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Chapter 202 Ghosts and People

The warehouse was in the city, so the group turned back again.

"Check carefully." Wang Yugui told his accounting masters.

Yang Xuan did not come in, but was talking to Nan He outside.

"On this trip, we encountered the cavalry of the Vashe tribe. They lacked fighting spirit and were easily driven away by our cavalry. Lang Jun, after several attacks, the Vashe tribe was somewhat scattered."

"One thing goes another way. I originally wanted to wait until the autumn harvest before making a contribution and then build momentum." Yang Xuan smiled happily, "I didn't expect that Chang'an would arrange people to find trouble. At this moment, I just want to hold the queen's hand and say thank you.


Nan He looked strange, and Yang Xuan asked, "Is there something wrong?"

Nan He said seriously: "Mr. Sir, you must not hold the hand of a married woman."

The two looked at each other and couldn't help laughing.

Is the woman of the false emperor worthy of holding the husband's hand? Nan He thought of Yi Niang and imagined the scene of Yi Niang whipping the woman of the false emperor with a small leather whip.


The picture is so beautiful.


The audit is very long.

Yang Xuan had the patience to wait slowly.

This is especially true for Wang Yugui.

Shang Huyun took the opportunity to come out, found Yang Xuan and asked, "Is there anything wrong with Yang Ming's house?"

"Nothing wrong."

"The empress is watching you." Shang Huyun nodded.

This is a secret code.

"Haha!" Yang Xuan just said haha.

"If you have any questions, please tell me earlier." Shang Huyun didn't care about his doubts about his identity.

Looking back, he said to Yan Hui: "Before departure, someone from the palace said that it is one thing to have great military exploits, but military exploits are not equal to the ability to be an official. We need to see Yang Xuan's quality during this trip."

Yan Hui said: "Being an official requires a lot of proficiency, observing people's words, making mistakes, and flattering the superior... He is too young."

"Being an official means being a human being," Shang Huyun said.

On the third day, there was a master of accounting who took stock of the case.

"There's a problem!"

Wang Yugui barely slept for the past two nights. He was worried about his physical condition all night long. Hearing this, he perked up and asked, "Where?"

"Master Wang, please see, the whereabouts of this amount of grain is unknown, and the destination has not been clearly stated... What kind of mold is there? How could the grain be so moldy?"

The expert said firmly: "Even if it is moldy, it is only part of it. It is impossible to dispose all of it. This is unreasonable."

Another person came over and took a look, "Hey! Yes! Where did this food go?"

The master had no position, and felt some sympathy for Yang Mingfu. "According to past practice, it is probably due to corruption."

Wang Yugui smiled, "Is there more?"

The master pointed to another place and said, "Here, Sir Wang, please see. This amount of food was said to be inedible, but it was actually used to feed the war horses."

He shook his head, "I have checked the account books in the past when I was waiting in the place, and the most common excuse used by those who are greedy for ink is mold, which feeds the war horses."

"How audacious!" Wang Yugui sneered, "I'm looking for Yang Xuan!"

Yang Xuan and Nan He were talking outside the house. When they came in, they said impatiently: "Has the investigation been completed?"


Wang Yugui wanted to scold him, but he thought wrong.

His purpose in this trip was to slap the imperial concubine in the face, and also to deal with the little county magistrate.

A slap in the face would be pleasant at this moment, but when a letter from Yang Xuan was sent to Chang'an, wouldn't the imperial concubine be prepared?

He said coldly: "Yang Ming's house is clean and honest, which is beyond my expectation."

Yang Xuan breathed a sigh of relief, "Easy to say, easy to say. Yang prepared a banquet and asked Wang Langzhong to show his respect."

I should paralyze him!

"I won't eat at the banquet!" Wang Yungui said with a straight face.

Since he represents the queen, he will naturally not give Yang Xuan a good look.

The two of them went out one after another. The accounting masters sorted out the evidence and then temporarily sealed the account books as usual.

"Let's go." The accounting master shook his head and sighed. He brought the two account books that he had copied, but he had also quietly taken them away.

Everyone left the room, and the place was immediately handed over to the people from Taiping County.

Jiang Zhen came to take over. After entering the room, he suddenly sighed and went out after a long time.

After he left, a while later, the wooden board under the cabinet in the corner suddenly moved.

The board kept moving to the side, a hand stretched out, pushed the board away, and then a head poked out.

There was only enough space under the cabinet for him to stick out his head, and his neck was still underneath.

The old thief looked inside the room, scratched his head and said, "Then why is Jiang Zhen sighing?"

Yang Xuan invited Shang Huyun and his party to have a drink. Shang Huyun kept watching him. After the banquet, he returned to his residence and said to Yan Hui: "Wang Yugui said there was no solid evidence. It seems that I have underestimated Yang Xuan."

Yan Hui was half drunk and said, "After all, he is the young man whom the queen once valued."

"If he can survive this disaster, things will be smooth in the future." Shang Huyun said with a smile: "I am much older than him, but seeing that he is now the county magistrate, after this incident, his official career will definitely be smooth, and I can't help but have the desire to

Envy comes, hey! I’m getting old!”

Yan Hui said: "How old is the master? This time my wife can think of the master. This is a chance!"

Shang Huyun said nothing.

It’s not that the imperial concubine has no manpower, but the task this time is to watch and testify, so naturally she doesn’t need those big guys. And it won’t help if the big guys come. There are people watching from the side. If you really want to find out what the problem is, how can the big guys still do it?

Suppressing this matter in front of Wang Yugui?

But, that's okay.

Thinking that after this experience, the empress must be deeply impressed by him, Shang Huyun couldn't help but feel hot in his heart.


He drank tea comfortably.

In another place, Wang Yugui said with murderous intent: "It's been a long night and many dreams. I'll leave Taiping tomorrow. Then I'll arrange for a fast horse to gallop all the way to Chang'an and deliver the news."

On the second day, Wang Yugui and everyone were preparing to go to Zhangyu County.

Since I said I would start from the bottom up, I naturally can't change my mind.

Yang Xuan was also quite indifferent and just sent Qian Ji to see him off.

A clerk walked alongside Qian Ji, and Qian Ji whispered: "Yesterday, Yang Xuan and others continued drinking and singing loudly after they returned."

"This man thought he had escaped death."

"Maybe we can get him down this time?" Qian Ji's eyes were burning.

The clerk said calmly: "He's finished."

Qian Ji returned to the county house. When he saw Yang Xuan covering his forehead and complaining of a headache, he smiled and said, "Mingfu should be careful!"

"Old money!" Yang Xuan tapped his forehead, "I drank too much last night."

I'll drink from you later!

Qian Ji smiled kindly, turned around and saw Jiang Zhen, and gave him a wink.

Later, Jiang Zhen pretended to deliver documents and entered Qian Ji's check-in room.

Qian Ji sat by the window sill, his body hidden to the side, looking outside.

"Do you have any handle on Cao Ying?"

Why does he ask this?

Jiang Zhen's heart tightened, "Cao Ying is cautious in doing things, and there is no way to get a handle on her."

Qian Ji frowned, "That's it...that's all!"

After Jiang Zhen went out, he thought about Qian Ji all the way.

He seemed to be feeling proud just now?

He went to find Cao Ying later. After talking about some official matters, he said before leaving: "Cao County Magistrate, there have been more mosquitoes recently."

Cao Ying hummed and continued to work at the desk to handle official matters.


Cao Ying suddenly raised her head, "There aren't many mosquitoes recently! There are so many mosquitoes... What does he mean?"

Cao Ying naturally didn't expect that Er Wu Zai would warn her, and he didn't need this.

Li Han came and saw him handling official business, so he asked, "Where is Zitai?"

"Lang Jun went to the county school."

Yang Xuan is teaching students at the county school.

"Why do we need to breathe?"

The students shook their heads to express their ignorance.

Breathing is a natural thing for people, so why ask? Li Wenmin found this question a bit boring.

Yang Xuan seemed to know their thoughts, "Just like eating every day, why do you need to breathe? This is a big problem."

Students are very "showy". For example, in the first few days of school, someone had something stolen, and he went straight to the thief's son and beat him up hard.

Some people were also deceived, and Yue Dashu was beaten for this, but it was later proven that he was not the one who did it.

These students are not stupid. They live in a sin city, and the way of survival they learned since childhood is completely different from other children. Here, they must be very alert and keep an eye on the streets and alleys, as long as there is something to eat.

, or have the opportunity to make money, whether you use coaxing or trying to make money, the starting point is the same.

Go make money!

Otherwise you will starve to death.

In the past, Taiping officials didn't care about their life or death at all, and they would only report a death after death. It was common for officials to corrupt their rations, so it was normal to not have enough food and clothing.

Starvation is also common.

We are not human beings.

Their parents and elders warned them like this.

You can't expect the officials to treat us as human beings, so if you want to survive in this sinful city, you must learn your own way of survival.

For example, the son of a master thief steals things as soon as he enters the school, but these classmates are not economical. Especially Yue Dashu, it is clear that he has not been stolen, but when the son of a master thief is caught, he also shouts that he has been stolen.


It's really sad to look at it...this is money saved for ten years!

The unruly students gave Li Wenmin a headache, and he broke three of his rulers. However, the students who were beaten by him in front of him made them howl like ghosts, turned around, and began to feel triumphant again.

Some students showed off their hands that were swollen like pig hooves.

Li Wenmin sometimes feels desperate, but that's just his temperament and he refuses to admit defeat.

Today, Yang Xuan came to teach the students. Li Wenmin was watching from the side, holding the ruler tightly in his hand, and swore that anyone who dared to jump out and stab them would have their butts beaten into four pieces!

But the students listened attentively.

His eyes followed Yang Xuan.

A gentleman came over and said softly when he saw this: "Only the Ming government can control these brats."

Seeing Li Wenmin's unswerving expression, he thought he was unhappy, so he explained: "It was after the Ming Dynasty came to Taiping that they... no, our lives were easier. I asked a student that day, who should he listen to in this life?

If so, the student said..."

Li Wenmin was a little curious about what the students would say.

Aye or Aniang?

The gentleman sighed: "He said that Ye Niang told him that he must listen to the Ming government in this life. He will do whatever the Ming government asks him to do. Even if he is allowed to die."

Li Wenmin was shocked.

The teacher smiled and said: "I asked people why they live and want to die for others. The student said, Ye Niang said that we used to live like ghosts. It was not until the Ming Dynasty came that we became human beings. It was the Ming Dynasty that took us away from

Ghosts have turned into humans, and if he is willing to turn us into ghosts again, then he should not hesitate!"

Li Wenmin opened his mouth and shook his head slightly.

It turns out that I have been puzzled by the question... Is this the answer?

Seeing that his eyes were slightly red, the gentleman quickly left.

Men think it is embarrassing to shed tears and whoever is around them is unlucky.

Li Wenmin looked at Yang Xuan and thought: Why can't I resist Mingfu's orders? Mingfu's talent is one thing, but more importantly... it was Mingfu who turned me from a ghost into a human!

"We eat because our body needs it. What we eat will be decomposed into the gastrointestinal tract. The body will absorb the nutrients, and the remaining garbage will become something to be digested and pulled out."

A student raised his hand and Yang Xuan nodded.

"Sir, what about drinking water?"

"Of course, think about why the meat you eat is soft? Why do you cry? These are the effects of the water you drink decomposing in the body, and the final residue becomes urine and is excreted."

The students suddenly understood.

When Li Han arrived, he stood outside the door, wondering, "How can I teach this?"

"By analogy, why do we need to breathe?"

Everyone raised their hands.

Yang Xuan was happy and pointed at Yue Dashu.

Yue Dashu stood up and said: "Sir, what is inhaled must be what people need. After people absorb what they need, they exhale the rest."

This is my student!

A sense of happiness made Yang Xuan feel that teaching was a good career.

How about...if the revolt is successful in the future, I can go teach?

At the end of the class, Yang Xuan came out and asked, "Jianming?"

"Hey! Zitai, what kind of qi are you teaching? Is there such a thing?"

"Try holding your breath."

"I know I can't hold it in for long."

"Why can't you hold it in?"


Li Han was stuck, and his mind suddenly shut down.

Why can't I hold it in?


Li Han thought of Yue Dashu's answer, "Is there really something we need among the things sucked in? But sucked in..." He stretched out his hand and waved it in the void, "There is nothing!"

"Many things are invisible to the naked eye, but they do not exist."

Yang Xuan patiently enlightened him, "It's like burning a fire. You light a piece of paper and throw it into a porcelain bottle. The large-mouth porcelain bottle will burn, but the small-mouth porcelain bottle will go out. And if you add a stopper to the large-mouth porcelain bottle, the fire inside will

It will go out.”

"Really?" Li Han is a noble son and has never gone too far.

"You'll know after you try it." Yang Xuan felt like he was preaching.

He needs some people to break down the original knowledge system, reshape the knowledge system, and give Datang a complete reshuffle.

Just having students is not enough. If a member of the clan like Li Han wants to learn, of course he has to spend all his money to teach.

Li Han got on his horse and meditated. When he arrived outside the county, he remembered that he was looking for Yang Xuan.

"Has Wang Yugui ever found a clue?"

Yang Xuan smiled happily, "I should have found it."


Li Han went back to experiment, and Yang Xuan entered the county house.

The old thief is waiting.


"The villain heard them mention the amount of moldy grain under the ground, and the amount of grain for feeding the pigs."


Wang Yungui was on his way to Zhangyu County when the two cavalrymen left quietly and rushed all the way to Chang'an.

I changed horses without changing people along the way. When I saw Chang'an City, a leaf fell.

Someone took the account book, and someone wrote the bullet.

Everything is in order and in full swing.

Immediately Danzhang entered the palace.

"Your Majesty, someone is impeaching Taiping County Magistrate Yang Xuan for corruption!"

This chapter has been completed!
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