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Chapter 1583 My family has a young child

Before the war, the two sides will continue to maintain small-scale fighting. One is to scout and cover the other side's sentries, and the other is to ensure mutual contact so that the army can experience the atmosphere before the war.

Wang Laoer came back with five thousand horses.

King De's bravery and He Lianguang's archery skills became a hot topic in the army.

"Aye, where is brother?" Li Laoer was about to show off to the prince, but he was shocked to find that his brother was missing.

The emperor who was reading the document said without raising his head: "Going out."

"Brother, what are you doing?" Li Laoer sat down, took the emperor's water glass without ceremony, and drank from it.

Qin Ze lowered his head helplessly.

"He went to kill someone."

There are three thousand elite cavalry, and Tu Shang is assisting Prince Zuo.

"Your Highness, the Loro army is two or three days away, and the Loro Rangers have become even more crazy because of this. They intercept our troops regardless of life and death, and in turn want to come in and find out the news."

Tu Shang looked at the prince.

——Don’t explain everything clearly to him!

This is the emperor's instructions. Just assist the left and assist the left. Just pick up the omissions and make up for the omissions. Let the prince make the decision.

The prince looked ahead and thought of his father's words.

——Be cautious when making decisions, but be decisive when taking action.

"Then we should retaliate in kind!"

The prince said, Tu Shang was silent.

This is the beginning of the great war.

Three thousand cavalry, led by the prince, approached the border. Soon, they encountered a group of enemy cavalry.

"More than a thousand people!" Tu Chang narrowed his eyes, "They will escape..."

The prince said: "Don't be in a hurry, come forward slowly."

Tu Shang asked: "Why doesn't Your Highness pursue you urgently?"

"If something goes wrong, it will be a monster." The prince pointed at the slowly retreating enemy troops and said: "More than a thousand cavalry faced three thousand of us but did not run away, as if they were expecting something..."

Tu Shang was silent.

"Follow slowly." The prince followed this group of cavalry with three thousand cavalry. "In addition, two groups of cavalry went back and made a gesture of calling for reinforcements."

Tu Shang's eyes showed brilliantly.

The two groups of cavalry turned around and ran away.

Among the enemy cavalry on the opposite side, there was also a group of cavalry running back.

When the cavalry team disappeared from sight for half an hour, the prince raised his hand and said, "Attack!"

Three thousand cavalry suddenly accelerated.

The enemy cavalry on the opposite side quickly fled.

"Don't stop, keep chasing!"

the prince shouted.

"His Royal Highness has fewer troops this time." Han Ji and He Lianrong were drinking tea.

"But if you bring too many, it will be a big war." He Lianrong said with a smile: "Your Majesty asked the prince to lead three thousand elites to attack, which is a pattern of advancing to attack and retreating to defend. With the help of the experienced Tu Shang, no matter what

Neither will be defeated."

"This is the prince's first battle in the army. Unlike King De and others who kill the enemy without any burden, the prince is leading the army this time. If it goes against him... he will inevitably be criticized."

"This is the price." He Lianrong said: "Nothing can be guaranteed. We must not only train the prince, but also want him to win safely. How can such a good thing come from?"

"Yes! I am also a little confused, why does Your Majesty have to let the prince lead the army alone?"

"Your Majesty probably doesn't want the prince to become a conservative emperor!"

"After defeating Luo Luo, does Datang still have enemies?"

"Who knows! His Majesty has sent people to travel far and wide in the past few years. Last year, a group of people who went to the north came back. They said that there are some tribes north of the Far North. It is said that there are several larger tribes further north.

One of them has established a country and is expanding in all directions."

"Tsk! Your Majesty will probably be excited after hearing this!"

"Who says it's not the case? If Liu Qing and the others hadn't persuaded him, His Majesty would have prepared to go on an expedition."

"It's not easy for Liu Qing and others to deal with such an emperor."

"Is it easy for us?"

"It's not easy."

The three thousand cavalry continued to accelerate. These elite war horses were the best, and gradually caught up with the enemy, chasing and slashing them all the way.

When a hill appeared in front, thousands of enemy cavalry rushed out from behind the hill...

Eye to eye on both sides.

Didn't it mean that Tang Jun followed slowly?

This guy can run faster than a defeated army. Is this called slowness?

"Fight in!"

The prince Pao Xiao, protected by the two horned dragon guards around him, took the lead in charging forward.

"Drive them away!"

The prince kept giving orders.

"Retreat to both sides!" the enemy general was shouting. After he finished shouting, he realized that there were mountains on both sides.

The rout disrupted the enemy's formation, and then the prince rushed in with three thousand cavalry.


Three thousand of the most elite cavalry cut the enemy into two parts with just one attack.

But the enemy's immediate counterattack was quite sharp.

"Follow me!"

The prince, with five hundred cavalry, met the enemy force that counterattacked fiercely.

After several attacks, the prince, who was covered in blood, turned around on his horse and found that the enemy army was defeated.


The remaining enemy troops fled in panic.

The prince led his army to pursue him for three miles before reining in his horse.

"Go back immediately!"

They went back and cleaned up the battlefield.

All enemy troops must be captured and taken away, along with their flags.

Those cavalrymen didn't even spare the injured enemy soldiers and shot them one by one.

"No need to kill them!"

The prince stopped the killing.

But this is the rule.

The cavalrymen looked at the prince in silence.

Someone whispered: "Your Highness, leave these enemy soldiers behind and recover from their injuries. They will become more ferocious. Mercy now will be cruelty in the future."

This was said so well that Tu Shang wanted to praise it.

The cavalrymen looked at the prince with some surprise and displeasure.

In the temple, the monarchs and ministers shouted for mercy, but these soldiers who were struggling in life and death believed that a dead enemy is a good enemy.

The prince was a bit rash about this matter.

But how to take back that kindness now and turn the soldiers' doubts into praise.

Several brigade commanders looked not very good-looking.

The prince pointed to an enemy soldier with an injured leg and said: "If you leave them behind, firstly, the enemy will have to waste food and manpower to treat and take care of them. Secondly, it will make the enemy frustrated. Thirdly, this battle will not be successful."

It will last for a long time, and the war will only take a few days. And these injuries obviously cannot be cured in a few days."

This consumes the enemy's resources.

"At first, His Highness led his troops to follow slowly. Later, His Highness ordered two groups of cavalry to set off pretending to call for reinforcements. A group of cavalry also set out from the opposite side..."

In the big tent, the emperor and the officials were listening to the story of the envoy sent by Tu Shang.

"This is the meaning of paralysis." Jiang Cunzhong said: "The enemy is retreating slowly, and it must be a lure. Then, maybe there are men and horses waiting behind them. The cavalry team went to notify them and let them prepare for an ambush...


"Half an hour after the cavalry set off, His Highness suddenly ordered an all-out pursuit. They pursued them all the way to the mountainside, when suddenly thousands of enemy cavalry rushed out from behind..."

Pei Jian praised: "Half an hour is enough for the enemy troops to prepare for an ambush. But chasing and killing at this moment makes it too late for the ambush troops to get the news... Using speed to control slowness is different from His Majesty's tactics."

The corners of the emperor's mouth curled up slightly.

"His Royal Highness led the army to drive away the defeated troops and disrupted the formation of the ambush, and then covered up the enemy. When the enemy troops gathered to counterattack, His Highness personally led hundreds of cavalry to defeat them... In the end, the enemy troops were defeated. After pursuing for three miles, His Highness ordered the troops to retreat."

The emperor is laughing.

"On the way back, His Highness stopped him from killing all the enemy's wounded and wounded, saying that the war would be within a few days, and leaving these people behind would be a waste of the enemy's army."

"It takes two people to take care of a wounded person..." Pei Jian said with a smile.

The emperor coughed dryly, "What do you think?"

This is the battle for the prince’s debut, and also the battle for laying the foundation and taking over.

"Your Highness is resourceful, decisive and brave. Congratulations to Your Majesty!"

"With this national foundation, I would like to congratulate the Tang Dynasty!"

The emperor laughed and said, "My son has just grown up, and his filial piety will frighten the enemy."

Immediately, the emperor glanced at Bao Dong.

Bao Dong, the Minister of Rites, nodded and went out to find a few accompanying officials.

"Immediately spread the word in the army about the prince's various performances in this battle. As per the old rules, three points will be added!"


Immediately, the army began to spread various stories of the prince's wisdom and prowess in this battle.

"Your Majesty is building momentum for the prince!"

Jiang Cunzhong and Pei Jian were walking in the camp.

"This is the first war that the prince can participate in, and it is probably the last one. Your Majesty must take the opportunity to let the prince establish his authority. Otherwise, how can the prince after succeeding to the throne suppress those arrogant generals and cunning old ministers?


Pei Jian sighed: "I thought of the late emperor. At the time, Emperor Xuande and Empress Wu would not have been like this if they were your majesty."

"Power is fascinating to the eye." Jiang Cunzhong said: "The former emperor and the emperor obviously have different ways and ways. What did your majesty say?"

"Don't work together." Pei Jian said, "But everyone's way is different. But His Majesty has said that the way of an emperor should remain the same through the ages."


"Yes, it is to govern for the people!"

The emperor is writing a letter.

——A Ning, just today when I write to you, A Liang led his army to defeat a powerful enemy. Before the attack, I was very worried...

"The Tang army is exerting pressure on the flanks with more than 10,000 cavalry!"

"Be alert! Be alert!"

The enemy's forwards are responding seriously.

On the flank, Zhang Du was cruising with more than 10,000 fine horses until a group of scouts arrived.

"The prince defeated the enemy and has evacuated."

"Good!" Zhang Du praised: "As expected, he is your Majesty's son. The prince is so sharp, and the Tang Dynasty will not be bullied in the future. Attack and cut off the prince's queen!"

More than 10,000 cavalrymen appeared on the route the prince took after he evacuated.

A group of enemy rangers wanted to follow the prince's cavalry, but they ran into...

The ending is tragic.

"This is……"

The enemy general was confused about Zhang Du's purpose of showing up with more than 10,000 cavalry, but at the end of the day, he saw that it was for those 3,000 cavalry to cut off the rear.

"They are also preparing to respond to the three thousand cavalry on the flanks. Who is leading the army? How can they mobilize troops like this? Check it out!"

The news came...

"The army is led by the Prince of the Tang Dynasty, Li Qi!"

The enemy general was stunned and then silent.

The news spread to the army approaching the border.

"Your Majesty, Prince Li Qi of the Tang Dynasty led three thousand cavalry to defeat one of our troops."

Yas looked at the ministers and then at Prince Holden.

He said in a deep voice: "This is Li Xuan training the prince. With such princes, the Tang Dynasty will remain sharp in the next few decades. They will continue to attack Luo Luo and invade in large numbers when looking for opportunities. Therefore, this battle will

It is related to Luoluo’s national destiny.”

Yas stood up and said, "There is no room for error!"

This chapter has been completed!
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