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Chapter 248

Yu Fu knelt beside the big tent, with Xiao Mazi next to him. On the other side were more than two hundred horse thieves kneeling densely.

Xiao Mazi said in a low voice: "Brother has so many lives on his body, it is natural that he will not survive. Why don't you be more loyal and take all the blame? If I can escape death, I swear that I will pray for my brother day and night and protect my brother's soul from ascending to heaven."

Yu Fu sneered: "You are ruthless and have killed countless people over the years, and you still want to survive?"

Xiao Mazi raised his head, and just as Yang Xuan was surrounded by people, he kowtowed, "The villain is willing to report. The person next to the villain is the leader Yu Fu. Over the years, Yu Fu has led us to burn, kill and loot, killing countless people. Villain

The crime deserves it, I just ask for leniency in the prosecution.”

"Report the villain!"

"The villain knows who kills more people."

"The caravan that was intercepted last time was our fault!"

"Report by a villain..."

The old thief lamented: "When I captured a thief who stole my things, he refused to tell me no matter how hard he was tortured. Now the thief is so weak that he confessed even before being questioned."

There is no technical content at all.

Wang Laoer asked: "What happened to that person?"

"Later!" The old thief thought for a while, "Later he went to keep company with the noble man."

"Where is the noble man?"

"In the coffin."

Yang Xuan stopped and asked, "Who is the leader?"

"Him!" Xiao Mazi's hands were tied behind his back, and he nodded a few times at Yu Fu beside him with his chin, "General, Yu Fu is our leader. It is his instructions that we have burned, killed, and looted all these years.


People were killed and money was robbed. It was impossible to escape the crime. The only way was to mitigate the crime.

Yang Xuan asked: "Who has no life in his hands?"

There was silence all around.

"Who doesn't have the lives of Tang Dynasty people on their hands?"

Dozens of people raised their hands.

Yang Xuan said: "Ask questions separately."

The sergeants began to interrogate.

In which year and month, who was intercepted, whom was robbed, who was insulted...

These will be used as evidence, firstly, to decide who of these people can survive, and secondly, to reveal the truth of those murderous crimes.

The old thief and Wang Laoer leaned over to listen.

"At that time, the villain's hand shook and he killed the man."

A thief's eyes rolled around.

Wang Laoer said: "Old thief, can you kill people if your hands shake?"

"Yes." The old thief teased him.

"Then next time we practice, I'll give it a try with my hands shaking."

Ancestor...the old thief said with a straight face, "That's a lie."

Wang Laoer got angry and slapped him away.

The sergeant lowered his head to record and asked casually, "Who else were killed?"


The sergeant looked up and found that the thief dared to point the back of his head at him. He couldn't help but became furious, "Bitch slave, you damn bitch, eh! Why is your chest behind you?"

The old thief pulled up Wang Laoer and chuckled, "Just now he turned his head suddenly and couldn't come back."

The sergeant sat there in a daze. He turned his head sharply for a long time, and there was a crack in his neck. He was so frightened that he dared not move. He turned his head for a while.

"Hey! It's okay!"

The old thief and Wang Laoer came to another place.

Yu Fu was kneeling there, and Xiao Mazi beside him was still chattering about Yu Fu's crimes.

"...That year, Yu Fu led us and surrounded a tribe. They killed people first. Most of them knelt down and asked to surrender. There were more than ten people in the wooden house who refused to surrender and secretly attacked with arrows. Yu Fu was so ruthless.

It was set on fire, and the dozen or so people were burned alive. Whenever the villain dreams these years, he can probably hear those miserable howls, like the roar of demons in hell."

What a cruel person!

Setting fire to your opponent is nothing, but when it comes to horse thieves, it becomes cruel.

"Young man, please plead guilty." Yu Fu knew that he would inevitably die, so he confessed calmly, "Young man, please bid farewell to your ancestors."

"If you become a horse thief, you still have ancestors?" Yang Xuan sneered.

"Yes." Yu Fu said: "The villain disdains it, but he still recognizes his ancestors."

"My ancestors are ashamed of you!" Yang Xuan said, "Even if you are desperate, you can just steal or rob. You are a horse thief who kills people like crazy. If your ancestors know about it, can the coffin board hold it down?"

The old thief came back and whispered: "Lang Jun, Beiliao has tried to win over them many times."

"Oh!" Yang Xuan looked at Yu Fu and knew that Bei Liao wanted to raise a dog. The three major groups were three vicious dogs, and the horse thieves were puppies. The puppies could not cause much harm, but the constant harassment was a headache.

"Most of them agreed, but Yu Fu strongly opposed it, so the matter was settled."

Yang Xuan asked: "Yu Fu, why don't you come closer to Beiliao?"

Yu Fu was silent for a moment, "The villain is incompetent. He was studying at the age of six. At that time, he felt uneasy and didn't know why he was studying. In the first lesson, the teacher wrote two big characters and held them up to teach us. To this day, the villain still remembers that scene."

The gentleman looked solemn at that time and slowly looked at them.


"The teacher said that there are things men can do and things they should not do. If you are poor, you can steal, rob, or even commit any evil, but there is one thing you must not do...men, do not bend the knee to foreigners!"

After the founding of the Tang Dynasty, it quickly reorganized its mountains and rivers and went out to defeat the great enemy Northern Liao. After that, the emperor continued to make advances, frightening the foreign tribes. At its peak, there was an endless stream of envoys coming to Chang'an.

In the Tang Dynasty at that time, the people were high-spirited, the army was heroic and enthusiastic, and the officials were dedicated to their work.

But people of insight all remember the scene where the heroes separated themselves after the fall of Chen State.

A powerful force in the northern part of the country was defeated by a neighboring powerful force. In order to save the situation, he knelt down to Bei Liao, called himself a child, and begged Bei Liao to send troops to help.

The Northern Liao Dynasty was naturally happy to intervene, so it sent troops to defeat its powerful neighbors, and drove the defeated prisoners into the river to drown them all, so that the river stopped flowing.

This matter was shamed by everyone in the world, and even if Hao Qiang died later, it is still stinking to this day.

Huanghuang from the Central Plains has always had a contemptuous attitude towards foreign races.

When there were rituals in the Central Plains, the surrounding alien races were making noise in the trees. When the Central Plains culture was prosperous, the surrounding alien races howled and drank blood. To the people of the Central Plains, the surrounding alien races were not much different from the savages.

So after the fall of the Chen Kingdom, the powerful man bowed his knee to the Northern Liao Dynasty and called himself a child. This scene stung the eyes of countless people. Only then did the teacher teach the students. He had to throw this matter out first and whip the powerful man's corpse ten thousand times.

, and then used this to warn the students.

——Even if you become a ruthless gangster who commits all kinds of evil, at least you can still go underground to see your ancestors. Once you succumb to a foreign race, your ancestors will have no shame in seeing ghosts.

The unknown gentleman just whipped corpses as a routine, but unexpectedly he instilled this idea in the ignorant children, which continues to this day.

Yang Xuan asked: "You will definitely die."

"Yes, the villain knows that his sin is unforgivable." Yu Fu was very single.

"Do you want to worship your ancestors?"


"There are no incense candles."

"A villain only needs a knife."

A sergeant said: "Sima, be careful."

Wang Laoer said calmly: "My hands are itchy!"

Yang Xuan nodded, "Untie and give it to him!"

"Thank you Yang Sima!"

After being untied, Yang Xuan asked: "Who has a short sword?"

Yu Fu said: "Three steps behind the villain, there is a handful buried underneath."

Three steps behind him was the back of the big tent. Someone went over, dug out an oil paper bag from the ground close to the big tent, opened it, and found a short knife inside.

"If there is someone blocking you in front, get out from behind. The dagger is buried shallowly and is easy to dig out. We also have weapons like this. Is the inside of the horse thieves so dangerous?" Yang Xuan felt that such a life was a torment.

Yu Fu took the dagger and said, "They are all horse thieves, and most of them have thrown aside their integrity. They are unparalleled in their words of loyalty, and they don't hesitate to stab them in the back. The villain thought very hard, and then he calmed them down."

This person has ordinary cultivation, but he can suppress a group of tough bandits, and his skills and scheming are indispensable. If such a person enters the officialdom or joins the army, he only needs a few experiences to stand out.

But this man turned out to be a horse thief.

"Why don't you do something?" someone couldn't help asking.

Yu Fu didn't answer, he knelt down towards the south and kowtowed.

"Meet Aye Niang."

He held the dagger tightly, knelt down and said, "When I was five years old, a passerby taught me a poem, A ray of sunset spreads over the water. I then read it and recited it. Aye was very happy and said that my son was smart."

Memorizing and reciting a sentence after hearing it once is not outstanding for a five-year-old child.

"My grandma is also very happy. She likes to take me with her when she goes out and praises my intelligence with my neighbors."

Yang Xuan thought about his childhood. Life was good before he was ten years old. Yang Ding and his wife didn't like to take him out, but they didn't control him much, so he was allowed to roam around the village, playing like a mud monkey all day long.

"The neighbors are also full of praise. When they see me, they say that the eldest son of the Yu family is promising. He will definitely be able to pass the Jinshi examination and become an official."

"When I was six years old, Aye and my mother-in-law took out all the money they had accumulated over the years and took me to become a teacher. My husband took the test and said that I was still smart. My mother-in-law even argued with my husband about this, saying that I was very smart.


"I just started studying. When I came home every day, I could hear the praises from my neighbors. I felt very happy, so I studied hard every day. My classmates in the school loved to play, so I was the only one who studied hard. The teacher praised me, and I studied harder.


"When I was eight years old, my classmates gradually stopped paying attention and began to study hard. At first I could still suppress them. But gradually, I was surpassed by others."

"I was so flustered that I felt like the sky was falling."

"My husband was also quite disappointed with me. He often scolded me and said that I was complacent, but I was not. So I became more and more confused."

"Subsequently, more than ten of my classmates surpassed me in academic performance. My husband no longer looked at me and even scolded me less."

"When I was ten years old, Aye learned that I was not doing well in school and asked me."

"If I had told the truth at that time and said that my qualifications were not as good as those of my classmates, maybe my family would have given up and I would not have the things that happened later."

"But I went against my will and said that I had been dizzy recently, so I was not doing well in school. So Aye's mother beamed with joy, asked a doctor to see her, and spent money to buy medicine... For this reason, my family sold my mother's dowry."

Yu Fu kowtowed, raised his head, and with a move of his hand, the short knife was inserted into his lower abdomen.

"This is my fault!"

"When I was twelve years old, I knew that my studies were not good enough for the imperial examination, but I still hid it. It cost a lot of money for my family to support my studies, so I rented the land to others and worked as a coolie myself."

"This is my second crime!"

Yu Fu pulled out the short knife and inserted it into the other side of his abdomen again.

His body was trembling, but his voice was steady, "When I was sixteen, I took an exam and got a bad grade. I felt that I had no face to see my mother, so when I returned home, I took the last money in the family and ran away quietly."

"This is my third crime!"

Yu Fu's third knife stabbed into his thigh.

"The year before last, I sent people to visit my home and learned that Aye died of illness a year after I left. My mother also went there the third year, leaving a message: Da Lang, come home!"

Yu Fu pulled out his short knife and stabbed it into his chest.

His body gradually became rickety, and his head drooped, slowly touching the ground.

The body was shaking violently.

"Aye, Aniang, I... am back!"

Yang Xuan thought of the TV series he was watching in the scroll.

In order for their children to study, parents not only have to empty their pockets and send their children to various cram schools, interest classes, and even hire tutors. Even if the family is poor, for the sake of their children, parents will study on their own after work to tutor their children.


Under such expectations, how much pressure will the children feel even if their parents don't speak?

Yang Xuan didn't know, because he didn't read the classics seriously.

But he felt that Yu Fu's tragedy came from having too high expectations. He had been immersed in the praise of his family and neighbors since he was a child, and his determination was weak, so he naturally could not accept setbacks.

"Old thief, have you read the book?" Wang Laoer asked.

"Of course I have read it." The old thief said proudly, "I am very knowledgeable."

"Then what's your ranking?"

"Nature is the best."


"Stupid, because I don't have a brother."

It’s just a student. If he’s not superior, who is superior?

Wang Laoer said oh, "I am also a superior."

He is the only one in this small family who studies. In order to teach Wang Laoer, Yi Niang is like the class teacher, Lao Cao is like the teaching director, and Lao Ze is the history teacher, and teaches how to identify ancient tombs.

Even Yang Xuan taught Wang Laoer a lot of knowledge.

Cao Ying prides himself on being a scholar of heaven. The old thief's achievements in history can put experts to shame. Yi Niang is proficient in acupuncture and also knows musical instruments, singing and dancing. Yang Xuan's is even more complicated, both in heaven and on earth.

Therefore, when Wang Laoer goes out in the future, he can say that he is the leader of Jibaijia.

"Bury him."

Yang Xuan ordered.

"What are you doing after the horse thief is buried? He should be buried in the wilderness!"

A man's voice came from behind him. Yang Xuan had a good memory and remembered that it was Chen Zimao, the son of a noble man.

He didn't look back, "Have you guys washed up?"

"There is no hot water!"

The resentment is not small.

Yang Xuan took a look and saw that Lao Liao probably didn't want to talk to these young people and sneaked out of the camp cunningly.

But this is also a sign: these young people are too arrogant!

"Why bury the horse thief?" Chen Zimao was very resentful. But it's no wonder that he organized everyone to go north this time. He originally wanted to take the opportunity to deepen his interactions with several noble ladies and choose the one that suits him.

Along the way, he felt that his performance was impeccable, and he carefully considered several women, but unexpectedly he encountered a horse thief. He asked himself that he did not perform well when facing the horse thief. Wei Ling'er, who originally had a good impression of him, even

I don't even want to talk to him.

So now he must stand up, speak for the nine men and four women, and find an outlet to vent his anger.

Yang Xuan said calmly: "Others can say this, but you can't!"


"Without Yufu's suppression, women will be bullied and men will not be able to escape."

"Men can't escape, what do you mean?"

"You'll know when you stick your butt out."

This chapter has been completed!
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