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Chapter 231 Our scouts and spies

After Helianyan left, Helianchun convened people to discuss matters.

"We must not slack off in training recently. We have all the food and grass ready. Once Chenzhou launches a large-scale attack, we must be prepared."


His subordinate Wen Wu dispersed.

He Lianchun sat there like a mountain of meat.

"Lin Ya's defeat caused the momentum of those people to stagnate. It seemed that the emperor's plan was successful. But after the defeated soldiers returned, they mentioned that reinforcements were close at hand but refused to reinforce them. Instead, they set up an ambush in the rear... This is a big war!"

Roshan moved, "Huang Chunhui's old dog is as cunning as a fox and has been unwilling to fight. This is a rare good opportunity. We should have fought with all our strength, but the emperor's mind was full of political intrigues and he had forgotten the art of war.


"Lin Ya lost. It seemed that the opponents were frustrated, but the emperor's move of ignoring the country completely chilled those people, so they started to huddle together more and more. I don't know whether it was good or bad."

"But what does good or bad have to do with me?"

Roshan laughed, his whole body trembling with fat.

"The emperor is jealous of me. Just be jealous. He has people come to investigate every now and then. What are you worried about? Are you worried that I am plotting rebellion? How can Te Niang's few people in Tanzhou plot rebellion?"

"I have finally saved up some money, food and men. If Liu Qing, that old dog, can't help but send out a large army this time, the three major ministries... I can also afford a large army and force the three major ministries to join forces. Who will win and who will lose?"

"The three major ministries joining forces should not be underestimated. The disadvantage is that they are not subordinate to each other, unless I lead a large army to command. But once this happens, Huang Chunhui in Northern Xinjiang will definitely take action, and a war will begin. Hiss... the emperor actually has such thoughts


He Lianchun looked up and cursed in a low voice: "You bitch, you will be killed in that position sooner or later. I am waiting to see your fate. I will burn three sticks of incense in the morning and evening to pray to the gods to send down their divine power and slap you."

Shoot you to death, you piece of shit. Hahahaha...ugh!"

There were footsteps outside, and a short while later a clerk appeared outside the door, "Uncle Emperor, a messenger from Ning Xing has arrived."

He Lianchun stood up with difficulty, pushed the fat on his cheeks with both hands, and went out immediately.

Flattery voices echoed outside.

"How is your Majesty? I am thinking about your Majesty every day in Tanzhou. I burn three sticks of incense every morning and evening, praying to the gods to protect your majesty's health and prosperity."

A group of Vashe scouts were patrolling behind the royal court on guard.

After Wa Xie came the Tiger Control Division and Tanzhou, but according to Hua Zhuo: Even if his brother Wahai was in charge of the Tiger Control Division, he would still have to send scouts to patrol and warn.

It's not that the brothers are worried about falling out, but that the structure of the grassland tribes is loose. Today's khan, tomorrow's head will become a drinking vessel in the hands of rebels.

However, compared to the direction of Chenzhou, the scouts heading towards the north will be much more relaxed and lazy.

In late autumn, the nomadic production of the herdsmen has ended. At this time, the work of relocating and accumulating fodder takes up all their time.

"Look, there are sheep and a caravan."

A scout pointed to the joyful road ahead on the left.

"It's women! Several of them!"

Behind the flock, two large cars drove slowly, with a woman and three girls in the car. The girls were carefree, innocent and wild, which made people's hearts beat.

The male host accompanying him saw the scout, dismounted and came over with a smile.

"Dear Warrior, we are moving."

The three girls looked at the scouts curiously, but the woman shouted alertly, "Turn your back, hurry up!"

But the three good-looking girls were really noticed by the scouts. The scout leader coughed dryly and asked, "What did you bring in the car?"

The male host noticed those strange eyes looking behind him, and he smiled and said: "They are all things at home and for eating."


The male host smiled and said, "That's easy to say."

More than ten scouts pounced on him like wolves and tigers.

The woman got out of the car with three girls and stayed aside.

"Look!" A scout pulled out his long knife and threw it on the cart, shouting: "This is our knife, thieves, no, they are spies! They are spies of the Tang Dynasty!"

"No!" The male host realized that he had been framed, and he rushed to his wife and daughter.

The leader said coldly: "Kill him!"


The woman stood in front of the man and tried to lift her breasts to make her features more prominent. She smiled charmingly and said, "I am willing to serve the warriors."

But the eyes of the warriors were behind her, on the three girls.

The leader smiled ferociously, "Kill both of them!"

The male host pulled out a long knife, his eyes were red, and shouted: "Let's go!"

But the woman refused to leave. She turned around and shouted, "You guys should go quickly!"

The male host slapped his backhand and said angrily, "The lambs that have lost their parents will either die of cold and starvation, or they will become food for wild beasts. You take them away!"

The woman's cheeks gradually became bruised and swollen, and her eyes were about to burst. "Then let's die together!"

The two of them stood in front of their daughters, their faces pale, but they didn't take a step back!

The three girls were like chicks caught in a storm, hiding behind their parents and shivering.

The scouts approached with grim smiles.

His eyes were full of animalistic bloodshot eyes.

The long sword shone with a frightening light.


The sound of horse hooves is like light thunder, coming quickly.

The scouts stopped and looked sideways.

More than a hundred horses galloped under the autumn sun. The leader, wearing a windbreaker and veil, raised his eyes and glanced here.

"Who is it?" The scouts looked intently.

"They are from Liao!"

The scout leader shouted: "Array up!"

This is to welcome.

More than a dozen scouts lined up behind him, everyone holding their heads high.

More than a hundred riders approached, and the leader shouted, "What's the matter?"

The male host knew that this was the last chance for his family. He abandoned his knife and knelt down, shouting: "They want to kill the villain and his family. Please save their lives. The villain is willing to sacrifice all his cattle and sheep!"

Even if the whole family will die of cold and starvation this winter after sacrificing the cattle and sheep, it is still good to live a little longer.

The leading knight glanced at the three pretty girls, pulled down his veil, and his charming face became colder.

The scout leader exclaimed, "You villain..."

"Beast!" The charming woman's eyes became stern and she drew out her long knife.

"Kill them all!"

More than a hundred elite soldiers from the Northern Liao Dynasty came to attack.


With blood splattering, the woman rode up to the family.

She looked at the three girls, memories flashed in her eyes, and her eyes were gentle, "Someone, give them veil cloth."

The attendant threw a bundle over and the woman opened it, revealing a large piece of gauze inside.

"Noble man, villain dare not."

"Take it." Even the woman's smile was still flirtatious, "The veil does not allow them to cover up their face, that will only draw attention to themselves. Remember to make your face dirty and ugly when you go out in the future."

This noble man is so kind, we are saved.

The couple was overjoyed and kowtowed as hard as they could.

The three girls were lively and a little hesitant.

The woman smiled and said, "Beauty will often become your sin. Next time you encounter such a thing, you can repay my name."

More than ten scouts were killed, and the woman got on her horse. The woman was very happy and said, "I dare to ask the honorable man his name."

"He Lianyan!"

As a rebellious remnant, she was despised by everyone since she was a child. As she grew older, her charming appearance became the prey of many powerful people. Fortunately, she was alert and avoided crisis after crisis.

But one time when He Lianchun took her out for a banquet, she was drugged. Seeing the man who had always looked like an elder walking over proudly, she despaired at that moment. But at this moment, the emperor arrived and took off his clothes.

The man who had lost most of his clothes bent down and rushed out in embarrassment.


Helianyan arrived at the Vashe Palace like a whirlwind.

"Ms. Helian?" Hua Zhuo was a little surprised by Helianyan's arrival.

"I just killed a team of your scouts." He Lianyan untied his windbreaker and let it go. The entourage behind him took the windbreaker and immediately stretched out his hand to stop the Vasie nobles who wanted to follow Helianyan and Hua Zhuo into the tent.

"Why?" Hua Zhuo's eyes were deep.

"A bunch of beasts."

Hua Zhuo took a deep breath and said, "But the emperor has orders?"

"The envoy from Daliao went to Taoxian, and what he said made Huang Chunhui angry. Chenzhou may send troops to sneak attack on the three major departments, so you should be careful and alert."

Hua Zhuo's heart trembled, "Will the Northern Xinjiang army be dispatched?"

Helianyan shook his head, "No."

Hua Zhuo breathed a sigh of relief, "Then what are we afraid of?"

He Lianyan didn't want to stay any longer, so she stood up and said, "That's all I have to say. I was accidentally killed. Don't blame the emperor when you go underground."

She saw the annoyance and alertness in Hua Zhuo's eyes and knew that her mission was accomplished.

After leaving the royal court, she looked south and murmured: "Can the business still be done?"

"Although I don't know what the Liao envoy did in Taoxian, having He Lianyan come to warn him in person means that the Tang people on the opposite side may go crazy." Hua Zhuo was a little annoyed.

"This is the trouble caused by the Liao people." General Song Ge sneered.

Someone said quietly: "The Liao people regard us as shields, swords and guns."

This is a kind word.

Everyone knew that the Liao people treated them like dogs and never fed them.

Hua Zhuo looked at the powerful generals who were getting fatter and was filled with anger. "Look at your belly. Can you still mount a horse and fight? Can you still gallop? Even if you bend down, your face will turn red."

Everyone was silent, but most of them disagreed.

"Stop trading with Taiping!" Hua Zhuo warned.

But no one said anything.

The trade with Taiping has made these people very profitable. In the past, they could only exploit the cattle and sheep of small tribes. But what can they do with too many cattle and sheep? Do they use mutton to rinse their mouths?

It's different now, they can take their cattle, sheep and furs to Taiping and sell them in exchange for various goods from the Tang Dynasty.

Hua Zhuo took a deep breath and said, "Zemen!"

A powerful man raised his head and asked, "What's the matter?"

"I heard that your son is now stationed in Taiping!"


"So where is he now?"

"He went traveling!"

"You are insulting my wisdom, and even more so, my authority!"

Men sneered.

Hua Zhuo shouted sharply, "Wahai!"

The door curtain flew in with a pop, and figures flashed.

Menze shouted sharply, "Do it!"

The two dignitaries drew their swords with him.

The sword flashed.

The figure flashed in the gap between the blades, and he struck with his right hand continuously.

Puff puff puff!

The figure flew to Hua Zhuo's side and stood still.

It’s Wahai!

Compared to when he intercepted and killed Yang Xuan, his aura became more powerful.

Menze and the two dignitaries fell to the ground. They looked all intact, but blood was slowly flowing out of the seven orifices on their faces. Especially in the nostrils, after the blood passed, gray-white stuff actually flowed out.

Hua Zhuo's eyes were bright, "Back then, Ben Khan beheaded the old thief with one knife. Thousands of people inside and outside the tent were all kneeling in front of him. No one dared to look at Ben Khan. Today, you are waiting for dozens of people. What do you want?


Everyone lowered their heads, not daring to look at him.

Hua Zhuo shouted: "Gather the warriors from all departments and be on guard!"

Everyone was frightened by his power and agreed in unison.

After leaving the big tent, someone complained, "We should have launched an attack together just now."

After they left, the Hua Zhuo brothers came out.

Wahai said coldly: "Why not kill them all?"

"My original intention was to kill them all, but after killing them, I have to suppress their henchmen. Unfortunately, the Chenzhou army may make a surprise attack at this time, and time does not wait for us."

"What a pity."

"It's a pity, but there will be a chance next time."

The two entered the big tent, and the backs of the tents on both sides were opened, and warriors wearing armor came out one after another holding weapons.

Teams of warriors gathered together, looking at the dignitaries mounting their horses and driving away with cold eyes.

It's like looking at a group of dead people!

Scouts were sent out intensively to inquire about the movements of Vashe's tribe.

The officials' expressions became much more serious, and the grain and grass stored in the city were continuously transported outside the city. The merchants were the most sensitive group in the world, and they began to talk about it.

"I'm afraid there's going to be a fight."

"Autumn is high and horses are fat, it is a good time for fighting."

"Where to hit? I'm afraid it's the Jibo Department."

"Yes, the Jibo tribe offended Chen Zhou last time. Now that the autumn crops have been harvested, it's time to take revenge."

Someone asked an acquaintance of the clerk for information, but was met with a wall.

"This attitude is so obvious!"

"Here comes the businessman again."

A new group of Vashe merchants brought news.

"The royal court has assembled an army."

"The elites from all the ministries are gathered in the royal court."

"Khan's guards will go to supervise the warriors to practice every day."

The atmosphere was very tense, and countless eyes were turned to the county government.

"Will the transaction be cut off?" Businessmen on both sides were worried.

The most abundant thing in this world is rumors, and soon the market was abuzz with the news that Taiping was going to drive away the Vacher merchants.

"The Ming Dynasty said they were worried about spies inside trying to get information, and they were even more worried about someone sabotaging it!"

"Yes! Both sides are going to fight. There is no reason to keep the other side's people."

"Hey! Where are those Tang people who took the risk to go to Waxie to do business?"

"They came back a long time ago, and one of them died."

The Vash merchants were silent, the worry in their hearts reaching its peak.

The backyard of the county house.

"Second brother, remember to protect your husband." Yi Niang put on the armor for Yang Xuan.


Wang Laoer responded nonchalantly while stuffing dried meat into his mouth.


Yi Niang slapped him in the face and said angrily: "Didn't you hear that?"

"I heard it." Wang Laoer, who was thick-skinned and thick-skinned, moved his back nonchalantly. It was no big deal.

"I only know how to eat meat. What else would you do besides eating meat?" Yi Niang hated the fact that iron cannot become steel.

Wang Laoer said: "Yiniang, I can also eat pancakes."

Yi Niang: "..."


After a while, the screams of Wang Laoer, like a pig being killed, came from the backyard of the county house.

Yang Xuan led people to the front.

Cao Ying is also waiting with her people.

"I've seen the Ming Dynasty."

Two thousand and five Taiping troops attacked, while the opponent's army was 20,000 strong.

This was an attack that made the Taiping officials desperate.

Cao Ying said: "Lang Jun, the scout hasn't come back yet."


How to attack without any news of enemy troops?

The officials looked at Yang Xuan worriedly.

"The businessmen outside will bring me the latest news, which is more accurate and comprehensive than the scouts." Yang Xuan walked out of the county house.

Yang Sima, dressed in military uniform, came out.

The officials looked at each other.

"Getting information from merchants?"

"Those businessmen are from Vashe! How could they betray Vashe?"

"I'm afraid Sima is too optimistic."

The businessmen gradually gathered around.

The merchants in Waxie gathered together and murmured, and Nanhe sent people to drive them away.

"No need." Yang Xuan said happily: "This is our scout spy."

Nan He: "..."

A Wasie businessman grabbed a petty official and said loudly with a smile on his face: "Can I pay my tax later?"

The clerk was furious and shouted: "You also want to take advantage of the situation?"

The businessman looked panicked and whispered: "The royal court's army looks like fifteen or six thousand, and the dignitaries below are dissatisfied. I heard that several of them were killed by the Khan. The villain is guilty, the villain is confused..."

The clerk was stunned for a moment, then subconsciously started to perform, "If you dare to do this next time, I will be kicked out of Taiping!"

"Yes yes yes."

The clerk quietly passed over and whispered: "He said that the King of Vashe gathered an army of fifteen or six thousand, and the dignitaries below were dissatisfied with Hua Zhuo, and it was said that several of them were killed by Hua Zhuo."

Yang Xuan looked at Nan He and others.

"I said, there will be scouts and spies."

This chapter has been completed!
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