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Chapter 243 Routines make people sick

The Taiping Army is back.

He Cong waited on the street with eyes wide open.

"Wan Sheng!"

The people on both sides were cheering, and He Cong saw that even the Hu merchants were doing the same, and they were shouting even more joyfully.

It’s their people who are being destroyed!

Can you still be so happy?

He Cong was puzzled and went over to ask Mr. Hu, "Hey! I have a question."

Time is money... Hu Shangyan said concisely and concisely, "Say."

"Isn't Vashe one of the three great tribes? Is he the same clan as you? You are still very happy. Why is that?"

Hu Shang glanced at him with disdain, "New here?"

This person is so smart. It seems that I underestimated the Hu people... He Cong nodded, "Yes."

Hu Shang finally calmed down and said, "Remember, I am not a Hu."

"Then who are you?"

"Yang Sima said, we are called the New Taiping people."

"Wan Sheng!" shouted from the front, and Hu Shang raised his arms and shouted, "Wan Sheng!" After cheering, he saw that He Cong didn't move, so he said disdainfully: "Look, you are still from the Tang Dynasty, and you are indifferent. You know what Sima said.

Who are you?"


"Pear man! Do you know what a pear man is? Yellow skin and white heart. By the way, you have another name, called Tang traitor! Bah!"

He Cong was inexplicably scolded by a Hu businessman, but was unable to refute.

When he saw Nan He entering the city, He Cong raised his hand and shook it.

Nan He saw him and nodded slightly.

Later, the two met in the backyard of the county house.

"How are the generals and brothers?" Nan He asked.

"The general is plundering with his new men and has gained a lot."

After some pleasantries, He Cong asked Hu Shang, "Why do they recognize Taiping so much?"

"That's right!" Nan He said with a smile: "Lang Jun gave them respect and gave them the opportunity to make money."

"That's it?"

"Lang Jun said that what people want most in life is respect and recognition, and the biggest purpose of making money, besides making a living, is also to seek respect and recognition."

"Why can't I understand?"

"I understood something for the first time."

"Are you trying to say that I'm stupider than you?"

"Not much, just a little stupider than me."

The two of them laughed.

"Why didn't Mr. Lang come back?" He Cong was a little disappointed.

"Lang Jun is now the Sima of Chenzhou. He must return to Chenzhou to report after this battle, otherwise he will be domineering and get carried away."

"Isn't it said that Liu Qing, the governor of Chenzhou, is quite friendly to Lang Jun?"

"It's one thing to be friendly to others, but it's another thing to be sensible yourself. If you regard other people's kindness as a reason for being domineering, that kindness will turn into a cold look."

"How long have you been here, and you are already a human being."

"It's easy to say, I have been educated a lot by following Mr. Lang."

"What you said makes me more and more curious, and I want to meet Mr. Lang."

Yang Xuan squatted in Chenzhou for several days. The old man asked him over and over again about the details of the battle, and only asked him how many times the battle had been fought.

Then the old man began to write a letter, smiling proudly as he wrote. The letter went to Taoxian County, thinking that the old man wanted to show off.

When he learned that someone from Yang Lue's side had come to Taiping, Yang Xuan made an excuse and ran away with his guards.

When He Cong saw Yang Xuan, he was stunned for a moment, then looked at his face carefully.

"Discourteous!" Cao Ying said with a straight face.

He Cong suddenly trembled and his nose felt sore, "Lang Jun's nose looks exactly like your Majesty's."

But isn’t my nose just like this? Last time, Yi Niang said that I looked just like her. Am I the illegitimate child of Yi Niang and my father?

Yang Xuan couldn't laugh or cry.

"Lang Jun!" He Cong knelt down and cried, "I have missed your husband for more than ten years, and now that I can see him, I am willing to die."

He cried for a while and found no one was paying attention to him, so he got up and came over.

"Are you ready to cry?"

"The villain has lost his temper."

"If I don't cry to you, you will say that I am heartless and unrighteous. If I cry to you, people outside won't know what I did, especially since Lao Cao's nose has just been injured."

Cao Ying's nose was accidentally cut earlier, and with He Cong's crying, there will be rumors outside in a short time: Cao Ying is too proud, Yang Sima is full of old fists, and some people are crying.

He Congsan apologized sarcastically.

"How about Yang Lue?"

"The general's cultivation is getting better and better."

"He's not looking for another woman?"

"No, the General has been alone for years."

"Go back and tell him that I am fine. If he is willing, just get married." Yang Lue has always shouldered the important task of taking care of Yang Xuan, and he did not dare to slack off at all, so that he wasted no time.

"Yes." He Cong said in embarrassment: "It's just that the general may have some difficulties."

"Why?" Yang Xuan felt that it was natural for a man to seek a woman. Now that he was independent, Yang Lue should relax a bit.

"Once Lei Biao robbed an official's woman. She was quite beautiful and said she was giving it to the general. The general killed the woman with one blow."

Sure enough, it was still Yang Lue who killed without blinking an eye... Yang Xuan asked: "Why?"

"The general said that he likes to talk in his sleep. If he talks about romantic affairs, it will be fine. Women will be jealous at most. But if he utters just a few words about great causes, then he will never redeem himself."



Wouldn't it be enough to tie your mouth?

"Xiao Xuanzi, teach him to use a gag." Zhuque said.

Lao Cao, who had remained silent, said: "Actually, the simplest way is... to sleep in another room after you go to bed."

"Mr. Cao, thank you very much. But the general was worried that he was too tired and fell asleep."

"The cultivation is here!" Cao Ying felt that Yang Lue was worrying too much.

"Cultivation has nothing to do with sleeping with women, it's the spirit that is tired."

As soon as Lao Cao opened his mouth, he exposed the nature of Lao Shepi and the fact that he had not had a woman for many years. In the past, when he was young, he was naturally full of energy, but as he got older, his shoes would be wet even when he peeed.

"We now have hundreds of young people from the Tang Dynasty, teaching them cultivation and military skills. The general hopes that they can become Lang Jun's team in the future."

Cao Ying's eyebrows were filled with sadness.

Later, Cao Ying spoke to He Cong alone.

"Did you teach loyalty?"

"Teach them, three times a day, let them know that the good life they have now is because of Langjun."


He Cong was puzzled, "Mr. Cao, you think something is wrong?"

Cao Ying said calmly: "Although you and the others have taught you loyalty, those young people have been living with you and Yang Lue day and night. To whom did they give their loyalty?"

He Cong was silent.

"This matter is very troublesome." Cao Ying considered her words, "Mr. Lang doesn't care about it now, but you also came out of the palace back then. Do you still remember the fight in the palace?"


"If Lang Jun reuses those young people, and when Lang Jun succeeds in his great career, the status of those young people will become higher and higher. If they join forces, they will be a force that cannot be underestimated. Maybe Lang Jun trusts them?"

"Why not?"

"Because the emperor is ruthless! Anyone who threatens his power will be jealous. When Lang Jun and Yang Lue become suspicious of each other, the root of trouble... will be planted."

"But there is a way."

"What method?"

"The general said that he will only serve the great cause of Langjun in this life. As soon as the great cause of Langjun is completed, he will go to guard the mausoleum for His Majesty and never be born again."

Cao Ying glanced at He Cong and said, "I'm afraid I won't be able to help myself when the time comes."

He Cong smiled, "There is a scar on the general's thigh. That year, he stabbed himself in the thigh and swore in front of his brothers that as soon as Lang Jun's great cause was accomplished, he would go to guard the mausoleum for his majesty. If he violated this oath, the brothers would do whatever they wanted.

But kill him!"

Cao Ying was startled, "He has good intentions."

"Every time the general mentions Mr. Lang, his eyes always have a lot of warmth."

After a long absence in peace, Yang Xuan went to the market as soon as he arrived.

The people were very enthusiastic, and some people spontaneously followed him. When someone encountered Yang Xuan and fell down, Yang Xuan smiled and said: "Newcomer?"

"Sima Yingming!"

The man was beaten up by the people. He opened his bruised eyes and asked in confusion: "Why?"

"That's Yang Sima!"

"What about Yang Sima? Yeye even touched the governor back then."

"Yang Sima is my god of peace."

Boom boom boom!

Yang Xuan didn't care about such matters. He carefully inspected Taiping and gave some suggestions.

"This is a corner of Taiping. Now that Waxie has been destroyed, it is a great opportunity for the development of Taiping. The door must be opened to welcome visitors from all directions. Not just businessmen, but also talents of all kinds. As long as they are willing to become Taiping people, they should decisively accept them."

Someone asked: "What if the person coming is a spy?"

Yang Xuan asked, "How many spies can there be?"

The man thought for a moment and said, "I guess there are dozens of people here, right?"

"The door is closed for these dozens of people, but outside the door are more talents of all kinds, even ordinary people. When there are enough of them, Taiping can be reborn!"

The man saluted and said, "Your Majesty, I understand."

"Sima, Taiping City is too small."

"I don't care about that."

Yang Xuan went back with a smile.

"Lang Jun, about the expansion of Taiping City..." Cao Ying stopped talking.

"Many times, it's better if you let the people drive it."

When passing by a stall, Yang Xuan saw the woman saluting towards him and asked: "This woman is..."

"Zheng Wuniang." Wang Laoer muttered, "Why does Mr. Lang look like what the old thief said when he held up his pants and refused to recognize anyone?"

Yang Xuan remembered.

After Zheng Wuniang saluted, she asked, "May I ask if Sima has any children?"


Zheng Wuniang was a little disappointed.

The old thief added: "There will always be some in the future."

Zheng Wuniang's eyes were full of splendor and she was blessed: "I wish that the descendants of Sima will be in full bloom."

Yi Niang also hoped that Yang Xuan would have a child soon, but compared with her, the Zheng Wuniang in front of her seemed more urgent.

Yang Xuan smiled and walked forward surrounded by everyone.

Zheng Wuniang has recently been concentrating on how to raise children and how to serve others. She has experience and is determined, so she has made rapid progress.

But Yang Sima obviously hasn't planned to have children yet.

"Hey! Zheng Wuniang."

The man running a stall diagonally across the street came over and said with a smile: "Want to have a baby?"

"Yeah!" Zheng Wuniang answered vaguely.

"How do you live alone? I'll help you."

In Taiping, once a single woman accepts a man's ambiguity, she will become a source of harassment.

Zheng Wuniang looked at the man and said, "Dream!"

When the man saw her solemn expression, he knew it was not a joke. "Hey! Then who are you looking for?"

"I'm not looking for anyone."

"Can you still be androgynous?"

These words were too humiliating. Just as the man was about to explain, he was hit with a stick on the top of his head and turned around staggeringly.

The stall owner nearby saw a swelling on his forehead and gloated: "Do you know how her husband died?"

The man shook his head. He just coveted Zheng Wuniang's beauty. How could he care about her origins... We'll wait until he gets it.

"How did you die?"

"She stabbed him to death with a pair of scissors, stabbing him in the waist."

Yang Xuan was going to stay in Taiping for a few days, but a messenger came from the Jiedu Envoy Office and ordered him to go to Taoxian County.

Huang Chunhui wants to see him.

"Washe is destroyed?"

Wynn looked at the scout in disbelief.

"It was destroyed, and the royal court was in ruins. Many shepherds were taken away, saying that they would either herd cattle for the Tang Dynasty or work as coolies."


Huai'en couldn't help but take a breath of cold air, "Although Vashe is the weakest among the three major divisions, it cannot be easily destroyed by Chenzhou. How exactly, let me tell you."

"Our people encountered a rout. They said that Yang Xuan led 600 cavalry of the Taiping Army to raid the royal court, and Hua Zhuo led more than 10,000 cavalry to pursue them."

"Too many." Wynn covered his forehead, "How eager is he to kill Yang Gou!"

Shengzhong said: "Khan, Vashe lost several battles with Taiping, so that Hua Zhuo's prestige plummeted. He couldn't wait to hunt down Yang Gou. This was an act to restore his reputation."

"Idiot blinded by fame and fortune!" Wynn shook his head.

Shanhu said: "Khan, once Washe is destroyed, Chenzhou will probably be eyeing us, so we should send envoys to Tanzhou."


Everyone has the same ambition, as if the emperor's uncle in Tanzhou is his biological father.

Khan is in a daze.



Everyone looked at each other in shock, thinking that Khan must have been frightened, right? But after thinking about it, they thought it was impossible.

Zhan Bi waved his hand and everyone left.

Zhanbi walked over and whispered: "Khan, is he feeling uncomfortable? That's right, although Vashe has some disagreements with my Jibo tribe, there is a saying in the Tang Dynasty that the lips are dead and the teeth are cold. If Washe is destroyed, my Jibo tribe will be less.

I have found a helper. Khan, no matter how sad you are, it is better to rise up."

Khan slowly raised his head, with a pleasant smile on his face.

Zhan Bi: "..."

"Kibo has been facing the dilemma of not having enough pastures. Once Vashe is destroyed, those pastures will be empty. Even if there are some small tribes, we can wipe them out easily and still be able to strengthen ourselves, so..."

"It's so good to destroy it!"

The emperor's uncle's life was always so happy. He got up in the morning, dressed and washed under the gaze of two rows of women.

"Bring it Huzi."

The wooden barrel was brought over, and there was a layer of sawdust underneath. It was made of good wood and had a refreshing fragrance.

The emperor's uncle sat on it and relieved himself comfortably under the watchful eyes of two rows of women.

"Just a document, that's all. Documents are boring. What have you got lately?"

The maid next to her said: "Ning Xing has released some new books recently, but they are just the tricks the emperor told me. You can know the contents of ten books after reading one."

“The routine is disgusting!”


"Is there any entertainment in that?"

"Yes, uncle, the storyteller in the palace has compiled several plays recently."

"Come on for a while."

Two female storytellers came in, and someone set up a small drum. One of them held a small drumstick and beat it lightly.

"It is said that decades ago, Emperor Wu of the Tang Dynasty became the emperor as a woman. After he ascended the throne, Emperor Wu was afraid of the rebellion of the powerful internal officials, so he bowed his knees to the Liao Dynasty and asked the Liao Dynasty not to send troops to attack."

This is a history arrangement, which is quite interesting.

The emperor's uncle listened leisurely.

"...the two armies faced each other, and a general from the Tang Dynasty came out and shouted: I am General Meng Yan, do the Liao people dare to fight me? But here in the Liao Dynasty, you and I are fighting for it, everyone wants to

In the battle, general Xiao Jianli finally stood out."

The emperor's uncle moved his buttocks, and the wooden barrel made a heart-shaking squeaking sound. He smiled and said: "There is no such thing as a fighting general. It's just nonsense. But it's interesting, let's talk about it."

The stench was filling the air, and the storyteller endured it and continued: "There are people beating big drums here in Daliao to help out. Xiao Jianli said that the three-way drum will definitely kill Meng Yan."

"The two sides crossed each other, and Xiao Jianli cut off Meng Yan's arm with a single blow."

Another storyteller struck the snare drum.


"The second time they crossed paths, Xiao Jianli cut his head with a knife and the big drum sounded fiercely."

"Uncle Emperor!" A steward rushed in and shouted: "Washe is destroyed!"

The female storyteller still beat the small drum.


The emperor's uncle was stunned and subconsciously wanted to stand up. But what was his tonnage? After grinding it like this, the already overwhelmed wooden barrel cracked and fell into pieces.

The storyteller is still saying: "Xiao Jianli held Meng Yan's head and shouted, "Who can kill me?"


The emperor's uncle sat down.

Colorful below!

Everyone was stunned.

This chapter has been completed!
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