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Chapter 179 The gods descend to the world

The huge crater is on the top of the mountain. From a distance, it looks like a bowl or a pot.

The leader knelt down excitedly, holding his staff in both hands and praying devoutly.

The same goes for the mother and daughter, but their faces are a little pale.

"What's this?"

Li Han's wisdom ends here.

King Wei shook his head. As a prince, he spent his whole life in Chang'an from his birth to his youth, and then became a vassal in Qianzhou. He was ignorant and ignorant.

The two found that Yang Xuan looked pale, and Li Han asked: "Do you know?"

Yang Xuan nodded, "An evil dragon is struggling underground. We must find a way to escape."

Li Han shook his head, "We can't leave."

After the leader finished praying, he stood up, pointed at the mother and daughter with a red face, and said, "Wash them clean."

"This... doesn't it sound like a pig?" King Wei's face suddenly turned pale because the leader pointed his finger at the three of them.

"Yes, in their eyes, we are all pigs about to be sent to the altar." Yang Xuan said.

Li Han lowered his head, "It's impossible to send the whole pig to the altar. Usually only the head is offered."

"And them."

The leader pointed at Yang Xuan and the others, and then said piously: "The more sacrifices there are, the happier the gods will be."

King Wei said: "What do you think will happen if I say that I just ate meat last night?"

Li Han's face turned livid, "They will cut open your stomach to see if there is any meat. If there is any meat, they will throw you into the mountains to feed wild animals. If not, they will throw you away as a sacrifice to the gods."

The three people and the mother and daughter were driven to a small river.

"Wash clean!"

The ketone bodies of the two women made the tribal warriors who were monitoring them salivate. Yang Xuan and the others were in such a gloomy mood that they would not be moved even if they were immortals.

Yang Xuan and the others took off their underwear, and someone nearby shouted loudly: "Take off all of them!"

This is the last dignity of a man.

But before life and death, dignity is also thrown aside.

The three guys, who had different thoughts a while ago, took off their obscene pants and covered their lower bodies with their hands.

"Wash each other away!"

Someone threw down a few brushes for brushing horses and said, "If you can't brush them clean, I'll use a long knife to brush them for you."

The three of them helped each other brush, but the brush was rough, and soon there were red scratches all over their bodies, which were burning.

After washing, you have to wash your clothes. According to them, the sacrifice must be sincere, and the sacrifice must be clean from the inside out.

Yang Xuan had no problem washing clothes, but the other two were a bit...

Li Han's washing was horrific.


King Wei was so irritable while washing his clothes that he unknowingly used his inner breath, which resulted in the clothes being torn.

The three of them put on wet clothes and stood together with the mother and daughter, accepting the inspection by the leader.

"Is everything clean?"

"It's all clean."

"You still have to clean it!" the leader said seriously.

"Stab with a stick!" Suzaku was still gloating.


Li Han looked at the leader and whispered: "Hijack him."

Not a bad idea.

King Wei was ready to make a move.

Yang Xuan whispered: "I saw him flying past before..."

King Wei died down.

"We will sacrifice tomorrow."

That night, Yang Xuan and the others couldn't sleep.

"All my life, I have dreamed of leaving the palace, getting rid of my status as a royal family member, and being free."


King Wei ridiculed Li Han's dream.

This is the center of the camp, and the three of them are lying on the grass.

Li Han asked: "What is your dream?"

King Wei remained silent.

He won't answer this question.

Li Han said: "That seat?"

King Wei shook his head, "I don't care!"

"Then why did you come to Taiping?" Li Han was gifted with a bit of a venomous tongue. "Since you don't plan to compete for that position, why don't you squat in Qianzhou to eat, drink and have fun? If you are tired of eating, drinking and having fun, becoming a layman and practicing monasticism at home is also a way out, at least There will be no liquidation after the new emperor ascends the throne."

King Wei looked into the distance with desolate eyes and stopped talking.

"Weird." Li Han muttered.

The three of them stayed up all night.

At dawn, the campground was abuzz.

"Pull clean!"

The leader shouted in a very vulgar manner, "You must be pious to worship God, and you will be blessed only if you clean yourself."

So more than a thousand people squatted everywhere and started working.

It's spectacular.

"Pull harder!"

The leader is the leader, he squats at the front, pulling heart-breakingly.

At the foot of what they call the sacred mountain, a natural latrine appeared out of thin air.

Li Han whispered: "Will the gods feel happy when they see a group of people defecating?"

King Wei said calmly: "In the eyes of the gods, humans are just ants. Do you care about ants?"

"You can't even see it." Li Han thought this explanation was good.

Later, the leader lifted up his pants and said with satisfaction: "Get ready to go."

Yang Xuan glanced at the crater and saw steam rising.

In his ear, Suzaku said: "The volcanic lake is usually very calm. If you can see the water boiling or smell the strong smell of sulfur, be careful and run as far as you can."

"The sacrifice comes forward."

Three men and two women walked in the front.

The mother and daughter began to tremble, and the pride of worshiping the gods gradually dissipated.

Life is everything to a human being. Unless those who feel that their lives are meaningless and miserable, and who are not afraid of death, no one will willingly serve as a sacrifice.

The mother and daughter looked like they had been enjoying themselves for many years and were used to enjoying themselves. At first, they seemed to feel proud out of respect for the gods. But when death was just ahead, their faith was obviously shaken.

The woman looked back at Yang Xuan, her lips moving.

"They are all going to die." Li Han felt that this mother and daughter were a scourge, and they were also implicated.

The woman had tears in her eyes and staggered on her feet.

King Wei looked back and said, "Those people are very excited."

Yang Xuan said: "Of course, because they were not the ones who died. They were shouting and killing the sacrifices. If there is a blessing from the gods, then everyone will be happy. If not, they can also feel at ease."

Li Han whispered: "This reminds me of the emperor."

The emperor takes life and death at his own risk. If he kills, he kills. If there is any benefit, he will accept it. If there is no benefit, it doesn't matter. Anyway, he is not the one who dies.

Yang Xuan suddenly thought of someone.


That respectable and pitiful little old man stood outside the imperial city and shouted loudly, knocking on the palace gate with his forehead, hoping to use his own life to wake up the "confused" emperor.

But how did he know that the confused emperor in his eyes was playing a game of chess, which required many sacrifices, and he was one of them.

In the past, Yang Xuan thought the pseudo-emperor's game of chess was very powerful, but gradually he discovered that the goal of this game was power.

What did he get in the end?

Yang Xuan calculated it and found that the emperor gained some power, but he also paid a price...the power of the four surnames in the family was expanding.

For power, the emperor was willing to make a deal with the devil.

In front of them, these tribal soldiers were also playing a game of chess for the so-called blessings from the gods, and Yang Xuan and others were the sacrifices.

What do they get?

Yang Xuan could almost imagine their ending... Because they came out to worship the so-called sacred mountain this time, their tribe had fewer herders, so this year's harvest would be much reduced. After winter, many people would starve to death due to lack of food.

This is the result of this worship.

When there is a shortage of food in the tribe, the old, weak, sick and disabled will take the initiative to diet, so they are the ones who starve to death. In the eyes of everyone in the tribe, these people who starve to death are probably voluntary sacrifices, so no one will feel sad about it.

The road up the mountain is very narrow and a bit steep, so you need to lean forward to move forward.

It was a bit difficult for the mother and daughter to leave.

Later, they almost used their hands and feet to climb hard.

The three of them, Yang Xuan, had great cultivation, and if they weren't worried about being tied up if they were exposed, they would probably have flown to the top of the mountain.

No matter how difficult the road is, there is a moment when it comes to the end. When standing on the top of the mountain and looking at the volcanic lake in front of him, Yang Xuan took a breath of cold air.

Water vapor evaporates.

He was already feeling the heat.

The point is, the smell is wrong.

It smells like sulfur!

Sulfur is currently used as medicine in the Tang Dynasty and as a raw material for alchemists. It is said that many people are burned every year by mixing sulfur with other things to make alchemy.

But those alchemists enthusiastically said that this was divine fire.

What a divine fire!

Yang Xuan thought of the gunpowder he saw in the scroll, which was incredibly powerful. But he was currently too weak to try it easily.

A gust of wind blew by, and the water vapor was blown away, revealing the surface of the lake.

"Green!" King Wei couldn't help being surprised.

The green water is long and beautiful. Of course King Wei has seen water that looks like green, but the lake in front of him is so green that it makes people panic.

"It's green water." Yang Xuan said.

In his ear, Suzaku said: "Be careful and run away as soon as you find an opportunity."

"This is a sign from the gods!"

The leader came up and couldn't help but exclaimed with joy when he saw the green lake.

The gods are deadly!

Yang Xuan coughed dryly and said, "Ah Da Ah Er."

How come you still want to take advantage of us at this time!

King Wei and Li Han glared at him.

Yang Xuan whispered: "Whatever I do later, you all will follow me."

The two of them were startled, and Yang Xuan shouted, "Don't be so groggy. It's time to save your life. Do you understand?"

"Do you have any idea?" Li Han's eyes lit up.

"Yes." Yang Xuan stared at the lake.

King Wei shook his head, "I'm a little dizzy."

"The gods have sent down an oracle." The leader also felt dizzy and overjoyed, "This is the oracle from the gods."

The gods make people dizzy, which is a sign that they are preparing to send an oracle.

More than a thousand people gathered around the crater and knelt down in piety.

There is no need to kneel for sacrifices.

After some prayers, the leader pointed at Yang Xuan and the other five people and said: "Get ready to slaughter the sacrifices!"

The mother and daughter did not cry, but stood up obediently.

At some point, people will feel that death is coming. Most people will obey, but a small number of people will struggle.


The dozen or so sergeants who were about to come over were startled by Yang Xuan's roar.

Yang Xuan looked at the lake blankly, then raised his hands high and looked up at the sky.

"The gods are coming."

Everyone was startled, and the leader sneered, "Pretend to be crazy and act like a fool, kill him first."

Two warriors came over with long swords and grinning.

Yang Xuan knelt down and shouted: "Oracle!"

"Hold on!" the leader called to the two warriors, "listen to what he says."

King Wei whispered: "What oracle does he have?"

Li Han said: "It's a fool."

Yang Xuan began to recite the oracle.

"Heaven and earth mingle, yin and yang spread, and all things are born. They inherit their past karma and divide the spiritual path. Parents are harmonious, and people are born. In the beginning, the first month is a cell, and the essence and blood are coagulated. In the second month, the fetus is formed, which is a sign.

It is an embryo. The Yang spirit in March is composed of three souls, which move and give birth. The Yin spirit in April is composed of seven souls, which are composed of calmness and form..."

He recited sentence by sentence, pausing after each sentence, as if he was relaying God's instructions.


Li Han's heart moved, "This is so exquisite... it's so wonderful!"

King Wei was surprised, "Trance is a secret skill, but I have seen many secret skills and techniques, but they are far less unpredictable than this one. Is it really an oracle?"

The leader was obviously also restrained.

"Kneel down!"

He took the lead and knelt on the edge.

Yang Xuan recited while staring at the lake.

"Niwan-kun, the master of all gods." He suddenly whispered: "Suzaku, how long will it take?"

"It's almost there. It's almost as soon as you see the air surging underneath."

"This chicken is not an extraordinary chicken, it is the Queen Mother's Royal Chicken. My master has no use for you, so I will use you to make spicy chicken..."

Yang Xuan read this paragraph and was instantly confused.


Suzaku, you are so damn good at killing people.

The green light flashed wildly, like an angry child... Suzaku said angrily: "This version turns out to be a pirated version. I'm going to find the original version."

The leader raised his head and said, "I seem to hear something about chicken, some spicy chicken?"

You heard wrong.

Yang Xuan looked serious and quickly continued the following content.

"Consciousness of God according to life is the human soul. Directing orders and controlling the heart is the source of life."


It's still so enigmatic, so it's obvious that this is an oracle.

The leader looked at Yang Xuan with shock in his eyes.

I held the cane for many days, but there was no oracle. But he only held it for less than half a day, but he got the favor of the gods.


Yang Xuan was looking at the lake.

At this moment, the water vapor was steaming, and he looked around but couldn't see clearly.

The wind is coming!

Come quickly!

Yang Xuan was anxious, but he could only continue to recite.

Suddenly a gust of wind blew and the water vapor dispersed.

Bubbles began to appear under the lake's surface.

The blisters were very tiny. When they popped up and burst, Yang Xuan took a sip and suddenly felt like he would be able to ascend immediately.

He stood up and shouted loudly: "The Supreme Lord is as anxious as the law!"

Everyone stood up.

"Kneel down!"

Yang Xuan shouted fiercely.

Everyone quickly knelt down.

Yang Xuan raised his head and looked at the sky, "Welcome to the Supreme Lord!"

Is the spirit called Taishang Laojun?

The leader looked up.

The sunlight casts down, and after being refracted by those strange water vapors, it actually looks colorful.

"The gods have descended to earth!"

Everyone kowtowed wildly.

"The sacrifice comes down the mountain."

Yang Xuan shouted.

Just when the leader was suspicious, Yang Xuan's body trembled and he rolled his eyes.

He opened his eyes again, his eyes cold and as if they were gods.

"I am Laojun, sit down, boy Shen An, who are you waiting for?"

The leader said in panic: "I... the villain European."

"Why are you here?"


Yang Xuan was anxious.

"The villain begs the gods for blessings."

Yang Xuan said indifferently: "What is your wish? What kind of sacrifice should you use?"

The leader said: "The villain wants... to become the largest khan in the north."

How ambitious!

Desire is intoxicating and crazy.

"These five people are the sacrifices. If they are not enough, there are many more here."

A fool who can throw out his subordinates as sacrifices at any time, even if he is made the khan of the northern grasslands, he is still a fool.


Yang Xuan looked at the four of them and said, "I only need my soul, not my body. These five people can go down the mountain and wait."

The leader nodded, "Yes."

But he nodded hesitantly.

Yang Xuan said: "The top of the mountain is my dojo. No one is allowed to kill. I concentrated my power under the lake, and then it surged out. I went to the bottom of the mountain to get their souls. Who wants to go with me?"

The suspicion dissipated, but the leader asked: "May I ask the gods, is the immortal here?"

Yang Xuan said calmly: "I am an immortal, and this is my dojo."

"May I ask where Laojun's dojo is?"

Yang Xuan pointed to the sky, "Tushita Palace!"

He should go down first.

Then four people followed.

Probably feeling that their souls were about to be taken away, the mother and daughter were choking.

"Wait a minute!"

The leader spoke, and Yang Xuan's heart skipped a beat.

The leader pointed to a general and said: "Uda, you take my guards and follow him."

It’s over!

Li Han felt cold in his heart.

These more than a hundred people looked extremely tough and well-equipped. They were no match.


Yang Xuan said softly.

He raised his hands high, "When the gods come to the world, the wind and clouds will rise!"

Everyone walked down slowly.

After walking for a while, I heard someone screaming at the top of the mountain, "It's rolling."

At this moment, large pools of water bubbles appeared on the lake surface, and it began to surge crazily.

"The gods are coming!"

The leader knelt down.

Happy preparation to receive blessings from the gods.

Yang Xuan looked back.

The water vapor has changed color and is a little red.

Waves of water vapor rose up, looking like mist, gradually spreading.


This chapter has been completed!
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