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Chapter 1550 Rock-solid Will

The day for the great court meeting was getting closer and closer, and the emperor took a break from his busy schedule and came to the side hall where the false emperor was imprisoned.

"Back then, Concubine Li suggested imprisoning the false emperor in Jinyiwei, but I didn't feel good about it."

The emperor stood outside the gate of the side hall, and two chamberlains were opening the door.

Beside him is Han Shitou.

"After all, it feels good to watch." Han Shitou said.

"Sure enough, only you know my thoughts."

The door opened, and light flooded in.

There is only a bed, a horse and nothing else in the side hall.

Li Mi sat on the ground, raised his hands to cover his eyes, and squinted at the two emperors standing in the light.

"Did you know? When you asked me to visit the deposed prince, he was sitting by the bed like this, his eyes were dull, and he looked like a fool. At this moment, you look very much like him. I think he knows something underground.

, will also smile with relief.”

The emperor came in.

"Are you here to laugh at me?" Li Mi slowly let go of his hand and squinted his eyes.

"I prefer pleasure and revenge." The emperor stood in front of him, blocking a lot of light, "I came here to ask you how you framed the late emperor."

Li Mi smiled, "I know that you saved my life for this matter, but why should I say it?"

"I told you, don't suffer." The emperor said directly: "To be honest, I really want to torture you personally, and Shitou can't wait to do it, right?"

"Yes, I wish I could eat the flesh and blood of this old dog."

Li Bihaoha smiled and said: "If you eat my flesh, my uncle will die inexplicably for the rest of his life. Torture is even better. I know my body. If Han Shitou, the traitor, hadn't taken action, I would have gone to Hexi long ago."

I’m gone. But even so, my body can’t withstand the torture. If you don’t believe me, you can try it.”

The emperor glanced at Han Shitou, who said: "It's okay to think about it once or twice!"

The emperor thought for a while and said, "What happened to the late emperor stemmed from two things. One was that the concubine Wang falsely accused the late emperor of molesting her, which aroused the emperor's anger. Then there was a public uproar and the prince was deposed. The second one was that the emperor and the empress were poisoned.

, in anger, he was given poisonous wine. Once these two things are found out, the cause of the late emperor's death and who was behind it will become clear."

The emperor leaned over and reached out to pat the pseudo-emperor's cheek, "If you don't tell me now, when I find out, I will naturally let you know what it means to be unable to survive and what it means to be unable to die!"

He walked out and the palace door closed.

Darkness falls.

"You'll never be able to find out what you're doing! Hahahahaha!"

The emperor stood and said, "Stone, how much do you know?"

"The pseudo-emperor was extremely taboo about the events of the past and rarely mentioned them. However, the servants have gained some achievements over the years. When Concubine De was falsely accused by the late emperor, someone in the palace took care of it... and someone persuaded Concubine De to move her..."

"The crime of slandering the prince...is punishable by death. If Wang can take action, does the person behind it have a handle on her, or is he giving her a benefit that she can't refuse? Check!"

At the emperor's order, the Jinyi Guards were dispatched.

"The Jin Yiwei is dispatched."

Chunyu came to the mountain to look for Yang Xinxiang.

"Where have you gone?" Yang Xinxiang asked calmly.

"After leaving Chang'an, look at the direction, you are going to exit Guanzhong."

"Maybe I'm going to check who it is." Yang Xinxiang played with the jade ring in his hand.

"That direction is Concubine De's natal family."

"There are only four directions in the world. You are thinking too much."

"Did Concubine De leave any clues back then?"

"Are you panicking?"

"Aren't you so scared?"

"Tsk tsk! The dignified head of the Chunyu family is so panicked that he can't even speak."

"That bastard is so cruel, who wants to be the unlucky guy on the pole?"

"Don't worry!" Yang Xinxiang said calmly: "It happened many years ago, and your dead Aweng has already cleaned up the matter. Go back, drink, and have a good sleep. What a pity the Lord of the Chunyu family is.

It’s been such an embarrassing time.”

Chunyudian breathed a sigh of relief and said with a faint look in his eyes, "Brother Yang."

"Say." Yang Xinxiang raised his eyes.

"I have two sons who are unknown..."

"Send it here, I'll help you raise it!"


Chunyudian stood up and saluted solemnly.

"rest assured!"

Chunyudian left.

Sun Yan came in and said, "Mr. Lang, Chun Yudian is a little flustered."

"The Chunyu family and the Wang family had been fighting for a long time over mining and smelting, and they were almost evenly matched. After that scoundrel entered Chang'an, the Wang family relied on his support to suppress the Chunyu family's business. Over time, the Chunyu family's

The shop door is empty."

"What a businessman is best at is watching the wind." Sun Yan sat down and said, "At first, Alang felt that Li Mi would not be able to succeed, so he asked me to come back to assist Mr. Zuo Lang. Now it seems that Alang's eyes are like lightning, but it is a pity.


"There's no way to save him." Yang Xinxiang was secretly sad. "After learning that the bastard destroyed Shi Zhongtang, Aye once said to me: I guess I can't escape, but I can't escape, otherwise the Yang family will be doomed.

I can die, but the Yang family cannot fall."

Therefore, after the Northern Xinjiang Army took control of Chang'an, Yang was extremely cooperative. He gave out porridge and medicine when the weather was cold, and made mung bean soup when the weather was hot. He also did good deeds without leaving his name and left quietly.

If you want money and food, it's easy to say, I'll give it to you. Is it enough? Not enough? It's easy to say!

"Aye said that the best way is to prevent that scoundrel from finding a reason to attack."

Yang Xinxiang sighed: "For this reason, Mr. Yang pretended to be a grandson for a long time."

"You have to keep pretending!" Sun Yan said solemnly: "Until that scoundrel dies!"

"This time they tried to test the prince. They thought the prince would be angry, but unexpectedly they suppressed the matter seemingly mediocrely. Liu Qing and others are indispensable."

"Liu Qing and others will eventually grow old." Sun Yan's eyes were filled with sparkle, "That bastard is the one who came out of the country to kill. To be honest, during the suppression of the Guanzhong battle, his appearance frightened the wealthy powerful people. From then on,

, as long as he is alive, the powerful families in Guanzhong will not dare to rebel. However, he will go after all!"

"The prestige of that scoundrel is too high." Yang Xinxiang squinted, "Destroy the Northern Liao, destroy Shi Ni, destroy the Southern Zhou... This is the momentum of the founding emperor. It is unmatched. But when he is gone, the prince ascends the throne, and faces such a huge power

In the face of complex situations, can he control the territory? He certainly can't. This is our chance to rise again."

"Thousand-year-old Yang family! It has been dormant many times. But every time it rises again, it will definitely become stronger." Sun Yan said confidently: "This time will be no exception."

"There can be no exception!" Yang Xinxiang said categorically, "The Yang family is as strong as iron, and the emperor is like water! In the past thousand years, who can break this situation? Not even that scoundrel!"


Dozens of horses galloped along the official road.

When they arrived at the inn, the leader dismounted and showed a sign, "Jinyiwei is doing business, changing horses and preparing dry food."


As soon as the group of people left, the postmen all exclaimed, "How come it's a woman who leads the way?"

"Don't Digu!" Yi Cheng looked solemn, "It seems that he is going to do something big."

"How do you know?"

"It's not a big deal, why should I carry a crossbow?"

When I wake up in the morning, when I move my hands, the people around me will hum softly.

It was Wu Luo's voice. The emperor opened his eyes and looked up blankly.

"Your Majesty is awake?" Wu Luo asked.

"Well!" The emperor gradually came to his senses and asked, "Is your mother still in the village now?"

"Yes. The slave asked them to move into the city, but Aye said that he used to be sick, but he has gradually gotten better since arriving in the village. Now his waist is straight, and he feels windy when walking... He is not willing to go to the city.


"That's fine!"

The emperor knew that this was because of his many activities.

"It is better for people to have few desires."

The emperor had a deep understanding of this. Later he moved his waist and felt that men are really awesome.

Cows plowing the fields!

There will be a court meeting tomorrow, and today is the last day of the first year of Yongde.

The palace was very lively, with many red lanterns hung up. The emperor shook his head, and Qin Ze asked: "Your Majesty, do you think something is wrong?"


After learning that it was the queen's intention, the emperor praised her decisively.

But he couldn't help but think of the red scene at night.

Plus the palace maid is walking slowly...

The picture is so beautiful!

As he walked slowly in the palace, Qin Ze said: "Your Majesty, Han Shitou is in front."

Han Shitou squatted under the steps of the palace in front, not knowing what he was looking at.

The emperor walked over, and Han Shitou turned around, "Your Majesty!"

"What are you looking for?" asked the emperor.

Han Shitou pointed to the gap under the steps and said, "The slaves once hid copper coins here. I can't help but sigh when I see this place today."

The hierarchy in the palace is strict, and some eunuchs with twisted mentality will torture the people below them by various means...the favorite ones are deduction and blackmail.

The two of them walked forward one behind the other.

"The late emperor used to discuss political affairs with the emperor and empress here."

Han Shitou pointed to the palace in front and said, "At that time, the slaves were just servants in the East Palace. I heard from them that the late emperor pointed out the various shortcomings of the Tang Dynasty and said that if it was not corrected, something unbearable would happen a hundred years later."

Dad’s sense of crisis is really too strong!

"The emperor and the queen all said that this is my Qilin son."

"Isn't the late emperor old at that time?" the emperor asked.


Thinking of his father being called Qilin'er by Ye Niang at his age, the emperor couldn't help but smile and imagined the scene.

"I think what happened to the late emperor was not accidental. Who is inside... I think it's..."

Han Shitou's eyes were complicated.

"I will investigate this matter, not only for revenge, but also to know which forces are taking risks."

At the great court meeting, when the false emperor appeared, it caused a sensation.

The emperor said: "When the false emperor and his son framed the late emperor, I found a lot, but it was still not enough. Who else is behind this, I must find out. Whoever can provide clues and evidence, the guilty can be mitigated, or even reduced. Not guilty.

Then take credit!"

This is the reward for Ciguoguo!

But there was a bit more ridicule in the eyes of the false emperor.

The emperor did not see it.

He began by summarizing his year in power and looking forward to this year.

"...The late emperor worked hard to extend his life for the Tang Dynasty, but he died before he left the army. He left, but I am still here!"

The emperor said with bright eyes: "My will to promote innovation is as strong as a rock. Whoever wants to touch it, I will wait and see!"

Seeing the ministers bowing their heads and shouting long live His Majesty, He Lianrong couldn't help but said: "The poor monk seems to have seen a picture scroll...it's so magnificent!"

This chapter has been completed!
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