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Chapter 1541 Who Was Wrong

Zheng Yuandong went to the top of the city.

Not far away, the Chang'an army's cavalry was cruising. They were very comfortable and even dared to tease the defenders within the range of the bed crossbow.

Zheng Yuandong didn't ask why he didn't fire the crossbow. He squinted and looked left and right.

Most of the defenders were a little nervous and a little panicked.

Tongcheng cannot be defended, but the defenders can persist until now. In Zheng Yuandong's opinion, it is just a habitual fear of the emperor's authority.

When this authority no longer exists, what else does the false emperor have?

"There's a dog!"

A sergeant pointed to the city and said.

Zheng Yuandong looked back.

A mangy dog ​​was barking at a woman who was hurriedly passing by with a child in her arms. When it felt the eyes of the defenders at the top of the city, it ran away with its tail between its legs.

Isn’t it still under martial law?

Zheng Yuandong was very curious, thinking that even if the emperor didn't know that the whole city should be under martial law at this moment, what about the people around him?

For example, those generals.

The building will collapse!

Zheng Yuandong felt confused for some reason.

I have been fighting for half my life for this moment. But at this moment, there is another person's army outside the city.

Assist Zuo Mingjun to achieve a prosperous world. This is the life goal that many people dream of!

The young son who was filial to the emperor unified the Tang Dynasty with an iron fist, and suppressed the powerful Guanzhong clan with an iron fist. He had shown the attitude of a hero.

The so-called wise king, unless he meets a virtuous minister, must be a hero. If he is not a hero, he will not be able to suppress his ministers, and all his energy will be consumed in fighting with his ministers.

Zheng Yuandong had this realization in his heart.

According to his dream, if the coup succeeds, one of the two sons of the Filial Emperor will be elected as the emperor, and he, Zhao Sanfu and others will assist the new emperor to achieve prosperity.

But King Zhen and King Yong have been imprisoned for many years and have lost their spirit. Even if they become emperors, they are just mediocre people.

So, where did the prosperous age come from?

Only the ministers are outstanding.

If the ministers are outstanding, the emperor will inevitably be suppressed.

In other words, if he wants to achieve his goals, he must be a powerful minister.

After Zheng Yuandong completely threw away his target at this moment, he suddenly realized that he was wrong.

"A powerful minister! The next step is to become a rebellious minister!"

How many people in the world can resist the temptation of power?

Zheng Yuandong asked himself, he couldn’t do it either!


The sound of horse hooves was heard, and someone shouted: "The whole city is under martial law!"

I'm just thinking about this now, it's too late!

Zheng Yuandong said: "Bang the drum!"

Winter winter winter!

The drums sound, and the people who stay outside before the drums end will be arrested as spies.

But those things that spies should do have probably been done!

Thinking of the disappearance of Huang Chunhui and others, Zheng Yuandong's eyes became ridiculed.

Huang Chunhui disappeared, and so did the hostages.

The false emperor is really messed up.

At this moment, Huahua is on the street.

She was carrying a bamboo basket and looked a little panicked as she ran with the crowd.

After turning around a few alleys, she returned to her residence. After entering, Huahua said: "Martial law is enforced outside."

"It's too late!" Huang Chunhui stroked his horse's head and said calmly: "Those knowledgeable generals and veterans must know that the false emperor is panicking."

"Listen!" Wei Linger, who was reading a novel, suddenly looked up.

Everyone listened attentively.

Various noisy sounds came from outside, and then slowly dissipated...as if a big hand suppressed these sounds.

The world seemed to be frozen.

Until a small voice came.




The voice was neat, powerful, and unhurried.



The sound is approaching.



The voice gradually became louder and louder.

Wei Linger felt the ground trembling.



The ground was really shaking.

It seemed like countless giant beasts were approaching Tongcheng.

Then, everything became quiet.

The whole Tongcheng was listening quietly.

Huang Chunhui tilted his ears and raised the corners of his mouth slightly.

Wei Zhong looked at the door steadily.

Zhou Zun opened his mouth, as if he had thought of something.

In the palace, Li Yuan, who was drinking, was holding a wine glass, his hands were shaking, and the wine was dripping down.

Li Mi, who was circling anxiously in the hall, stopped and looked back outside, his eyes full of fear.

"Long live!"

Without any warning, cheers like a mountain roar and a tsunami suddenly erupted outside the city.

"Long live your Majesty!"

"Long live your Majesty!"

"Long live your Majesty!"

Li Yuan's hand loosened and the wine glass fell to the ground.

He said in a trembling voice: "That bastard is here!"

Li Mi's lips trembled, "I... Tongcheng is as impregnable as gold, as impregnable as gold."

No one noticed that Han Shitou had tears in his eyes with his head lowered.

Zhao Sanfu, who was sitting on the mirror, stood up and sighed: "He's here."

The little brother from back then came with his invincible tiger.

At this time, Zhao Sanfu did not think about the situation, but thought about the young man back then.

That young man will be angry at all injustices, and he will take action even if the mantis is trying to control him.

After Yan Cheng was killed, Zhao Sanfu witnessed Li Xuan taking the risk to ambush He's aide Du Ju, and was almost blocked. Later, after the two got acquainted, Zhao Sanfu asked the young man: "Is it worth taking the risk for a person who meets by chance?"

Zhao Sanfu still remembers the boy's expression: he raised his head slightly and said to Zhao Sanfu in a very serious manner: "I will feel uneasy if I don't kill Chen Ju."

"Do you have a conscience?" Zhao Sanfu asked.



That night, Zhao Sanfu got very drunk.

The word conscience has long been thrown into the trash heap.

If you want to change the Tang Dynasty, you must lose your conscience and pick up your cruelty.

That young man's innocent sense of justice moved Zhao Sanfu all night long. The next day, he was still the same cruel Zhao Sanfu.

Later, the two of them drank, and the young man drank too much. He pointed at Zhao Sanfu in a drunken state and said, "I know that I am a bit of a fool, but it is a waste of time for me not to be a fool!"

This is the first time Zhao Sanfu knows the term "Second Secondary School".

Then, the young man went to Northern Xinjiang.

To leave the imperial concubine alone and go to a place like Northern Xinjiang where birds don't shit, in Zhao Sanfu's opinion, this is what the young man calls the onset of the second degree of aura.

Guarding the border for the country, what a naive sense of justice and responsibility!

Zhao Sanfu, who has abandoned his conscience, is still clumsy in the mirror, getting further and further away from his goal.

Many years later, the innocent middle school boy came back, and with the support of countless people, he ascended to the throne of God and achieved great achievements.

"Who's wrong?"

Zhao Sanfu walked out of the duty room, looked at his panicked subordinates, and asked himself.

I'm a slut.

He is still naive.

"It seems that I was wrong."

Outside the city, a large army gathered.

The emperor rode his horse to the city gate surrounded by people.

"Your Majesty, General Wang would like to see you."

The emperor nodded, and Wang Laoer was brought over and saluted, "Your Majesty, I have swept the area around Tongcheng. There are no traces of the enemy for twenty miles around Tongcheng."


The emperor smiled in approval.

"Your Majesty." The forward general Yang Lue reported: "During the period when I blocked Tongcheng, no one came in or out. I concluded that the puppet emperor is still in the city."


The emperor smiled and nodded.

He looked up at the garrison at the top of the city and said, "Headmaster, Lao Lin, come up with me and take a look."


Accompanied by two good men, the emperor rode close to the city.

Lin Feibao replaced the iron rod and stared at the bed crossbow at the top of the city.

Ning Yayun flicked his tail. If the crossbow on the city head was launched, he would just grab the emperor and fly away.

But the atmosphere at the top of the city was extremely tense at the moment, and no one even thought about sneaking up on the emperor with a bed crossbow.

The emperor rode his horse out of the range of the crossbow and looked at the city head, "It's not high."

"Yes!" Lin Feibao looked nervously at the bed crossbows.

"People are also panicking."

The emperor shook his head and turned his horse around, "Vulnerable!"

No shouting, no careful observation.

After taking a look, he left with a weak comment and went back.

This is ignoring.

At the top of the city, watching the emperor, who was like a dragon, rushing into the army array, Zheng Yuandong sighed softly, "He is indeed a hero."

The emperor returned to the central army and said: "Retreat five miles to camp. The rangers are watching the four gates."


The defenders who were holding back their energy and waiting for Chang'an's army to attack the city were suddenly discouraged.

Yang Minghe was also on top of the city, and was inseparable from Chen Xiao... After Fangzhou was captured, the two were worried about being used as scapegoats by the emperor, and from then on they were followed by a group of confidants wherever they went.

"Yang Ni did not attack the city, and most of his morale was depleted at once. He really used troops to attack everyone." Yang Minghe was very pessimistic.

"It was rumored that Yang Ni used his troops in an eclectic way and had his own style. When I saw it today, it turned out to be true." Chen Xiao said, "How many days do you think Tongcheng can hold on?"

"Even if the emperor's confidants, including Yang Songcheng and others, gather at the top of the city to supervise the battle, in my opinion, Tongcheng cannot hold out for three days."

"Will it be broken within three days?"

"Yes, first of all, except for your and my subordinates, the city guarding sergeants are all new soldiers who have never seen blood. Secondly, your and my subordinates have been worried about being liquidated by the emperor due to the Luofengpo mutiny, so they are restless.

No desire to fight. Thirdly, it is said that the emperor, Yang Songcheng and others escaped quietly, were intercepted and came back, and then fell out with Chun Yushan and others. In this way, the internal situation was in chaos. For three days, I think this is a comfortable time."

"The building will collapse!"

"Yes! The building is about to collapse, what should you and I do?"

"Your Majesty, Yang Ni's army has retreated and set up camp."

Han Shitou brought news that made the puppet emperor and his son feel relieved.


Li Yuan drank wine and said with a smile: "It seems that that scoundrel also knows that Tongcheng is not easy to attack."

"Yes!" Li Mi also laughed, sat down, and toasted with Li Yuan.

Once upon a time, this father and son were in charge of the Tang Dynasty and impressed everyone in the world.

To this day, the father and son are deceiving themselves and rejoicing in the palace just to survive one more day.

Li Mi was eating meat, chewing it a few times and then swallowed it. He was choked, so he picked up the wine glass and drank it in one gulp. Probably because the sip of wine did not remove the meat from his throat, he picked up the wine bottle and drank it.


Being rude is like being a bad boy.

Is this an emperor?

Han Shitou glanced at the chambermaids.

People who serve around noble people have one skill, and that is peeping.

With just a quick glance, you can firmly remember the noble person's expression, and then judge the noble person's mood based on this.

These chambermaids and maids are all good at it. At this moment, everyone has expressionless faces.

Respectfully, no more!

Han Shitou walked out of the hall and took a deep breath.


Behind him, Li Yuan put down his wine glass and said, "We can't sit still and wait for death."

"I know."

"I prepared an ultimatum at the beginning."


"If it weren't for your tight guard, I would have escaped from the palace long ago. Even if the mirror is dispatched, I will be more cautious when searching outside, for fear of offending the gods. In this way, I can avoid disaster."

"How many copies?"

"Three servings."

"Who are the other two copies for?"

"It's just for backup. Between you and me, father and son, who else do you want to take away?"

Li Mi raised his head and glanced at Han Shitou outside the hall.


Han Shitou turned around and saluted.

He looked at Li Mi loyally.

"Your Majesty, my servant is here!"

This chapter has been completed!
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