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Chapter 1574 born in sorrow, died in peace

"Queen, that boy came and had a fight with King De."

The queen was talking to Yi Niang and covered her forehead when she heard the words, "This Erlang..."

Yi Niang smiled and said: "His Majesty once said that King De is the most innocent. He must be happy to see the hunter, or provoke the other party."

"We have been separated there for many years and suddenly he came here. To be honest, I don't know how to receive that young man. Fortunately, the prince was filial and took over this troublesome matter."

The queen smiled.

"This is probably for practice." Yi Niang said: "Don't worry, Queen, Your Majesty will naturally make appropriate arrangements when he comes back."

"What can he arrange?" the queen said: "Others say that he went to Shu for inspection, but look at Song Zhen, even at his age, he still comes to attend court meetings every day, talking about the Western Expedition."

"After all, Shu was ruled by the pseudo-emperor for several years. At that time, the pseudo-emperor was so wicked that he sent the map of the Tang Dynasty to Luoluo..."

"So what if I took the map of the Tang Dynasty?" the queen said: "When I heard that His Majesty was the one who unified the Tang Dynasty, Yasi was so frightened that he led his army and ran away. It's funny to say that after hearing this, His Majesty was not angry but was happy, saying that he was worried that he would not be able to conquer the Luo Kingdom.

Luo’s excuse.”

"Lolo's place... I heard it's very dirty."

"His Majesty said that Luoluo is not weak and has the potential to rise, so he must suppress it for the sake of his children and grandchildren."

The Queen signaled to change Yi Niang's tea, "In addition, His Majesty said that the invincible tigers and tigers have to fight from time to time, otherwise they will become a flower stand in a short time. Therefore, Luo Luo bumped into the iron plate."

"No wonder His Majesty has been busy with internal affairs in the past few years. He wants to straighten out the internal affairs of the Tang Dynasty before he can go to war."

"Yes." The Queen smiled and said, "I know that he is impatient to be trapped in Chang'an, so I fully support him."

On the wide official road, hundreds of horses were galloping.

When it got dusk, a post station appeared in front of us.

"Rest here tonight!"

Following this sound, the emperor rode his horse to the front.

Yi Cheng heard the sound and came out. Although he had never seen the emperor, he could tell by his posture that he was someone special, so he quickly saluted.

"Your Majesty is here."

A guard came forward to negotiate.

"I have met His Majesty!"

The postmaster hurriedly arranged for someone to clean the largest bedroom, and went to report: "There happened to be a new bathtub in the posthouse that no one had used, so the official ordered someone to clean it up... In addition, that guest room

Rarely used…”

These are the tricks used by the officials below: the so-called new bathtub is mostly reserved to please a certain noble person, and the same is true for the guest room.

But when he reached the position of emperor, he couldn't think about the people below him or scold them just for this matter.

The world is so big, solving the root cause of this problem is the only way.

The emperor immediately moved in.

The dinner was as sumptuous as the emperor expected, and there was even fine wine.

"Your Majesty." While they were eating, Uda brought in a dusty servant.

"Your Majesty, the queen has sent a servant to report that the young man from Zancheng has arrived in Chang'an."

The emperor was startled, "That woman was finally willing to send the child here."

The chamberlain said: "That young man had a fight with King De as soon as he arrived."

"Hey!" The emperor covered his forehead, "Who won?"

"King De."

The emperor shook his head and the chamberlain resigned.

When they were approaching Chang'an, Song Zhen sent a message.

"Your Majesty, Western Xinjiang has been frequently attacking barbarians recently. Governor Zheng is so ruthless in killing people that the barbarians call him Butcher Zheng."

"I didn't expect Zheng Yuandong to be so bloodthirsty, but he is somewhat similar to the second child."

After the emperor ascended the throne, he abolished the position of Jiedushi. When an important minister was needed to lead an attack, the official position was governor.

After Zheng Yuandong took over Western Xinjiang, he changed Zhao Song's conservatism and continuously led his army to invade Luoluo, which was the barbarian territory.

At first, the barbarians roared and vowed to tear the invaders to pieces, but when their brute strength met the well-trained Tang army, it became a military achievement.

Zheng Yuandong led his army deep into Luoluo. Luoluo could have been suppressed by a large army, but Lingtong City has not taken any action. Some people say that Yassi wishes the barbarians to die, but insiders say that Yassi is worried that his big move will trigger the Chang'an Emperor.


It's interest!

If it had been any other opponent, Yasi would have attacked with all his strength, but just thinking about the Northern Liao Dynasty and the Southern Zhou Dynasty, all Yasi's impulses dissipated.

The barbarians killed by Zheng Yuandong were desperate, so they asked Lingtong for help, and threatened that if there were no reinforcements, they would flee into the interior of Luoluo... Just think about what these barbarians would bring to the hinterland of Luoluo, Lingtong

The city finally took action.

Just the year before last, Yasi's envoy came to Chang'an and expressed his willingness to become a brotherly country with the Tang Dynasty and maintain eternal friendship.

But the emperor didn't even read his credentials, and said coldly: I still want to visit Linton City again.

When the messenger heard this, he panicked and flew to Luoluo on Pegasus.

The Emperor of the Tang Dynasty was interested in Luo Luo, and this news aroused public opinion in Linton City. The nobles discussed this topic countless times at balls and cocktail parties, and in the end they all fell in love with the ladies' flirtations.

For a pool of spring water.

After much discussion, Yas decided to recruit troops and use a large army to frighten the Emperor of Tang Dynasty from his ambitions towards Luo Luo.

Now that the emperor returns from Shu, the first thing he does is to plan for the Western Expedition.

But he had to face one thing when he returned to Chang'an.

Something that gave him a bit of a headache.

Father-son relationship!

The emperor has returned to the palace.

After washing, he listened to the prince's report and ate.

"...The food and grass are almost ready, and 70% to 80% of it has been shipped to southern Xinjiang. In the past few years, the northern land has had a bumper harvest, and with the improvement of seeds in the south, three crops a year, I can rest assured that the food will be enough.

The army chews it."

"Where are the weapons?"

"There are a lot of weapons. The Ministry of Industry wants to integrate all the workshops in Taiping..."

The prince looked at the emperor.

The emperor said: "That's inappropriate."

"But if they are put together, it will be even bigger." The prince was quite moved by this suggestion.

"A Liang, don't look at things superficially. Look deeper. What will happen if Taiping belongs to the Ministry of Works? It will be managed as one by the Ministry of Works. Good or bad, we all belong to the same family.

But currently, Taiping is eyeing the workshops under the jurisdiction of the Ministry of Industry and trying to compete with them... This is called competition.

Just like checks and balances, there must still be two or three companies in this field, or even more. Let them compete with each other. If necessary, rewards and other means can be used to stimulate them... Do you understand?"

"We just can't let them get too comfortable."

"Yes." The emperor put down his son, "I was born in sorrow and died in happiness."

After dinner, the emperor had to face his son, whom he had not seen for many years.

He chose the meeting place outside.

When he saw the young man walking towards him, the emperor couldn't help but think of those days.

"I've seen...Aye!"

Helianguang saluted.

"The meeting between me and your mother-in-law was more like fate."

The emperor pointed forward, signaling He Lianguang to follow him.

This is my father?

He Lianguang looked at this middle-aged man and thought of what his mother had said about him.

Talent can put those so-called great talents to shame.

The martial arts commanded the passing emperors to hide their faces.

His ability to govern the country is even more outstanding.

Such an outstanding man is your father.

The disappointments and disappointments of the past seemed to have encountered something at this moment...and were gradually melting away.

"...Your mother's cultivation level is quite high. I didn't know it, so I was so proud that I thought I had controlled her. I later learned that she had countless opportunities to kill me."

"The Tang Dynasty and the Northern Liao Dynasty are mortal enemies and have been fighting for hundreds of years. But it is just a territorial dispute. It is unfortunate for two big countries to be close to each other. There is a saying that one mountain cannot tolerate two tigers... Therefore, the Tang Dynasty and the Liao Dynasty must fall.

One. Unfortunately, Daliao fell. It’s that simple, not as complicated as you think in your mind."

The emperor turned around and asked, "How is your mother?"

"My mother-in-law reads books and writes poems when she has nothing to do... and she also likes to listen to the rain..."

"Changling is still so literary and young!" the emperor sighed.

"Aniang is very good." He Lianguang retorted.

"Yes! Your mother-in-law is very good."

The emperor chatted with Helianguang for a long time, and finally arranged for him to study with King De first.

"No fighting!" the emperor warned King De.

Helian Guang temporarily stayed in the palace.

He felt a different atmosphere, so he asked Li Chong during a class, "It seems very chilling."

Li Laoer said proudly: "Aye wants to deal with the Luoluo people."

"Then what are you proud of?"

"Because I want to go too!"

"Can you go?"

"I have been in the army for several years, and I am invincible in all my battles."

"Then I might go?"

"How do I know?"

Helianguang's heart was moved.

Probably to make up for the regrets he had suffered for many years, the emperor often invited the three brothers to have dinner together. He also had several children, but they were still young and could not hang out with his brothers at the moment.

On this day, Helianguang mentioned this matter.

"Going to war?"

The emperor looked at him and said, "Erlang thinks your brother may go on an expedition?"

He Lianguang looked at King De nervously.

He had been getting along with the German king day and night these days. Although he admired the simple and rough temper of the German king, they were enemies after all!

King De said: "My archery skills are far inferior to his."

He Lianguang: "..."

"In this case, I will consider it again."

King De raised his eyebrows at He Lianguang, indicating that this was done.

Helianguang's heart almost burst out of his chest, and he was so happy.

He trained hard in Zancheng, but the surrounding areas had been wiped out by Zhen Siwenqing, leaving him no room for use.

He didn't expect that there would be a chance to fight when he came to Chang'an. He wished he could put his arms around King De and worship him.

The emperor noticed the children's expressions and ignored them. After eating, he left them and went to the front.

There were still many things to do, which made him quite helpless.

"Why are you helping me?"

After the emperor and the prince left, Helianguang asked.

He felt that he must want benefits... When he was in Zancheng, Aniang taught him that others will not help you for no reason. The children of those ministers help you, either because they want to please you and get greater benefits in the future. Or they want to

Please me...

In Helianguang's world, everything has a price.

He is ready to pay the price.

King De said:

"We are brothers!"

After saying that, King De left.

Helian Guangzhan was there, dumbfounded... those words echoed in his mind.

——We are brothers!

King De turned around and said impatiently: "Are you leaving?"


This chapter has been completed!
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