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Chapter 1452 The sunset is infinitely good

King Qin, accompanied by Yongzhou guard Zhao Shen, walked to the top of the city.

Standing on the top of the city and looking up, the place where the fight was originally fought was full of corpses.

Turning his eyes, he saw that the crowd was full of prisoners.

"Many of the cavalry escaped, but most of the infantry were left behind."

Han Ji said softly, "In addition, Han Bi's staff were also captured."

"Just ask." King Qin pressed his hands on the city wall, "After this battle, Bianjing has some troops, but they are frightened. I think it will be very lively."

"A Liang?" King Qin saw a limping man following his son.

A Qiu Long Guard came up and said: "Your Highness, this person is a eunuch of the Southern Zhou Dynasty. He previously begged for surrender from Lord Dalang."

"Eunuch of the Southern Zhou Dynasty?"

Han Ji turned around and whispered: "Bring it here."

A guard trotted down and found A Liang out of the city. He saluted and said, "Da Langjun, Your Highness wants to call this person for questioning."

A Liang nodded.

Chen Guan followed the guards into the city and had a hard time climbing the steps.

"Can you help me?" the guard asked casually. He felt that the prisoner didn't have the courage.

"Thank you very much!" Chen Guan happily handed over his hands.


The guard held him up with a dark face.

When he saw King Qin, Chen Guan quickly knelt down. Because his thigh was injured and he couldn't control his body, he fell down in front of King Qin.

"You're so prostrate, you've passed." King Qin said with a smile.

Chen Guan pushed himself up, "Your Highness is so powerful that I can't help but..."

"Being smart is not a bad thing, but you have to know when to be honest and when to be smart." King Qin glanced at him.

"Yes." Chen Guan was surprised, then overjoyed.

What shocked him was the warning in King Qin's words: If you dare to bewitch A-Liang in the future, be careful. But what was happy was that King Qin agreed to follow A-Liang.

After the defeat, he knew that the Great Zhou Dynasty was over. After the Great Zhou Dynasty, both civil and military officials had their places to go, but the internal servants like him were very embarrassed.

The Imperial Palace of the Southern Zhou Dynasty will most likely be reduced to a temporary palace, but the King of Qin is far away in Chang'an, so how could he have the skills to travel all the way here?

Therefore, it is estimated that most of the maids and maids in the palace will be dismissed.

It's okay for the palace maid. If she doesn't want to go home, according to custom, she will be betrothed to a military officer, which is considered a good home, at least better than waiting to die in the palace.

But the chamberlains have nowhere to go. There is no shortage of chamberlains in Chang'an. What can they do after leaving the palace?

Most people can only find a job, survive, and live alone for the rest of their lives. Just thinking about these days makes people despair.

A Liang was the eldest son of King Qin. King Qin took him with him to follow the expedition, which shows that he valued this son. If nothing else, he would probably be the future prince.

Being able to stay with the prince is a leap in status for Chen Guan.

Therefore, he shed tears of gratitude.

"How are the kings and ministers of Southern Zhou now?" King Qin asked.

Chen Guan calmed down and thought about it carefully.

This serious attitude made King Qin slightly nod. King Qin didn't care that A Liang accepted a Southern Zhou servant. In his opinion, he was just a servant. If it was inappropriate, he would be dismissed.

"Report to Your Highness." Chen Guan said: "Since the fall of Jinzhou, there have been a lot of disputes between North Korea and China. After Prime Minister Han led the army to the expedition, Peng Jing and others took advantage of the situation to launch an attack and impeached Prime Minister Han and his party. His Majesty was forced to have no choice but to say

The emperor left the job to Peng Jing and others, thus avoiding turmoil in the court... Before the servants set off, His Majesty summoned the enemies of Peng Jing and others."

Not much to say, but plenty of information.

Han Ji said: "It seems that the tension between the monarchs and ministers of Southern Zhou Dynasty is already at war."

"Those so-called gentlemen, after tearing off their masks, are more frightening than villains." He Lianrong sighed: "The more they flaunt themselves, the less they lack. Most of the so-called gentlemen are actually villains."

Han Ji nodded, "That's right."

"If you don't rule, your ministers won't obey you. It seems that Southern Zhou's strength has been exhausted." King Qin waved his hand, "Go!"

"Thank you, Your Highness!"

Chen Guan left happily.

Ning Yayun frowned, "This chamberlain looks a little off-putting, aren't you worried about affecting A-Liang?"

"A-Liang has been like a little adult since he was four years old, which has deprived him of a lot of the fun of being a father. It's not a bad thing that he has many out-of-the-box people around him. It would be better if he could become more lively because of this."

"You're a weird person." Ning Yayun shook her head, "Not to mention the prince, even those parents from rich and powerful families, or even parents from ordinary families, who doesn't want their children to be stable from an early age? You just think it's not good to be stable.


"It's not bad." King Qin said: "Children's nature is to be lively. I don't want A Liang to suppress his nature because of his status."

"Weird!" Ning Yayunrang disagreed with King Qin's unique views on education.

"Your Highness!" The thin elder came.

"Where is the second child?" King Qin asked.

"Second brother said that we should go to Yingshui for a walk."

King Qin smiled and said: "I am very much looking forward to the excitement in Bianjing City."

The messenger brought the news that the decisive battle was about to begin, and Nian Xu summoned the officials to discuss the matter.

"What Han Bi means is that this battle will be a 50-50 draw."

Nian Xu seemed to be in good spirits, but when his eyes glanced at Peng Jing and others, he became slightly cold.

Fang Chong said: "Your Majesty, how about reinforcements?"

"I second the proposal!"

"I second the proposal!"

More than ten officials seconded the proposal.

But Nian Xu said calmly: "Han Bi said, no need."

Peng Jing gave Fang Chong a wink. Later, after the ministers retired, the two of them went out side by side.

"Your Majesty is suspicious of us." Fang Chong said: "My previous suggestion to reinforce Hanbi was just a test. Your Majesty did not agree because he was worried that we would control him without a large army around us."

"Your Majesty thinks so, which makes me very sad." Peng Jing sighed, and suddenly asked: "What will happen to you and me if Han Bi returns victorious?"

Fang Chong said calmly: "He took advantage of the situation and returned. Your Majesty took advantage of the situation and ordered you and me to be captured. Who dares to question? But in order to check and balance Han Bi, after capturing you and me, the officials of our party will gain


"They will re-elect the leader, and you and I will be forgotten." Peng Jing smiled.

"So, what do you think?" Fang Chong looked sideways at Peng Jing, his eyes twinkling.

"Don't think about treason! That's stupid!" Peng Jing whispered: "Nian has not lost his moral character. The people in Bianjing mentioned your majesty, although they did not say they were full of praise, but no one said that he was a foolish king. If so,

If you are planning to rebel now, you are just like a rat crossing the street."

"I never said anything about treason!" Fang Chong lowered his eyes.

"There is no best!" Peng Jing said: "Now everything has to wait for the outcome of Han Bi's battle."

"Even if Han Bi is defeated and retreats to the side of Yingshui, people still dare not underestimate him." Fang Chong said: "With an army in hand, Your Majesty must rely on him."

"Impeach and seize military power!" Peng Jing said dullly: "How can a defeated general dare to speak bravely? After seizing military power, let's protect Bianjing!"

Fang Chong stopped and looked at Peng Jing blankly.


This bitch didn’t want to rebel just to be damned!

Peng Jing shook his head, "Isn't it bad to be a powerful minister? You have to rebel. If you fail to rebel, you will be infamy for forever. You and I are gentlemen after all!"

Fang Chong smiled, "It's so extreme, it's so extreme. How can a gentleman rebel? Hahahaha!"

"Ha ha ha ha!"

The two laughed loudly.

A chamberlain looked at them coldly outside the hall and then went in.

"Your Majesty, Peng Jing and Fang Chong were discussing together and laughing loudly."

Nian Xu stood up and said, "Those two don't dare to rebel, but they have the ambition to become powerful officials."

Xie Yingong said: "Your Majesty, people's ambitions are endless, and their desires are hard to satisfy!"

"I know." Nian Xu walked down the steps, "As soon as Han Bi comes back, I will take Peng Jing and leave Fang Chong."

Xie Yingong was stunned, "Your Majesty, leaving Fang Chong behind is a disaster!"

"Peng Jing seems to be generous, but in fact he is ambitious, and the city is far deeper than Fang Chong. This person cannot be kept." Nian Xu walked out, "Although Fang Chong is full of intrigues, his prestige is not enough. When the time comes, I will be among them.

Pull a group of people together, beat a group of them, let them have internal disputes, and then divide and conquer them."

"Your Majesty is wise."

Nian Xu went to the harem.

The queen had been a little worried these days, so when she saw him coming, she asked, "Is there any news about the war?"

"It's still early." Nian Xu made some work. A palace maid served tea. He took it and blew a sip of tea. "Han Bi is a veteran general. Even if he is defeated, he can retreat slowly and return to the side of Yingshui to intercept the Northern Xinjiang Army.

.Peace of mind!”

The queen breathed a sigh of relief.

The couple then chatted about small things...

More than ten riders arrived outside Bianjing City.

"Stop, check your identity!"

shouted the soldier guarding the city.

"No!" someone said: "Look at their armor!"

Among the more than ten cavalry, the leader was a general, with many parts of his body stained with black blood. He was in a state of utter disarray, with a look of fear and despair in his eyes.

"I want to meet Your Majesty!" the general gasped.

"This is..." the sergeant asked tentatively: "But is there something big?"



The general rode into the city, but the soldiers at the city gate stood still.

"Hey! Have you checked the villain's goods yet?" a businessman asked.

No one answered him.

The soldiers stared blankly ahead.

It seemed like the next moment, a group of ferocious beasts would rush out from there.

The general arrived in front of the imperial city and checked his identity again.

"Don't ask!" The general looked livid and regretted leaking the news at the city gate.

Immediately, Nian Xu received news that a general under Han Bi's command asked to see him.

"This is..." Nian Xu stood up, "I'll go take a look."

The Queen said: "Your Majesty is busy first. By the way, what would your Majesty want to eat for dinner?"

"You figure it out!" Nian Xu waved his hand.

When the general entered the city, it was just the time to prepare to go to the Yamen, and there were many officials outside.

He was in a mess, and there was a smell of blood when he walked, which made people look at him.

Peng Jing, who was packing up documents, was startled when he received the news, "If it is a great victory, Hanbi will definitely have people shouting and fanfare. Is this... a defeat?"

He hurried out and happened to meet Fang Chong.

"Han Bi must have been defeated. Remember, a defeated general cannot be brave enough. Impeach Han Bi later and seize military power!" Peng Jing explained.

They asked to see each other before arriving at the palace.

It was time to go to the Yamen, but no one came home.

All the officials gathered in front of the palace and waited in silence.

I don’t know how long it took, but Xie Yingong came out.

Behind him was the general who reported the news. At this moment, the general looked relieved.

Xie Yingong immediately led Peng Jing and others into the palace.

Entering the hall, he saw Nian Xu sitting there blankly. After hearing the footsteps, he slowly raised his head.

"Han Bi was defeated and died!"

"Where is the army?" Fang Chong asked in a hissed voice.

"Most of them were wiped out!"

How can Bianjing be defended if the army is lost?

In the main hall, everyone lost interest in talking.

After a long time, an old minister trembled: "The building is going to fall! The building is going to fall!"

Outside, an unsuspecting waiter pointed to the horizon and praised: "The sunset is so beautiful!"

This chapter has been completed!
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