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Chapter 180 The fate of the eldest niece

Under the surface of the lake, water bubbles keep rising up, bursting out of the water and turning into gas.

The water vapor turned red and then green under the influence of the gas.

The water vapor gradually turned into mist, slowly spreading around.

A man kneeling on the edge of the crater raised his head in intoxication and took a deep breath of mist.

Then he felt his throat swelling and he couldn't take another breath in.

I felt irritation in my eyes and nose, followed by tears and runny nose.

The man fell to the ground, twitched a few times, and died.

The fog continued to spread, and wherever it passed, everyone fell down and twitched.

And the convulsions started quickly and ended quickly.

I don't think it would be so fast when blood seals your throat.

The leader was dumbfounded, "God, this is not your sacrifice."

But the people in front of him kept falling.

The leader stood up, turned around and ran away.

Between God's blessing and life, he chose life without hesitation.

But he still didn't forget to bring the cane.


Some people exclaimed, turned around and ran away.

The five people and the more than 100 people who had already reached the halfway point turned around and saw a man staggering to the side of the path. Just as he was about to take a step, he fell down.

The colorful mist is spreading continuously, making it especially strange.

The leader appears.

The steps looked heavy.

The more than a hundred guards were dumbfounded.

Yang Xuan said calmly: "The sinner will pay the price."

Before he finished speaking, the leader fell down, his body twitched a few times, and then fell silent.

One of the guards stopped and said, "I want to save the leader."

"This is a punishment from the gods, who can save it? Foolish people, leave quickly." Yang Xuan took the lead, and everyone trotted down the mountain.

At this moment, the fog has spread halfway up the mountain.


King Wei suddenly slipped and fell into a cave on the side.

A hand suddenly reached out, grabbed his outstretched hand, and pulled hard.

"You should thank me!" Li Han said as he ran.

"I can come out on my own."

Li Han's foot was sprained and he was limping.

He is getting slower and slower.

"You are a burden!"

King Wei grabbed him, put him on his shoulders and flew down.

"Fuck you, let me go!"

Li Han shouted.

At the foot of the mountain, Yang Xuan found his horse, took a knife, a bow and arrows, and plundered a lot of food, shouting: "Hurry and leave."


Li Han gave him a look.

There are also more than a hundred guardsmen on the side.

Yang Xuan rolled his eyes, shook his body, and said in surprise: "Why am I at the bottom of the mountain?"

Li Han said: "I was possessed by a spirit just now."

Yang Xuan was a little frightened. "I remembered that the god is called Shen An, and he is a boy who sat down with the god."

Yang Xuan covered his forehead, "Shen An said that this place will become purgatory, so let's run to the north quickly. He also gave me a trace of divine breath so that we can contact him in the future."

"What network? 4G or 5G? 6G...7G, 8G." Suzaku asked.

"Leave quickly."

The more than a hundred people were relieved as expected, and Yang Xuan and the other three ran away.

The mother and daughter were in hot pursuit.

"Don't follow." Li Han turned around and scolded.

But no one listened. Li Han looked up and was dumbfounded when he saw more than a hundred riders following closely.

"what to do?"

King Wei glanced at Yang Xuan and said, "Keep pretending."

The girl's war horse suddenly neighed and slowed down.

The horse's hoof is broken.

The girl shouted: "Mom, go quickly!"

The woman reined in the horse without hesitation and dismounted.

"Hurry up and get on your horse!"

The girl refused.


The woman slapped her and said, "Get out!"

"I dont go!"

The girl shook her head and said stubbornly: "If you want to die, then die together."

The woman pulled out a long knife and put it on her neck, "I will die for you now."

The girl panicked, got on her horse and said, "I'm going, let's go together!"

As soon as the woman slapped the horse's butt, the horse bolted out.

There was a smile on her lips, "You are still young. You don't have a man or children yet. Mom has been through everything and deserves to die."


The girl looked back and cried.

"do not Cry!"

King Wei shouted loudly.

The girl was frightened, and then saw King Wei turning his horse around.

The woman watched the cavalry galloping past her and walked back with a smile.

The sound of horse hooves came from behind, and then she felt her collar tighten, and she jumped into the air.

King Wei just carried her with one hand and ran back quickly.


There were tears on the girl's face, and she accidentally blew a snot bubble in her ecstasy.

Li Han glanced at the fog at the mountain pass and found that it was still spreading outwards. He said, "I don't know how far the fog will spread, and she won't be able to move with it."

"Yang Xuan!" King Wei looked at Yang Xuan.

This stuff!

Yang Xuan nodded, "Take it with you."

So the mother and daughter rode together, and the speed of the group slowed down.

"The horse is coming." Someone shouted from behind.

Hundreds of war horses followed in a mighty manner.

"These horses look a little crazy." Li Han glanced at Yang Xuan, "Were they frightened by the power of the gods?"

He was frightened by the death of his companion, so he ran all the way.

"take away."

The group soon turned into a single cavalry group.

The woman and her daughter murmured, and they followed closely behind King Wei.


There was an explosion behind them, and when everyone turned around, they saw a plume of smoke rising into the sky from the mountain pass, and then they could see flames spurting out.


Yang Xuan knew that this was a volcanic eruption.

He had seen volcanic eruptions in the scrolls, mostly in island countries, but also in mainland countries, but rarely in grasslands.

"Let's go!"

The crowd galloped for a while.

More than ten miles away, you can still see smoke rising into the sky.

"Is it almost done?"

someone asked.

"There will be dust falling later. This is divine punishment. If you inhale too much, you will die."

Volcanic eruptions only cause devastating damage to the surrounding areas, leaving volcanic ash farther away.

No way!

Bai Yuqi looked at Yang Xuan with doubts in his eyes.

This man was said to be possessed by a spirit, but the spirit has left. Should we kill him to avenge the leader?

"They have bad eyesight." Li Han observed, "A surprise attack?"

Not timid.

Yang Xuan shook his head, "We'll talk about it later in the evening."

It's easier to get away at night.

We rode all the way until evening.

The tired people dismounted and immediately lit a bonfire.

I have some dry food, so I won’t worry about it for the time being.

"The weather has changed."

The sky is gray.

The guards gathered together at this moment, whispering.

"It's not very good." King Wei said: "Now that we are far away from the sacred mountain, they want to take action."

The mother and daughter followed him step by step. The woman said, "They want to kill you."

The dog said it!

Yang Xuan sneered, "King Wei is taking the lead, let's prepare to fight out!"

"What are you worried about?" Li Han asked.

This stick's vision is too vicious.

Yang Xuan said: "I'm worried about arrows."

Masters are very powerful in single combat, but when faced with an army's attack, their power will be greatly reduced. This is what is meant by being indefensible.

If you are covered by a rain of arrows, no matter how high your skill is, you will still be hit by arrows.

"The only way is to strangle them together. Be careful."

Li Han's expression changed slightly, he was the weakest here.

King Wei said coldly: "Everyone is following me."

King Wei has a very generous figure.

At this time, the guards on the opposite side slowly came over.


Yang Xuan said: "Don't give them a chance to shoot arrows at the beginning. Once they pick up the bow and arrow, rush forward."

"There are a lot of them."

"You're so verbose!"

Ah Da and Ah Er actually joined forces.

The leading guard held the bow and arrow.

"Calm down!"

Yang Xuan took two rookies on the battlefield and prepared to take action.


Thunder came suddenly.

A drop of rain fell on Yang Xuan's head, followed by another drop.

The leading guard raised his head, and raindrops fell on his face. He wiped it and looked down.


He looked at Yang Xuan.

Yang Xuan's words earlier echoed in his mind.

"There will be dust falling later. This is divine punishment. If you inhale too much, you will die."

In their view, the eruption of the sacred mountain was the result of the arrival of the gods, and the death of the leader and others was naturally due to their insincerity, so they were killed by the gods.

The reason why they were able to escape was because the spirit named Shen An that had previously possessed Yang Xuan was gone. If they didn't kill Yang Xuan, they would not be able to live up to their leader's kindness to them in the past.

But Yang Xuan said something casually, and God actually did it.

Dust falls!

This is divine punishment!

Yang Xuan actually knew that divine punishment would come, even the dust knew it.


The leading guard knelt down and kowtowed devoutly.

"God is above."

What's the meaning?

King Wei was puzzled.

Yang Xuan guessed something.

He walked over slowly.

"Be careful!" King Wei followed closely, and Li Han pulled him.

"Don't go, look!"

The guard came on his knees, lowered his head and prostrated, and kissed Yang Xuan's shoes devoutly.

"Vulcan above!"


Yang Xuan thought about Yi Niang's kind smile, then imitated it, and stroked the guard's head, "I will leave."


"I left a representative in the world."


"Don't offend him."

"Yes, from now on he is the master of Uda."


"That's fine."

A group of guards kowtowed.

"I've met the master."

King Wei's cheek twitched, "Is this okay?"

Li Han said: "This is what fools are like."

The mother and daughter stood far away and had a quarrel over whether to kneel down.

"That's Vulcan."

"But he saved us."

"That's a god!"

"Daughter, whoever saves you will be your god."


The journey that followed went smoothly.

"Can we leave directly?" King Wei asked.

Yang Xuan and Li Han both shook their heads, and Li Han said: "When I returned from the north, luckily I had a prepared identity, but I was still intercepted by the Jibo Department."

Yang Xuan said: "First, we don't have enough food to go back. Second, we must go to the city to get an identity for ourselves, otherwise we will not be able to leave Tanzhou."

Outside Tanzhou City, Yang Xuan and others were interrogated.

"We are from the Fundamental Department."

"What are you doing in Tanzhou?"

"Doing business."

"what business?"

"Selling horses."


The clerk stared at Yang Xuan, and the sergeants in the city gate held the handles of their swords.

Yang Xuan smiled bitterly, "The Khan fought with the Tang Dynasty and took away our cattle and sheep. We have no choice but to come to Tanzhou to sell horses in order to survive in exchange for food. Otherwise, 30% of the tribe will starve to death this year.


"Poor man." The Jibo tribe was at war with Chenzhou. The junior official knew about this. He sighed with compassion and then stretched out his hand.

"What?" Yang Xuan was confused.

The clerk said coldly: "You have to pay taxes when entering the city."

How could the emperor's uncle be so mean?

Yang Xuan took a look and saw that those who entered the city really had to pay taxes.

Isn’t the ground scraped too hard?!

Li Han stepped forward and said sadly: "Our money has been plundered."

"A horse." The clerk was as indifferent as a god.

This is not scraping the ground, but scraping the blood!

One horse was left behind, and everyone filed in.

When they arrived at the market, Yang Xuan shouted: "The horses are for sale. Good horses are sold at low prices."

Li Han sighed, "You can't do this."

He walked up, with tears in his eyes, "The tribe encountered a natural disaster. Everyone was waiting to eat and drink, but the gods brought disaster..."

King Wei whispered from behind: "Hurry up and lower your head."

More than a hundred people bowed their heads in unison, and the heavy atmosphere made people feel depressed.

"As long as you give me money and food, I will take it away!" Li Han said sadly, "I heard that Tanzhou is full of heroes, please reach out and save us."


King Wei and Li Han discussed it and then ordered the women and daughters to cry.

"It's worse." King Wei was not satisfied.


The woman cried with runny nose all over her face.

The girl cried with tears all over her face.

Each other's hands were on each other's waist, twisting hard.

Amid the wailing, a man came over and asked, "How much does one cost?"

Li Han sniffed and said, "You can give it as you see fit."

The man said with a straight face, "You look down on me and think I am a villain who takes advantage?"

"I don't dare!" Li Han leaned forward in panic, "I'm just hungry and scared. I'm just waiting for the food to come back to save my life."

"Here's the money!"

The man dropped his money bag, chose a horse, and took it away.

Yang Xuan coughed dryly and picked up the money bag.

"Too much."

There is enough money in the purse to buy two good horses.

Li Han said angrily: "Why don't you go chase me quickly?"

But the man had already mounted his horse and ran away.

"Hero, leave your name!" Li Han waved.

The good guy ran away long ago.

The people of Tanzhou still maintained their simple style despite the raids by the emperor's uncle, which shocked Yang Xuan.

"They are all rich people!" After selling half of the horse, Li Han analyzed: "Rich people are not afraid of spending money, but they have to spend money to have a sense of accomplishment. For example, someone praises him. What do people here like to praise the most?

What a good man! So I did what he liked and returned home with a full load."

He looked down at King Wei again and said, "Many times, brains are more useful than knives."


King Wei chuckled, "Maybe my knife can make you sober."

"To buy food, we need to clear customs documents. Let's get ready to leave." Yang Xuan felt that with these two people around, he would be exposed sooner or later.

"They're right there." Someone shouted from behind, and the voice sounded familiar.

He turned around slowly.

Hundreds of soldiers surrounded him from both sides.

The clerk at the city gate came with a few officials, smiling proudly, "What are you doing selling horses and bringing in so many people? It's more like being a coolie."

The result of underestimating people is tragedy.

A group of people were escorted out of the market.

Li Han was also desperate, "What should I do?"

King Wei asked: "Can you withstand the torture?"

Li Han hesitated for a moment, nodded, and then shook his head again, "I haven't tried it, but I think I can't stand it."

The two looked at Yang Xuan.

Yang Xuan shook his head.

Someone is coming from ahead.

"Who was caught?"

It's a woman's voice.

Something sounds familiar!

Yang Xuan stood on tiptoe and looked over King Wei's head.

It happened that the woman also looked over.

Eyes facing each other.

Lightning flash.

Thunder and fire.

The woman smiled charmingly, "Yang Ming Mansion, what a coincidence!"

Yang Xuan smiled happily, "My eldest niece...it's fate!"

This chapter has been completed!
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