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Chapter 218 Go Teach Them

The smell and taste of each place are different.

When he woke up in the early morning, a strange feeling made Yang Xuan feel inexplicably lonely, as if the whole world and himself had been cut apart.

He didn't open his eyes, he just felt this new environment with his ears and nose.

The taste is different and the sound is even different.

It was very quiet at the back of Taiping County. Those people who walked through the back door would whisper that the Ming Dynasty was still sleeping and should be quieter. So they would walk softly and try not to talk.

The corners of Yang Xuan's mouth curled up slightly, and he realized in his heart that his loneliness turned out to be longing.

He wanted peace...

In Taiping, when you go out, you can see Yue Er and Yue Sanshu preparing to go out to the stall. When you see him, you will salute and flatter him a few times.

When you leave the city, you can see Ermei Mountain, with the Taiping Army at the foot of the mountain.

As soon as you enter, you can hear loud footsteps and shouts.

When I came back for dinner, I watched the old thief bickering with Wang Laoer and Yi Niang banging the table.

Once people become accustomed to a certain lifestyle, they will fall into it and it will be very difficult to change.

"get up!"

Yang Xuan sat up and stretched.

Walking out of the bedroom, the old thief was already up.

Wang Laoer also got up early for the first time.

As soon as Zhang Siniang's door opened, she walked out sleepily.

There was a clanking sound from the kitchen.

It turns out that everyone is not very used to the new environment!

Yang Xuan felt relieved and felt that there was nothing wrong with him.

Practice begins.

Zhang Siniang looked at Yang Xuan practicing his sword with some envy.

"Want to learn?"

Yi Niang came over with a wooden basin.

Zhang Siniang shook her head.

"Why don't you want to learn?"

"Last time, the old thief said that if I come to practice at this age, I will suffer a lot, and even if I learn, I won't be able to achieve anything."

The old thief just told her directly: You don't have the talent to practice, so don't bother.

"How will you know if you don't try?"

Yi Niang will never be deceived by others, because she will try it herself if she wants to do something. If she fails, don't worry, try again.

Zhang Siniang was silent.

She tried it. She hid in the bedroom and followed the methods taught by the old thief, but she couldn't feel her inner breath.

"You must be motivated." Yi Niang said, hating that iron cannot become steel.

Clang clang clang!

"It's time to eat!"

The Yang family is always so noisy when eating.

next door.

"Have a meal!"

King Wei sat on the main seat with his big horse and golden knife. He picked up a piece of cake with his chopsticks and opened his mouth wide. Half of it was gone. He picked up a few pieces of mutton and stuffed it into his mouth, chewing it together.

Li Han eats more gracefully, but not too slowly.

King Wei swallowed the food and mocked: "Don't you always say you should chew carefully and slowly? You are like a starving ghost reincarnated."

Li Han kept moving his hands and mouth, "When I was taken to find some sacred mountain, I was worried that I would starve to death along the way, so I ate as hard as I could when I had food."

King Wei couldn't help but think of that time, "Those thieves died well!"

Li Han said: "Since then, I have known one thing. The so-called aristocratic temperament is just a kind of arrogance. It is a tool used to distinguish oneself from others, thereby gaining a sense of superiority."

King Wei suddenly laughed.

He threw half of the cake on the plate and burst into tears of laughter.

"Why do people eat? Not just to live!"

"Why do people sleep with women? Isn't it just to have children?"

"It's just that those people have so much sense that they will give you hundreds of inexplicable rules when it comes to eating, saying it's etiquette."

"It's even more ridiculous to sleep with a woman. She obviously wants to have a baby or is in heat, but she wants to find someone to love her... This reminds me of the beasts I saw when I was hunting."

Li Han felt that this man was unreasonable, "The reason why humans are humans is because of these differences. If humans are the same as beasts, they can eat when they want and sleep when they want. What do you think is the difference between humans and beasts?"

King Wei took a sip of the soup and said, "Humans are originally beasts! Many times, humans are not as good as beasts...not as good as animals!"

He lost interest in arguing and started eating breakfast.

Li Han thought of the emperor and prince in the palace.

To rob one's own daughter-in-law, no beast could do such a thing.

No wonder King Wei is so extreme.


"What's the matter?"

"Zitai is going to train the Lin'an Army today, want to take a look?"

"It's boring." King Wei said with a straight face.

Li Han put down his chopsticks and said, "It's said that someone wants to give Zitai some power."

“I don’t want to go!”

"Maybe we'll take action."


"Zitai's cultivation is average. If you don't go, he might make a fool of himself."


"If Zitai is bullied, the king's reputation will also be damaged!"

"Let's go and take a look." King Wei nodded proudly.

After eating, the two of them went out.

"You haven't come out yet." King Wei said dissatisfied: "We haven't gotten married yet, why are we so reluctant to leave?"

"Come out."

The door next door opened.

"Mr. Lang, come back soon."


Yang Xuan led the old thief and Wang Laoer, and Wu Da led the guards out of the gate.

It was very troublesome to have more than a hundred cavalry, and it was impossible to live all of them at home. Yang Xuan applied with the old man and found a new home for these guards near the military camp. Usually, Uda mainly led some people to guard the house, and others People are practicing in another place.


"Jianming? Your Majesty, where are you going?"

Li Han smiled and said: "Your Majesty also wants to see the Lin'an Army."

This fox has left his own affairs to me... King Wei couldn't help but look up at the sky.

"It's just a small matter." Yang Xuan smiled.

"It's not a trivial matter." Li Han said: "You were originally the magistrate of Taiping County. The officials in Lin'an always have a sense of superiority towards the officials below. But I didn't expect that you would become their superior officer in an instant.

Most people can only go up but not down. It’s not a good feeling to see the people you looked down on in the past standing on top of your head. I guess someone will give you a stumbling block today."

"Huahua has a lot of intestines." King Wei said impatiently: "This matter is simple!"

This idiot!

Li Han asked: "Does your Majesty have a solution?"

"If you don't accept it... beat him until he accepts it!"

Damn it! Li Han said with a smile, "This is Lin'an, how many people are looking at Zitai."

"This is in the army." King Wei felt that Li Han was smart, "You are often too smart. In the army, people only admire people who are better than themselves, not their methods."


"Would you like to give me another try?"

"Ha ha!"


Passers-by couldn't help but be a little surprised when they saw the appearance of the two noble men.

Is this the prince?

Yang Xuan's head was covered with black lines, "Be reserved! Everyone is watching!"

Outside the school grounds, other guards were already waiting.

Yang Xuan entered the school grounds with more than a hundred cavalry, and the 4,000-strong army had already been assembled.

Zhang Lichun came over with several generals.

"I've seen Sima!"

When they saw King Wei and Li Han, Zhang Lichun and others became even more excited.

This is a sign of confidence.

"Thanks for your hard work."

Yang Xuan nodded, and then he was surrounded by people and walked to the stage.

"Let's start practicing."

"Take your orders!"

Zhou Xie.

When Liu Qing arrived, he yawned and said, "I didn't sleep well last night."

Lu Qiang smiled and said, "But there's so much trouble at home?"

"There is no commotion at home, but I am worried that Yang Xuan will be humiliated by Zhang Lichun's subordinates today."

"This is common." Lu Qiang felt that Old Liu was too worried. "Zhang Lichun himself was given a thumbs down by those people when he went to lead the army. This is not just the case in Chenzhou. The people of Northern Xinjiang are fierce, and the military everywhere

This is the case in all cases. If a general wants to convince his subordinates, he must show his own ability."

Seeing the worry on Liu Qing's eyebrows, he asked, "Are you worried that Zitai will be embarrassed?"

"It doesn't matter whether he is embarrassed or not." Liu Qing shook his head, "It's late autumn, and we still don't know how the three major armies will attack this year, or even attack. Zhang Lichun is talented, but he is not a general. This is why Chen Zhoujun went into battle.

The reason for leading the army personally... How many people say that I am greedy for military glory, so damn, Lao Lu, do you think I still want to be promoted at my age?"

Maybe... Lu Qiang said firmly: "This is slander!"

"I'm the governor. I can't just drop what I'm doing and lead the army when the enemy attacks, right? It's outrageous!"

"What you mean is..." Lu Qiang hesitated: "Let Zitai lead the army in the future? Isn't it too early?"

Liu Qing said angrily: "If you have talent, use it, sooner or later?"

"I'm just afraid that someone will be unconvinced and cause trouble." Lu Qiang smiled bitterly, "It's not easy for us in Chenzhou. The only thing that can support us now is unity. If there is an internal commotion..."

"So I'm just waiting for today's showdown." Liu Qing was a little annoyed, "Damn it! This is a bunch of rough guys. If Zitai can't convince them, he's going to rule the whole army. Next time when the enemy attacks,

I have to step in!"

Lu Qiang raised his eyebrows.

Liu Qing was thinking about something.

Lu Qiang raised his eyebrows again.

Liu Qing turned a blind eye.

He raised his eyebrows for the third time.

Liu Qing coughed dryly, "Old Lu!"

"Your Majesty."

Liu Qing said earnestly: "I know you want to lead the army, but this man is specialized in his art, and your strength lies in handling political affairs. It's not impossible to lead an army, but you can manage food, grass, ordnance."

Lu Qiang smiled bitterly.

Liu Qing finally felt a little uneasy and said, "Ask someone to take a look."

Lu Qiang gave the order. When he came back, he saw Liu Qing dealing with political affairs, but his speed was slower than before, so he knew that he was a little distracted.

"Let you rest assured that even if you fail, you can conquer those arrogant and powerful generals slowly and slowly."

Liu Qing raised his head, his eyes a little gentler, "It's not a bad thing for young people to encounter setbacks when everything is going smoothly. It's like a wake-up call. But I'm always worried that my little boy will be too smooth and will fall into despair if he gets frustrated. When he gets old, he will be indecisive in doing things.

, I made you laugh."

Lu Qiang sat down with a smile in his eyes, "Young people are always going to have a career, so you can relax."

Liu Qing nodded, "It's just in my heart."

The war horses galloped and the swords flashed.

The arrays were switched neatly, and amidst the shouts, spears were stabbed with all their might.




There was a lot of noise when four thousand people were practicing, and smoke and dust billowed throughout the school grounds.

School Captain Wu Shunze glanced at Yang Xuan and saw that his expression was calm, neither happy nor angry, so he tried to say: "Sima, brothers have other methods."

Here comes the main course... Yang Xuan glanced at him and said, "Just practice."

Wu Shunze's face turned red with excitement and he whistled.

A group of infantry began to set up targets.

There are dozens of targets, arranged neatly in a row.

Wu Shunze introduced: "When fighting, our cavalry rushes to kill the opponent's infantry, and the opponent must be waiting in formation."

The target was the infantry, Yang Xuan nodded.

Wu Shunze raised his hand and shook it a few times, and shouted: "Everyone, let's practice, whoever missed the shot, go back to the brothel to treat us!"

Li Han cursed in a low voice: "Damn it! This is like a gangster."

King Wei asked: "How does it compare to the Taiping Army?"

Li Han said: "I don't know."

King Wei touched the handle of the giant sword and his hand felt itchy.

"here we go."

Among the cavalry, hundreds of cavalry rushed out from the diagonal thrust.

These one hundred cavalrymen came towards the stage.


They shouted and looked up at Yang Xuan and others.

So wild!

Yang Xuan thought of the guards in Chang'an City. They looked majestic, but they were like sheep covered in tiger skin.

These are the proud and powerful soldiers.

If the false emperor knew that the guards he relied on as the Great Wall had turned into sheep, he would not know whether he would be sitting on pins and needles or facing a powerful enemy.

"Zitai!" Li Han reminded softly, "Be more generous!"

Yang Xuan was just distracted. He raised his hand and waved it gently, with a smile on his lips.

The cavalry roared past the stage and headed towards the target group.

Wu Shunze looked at Yang Xuan, "Sima, please look at the cavalry and shooting of my Lin'an army!"

Not every cavalry can do mounted archery, and it is even more difficult to accurately shoot the enemy while galloping. Even the aliens on the grassland find it difficult to do this.

One hundred cavalrymen control the horse with both feet...the horse's speed does not slow down, which is an elite performance in itself.

They unfurled their bows and nocked arrows, then let go as they passed in front of the target group.

Duh duh duh!

The arrows were flying, and most of them hit the target.

The cavalry rushed through the target group, and then someone went to check the target.

Zhang Lichun said with a smile: "You guys are showing off your ugliness."

Wu Shunze's eyes became more unruly, "We'll see."

The target-testing sergeant ran back and forth, and soon, the results came together.

Someone shouted, "70% of those who get hit in the chest and abdomen!"

If you want to say why it's not the face or the throat... if you say this, you are guaranteed to be beaten half to death. When two armies fight, they always kill the enemy in the most certain way.

If you are so cunning that you think you are awesome, and every arrow must hit the throat to count, then you are a master, but such masters are rare in the military and are not representative.

Wu Shunze looked at Yang Xuan, "Please Sima give me some advice!"

A wave of dissatisfaction rushed over.

Here comes the show of force.

Li Han said softly: "They are unruly and domineering. This is intentional. If Zitai cannot suppress them, the matter of leading the army will be in vain."

King Wei sneered, "How about I take action?"

"The army only recognizes strong men and not their identities. Otherwise, why do you think Zhang Chumao went back to southern Xinjiang in despair?"

Yang Xuan nodded slightly.

This means recognition.

This person is a little weak!

Wu Shunze felt a sense of contempt in his heart.

The one hundred cavalrymen were under the stage at this moment, waiting stubbornly for Yang Xuan's response.

"It's not bad."


Someone is laughing.

"It's just good."

One hundred cavalrymen were a little restless.

Wu Shunze raised his hand and said, "Please Sima give me some advice!"

Talking nonsense doesn't count, let's get started.

The Taiping Army was established in a short period of time, and everyone knew that the Taiping Army's spear array was sharp, but riding and shooting could not be practiced in a short period of time.

Yang Xuan said calmly: "Wuda!"

Uda stepped forward and said, "Master."

When Yang Xuan came to An from Taiping this time, he brought the escort led by Wu Da.

Yang Xuan pointed to the target group, "Go and teach them."

In an instant, Wu Shunze and the cavalrymen's faces turned red.

Stung red with anger.

Uda nodded, "Take orders."

The same is Baiqi.

The same goes for mounted shooting.

Uda took the lead and rode away.

Hundreds of horses galloped past under the platform.


Uda shouted loudly.

One hundred riders huddled sideways on the left side of the war horse. Viewed from the right and from the front, it seemed as if the war horse was empty.

The war horse still did not slow down.

Wu Shunze's complexion changed slightly.

The same goes for the cavalry.

King Wei didn't care much about the army and asked: "How are these people?"

Li Han said: "They were originally the elite of the elite. After arriving in Taiping, Zitai wanted to build elite cavalry, so he used them as instructors to study various tactics. After hard training, they had already transformed themselves. Lin'an Military Cavalry Archery

Come here to provoke me, I bet Zitai is having a hard time holding back his laughter right now."

Uda was the first to pass the target group.


The arrow hit the bullseye accurately.


The second one is still the same!

The third one...

The fourth one...

Duh duh duh!

The bullseye is trembling.

This chapter has been completed!
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