"Nian Xu's prestige was shaken, and he was panicked, so he forced Han Bi to go to war as soon as possible and use the victory to suppress Peng Jing and others."

In the hall, all the ministers gathered. King Qin sat at the top, with A Liang beside him.

The King of Qin glanced at the ministers and said, "Ringgu is not in a hurry. Jinzhou, Xinzhou, and Yongzhou formed a pin shape to defend Bianjing. Now that Jinzhou has fallen, this pin shape is missing one side and one leg is lame."

Gu Jin can force Yongzhou into force or sweep across Xinzhou. But Han Bi is in some trouble. If he follows Gu, then he has to be careful that Gu will set a trap at any time to trick him."

Surround the place to call for help!

Everyone will smile when they hear this.

"Your Highness, I think we can attack Yongzhou directly now. Once Yongzhou is conquered, our army will be able to reach Yingshui."

Jiang Cunzhong's attitude is more radical.

"That's not appropriate." He Lianrong said: "If we attack Yongzhou, Hanbi's army will be on the side, and the Xinzhou defenders can also cooperate to give our army a blow. This is too risky."

"It's so fast!"

"Gu, don't be anxious!" King Qin expressed his stance, "After defeating Xinzhou, Han Bi will have no room for maneuver and will have no choice but to fight Gu!"

"Xinzhou is difficult to fight!" Jiang Cunzhong smiled bitterly, "Among the three states, Xinzhou is the strongest."

"Come up and attack." King Qin pointed at Helian Yan, "The Jinyi Guards have been prepared."

He Lianyan left the mission and said: "Just before the army went south, I, the Jin Yiwei, found out about the falsehoods of various garrison officials in the Southern Zhou Dynasty. Xinzhou garrison Huang Chi had a bad temper, while Zhizhou Ma Qun had a literary reputation and often scolded Huang Chi for being

A thief with an army. Huang Chi had a bad temper... he contradicted him many times and was beaten by the horse group."

King Qin waved his hand, and Helian Yan retreated.

"In normal times, this configuration is fine, but this is wartime." King Qin said: "Huang Chi has a bad temper and has been humiliated many times by the horses. He already holds a grudge..."

King Qin smiled and said: "The secret spies of Jin Yiwei have already been in place!"

"Let Xinzhou defend to the death!"

Han Bi ordered the messenger to rush to Xinzhou, and his staff said: "Huang Chi has a bad temper, and Ma Qun's temper is also bad. How about replacing him?"

"It is taboo to change generals on the spot." Han Bi shook his head and ordered the messenger, "I warn you two that peace is the most precious thing!"


Han Bi looked at the map, "Hold on to Xinzhou and I will lead the army... His Majesty said that an army of 40,000 is ready to be dispatched and will join our army in a few days. With an army of 100,000, I will fight the King of Qin!"

He spoke with great enthusiasm, but there was a look of helplessness between his eyebrows.

These 40,000 troops were Nian Xu's urging order.

You said there are few people and horses, I will give it to you!

Is it enough?

What else could Han Bi say?

I can only thank you!

Then plan a fight.

"Urge the 40,000 troops to arrive in time."


Han Bi yawned. He had not been sleeping well recently and woke up easily.

He cheered up and said, "As soon as the 40,000 reinforcements arrive, I will order them to attack Jinzhou."

"Attack Jinzhou?"

The staff were stunned.

"Yes." Han Bi pointed to the road between Jinzhou and Xinzhou on the map and said: "All the King Qin's baggage is in Jinzhou. He doesn't dare to make any mistakes. He will definitely lead his army to come back for reinforcements. And I will lead the army in Jinzhou.

Intercepted halfway. Then, the Shinshu Army came out of the city to attack..."

Han Bi looked at his staff and said, "I will attack the enemy from all three sides in this battle. If we attack the enemy, we will save it. If we fail to win, it means God is not blessing us!"

The staff thought carefully, "Now, everything depends on whether King Qin will take the lead in attacking Yongzhou."

"If he abandons Xinzhou and attacks Yongzhou, I will attack him with all my strength from behind." Han Bi sneered, "King Qin will definitely not dare. I conclude that his next step will be to attack Xinzhou."

There were sounds of footsteps and a sergeant came in.

"Prime Minister Han, the Northern Xinjiang Army has been dispatched."

"Where are you going?" Han Bi asked.


Xinzhou has a long history, dating back to the founding of the Southern Zhou Dynasty.

Originally, Xinzhou was an important stronghold on the north bank of Yingshui River, so it was built quite solidly.

After the founding of the Southern Zhou Dynasty, the founding emperor felt that Xinzhou had deviated from the direction of protecting Bianjing, and was worried that the Tang Dynasty would take the opportunity to cross Yingshui and reach Bianjing, so he built Yongzhou City.

As a result, Shinshu's status declined.

But if it drops any further, Xinzhou is still very close to Bianjing.

Like the Tang Dynasty, officials in the Southern Zhou Dynasty all hoped to stay in the capital, but there were only so many official positions in the capital, and their relationships were not strong enough, so they had no choice but to settle for the next best thing and seek to serve as officials around Bianjing.

And Shinshu has become a favorite in the eyes of these people.

Ma Qun's path to the imperial examination was not smooth, but his poetry was quite outstanding and he was well-known in the literary circles of Bianjing.

It wasn't until the fifth imperial examination that Ma Qun stood out.

He had a literary name and many friends. He was very good at swimming in various swimming styles in the official world, and he swam smoothly all the way to the position of governor.

Ma Qun originally wanted to stay in Bianjing, but his rank was too high and it was impossible for the elders in Bianjing to make room for him before he fell, so he came to Xinzhou.

The gentle horses walked into the state house and asked, "Where is that thief with the army?"

The accompanying official said: "Envoy Huang is under the command of Dian Dian."

Ma Qun sneered and said, "Let me know when he comes."


As soon as the horses entered the check-in room, Han Bi's envoy arrived.

"Is the yellow defense envoy here?"

the messenger asked.

The horses asked displeasedly: "Why do you want that thief to join the army?"

The messenger smiled and said: "This is the order of Prime Minister Han!"

Ma Qun then asked people to summon Huang Chi.

Not long after, the sound of heavy footsteps and the scraping of armor could be heard outside.

"I didn't make any mistakes today, what do you want me to do?"

Amidst the roar of filial piety, Huang Chi, a tall man with a thick beard, strode in.

"This is the envoy of Prime Minister Han, accept your vulgarity!" Ma Qun said coldly.

The messenger coughed dryly and said, "Mr. Han, tell me."

Only then did Huang Chi hold back.

"The Northern Xinjiang Army conquered Jinzhou. Prime Minister Han judged that the next step for the Northern Xinjiang Army must be to attack Xinzhou."

Ma Qun said confidently: "Please rest assured, Prime Minister Han, I am here, Xinzhou is impregnable!"

Huang Chi sneered, but said nothing.

It turns out that fire and water are incompatible!

The envoy said: "Xiang Han ordered Xinzhou to defend, and he led his troops to contain the troops on the outside. Once the Northern Xinjiang Army is discovered to be withdrawing, scouts should be ordered to follow. If there is no ambush, they can attack and attack the Northern Xinjiang Army with Han Xiang."

"So, Prime Minister Han wants to force the Northern Xinjiang Army to evacuate by attacking somewhere?"

Huang Chi's reaction made the envoy secretly praise, "Yes."

The envoy then explained that peace is the most important thing, and the two reluctantly agreed.

As soon as the messenger left, the horses sneered and said: "If you disobey me in this battle, don't blame me for being cruel!"

Huang Chi was furious, "Does the state know how to fight?"

"While I was studying military science, you were still being beaten in the army!"

Huang Chi had a bad temper and was punished by his superiors many times after joining the army. If he had not been brave and resourceful, he would have been killed midway.

Huang Chi, who was able to survive the strict class laws of the Southern Zhou Army, was naturally quite capable.

Huang Chi was furious when he heard this, "I have made countless achievements in the military, why should I be humiliated by you?"

"If you say anything again, I will have you beaten right now. Do you dare to get violent?" Ma Qun said solemnly.

Huang Chi's face turned red and he clenched his fists tightly, wishing he could punch the horses' heads off with one punch, but in the end he stamped his feet and turned around to go out.

Behind them, Ma Qun smiled and said to the followers around him: "I am just a thief who joins the army, but he dares to fight with me. If it were not for war, I would have been beaten today, and the officials of the state would be watching."

Huang Chi returned to the check-in room angrily.

Ding Zhuo, the follower, followed him, closed the door, and said, "The horses are bullying people too much!"

"Old dog!" Huang Chi scolded: "Sooner or later, I will blow his dog's head off."

Ding Zhuo sighed: "If we can defend Xinzhou in this battle, the credit will definitely be taken away by the horses, and he will be promoted by then. Once he is promoted... you are in danger!"

"Why don't I know!" Huang Chi said with anger and difficulty calming down: "If you lose, you will die for your country. If you win, you will have to be tortured by him! Damn it, you will join the army to serve the country, but you will be punished by others.

Humiliated, suppressed..."

"The villain is worried, not just rubbing against each other."

Ding Zhuo looked at him and said sincerely: "The villain knows the temperament of a scholar. The more he looks at a person who is young and gentle, the more he will retaliate. Think about it! This man will pretend to be something if he lacks something. Otherwise, his nature

Now, why show it to the outside world! Don’t you think so?”

"What you said makes sense." Huang Chi narrowed his eyes and hit the eucalyptus table with his fist, causing the brush on the eucalyptus table to fall off.

"But what can I do..." Huang Chi sighed, "If the Northern Xinjiang Army doesn't come, I can still ask to go. But now I have no way out."

"If the horses are like this, I'm worried about the civil and military discord. I won't be able to hold on for a few days. Do you think, if this is the case, wouldn't your life be in vain?"

Ding Zhuo sighed: "It is natural to die for the country, but if you are bullied by civilian officials and die in defeat. If you die, you will die, and you will have to bear the reputation of being incompetent. Is it unfair?"

Huang Chi was silent for a long time and said: "We, as warriors, should sacrifice our lives for our country!"

Ding Zhuo later resigned and left the state house.

He turned around and arrived at a remote place, surrounded by a lot of half-open doors. The doors were ajar, and the female prostitutes stood in the cracks of the doors, waving to him.

Ding Zhuo entered one of them.


After entering the house, he said to the female prostitute.

"But Huang Chi has changed?" the female prostitute changed her charming smile and asked solemnly.

"Exactly." Ding Zhuo said: "I hinted a lot and made the result extremely tragic, but Huang Chi still has no intention of surrendering to His Highness."

The female prostitute looked at him with squinted eyes, probably trying to assess the truth of his words, and said for a long time: "That's quite simple."

Ding Zhuo smiled bitterly, "You and I are all on the same rope now, how can we dare to repeat it? Just say it."

"You are Huang Chi's confidant. If you spread the word to the outside world that Huang Chi wants to impeach Ma Qun..."

"Tsk!" Ding Zhuo chewed his teeth, "Huang Chi has long wanted to impeach Ma Qun, but he was afraid that Ma Qun had many friends and was worried about being retaliated against. If so... Ma Qun must have wanted to kill him."

"How come the horses are in Huang Chi's hands?" The female prostitute's eyes lit up.

"Don't try to instigate the Ma herd, it's impossible," Ding Zhuo said.

The female prostitute said calmly: "The army is coming, but we don't have the time. What can we do about the horses?"

"Ma Qun often uses public funds to hire people to go on trips, and even uses public funds to pay for prostitutes."

"Isn't this common in Southern Zhou Dynasty?" The female prostitute was a little disappointed.

"But not only that, he also used public funds to support several women!"


In the Southern Zhou Dynasty, it was regarded as an elegant thing for officials to use public funds for prostitution, and it was considered a show. But using public funds to support women has changed its nature.

"This is moral corruption!" the female prostitute secretly rejoiced.

"Exactly, maybe it can be used?" Ding Zhuo asked, and then said worriedly: "I take the lead in this matter. If you want to incite rebellion against the horses, don't abandon me."

"Don't worry!" The prostitute patted him on the shoulder, "I told you, the army is coming, how can I cause trouble at this moment?"

"Then, I'm going to send word that Huang Chi wants to impeach Ma Qun based on this?"

"Go right away!"

Ding Zhuo left, and the prostitute went to close the door. A man looked around and when he saw her, he said, "Hey! Wait a minute."

"Wait for your mother!"

The female prostitute slammed the door.

The room was dark, and men were yelling and cursing outside. The female prostitute whispered: "Great job!"

This chapter has been completed!
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