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Chapter 1527 The Gate of Shu

The clerk turned around and ran wildly, and was the first to rush into the half-closed city gate. He turned around, and the chance of escaping from death made him tremble all over.

"Close the door..." the clerk screamed and rushed over at the same time, pushing the door open with the sergeants.

The heavy city gate is slowly closing.

The last sergeant rushed in and threw himself down. There was a deep gash on the back of his spine.


The clerk shouted with all his strength.

The city gates are gradually closing.

It's about to close.

A horizontal knife stabbed in.

The sergeant blocking the crack in the door fell down.

Then, Liang Jing rushed in.


The sword flew horizontally and cut down a sergeant on the right.

"Kill him!" the clerk shouted.

The two sergeants gave up closing the door and rushed over with their swords drawn.

Liang Jing was trembling.

He had killed someone, but then he gradually forgot the feeling of killing in his wealth.

When he killed the defender at the checkpoint earlier, he was stunned and felt his head buzzing. The smell of blood rushed up and almost made him vomit on the spot. Just like that, the defender next to him was stunned.

The knife struck, and if Meng Laoer hadn't pushed him, he would have probably died at the first level.

Then, he slashed like crazy and successfully captured the enemy general.

No one understands his madness, even Wang Laoer, a lunatic, thinks he is even crazier.

Liang Jing narrowly avoided another knife blow. The defender gritted his teeth and wanted to hug him. Liang Jing took a step back. The defender lay on the ground, hugged his hands, and then fell heavily to the ground, his body rebounding...

"I'll chop you to death!"

Liang Jing slashed the defender to death, but his hands tightly hugged his right ankle.

He tried to struggle away, but to no avail.

Another defender came up, grinning ferociously and waving his sword.

Liang Jing lowered his head, and the wind of the knife passed over his head. He felt his scalp getting cold, and a patch of hair fell from his eyes.


Liang Jing swung his sword and killed his opponent with one blow, then limped and dragged the corpse forward.

Wang Laoer and his men outside the city were pushing the door, and the defenders in the city were also pushing the door desperately. The city gate was so big that there couldn't be many people standing there, so the two sides were in a stalemate.

At this moment, Liang Jing looked like a murderer, dragging a corpse by his ankle, holding a horizontal knife and killing with red eyes.

"Kill him!" shouted the clerk.

A sergeant left the city gate, drew his sword, and raised his sword.

The sword flashed and the sergeant fell.

The clerk is right in front of you.

Liang Jing raised his sword...

When he was young and evil, he took his brothers to grab territory, which was just a fight.

He dare not kill anyone.

Moreover, he is even more afraid of being killed.

Until a firefight occurred and he accidentally killed his enemy.

That was his first murder.

After arriving in Chang'an, he made rapid progress and was at ease in the temple.

Killing people in the temple does not require a knife.

Liang Jing felt that it was just right for him.

But he didn't like those days, fighting with people every day, and having to pretend to be a grandson to the emperor every day.

He really doesn't like to pretend to be a grandson, and prefers to eat big chunks of meat, drink from a big bowl, and talk loudly. Roll up his sleeves, don't worry about being impeached by the censor, and lead his brothers on the streets...

Let the blood fill your chest until you grow old.

But there is nothing he can do!

He is a nostalgic person who grew up in Shu. He likes the mountains, rivers, plants, trees, and everyone in Shu. Those hot days! He feels that he can live ten lifetimes without getting tired of it.


But he has three sisters!

The eldest sister married mediocrely and needed his help.

The second sister Liang Yue, later known as Mrs. Guo Guo, married a minor official, which was a good idea. But God couldn't stand her complacency, so he immediately took her husband away.

So the second sister, who became a widow, brought her son and daughter to join him.

The third sister is the most worry-free. Her natural beauty is hard to give up, and she soon became the wife of the emperor's grandson.

He thought he would live like this for the rest of his life.

But what he didn't expect was that his third sister became the emperor's woman.

When he first learned the news, Liang Jing was so angry that he had no place to vent his anger, so he led his brothers to fight with his sworn enemies. But after successfully seizing the territory, he burst into tears.

He knew that his third sister would become an unruly woman from then on and would be poked in the face by the world.

Someone congratulated him, and Liang Jing beat the man.

——People have things to fear in life, and the third sister went astray.

Sooner or later it will end badly.

Liang Jing used the way of thinking of an evil young leader and discovered that his third sister was in danger.

Therefore, when the envoy from Chang'an brought the news that his third sister asked him to go to Chang'an, he packed his bags without hesitation and handed over the territory to his brothers.

Before leaving, he said to his brothers: I will be back in two years at most.

But two years and two years later, he found that he had underestimated the temple and the monarchs and ministers in the temple.

He couldn't save his sister, he could only stay with her.

After falling to Fengpo, the two brothers and sister returned to Chang'an.

He lives outside and the concubine lives in the palace.

Both brother and sister were suffering, waiting for the upstart to deal with them.

The new emperor was very tolerant and gave the brothers and sisters their freedom.

Liang Jing didn't care, he was a man and he would probably return to Shu.

The imperial concubine locked herself in the backyard all day long, never leaving the front door or taking a step forward.

There was even a guest at home... No one was there at first, but later when the emperor was giving gifts to the ministers in the New Year, Liang Jing was also there, so the guest came.

A lady who had been friends with the concubine back then came to visit her, but the concubine was not there. Liang Jing went to visit and saw a sister who was heartbroken.

He advised.

But the imperial concubine said: "I have experienced father and son. At first, that man was an emperor, and people in the world did not dare to criticize him. Now that man has become a lost dog, and I have become a lost dog. If I go out, others will definitely point fingers.

, that person is crawling in ashes, but I am the scapegoat. I don’t care, but I am worried that it will affect you. "

When others look down on the imperial concubine, they naturally look down on him, Liang Jing.

Therefore, the imperial concubine would rather draw the ground as a prison and trap herself in the backyard than go out and cause criticism.

Seeing his sister with despair, Liang Jing thought hard for a long time and felt that the only way to protect his sister was to stand up first.

But how to stand up?

He was a confidant of the false emperor, and he had fought with Yang Songcheng and others in the court for the sake of the false emperor.

Even if the emperor remembered his friendship with him back then and re-enabled him, what would the outside world think?

This path was inappropriate, and Liang Jing did not want to use favors to serve as an official again. The last time he did so, they almost killed their brother and sister.

So, what other ways are there to become an official?

He was very drunk, slapped his gum and said: "Kill people! Men should kill people!"

He is biding his time.

Until this time when the emperor launched an army to attack the false emperor, he saw an opportunity - to follow the expedition and make meritorious deeds. Not only could he completely separate himself from the past and the false emperor, but he could also overcome the obstacles that hindered the emperor from using him.


Liang Jing was hit twice. When Wang Laoer rushed in, he saw him fighting with more than ten defenders. It was as if a madman was hacking and killing without hesitation.

Either you kill me!

Or I'll kill you!

This is Liang Jing's posture.

When the defenders saw that the city gate had been breached, and the man in front of them looked crazy, they suddenly lost the will to fight, shouted, turned around and ran away.

Liang Jing was stunned by the killing and pursued him into the pass.

"Brother, please slow down!" Meng Laoer shouted.

At this moment, the death camp is attacking crazily, and the defenders at the top of the city are trying their best to defend.

One of the defenders heard something was wrong behind him and looked back...

More than a hundred defenders were fleeing. Behind them was a man covered in blood. He was holding a horizontal knife. While chasing and slashing, he yelled: "Stand up!"


"Enemy attack!"

Xiao Jun was directing the defense. After hearing the shouts, he looked back.

A bright red man is chasing more than a hundred of his subordinates.

"Kill him!" Xiao Jun turned around and continued to command.

Later, Wang Laoer brought his subordinates to kill him.

"The enemy is coming." someone shouted.

Xiao Jun looked back again.

His body shook, and he said in disbelief: "Where did that come from? It's a traitor!"

"Raise the banner of yes!" Wang Laoer shouted.

The royal flag was raised high.

"It's Mr. Wang!"

The defenders who closed the door were stunned.

They swore that they were guarding Yangling Pass day and night, and even if a fly flew by, they would have to check it.

But how did Wang Laoer get to the back?

What the hell.

Close the chaos.

"Hold on!" Xiao Jun was also a little at a loss... He never thought that he would be attacked from both sides, so he didn't even have any preparations.

The more than a hundred defeated soldiers fled up and dispersed to both sides without hesitation.

Then, there is the red figure.

Hack and slash!

Mindless slashing.

For my sister!

Liang Jing forgot everything but remembered one thing.


Let my sister come out of the backyard!

Step out into the sunshine!


The defenders were in chaos, and then Wang Laoer and his troops arrived, causing chaos at the top of the city.

The soldiers of the death camp who were attacking the city were overjoyed when they saw this. They rushed to the top of the city and would expand the breakthrough with Wang Laoer and others.

"Your Majesty!" Han Ji was ecstatic, "The second child is done!"

"The second brother has lived up to my high expectations!"

The emperor smiled and said. He thought that he might go back and give the second wife another seal, so that she would be more dignified when she went out.

Although the Tang Dynasty was tolerant, as old nobles of the Northern Liao Dynasty, the Helian Yunshang family was not popular in Chang'an. Even the nobles of the Tang Dynasty looked down upon these people.

At this time, only the emperor's intervention can change the situation.

"His Majesty!"

He Lianrong pointed to the city head.

The emperor looked up.

A red figure stood there, waving the horizontal sword in his hand, shouting crazily, "Li Mi, I say you will be killed first!"

"Who is that? What is he shouting?" asked the emperor.

"It's Liang Jing!"

If you want to gain a firm foothold by the emperor's side, you must have good eyesight.

Qin Ze recognized Liang Jing just after looking at it.

"Old Liang?"

The emperor was stunned.

Is he so powerful?

Yangling Pass was in danger. After the natural barrier was breached, the morale of the defenders quickly fell to the bottom.

"Kneel down and don't kill!"

The city was gradually brought under control.

Close the door and open it.

The cavalry rushed in to control the situation first, and then the infantry cleared up...

After the emperor received the news that he could enter the city, he smiled and said to his subordinates: "Let's go into Shu!"

The ministers smiled knowingly.

Once Yangling Pass is broken, the gate to Shu will be opened

Outside the city gate, Wang Laoer and others were waiting.

The emperor rode over and praised: "The second brother is good!"

"Liang Jing has made great achievements!" Wang Laoer pointed at Liang Jing who was covered in blood and said: "Your Majesty, it is thanks to Liang Jing's brave fighting all the way, especially in the battle to win the door. If it weren't for Liang Jing, I'm afraid he would have failed."


The emperor did not expect this to happen and couldn't help but look at Liang Jing with admiration.

He looked at Liang Jing carefully.

Except for most of his hair, which was still black, everything from his forehead down was stained red with blood.

The eyeballs were still bloodshot.

Liang Jing can be so brave and not afraid of death, so he must have something he wants.

Does he want to be an official?

The emperor felt that it was almost time to use this person.

Using this great achievement as an excuse, no one dared to comment.

"You have made great achievements. After you return, I will give you a reward. But in addition to the reward, I promise you something. What else do you want to ask for? Tell me!"

The bloody man knelt down and said, "I just hope that my sister can walk out of the house with integrity!"

The emperor was startled and immediately thought of the concubine's current situation.

"I promise!"

This chapter has been completed!
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