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Chapter 1525

In this crusade against the false emperor, propaganda came first. Even before the emperor ascended the throne, Bao Dong was ordered to spread the word about the justice of this war all over the country.

——The filial emperor died due to the conspiracy of the pseudo-emperor and his son!

These words were packaged into various stories by Bao Dong and spread throughout the world.

Righteousness has always been the weapon that the Central Plains dynasties relied on most.

With great righteousness in hand, people's hearts will naturally follow.

With the hearts and minds of the people in hand, various war preparations and the deployment of various resources will be particularly smooth. Production, material mobilization, and various social activities... will all be smooth because of the attachment of the people's hearts.

From the emperor's perspective, this was actually a total war.

Use righteousness to win the hearts and minds of the people, and use the hearts and minds of the people to tap out the greatest war potential.

When faced with an alien invasion, if one could know and execute such a total battle, it would not be a myth that the weak would defeat the strong.

Even when he arrived in front of Yangling Pass, Bao Dong still did not put down his work and shouted at the gate with a loud voice.

After a day's work, those with loud voices could only make meaningless sounds when they opened their mouths. Then a doctor sent them medicinal soup and asked them to drink it quickly.

"Would you like a bowl of rice?" the doctor asked politely.

Glancing at the black concoction in the clay pot, Bao Dong shook his head, "No need."

Even if he wanted to eat, he would only take his own rejuvenation pill.

He was ready to go back and resume his life.

When he was more than a hundred steps away from the big tent, he saw Liang Jing and others with faces full of spring breeze.

"Old Bao!" Liang Jing shouted loudly, "Where are you going to hang out?"

"I just came back from shouting, and my throat feels hot." Seeing that he was in a mess, as if he had just been ravaged by dozens of big men, Bao Dong asked, "Are you coming back from the mountains?"


"Have you found the place? That's all, don't ask if you shouldn't ask."

For the free and easy metaphysical disciples, the most dissatisfying thing in the army is the rules.

Liang Jing arrived outside the tent and said, "Please report to Your Majesty that Liang Jing would like to see you."

Before the guard could speak, the emperor's voice came from inside the tent, "Old Liang! Come in!"

Liang Jing went in, followed by Bao Dong to see him.

As soon as he opened his mouth, he heard Liang Jing say: "Your Majesty, I am so happy!"

The troops attacking the city have become numb in the past few days. Everyone has no choice but to watch the death camp taking lives every day. Everyone knows that if they can't find a path to bypass Yangling Pass, it will take at least half a month.

The army must turn around.

By then, the pseudo-emperor and his son would be proud.


The emperor was obviously overjoyed.

"I found a path leading to the back of the pass."

The emperor clapped his hands and asked, "Where?"

"It's in the mountains to the southwest. Follow the mountain road for seven or eight miles, and there is a trail inside. The local hunter took me for a walk, and I can indeed go around it. However, there is a checkpoint at the back."

Checkpoints, that’s not a problem!

The emperor looked calm for a while, but deep in his heart, countless grass and mud horses kept passing through.

I'm so anxious!

"Calling them together for a meeting."

Immediately the civil and military officials gathered together.

The emperor looked at the spring breeze. Everyone didn't know why, and no one dared to ask.

"Your Majesty, have you encountered a happy event?"

The only one who dared to ask was Wang Laoer.

"Great joy!"

The emperor pointed at Liang Jing and said, "Liang Jing has found a path that leads to the back of the pass."

With one blast, the tent exploded.


Suo Yun held up his hands with a red face and said in the Shu dialect he had just learned: "I insist on getting it!"

His brothers have been worried about attacking Yangling Pass for a while, but they know that this is just a containment. But containment is containment, and if there is no progress, it is a mistake.

This is a relief.

"Is the trail easy to walk?" Pei Jian asked.

"There are some places where you need to climb, but it's not a big problem." Liang Jing patted the belly caused by eating and drinking for many years, "I can climb over."

"That's not a problem." Liang Jing was able to crawl over, and the tough soldiers in the army were even more relaxed.

Han Ji narrowed his eyes and looked at Liang Jing, thinking that this person had made the first contribution in this trip, and now he had made another great contribution, which made everyone feel a little disgraceful!

But as the number one henchman of the false emperor at that time, Liang Jing, who was able to deal with Yang Songcheng and other old ghosts, should know the principle that a strong dragon cannot suppress a local snake.

The people of the Northern Xinjiang lineage have not made meritorious deeds, only made mistakes. One is Zhao Yong, the other is Lan Jian.

In comparison, Liang Jing looks particularly eye-catching.

This is a bit overwhelming.

He was a little carried away.

Liang Jing handed over his hand and remained humble for a while.

The emperor pressed his hands and everyone gradually became quiet.

"We still have to attack Yangling Pass, and we have to attack more fiercely. Suo Yun, are you confident?" The emperor looked at Suo Yun.

"Don't worry, Master!" Suo Yun knelt down to show his determination, "If something goes wrong, I'm willing to be the first to climb!"

"Okay!" The emperor nodded, "Once the outflanking troops are in place, there will be chaos at the top of the city. At this time, it is a one-shot deal. We must not give the enemy a chance to breathe. Send all your elite soldiers and generals to me!"


The emperor looked at everyone.

This is to select people to lead the army from the trail to raid the back of the pass.

The old thief coughed dryly.

"Old thief, do you feel uncomfortable in your throat?" Wang Laoer asked.

The second one has good eyesight!

The old thief just wanted to attract the emperor's attention. After hearing this, he said: "How can it be uncomfortable? Now I feel full every morning when I wake up..."

Everyone: "..."

The old thief laughed dryly, "It's inner breath!"


This old thing!

Everyone despised him.

"His Majesty."

While everyone was waiting to be selected, Liang Jing said, "I would like to lead the way!"

This is true!

Leading is not his strong point, but being a leader is not bad!

The credit is equally considerable.

Is this person crazy?

Han Ji shook his head slightly and thought, Liang Jing is preparing to forcefully enter the officialdom!

The emperor nodded, "Of course I want you to go!"

Liang Jing was overjoyed.

The emperor looked around and said, "Second child!"


Wang Laoer held his head high and gave the old thief a proud look.

"You lead two thousand warriors and follow Liang Jing. Do you know what to do here?" The emperor said with a straight face.

Only Wang Laoer could receive such treatment... He Lianrong felt that He Lian Yunshang was really the right person to marry Wang Laoer.

"Go all the way to the back of the pass. If you are not discovered, rest. If you are discovered, kill them with all your strength. Set fire, or shout, in case there is an incoming army... cut off the enemy's retreat..."

"Enough, enough!"

The emperor smiled happily and said, "I heard that you brought a lot of dried meat this time?"

"Yes! My wife made it, and I said I would give it to Your Majesty tomorrow!"

The emperor coughed dryly and said, "It's hard to bring dry food with you on the mountainous road. Take out your dried meat and give it to the soldiers to eat along the way."


Wang Laoer looked aggrieved, but the emperor had a straight face, so he had no choice but to agree.

Han Ji and He Lianrong exchanged glances and both laughed.

This great achievement of going deep behind enemy lines and breaking the city has been given to you, Wang Laoer, but where are the others?

Will this make you unhappy?


How could the emperor miss this little dried meat... The entire north is now the territory of the Tang Dynasty. Every year, countless cattle and sheep are sent to Guanzhong, and even more dried meat.

This was clearly the emperor's method to appease the generals' unhappiness.

Wang Laoer didn't know and felt a little aggrieved. In the eyes of Pei Jian and others, they were a little envious.

The simpler people live, the happier and safer they are.

Wang Laoer selected two thousand warriors, and Liang Jing and others led the way and set off immediately.

Soon, only the emperor and Yang Lue were left in the big tent.

The emperor's waist, which had been straight and straight, slowly relaxed, "Pretending to be a tough guy is actually very tiring."

"But the emperor must be tough." Yang Lue said with some distress.

"Yes! I am like this, and so is Liang Jing who is laughing and laughing." The emperor said: "Liang Jing actually doesn't like the officialdom with many rules. I discovered this more than ten years ago."

"Then he has taken the initiative to ask for war many times during this trip, which means he has an agenda."

"Yes." The emperor said leisurely: "In the past, I liked to ponder the thoughts of the people below, but now I don't."

But even without thinking, several answers still popped up in my mind.

1: Liang Jing was worried about being liquidated in the future, so he was eager to make meritorious deeds to balance the bad things he did while serving the puppet emperor.

2: For the sake of his son’s future, Liang Jing was willing to hold his nose and endure the stench of officialdom.


"Yang Ni's men are attacking more and more fiercely."

At the top of the city, after the wave of attacks ended, guard Xiao Jun squinted his eyes, "Is he in a hurry? Someone is here!"


"I report to your majesty that Yang Ni is getting anxious and his offensive is becoming more and more fierce. I, my minister, must swear to the death to live and die with Yangling Pass!"

The situation was excellent at the moment, but when Xiao Jun said this, several generals around him laughed.

Different from reporting good news but not bad news among relatives, for generals, exaggerating or even fabricating the difficulties they encountered is a way to ask for credit.

"I hope Yang Ni's offensive will be stronger!"

Two thousand warriors entered the mountain.

Sure enough, even if he was not a mountain man, the speed of those fierce soldiers in the mountain roads could still make Liang Jing ashamed.

The consequence of not having the same level of physical fitness is that Liang Jing fell down from exhaustion that day.

The next day, after getting up, Liang Jing stamped his feet and unexpectedly found that his body was only slightly sore.

"Brother is good!" Meng Laoer praised.

Wang Laoer was also a little curious about Liang Jing's insistence, "Both the first merit and the greatest merit are yours, what are you trying to do?"

Wang Laoer is never aggressive when doing things...unless it's to harvest people's heads.

So he felt a little strange when he saw Liang Jing being so keen on looking for opportunities to make meritorious deeds.

"I will serve His Majesty without any hesitation!"

Liang Jing used a routine to deal with Wang Laoer and got a piece of dried meat, "I like this!"

Anyone who is loyal to the emperor is Wang Laoer's friend.

"Brother, don't be too desperate." Meng Laoer looked for an opportunity to persuade Liang Jing, "After all, you are not too young."


There was more determination in Liang Jing's eyes.

The next morning, they arrived at the small village.

Before leaving last time, Liang Jing left fifty sergeants to guard the village and no one was allowed to go out.

"I'm offended."

These people were released and just as they were about to complain, a money bag was thrown over them.

An Orion caught it, opened it and looked at it, and was stunned.

"It's gold!"

In the purse are two pieces of gold.

"After the matter is completed, the child you are waiting for can go to school. This is a grace given by His Majesty!"

The hunters were overjoyed and immediately volunteered to take them there.

"It will kill people." Liang Jing persuaded him kindly.

"Isn't there any benefit to being dead?"

Liang Jing looked at the smiling innocent hunters with complex eyes and nodded, "Yes!"

With the hunters leading the way, the speed was much faster.

They had already reached the side and rear of Yangling Pass, and that pass was in front of them.

Wang Laoer pressed his hands and stepped back.

"Eat solid food."

He watched with distress as the warriors took out the dried meat and munched on it. He also took out a piece and chewed it carefully.

The jerky made by my wife!

If you eat one piece, you will lose one piece!

After resting for half an hour, Wang Laoer led dozens of warriors and went over.

This level is made of stones and looks to be quite old. There are hundreds of soldiers in the level, most of whom are sleeping in wooden houses at the moment.

When a peeing defender discovered Wang Laoer and others, the arrow missed as expected and followed the mountain wind and poured into his throat.


This chapter has been completed!
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