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Chapter 1519 Whetstone

Nanzun City is a bridgehead outside Shu. In peacetime, it is a foothold when entering and exiting Shu. When the two armies are fighting, it is cannon fodder.

Behind Nanzun City is a mountain range, and there is an official road in the mountains. However, since the puppet emperor ordered the blockade of Shu, this official road can only be used by troops.

Everyone in Nanzun City thought that they could not block the strength of Chang'an's army, and they all looked at the defender eagerly.

The guard general Chen Yan was originally in Yizhou. After the puppet emperor came, he changed the guard general of Nanzun City and ordered him to guard the city. The price was that all his family records were left in Tongcheng.

Emperors used the family documents of their ministers as hostages. This happened frequently in ancient and modern times. Chen Yan admitted it. He was on the front line and learned a lot of information through businessmen.

When the new emperor suppressed the powerful families in Chang'an, Chen Yan laughed at him, saying that this was suicidal. When news of the new emperor's success came, Chen Yan remained silent.

He knows what this means.

Sure enough, news came not long after that the Chang'an army was dispatched.

The false emperor of Tongcheng also sent an envoy to encourage him, saying that his two sons had been appointed officials. The implication is that your sons have a bright future, so do you deserve to die too?

Just die in Nanzun!

Behind the warmth is cruelty. Chen Yan knelt down and vowed to live or die with Nan Zun.

The envoy left with satisfaction. While Chen Yan urged his subordinates to repair the city head, he also sent people to inquire about the news.

"The false emperor's cavalry is not far away!"

On this day, the scouts sent news.

Here they also call Li Xuan the pseudo-emperor.


Following this order, the gates of Nanzun City were closed tightly.

Zhao Yong was preparing for a sneak attack, but unexpectedly he was discovered by enemy scouts on the way. He picked up a few generals who had neglected their duties and took his subordinates to check the situation in Nanzun.

Nanzun City is not big. It is said to be a city, but more like a large inn. In the peaceful years, it was indeed a inn.

The city wall is not very high, but you have to use wooden ladders to climb it.

"When will the infantry arrive?" Zhao Yong asked.

"Tomorrow afternoon."

"Surround Nanzun City and wait for the infantry."


Lan Jian brought five thousand infantry before noon on the second day.

"I've met General Zhao!"

Zhao Yong asked: "Who will command this battle?"

"Before coming, General Pei ordered his subordinates to obey General Zhao's orders!"

This is His Majesty's request again... Zhao Yong was moved and said, "Have a rest for half a day and attack the city tomorrow morning."

After entering Chang'an, the emperor reorganized the structure of the Tang army.

The sorted out army of the Tang Dynasty was dominated by the Northern Xinjiang Army, supplemented by selected generals. As for the generals, although the emperor used the Northern Xinjiang Army as the skeleton, there were many other generals.

The Northern Xinjiang Army formed its own system, and outsiders were excluded one after another.

Without waiting for the emperor's reaction, Pei Jian and others held a small meeting and then reiterated the emperor's words.

——From now on, you will be the soldiers of the Tang Dynasty. Forget the word "Northern Xinjiang"!

The generals within the Old Northern Xinjiang Army tried to accept those outsiders, but the two sides were still clearly divided. However, the confrontation or even hostility was gone.

The emperor has been watching with cold eyes. In the words of an old traitor, anyone who knows His Majesty's temperament should behave with their tail between their legs at this time. The more arrogant they are, the worse they will be in the future.

When the emperor first arrived in Taipei, the defenders composed of human prisoners gave him a powerful show of strength, but later the leaders did not end well.

The emperor was renovating the city of Anzhou. Even today, he cannot often go to the army to appease the soldiers, otherwise it would be a violation.

Nothing to do?

"Your Majesty, the prince from Chang'an has sent a memorial!"

Qin Ze also served the emperor with the army.

The emperor was drinking tea. Hearing this, he glanced at the thick memorial and asked, "Is there something big going on?"

"No!" Qin Ze said with a smile: "I was also worried that some thieves would make trouble in Chang'an after Your Majesty went to war, but there was no such thing."

"Then, call back! Tell the prince not to bother me!"

It seems that the emperor is going to let go and sharpen the prince... Qin Ze agreed, turned around and then turned back, "Your Majesty, the battle report..."

"Send a separate copy to the prince when the time comes!"


Qin Ze went out with a smile and handed the memorial to the messenger from Chang'an, "Your Majesty is busy! Go back and tell the prince, don't disturb your Majesty if nothing important happens."

The messenger's body clearly relaxed.

When the emperor goes to war, the prince supervises the country. Supervising the country sounds good, but how to supervise the country?

If you take care of everything, will the emperor be unhappy?

I just asked you to supervise the country, do you really think of yourself as the emperor?

Therefore, the princes who oversee the country have always sent major matters to the emperor's hands, while handling some minor matters themselves. Moreover, even if they handle minor matters, they must report to the emperor immediately afterwards.

——Father, do you think there is anything wrong with the way my son has been treated?

bring it on!

Scold me as much as you like!

At times like this, scolding is a good thing.

But the current emperor dismissed the prince's messenger with the words "Don't bother me."

The messenger whispered: "Someone suggested doing this."

Qin Ze smiled and said, "Who can match His Majesty's instructions?"


The emperor is a novice, the prince is also a novice, but the ministers are veterans.

How to stand out among a group of old ghosts, the prince has a long way to go!

When Qin Ze entered, the emperor asked: "What did the envoy say?"

"Someone suggested that memorials should be sent to the army regardless of their size."

"Yang Xiu is second!" The emperor shook his head and said disdainfully: "No, Yang Xiu can at least figure out the emperor's thoughts. These people don't know that what I hate the most is such cleverness."

"Yes, these people judge a gentleman with a villain's heart." Qin Ze said.

It is common for ministers to try to figure out the emperor's thoughts, including Liu Qing and others. But just try to figure it out! To be smart is to be stupid!

In the eyes of those people, the relationship between the emperor and the prince was more of a monarch and a minister, and the more respectful the better.

But in the eyes of the emperor, between king and minister, father and son come first!

If the order is reversed, the tragedy between the false emperor and the prince is not far away.

Let alone a memorial, even if A Liang really moved a few disobedient ministers, the emperor would just secretly applaud him and send someone back to give the prince a reassurance - my son Niubi!

But he couldn't encourage the prince to do this.

You can figure it out on your own, but you can't ask me to teach you step by step.

This is the emperor's method of raising his children.

Not long after, Jin Yiwei sent news.

"Zhang Qiang, the prince's family member, advises the prince to pray for His Majesty after breakfast every day. He should listen more to the opinions of Prime Minister Liu and others on daily political affairs and talk less... In addition, regardless of the size, any matters should be reported to His Majesty immediately..."

Qin Ze noticed that the emperor's face was colder.

The emperor tapped his fingers on the eucalyptus table.

"Does he want A Liang to become a submissive person? His intentions are to be punished!"

Qin Ze's heart trembled as he thought of Mr. Zhang.

After the emperor ascended the throne, he immediately conferred the title of prince. The manpower of the East Palace was also gradually added.

Logically, the posts of Crown Prince and Tutor should be held concurrently by Liu Qing and others, but the emperor used a large number of officials from outside the Northern Xinjiang clan in the East Palace.

Some people praised him and said that the emperor was well versed in checks and balances.


Most of the emperor was surrounded by officials from the Northern Xinjiang Clan. If the East Palace was arranged like this, the Northern Xinjiang Clan would be the dominant family. In this way, the influence of Liu Qing and others would be too great.

Zhang Qiang is an old minister with high moral character and high prestige, and he is qualified to be the crown prince and tutor. At the beginning, he was very effective in reorganizing the East Palace, and the emperor even rewarded him with 10,000 yuan.

But just a short time later, Zhang Qiang actually got involved in the matter between the emperor and his son.

Qin Ze thought of one thing. On the day of the expedition, the emperor left the palace first and he would be later. On the way out of the imperial city, he saw that many officials were obviously relaxed.

He didn't think about it carefully at that moment, but now he thought, those people were afraid of the emperor.

As soon as the emperor leaves, many people should have fun!

Zhang Qiang is just one of them.

This matter cannot be concealed.

Qin Ze thought of this and said: "Your Majesty, when I left the imperial city, I saw many officials looking relaxed."

"Do you think I am a tiger?" The emperor's expression was still cold, "Zhang Qiang is an old minister, so he should naturally know that my affection for A-liang is extraordinary, but he still encourages A-liang to do this. What is his intention?"

Being an old minister does not mean that you are honest.

When Qin Ze saw that the tea was gone, he went out and asked someone to get it.

When he turned around again, he saw the emperor sneering: "I want to see what tricks these people can do!"

Your Majesty, you don't care?

Qin Ze was stunned.

"Qin Ze!" the emperor suddenly said.

"My servant is here." Qin Ze bowed slightly.

"Tell me, what is the prince thinking?"

"Slave, I dare not speculate."

"Yes! You don't even dare to speculate, but some people do."

Qin Ze's back felt hot and he wished he could fly out with his wings.

"Go for it!"

The emperor picked up the document.

Qin Zeru was granted amnesty and resigned.

When I walked outside the door, I heard the emperor chuckle.

"A-Liang, don't waste the whetstone your father prepared for you!"

"Your Highness!"

After the emperor left, the prince supervised the country. A Liang would hold court discussions with Liu Qing and others every day, but he mainly listened and occasionally expressed his opinions.


Ah Liang was a little distracted just now.

"Your Highness, the price of food in Chang'an market has dropped a lot," Cao Ying said.

"What do you think you should do about this matter?" Ah Liang casually took the pen and wrote a line in the book, then closed the book.

The booklet and pen were all used by him when he was in charge of political affairs. The emperor encouraged him to record the things he thought were important without worrying about embarrassment.

After recording, A Liang raised his head.

He saw the disappointment in Cao Ying's eyes.

"I think that the government should pay for the purchase of grain and raise the price of grain. After all, low grain prices hurt farmers!"

Although it was the first time to supervise the country and face the important ministers without the protection of the emperor, Cao Ying hoped that A Liang would dare to speak out and dare to try and make mistakes.

Ah Liang nodded, "That's very good."

Then they discussed several matters and after reaching a decision, Aliang was sent to the army.

He immediately went to the Queen's place. Mother and son talked for a long time and played with Li Laoer for a while before returning to the study tiredly.

He casually placed the pamphlet on the table, sat down, and relaxed on the swordsman's back.

Outside the door, the rich man squatted, not allowing anyone to approach.

Ah Liang squinted his eyes, put his hands on the back of his neck, and said softly:

"They all treat Gu as a child!"

A gust of autumn wind blew in and stirred the book on the table.

The page of today's record was turned to the front.

——The low price of grain hurts farmers, so you should pay to buy it to boost grain prices!

This chapter has been completed!
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