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Chapter 257

Yang Xuan, Jiang Cunzhong, and Zhang Du had been having fun in Taoxian County for two days, and someone came from the Jiedu Envoy Office.

"Chenzhou, please ask Yang Sima to go back as soon as possible."

Only then did Yang Xuan remember that he was Chenzhou Sima. Thinking that he had been out for a long time and how the old man would roar, he couldn't help but feel a headache.

"Yang Sima."

Wei Linger and Zhang Dongqing often came to look for him in the past two days.


Yang Xuan opened the door, and there were two girls standing outside the door, each with their own merits. He couldn't help but be stunned for a moment.

Zhang Dongqing smiled and said: "Yang Sima, I'm going back soon..."

Wei Ling'er was a little reluctant, "When will Yang Sima go to Chang'an?"

Yang Xuan thought for a while, "It's the end of the year. Chenzhou will send envoys to Chang'an to present local specialties. I don't know if I can go back."

At the end of every year, the state capital would send envoys back to Chang'an with local tributes to the emperor. This was a ceremony that was close to local tribute, and Yang Xuan felt that it was a bit like the enfeoffment of princes in ancient times.

Wei Linger and Zhang Dongqing's eyes lit up.

"When Yang Sima arrives in Chang'an, be sure to come and look for me!" Wei Ling'er proudly patted the weak Xi, "I'll treat you to a meal, drink and fun in Chang'an then."

"Xiao Xuanzi, take her to the brothel."

Zhang Dongqing said, "Although I don't know much about the food, drink and entertainment in Chang'an, I know a lot of people. If Yang Sima comes to Chang'an, I can introduce them to them."

How does a talented woman gain fame? She cannot become famous by hiding at home. She must make friends. Having many friends makes life easy, and having many friends can help you get compliments.

Yang Xuanhan smiled and said, "That's easy to say."

Yang Xuan brought his bodyguards of more than a hundred people, and there were also many Jiaojiao and followers. The two powerful groups gathered outside the city.

"Drink a big drink!" Wei Ling'er shouted, "I won't get drunk after a thousand cups!"

Her thighs were so excited... Yang Xuan smiled and had a drink with her, "If you have time, you can come to Northern Xinjiang for a visit."

Naturally, when you pull your thighs together, you should not show any traces.

Wei Ling'er's eyes lit up, "Then I can do it now."

This girl... Yang Xuan's eyelids twitched, "This time something happened, I wanted to come home to express my condolences, and I'll wait until I get back. Northern Xinjiang is here, and no one can take it away!"

Zhang Dongqing raised his glass to drink, wiped the corners of his lips, and said: "The tigers in Northern Liao are watching with eager eyes, and I don't know what will happen to Northern Xinjiang in the future."

This time everyone had seen the real situation in Northern Xinjiang, and their thoughts of traveling around the mountains and rivers were gone, and they were a little worried.

Yang Xuan mounted his horse, his eyes slowly turned, and finally he nodded slightly to Wei Ling'er, "I'll be waiting, Beijiang is right here!"

The clatter of horse hooves faded away.

Wei Ling'er didn't know why, but she burst into tears and choked with sobs: "The wind blew so cold."

Zhang Dongqing praised: "He is bold and unruly, he is a great hero!"

At the top of the city, Jiang Cunzhong looked at this scene and said calmly: "Some people are singing and dancing to make peace, and some are shouting for fierce war. What should I do?"

Zhang Du said: "I should use my sword to open the way for the Tang Dynasty!"


Because the conditions in northern Xinjiang are not good, some people have opened vegetable gardens in their homes. The vegetables they grow can be eaten at home and sold.

Because the quantity was small, it was not interesting to go to the market, so these people carried big bamboo baskets and walked through the streets selling vegetables. Later, some smart people discovered that wealthy families needed a lot of vegetables every day. If they took the initiative to deliver them to their door, the servants responsible for purchasing would also

To save trouble, most people are willing to buy it.

Sun Sanniang is over 50 years old. Her daughter-in-law is very capable and is the top leader at home and abroad, so she has nothing to do. Recently, her grandson got sick and spent a lot of money on treatment, but it never got better. The family’s money was also spent, and the family

The son was anxious and angry. Sun Sanniang also planted some vegetables, originally thinking that the whole family would eat them, but now the whole family is in a gloomy mood, thinking of ways to make money and what else to eat.

Lin'an City is where Chenzhou Prefecture is located. There are still some wealthy families, but they are all occupied by the guerrillas. Sun Sanniang is old, so it is naturally difficult to compete with those people for territory.

Today she dug some radishes and came out without washing them. She said she was carrying muddy water spirit and came out with a bamboo basket on her arm.

After walking down a few alleys, there were several vegetable sellers squatting outside the doors of wealthy families. When Sun Sanniang came, she just sneered.

That’s it!

Sun Sanniang shook her head, indicating that she was not a land grabber... That day she saw several vegetable vendors fighting for land, and she was beaten to a bloody head, even using scales, and almost died.

As she walked around, the bamboo basket on her arm became heavier and heavier.

There was a large house ahead, but there was no one outside the door.

This is a blessing from God!

Sun Sanniang rushed over with lightning speed and put the bamboo basket on the side... She couldn't put it on the steps because it would affect the owner's access. She still knew this.

There were several wealthy families nearby, and the vegetable seller squatting outside looked at her with a look of astonishment on his face, and then smiled with gloating.

What's the meaning?

Sun Sanniang gasped and wondered.

"Hey! Granny, hurry up and leave!" A young man waved his hand.

Sun Sanniang shook her head firmly, thinking that I would occupy the territory today, and it would be difficult for anyone to come here in the future.


The door is open.

"Your Majesty, please slow down."

"When Jianming comes back, let him go to Zhoushe."

"Yes. Hey! Who is this?"

Sun Sanniang looked back and saw a familiar person.

King Wei often wandered around the city when he had nothing to do, so everyone became familiar with him.

At the same time, King Wei's reputation for cruelty became widely known.

“Big, big… Your Majesty!”

Sun Sanniang was so frightened that she thought she would be kicked less this time. I heard that King Wei was very advanced, so this kick would kill me!

The vegetable vendors all watched in silence.

King Wei frowned and looked at Sun Sanniang, "What are you doing?"

Sun Sanniang shivered and said honestly: "Vegetable seller."

"Yeah!" King Wei snorted coldly.

In an instant, Sun Sanniang wanted to run away, but something went wrong. She raised her head and begged: "Your Majesty, your grandson is seriously ill and it will cost you a lot of money. Please buy your food! I will have money to treat my grandson."


King Wei had a cold face, and Sun Sanniang's heart trembled, feeling that she could not escape.

She has heard many people say that the nobles in Chang'an are all gods, and the common people are like ants. If an ant offends the gods, they will slap you to death.

Sun Sanniang lowered her head, waiting for the punishment to come.


A heavy thing fell into the bamboo basket. Sun Sanniang took a look and thought it looked familiar.

Isn't this a silver ingot?

She raised her head, and King Wei pointed at her, "I'll buy it when she comes."

The manager bowed his head and said, "Yes."

Sun Sanniang picked up the silver ingot in disbelief, "The king's money has fallen."

King Wei did not look back, mounted his horse and was surrounded by people and left.

Sun Sanniang's heart beat loudly, she turned around and handed over the silver ingot, "This is the money the king dropped."

The steward said enviously: "The king gave it to you. He took it to treat his grandson's illness. From then on, he brought vegetables here every day. As long as they are good, I bought them all."


Sun Sanniang was stunned.

"Let me take a look at this radish." The steward picked up a radish, wiped it, and took a bite. "Yeah! It's juicy and good. I bought them all."

When Sun Sanniang returned home, her son opened the door and asked, "Why did you come back so early?"

Sun Sanniang rushed into her grandson's room, and the whole family was there.


The gray-white silver ingot made the whole family dumbfounded.

"Who gave it to me?"

"Auntie, you picked it up, right? This is a silver ingot owned by noble people. If it is lost, you will report it to the official and return it."

"It was given by King Wei."


Sun Sanniang put her face against her little grandson's and said happily: "My grandson is a blessing! Even when he is sick, he will be rewarded by noble people. He will get well soon and he will repay his kindness in the future!"

The next day, Sun Sanniang got a basket of radishes, washed them clean, and changed into clean clothes to go to Prince Wei's Mansion.

As soon as we arrived outside Prince Wei's Mansion, we saw a group of vegetable vendors blocking the place.

Sun Sanniang didn't even have a place to stay.

"Isn't the benefit enough? Let's go!"

"Greedy old woman!"


The door opened, and King Wei and Li Han came out.

"I've met the king. Let the king take a look at the villain's food."

A group of vendors are vying to be the first to flatter me.

King Wei felt upset and roared: "Drive everyone away!"

A group of guards rushed out and drove these vegetable vendors away.

Only Sun Sanniang is left.

Sun Sanniang gingerly took out a radish and handed it over, "Your Majesty, this is a radish grown by slaves. It's sweet, crispy and free of charge."

King Wei came over, while the vegetable vendors hid aside and watched.

King Wei spends his days delicacies from the mountains and seas in Chang'an, but when he arrives in Lin'an he is also a wine pond and a forest of meat. Will he eat your rotten radish?

King Wei stretched out his hand to take the radish, stuffing it into his mouth and chewing it, regardless of whether it was clean or not.

Then he mounted his horse and left.

The steward came out and said, "Come, let's weigh and count the money."

Sun Sanniang said: "It doesn't cost any money, just give it to the king for a taste."

The steward smiled and said: "Your Majesty, what else do you need from me? Just send it to me."

Sun Sanniang turned around, knelt down towards King Wei's back, and said with tears in her eyes:

"Slave, thank you so much, king!"

King Wei and Li Han went to Zhoushe.

"Shi Jun, King Wei and Li Langjun are here."

Liu Qing nodded.

After the two kings of Wei came in, Li Han saluted. King Wei looked at Liu Qing with cold eyes and raised his head in shock, "The king is here?"


The little official who just announced the report had a loud voice. I heard it clearly. Are you, Liu Qing, deaf?

If you are deaf, go home and retire, and find someone with a more enterprising spirit.

"Waxie has been destroyed. The Jibo tribe and the Hu Yu tribe are constantly encroaching on Waxie's pasture. Why doesn't Chenzhou move?" King Wei came to ask for a battle the day before yesterday and wanted to lead his army to attack.

Liu Qing raised his eyes, his eyes filled with relief, "It's gratifying that your Majesty is so enterprising."


Everyone was startled, thinking that the attitude of Liu Qing and the entire Northern Xinjiang was: His Majesty ordered the King of Guards to come to Northern Xinjiang just to have enough to eat, and everyone just fooled around to get rid of the problem. As for what kind of experience, it has nothing to do with me in Northern Xinjiang?

Everyone knows that the royal family is a mess, and the fights between princes are just a matter of course. This is an inevitable thing in all dynasties. However, the emperor and the prince are in the same camp, but they are criticized by the world.


The emperor was shameless, and even the way everyone looked at his children was wrong.

King Wei has a high level of cultivation, will he also be high in other aspects? Will he be less taboo?

It takes a long time to build a good reputation, but it only takes a day to destroy it.

Of course, King Wei knew Beijiang's attitude towards him, so Liu Qing's words seemed to be a compliment, but he said lightly: "If you just sit back and watch, the Jibo Department and the Tiger Control Department will become stronger and stronger."

Liu Qing sighed, "Hey! Your Majesty, please sit down."

King Wei sat down, looking like a hill, and his body was ridiculously burly. Liu Qing, who had met the emperor, couldn't help but curse: How did he give birth to such a burly son?

It's fun to slander big bosses.

When Liu Qing is in a good mood, he talks more.

"What the king said is very true, but I have too few soldiers in Chenzhou. I am more than strong enough to hold on, but not aggressive enough. I have recently prepared to write a memorial, imploring the government to allocate more money and food, and recruit more warriors. Then I practiced hard and

Send troops to the grassland and sweep across... Hey! Your Majesty, Your Majesty..."

King Wei stood up and left. No matter how affectionate Liu Qing's call was, he could not stay.

"Ahem!" Lu Qiang, who was watching the show, coughed twice, "Your Majesty, be careful of this guy getting angry."

Liu Qing said with a smile: "What I said is from the bottom of my heart, and he knows it. But it is impossible for the court to agree, and he also knows it. So this matter is a dead end."

"He is being reasonable by not using the destruction of Waxie as an argument." Lu Qiang sighed, "Everyone says that King Wei is cruel, but he has been in Northern Xinjiang for a long time, and he has not seen any cruelty. It can be seen from the rumors.

There is a mistake!"

Liu Qing was noncommittal, and Lu Qiang sighed, "Waxie was destroyed. The Jibo tribe and the Tiger Yu tribe are competing for pastures and robbing the small tribes. This is expected. In fact, three tribes are easier to deal with than two tribes. Tribes

The fewer there are, the fewer constraints there are and the more resultant force can be formed.

So destroying Vashe may seem like a good thing, but you still have to clean up the mess after all.”

"You have only seen one side." Liu Qing said: "The two tribes seem to be more powerful, but you have to know that when the three tribes originally existed, Vashe was the check and balance. The Jibo tribe and the Yuhu tribe were afraid of each other.

They looked at each other covetously, but would not take action. Now that Vaxie is gone, there is no check and balance between the Tiger Control Department and the Jibo Department. If He Lianchun's check and balance is not good, they will probably fight each other."


"It all depends on man."

"Your Majesty, Yang Xuan has been in Tao County for a long time, and there is no one to take care of those affairs."

"The county school is going by the rules. Who is that... Li Wenmin? This man is arrogant. Yang Xuan is not here. Someone wants to intervene, but he ridicules him and is speechless."

"As for the Lin'an Army's training, someone is in charge."

Lu Qiang only hinted, reminding Liu Qing that someone was coveting the power that Yang Xuan had left behind.

At this time, someone came in and reported King Wei's generous reward to Sun Sanniang.

Lu Qiang stroked his beard, "It seems that what I said is right, King Wei is not a cruel person."

Several cavalrymen rushed into Lin'an City.

"Where is the king?"

The leader was a chamberlain with a sharp voice.

"Over there, you keep walking, turn left, turn right..."

The sergeant pointed forward and introduced. The waiter's mind was in knots as he casually whipped him, "Bitch!!"

The sergeant who had been whipped squatted down and held his head in his hands.

The chamberlain gave him a few whips, and the hard work of the journey seemed to be vented, and then shouted: "Lead the way to Zhoushe!"


The other sergeants cursed at their backs: "You bitch slave, be careful if you fall off your horse and die!"

The sergeant led several cavalry to the outside of the state house, when King Wei and Li Han came out.

The chamberlain dismounted and saluted, "My servant has five coins and has met the king."

"What's the matter?"

"Your Majesty, I have come here on Zongzheng's order to ask Your Majesty to return to Chang'an."

"What if I don't come back?"

King Wei's tone was calm.

Qian Wu salivated, "If the king doesn't go back, Zong Zheng will let this servant die in Chenzhou."

King Wei glanced at the whip marks on the sergeant's face, and then looked at the fine leather whip in Qian Wu's hand.

"Then die!"

One punch!


Qian Wu slowly knelt in front of King Wei.

Then he fell down.

This chapter has been completed!
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