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Chapter 1580

Helianguang marched with the central army, and with him were the prince and King De.

The three brothers were very lively together, especially when they were camping. Li Lao Er was restless and always wanted to wander around. He only wanted to wander around by himself, and would drag He Lianguang away every time.

The two brothers were looking for someone to compete with each other in the camp. King De was so powerful that he often made his opponents timid before they started fighting. Helian also earned a reputation as an archer in the army just by relying on his archery skills.

Every move of the two sons was in the eyes of the emperor, and he didn't care as long as they didn't go out of line.

"A fledgling general commanding an army will inevitably feel uneasy among his subordinates. How to eliminate this uneasiness?"

In front of the big tent, the emperor and the prince stood side by side, looking at King De in front of him fighting a fierce soldier.

The prince said: "Love a soldier as a son."

"A general with no reputation who loves his soldiers as his own son will only be regarded as guilty by his subordinates." The emperor said: "At this time, there is only one way, and that is... to win the battle!"

"When my father first arrived in Taipei, he was despised by the soldiers in the death camp. My father did not love soldiers as sons. If you love them, those people will only regard you as weak and can be bullied. Just when the horse thieves are attacking

, my father led the army to attack and took the lead in defeating the horse thieves... just like that, step by step, my father subdued those rebellious criminals."

The emperor looked at the prince and said, "In the past, the princes of the Tang Dynasty hid in the East Palace to study and observe politics. Occasionally, they would make earth-shattering noises when they went out of the palace, as if they were really observing the sentiments of the people. But the true sentiments of the people could never be seen once or twice."

Therefore, since you were a child, your father has often taken you to the market and to the fields.

The same is true in the army. If you don't have personal experience of fighting or commanding an army, how will you know the thoughts of the generals after you ascend the throne? How will you know how to deploy the army when facing the enemy? Talking about military affairs on paper will ultimately be a waste of time.

It’s a mistake for the country!”

"Yes." The prince understood. "The way to govern a country is both civil and military. The prince must experience it personally."

"Yes. Ah Liang, don't look at those civil servants who are very respectful to their father, as if they are loyal, but they are not willing to do so. In their eyes, what is being a father...Decisive in killing, and sharp eyes, he can experience everything

But...they can't coax or bully such an emperor. Since they can't coax or bully, they can only bow their heads."

The emperor said: "Remember, the ministers and the emperor have always been rivals. If you are strong, he will be weak, and if you are weak, he will be strong. If you are considerate and considerate to your ministers, then you are not far from being unlucky."

"Do you want to restrain your feelings?" the prince asked.

The emperor silently reached out and touched the top of his head, "He has grown so tall."


There was a circle of people in front. Li Laoer had just knocked down an opponent and shouted: "Who else is there?"

The emperor smiled, "If you are a child of an ordinary family, even if you are cheated out of friendship, the only loss will be to your family. But you are the prince, the future emperor, and if you are out of friendship, the whole world will be unlucky. Therefore.

The emperor is ruthless."

This time it was the prince's turn to be silent.

"Actually, there is affection between people, but it is mixed with various interests. How to control affection is a required course for emperors. Being ruthless does not mean being cold-blooded, but knowing how to distinguish and know how to measure. This requires you to

Go and explore slowly.”

The emperor sighed: "Don't be sad. Think about Wang Lao Er and the old thieves, then think about Lin Feibao and Han Shitou... the friendship is always there!"

"But...what about the benefits?" the prince asked.

"This is the judgment and propriety that my father mentioned before." The emperor patted the prince on the shoulder, "You are the prince, these are the tests you must go through. While my father is by your side, try it when you should.

.If you suffer a loss, your father will take care of you.

Go! Don't be sad here, go play with Erlang and the others. Young people must be full of energy."

The prince slowly passed by.

Behind him, Lin Feibao said: "Your Majesty, Your Highness looks a little sad."

"I have been hesitating about whether and when to teach him the lesson of ruthlessness. A Liang is a child with a sharp mind. According to Ning Yayun, he has a strong soul. People with strong souls will have a different attitude toward others.

Surprisingly keen perception ability. Let’s talk about Wang Qin. If A Liang hadn’t sensed her innocence and her kindness towards him, she would have left long ago.”

The emperor looked at the prince with his hands behind his back as he entered the crowd, and said: "Back then, the late emperor was... too kind. Emperor Xuande obviously did not teach him the lesson of ruthlessness, and killed him with ruthlessness. Naturally, I will not make the same mistake again.

Lao Lin, can you trust me?"

"I have no doubt about it."

"In my eyes, the five flavors are just the effects of some things in the body, which make people think they are delicious or unpleasant. The same is true for power. I have experienced the joy of controlling the destiny of people in the world. But I often feel

Remind yourself that this is just a reward from some...neurons, which makes me feel happy. I will not make the same mistakes again!"

The emperor once again firmly stated his position.


"Good archery skills!"

Li Laosan Helianguang showed his power.

"His Majesty."

Uda brought a royal guard.

"Your Majesty, Luo Luo is preparing for war."

"So, Yas has not sent troops overseas?"


Luoluo's army has advanced to the border cities, and scouts have begun to appear frequently along the border.

Moreover, Scout Luoluo changed his previous conservative attitude and began to take the initiative.

"They learned about the arrival of the vanguard and the massive gathering of food and fodder. They knew that this battle was inevitable, so they bared their fangs. I am very happy!"

Zheng Yuandong, the governor of the Hanhai Sea known as the Butcher of Zheng, was overjoyed and led his men to launch a counterattack.

The Western Xinjiang Army repeatedly broke into the territory of Luoluo, and even went under the first-line city to try to attack.

This was a positive sign, and the messenger brought the news to Linton City that the war was coming.

Linton City seemed to be facing a formidable enemy, so Yas summoned his ministers and decided to attack with a large army.

"The prince will follow the army." Yasi also rejected the suggestion of leaving the prince to supervise the country. "If we win this battle, the army will pursue the victory. When I am old, Horton will lead the army to invade the Tang Dynasty. If we lose...


If he is defeated, does it matter whether the prince is in Linton City or not?

After the army is destroyed, the Tang Dynasty will definitely march in. Can this empty city stop the murderous emperor?

Can't stop it.

It would be better to go into battle as a father-son soldier.

"Prepare to send troops!"

Messengers rushed to various military camps.

"The baggage is shipped!"

The convoy loaded with grain and fodder set off early.

Shania stood outside her home, watching groups of cavalry passing by.

"Where are they going?" Shania asked.

The maid next to me said: "I'm going to the east, and the evil emperor wants to attack Luoluo."

"That person?"

There was a glint in Shania's eyes, and then it disappeared.

"Luoluo will win!" someone shouted.

"Lolo will win!"

People on both sides of the street were cheering, and the windows on the second floor were opened. This time, what fell from the sky was not feces and urine, but cheers.

"Lolo will win!"

The emperor is coming.

His bloated body could not even be covered by his robes. It was said that Yas had to eat five meals a day, and would not stop until the food was piled up to his throat.

Greed is firmly engraved in the bone marrow of every Luoluo person.

Whatever we lack, let’s grab it!

If your neighbor has something, grab it!

But this time they hit an iron plate, and Yas's army returned without success for the first time. After returning, the people who did not see the harvest were very dissatisfied... Many people were looking forward to buying cheaper oriental goods at the auction.

, and, Oriental slaves.

In the early years of the decline of the Central Plains, a group of people were robbed. These people became slaves of the Luoluo people. From the nostalgic stories of the elders, the Luoluo people learned that those slaves of the Central Plains were very docile and intelligent.

, there are many things you can do...much better than those arrogant but stupid kin.

But after the founding of the Tang Dynasty, such things disappeared.

Now, the opportunity comes again.

The people were cheering hoarsely, and the dreams and bloodthirsty nature of the past were once again awakened from the depths of their bone marrow.

"Go kill them!"

A woman shouted with a blushing face.

"Kill them!"

"Trample Chang'an with military boots!"

"Long live!"

Accompanied by cheers, Yas arrived outside the city.

His army was waiting quietly outside the city.

"Prince!" Yas waved, and Holden rode over.

"Follow me!"

Yas took Holden and rode to the front of the formation, inspecting his army with a smile.

"There are many interesting records in the palace, and the earliest ones were written on sheepskin. The gods praise the diligent and intelligent Central Plains people for inventing paper, which frees us from the pain of writing and reading while smelling the smell of sheep."

"Before the Tang Dynasty, the Central Plains was a country called Chen. The Chen country was very powerful at first, and no one dared to provoke it. But the Central Plains people had a bad habit. Their nobles were more cruel than our nobles... Our nobles

At least you know to leave a way for the people to survive, otherwise who are you going to exploit? But the nobles of the Central Plains never care about the consequences.

So it won't be long before those people who can't bear it will rebel. They will strangle the nobles who treat them as human beings, ravage their women, kill all their family members, and even cook them and use them as meat."

Holden retched.

"They have the best people in the world, but unfortunately, they have the most greedy nobles in the world. Therefore, every few hundred years, the Central Plains will weaken. The last time was the Chen Kingdom. Now the Chen Kingdom has been destroyed for hundreds of years.

In the year, the Central Plains was supposed to usher in a dynasty change, but an anomaly occurred, and that anomaly was called... Li Xuan!"

Yas drew his sword.

"He was aggressive and arrogant. But he had a sharp vision and saw the biggest problem of the Central Plains Dynasty, so he took the risk to suppress those nobles and cut off their hands to the people. If you give him time, Prince, he will put the big

Where will Tang take him? Luo Luo will be in danger. So, this is an opportunity."

Yas raised his long knife.

"Let us ride horses on Chang'an!"

This chapter has been completed!
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