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Chapter 277 The happiness of those who have goals (justin_yu

The breath of spring is pleasant, and birds and animals are everywhere, making people feel full of life.

The speed of the long convoy was neither fast nor slow, and was followed by spare carts, oxen and horses. It was so luxurious that people were speechless.

Zhang Jing chatted with Nian Ziyue in the carriage for a while, and finally couldn't help but get out of the carriage and went to look for heavy goods again.

"Are the people you are looking for reliable?"

Zhong Zhong looked quite leisurely and said, "They have prepared two to three hundred horses."

Zhang Jing gritted her teeth and said: "The envoy is accompanied by two hundred horses, you are crazy!"

"Firstly, the rebels came along a small path. It was not easy to supply food and grass along the way, and they had to be wary of being discovered by the Tang army, so the number of them could not be too large. Secondly, the Tang army in Chang'an looked mighty, but I tried, they were just guard dogs! "

"Have you tried it? When?"

He smiled heavily and said contemptuously: "The night before departure, five people from the Jinwu Guard died."

"How many people did you bring?"

"I alone can kill with ease, as if I were taking a leisurely stroll in a garden..."

"Are the guards of the Tang Dynasty so weak?"

"It's been like this for a long time." He said with a heavy sneer: "Li Mi only knows how to hide in the palace and hang out with his daughter-in-law, but he has good methods and can check and balance the court. But what a country cares about is not only the check and balance of the court, but also the army! "

"The military system of the Tang Dynasty has collapsed, and the only ones who can fight are the border troops. Those rebels are also capable of fighting against the border troops. Two or three hundred versus two hundred can be easily defeated."

Zhang Jing breathed a sigh of relief, "It's best to save Yang Xuan's life."

"What are you worried about? The Tang Dynasty is angry? But those who attacked them are rebels, what does it have to do with us?"

"I'm not worried about that."

"Then what are you worried about?"

"I'm worried about the princess."

"What's the meaning?"

"The deputy envoy Qin Jian went to test the princess many times along the way, but the princess always refused to see him. But Yang Xuan just showed up, but the princess condescended to get off the carriage and talk to him. If he died, the princess would probably sad."

"A woman's sadness can last for a while. Once she has a consort, other men will naturally forget about it."

"I'm afraid you have some misunderstandings about women."



At this moment, an exclamation suddenly came from the front.

He flew heavily on his horse and shouted: "Protect the princess!"

But the carriage has slowly passed the corner.

Jade hands opened the car curtain, and those bright eyes full of spiritual energy looked over curiously.

There were more than ten men hanging on the big tree beside the road.

The men all lowered their heads and could not see their faces clearly.

The spring breeze blew, and the corpse swayed gently in the wind, just like the puppets Nian Ziyue saw in the palace when he was a child.

Bright eyes turned around blankly, and on the roadside ahead, corpses were piled up like a hill.

The car curtain slid down, and the sound of a body leaning heavily against the car came from inside.

Zhang Jing covered her mouth, her beautiful eyes widened, and said in disbelief: "They are all dead!"

She looked heavy and said, "This is the rebel you are talking about? A rebel more elite than the guards of Chang'an?"

Zhan Zhan looked solemn and said, "Those two hundred riders must be unusual. I underestimated them."

"You made a big mistake!" Zhang Jing said in a low voice: "If you miss this time, it will be difficult to attack again. When the mission arrives in the country, it will become a tool for the fight between the two factions. If not, it will Something big will happen!"

He took a deep breath and said, "Take the people to protect the princess and move slowly."

Zhang Jing asked: "Where are you going?"

Zhong said: "The rebels and us seem to be cooperating, but both sides are afraid of each other. They must have people behind them to support them, and they must kill them all."


"Let the rebel leaders not know the details, otherwise they will ask for money and food and soldiers. The Southern Zhou Dynasty is not short of money and food, but we cannot condone their greed, otherwise it will be a bottomless pit."

"How many people are you taking?"

"Ten people!"


He led the people behind the convoy, and after the convoy had gone away, he rode towards the mountain road.

A corpse was hung on a tree, and a heavy horse rode past, waving a long knife.

The body fell to the ground, but the head was still hanging on the noose. He opened his mouth and rushed into the mountain road with a pair of dull eyes.


The horses' hooves beat on the mountain road as fast as thunder.

After entering the mountain road for only five miles, I saw dozens of riders resting in a mountain nest.

"Who?" Someone heard the voice and looked up.

He raised the knife heavily: "Kill them all!"

He rushed forward first.

His subordinates followed him and took out their bows and arrows.

"Fire the arrow!"

Arrows are flying.

Amid the miserable howls, the rebels tried to flee.

Eleven people flashed, catching up and killing each other one by one.

When the last rebel falls, he sheathes his sword.

"Last hit!"

Ten people came forward.

The long knife kept hacking at the vital parts of the corpse.

A corpse suddenly bounced up, and there was a person hidden underneath.


Two long knives blocked the man's escape space.

The rebels fell, "You are... Southern Zhou people!"

The long knife cut his throat, his trachea made a hissing sound, blood rushed in, and was immediately rushed out by the gas.

Yang Xuan led the envoy and approached a small town according to the itinerary.

"There are not that many houses." The local official looked apologetic.

"A tent is fine." When I get here, I want to live in the city every day, with a spacious house, delicious food, and bathing... These are all impossible.

The sergeants looked for a place to camp, and Yang Xuan and several officials got a small house.

After taking a bath, Qin Jian was waiting outside.

"I have been thinking about this raid for a long time. How the rebels got our information, I can't figure it out."

"I can't figure it out either." But Yang Xuan knew that the goal of his group was too big. "The rebels are in a bad situation recently. They are desperately trying to restore their momentum. They dare not fight with the southern Xinjiang army. If they can destroy the mission, the rebels will It will boost morale from top to bottom.”

"Yes." Cheng Ran came out, "Yang Zhengshi took a bath? Where is the water?"

"Well water." Yang Xuan wiped his hair with a cloth.

Qin Jian and Cheng Ran looked at him enviously.

Young people are full of firepower.

Cheng Ran said: "But you have to be careful about the wind. Let's go inside and talk."

The three of them entered the room.

"Yang Zhengshi didn't let anyone notify the Southern Zhou convoy earlier because he was suspicious..." Cheng Ran is indeed an old ghost. Just after thinking about it, he figured out some of Yang Xuan's mentality.

"The rebels are backed by the Southern Zhou Dynasty. Regardless of whether they knew about it or participated in it, leaving those corpses is a warning." Yang Xuan wiped his hair. The old thief came over to help, but he shook his head.

When the old thief went out, Wang Laoer muttered: "Mr. Lang likes women to wipe his hair."

The local officials sent a clerk named Sanyu to receive him. Of course, one person was not enough, so Sanyu brought more than ten men and women to help.

Most of the women worked in the kitchen, cooking for the mission. The men helped by sweeping or cleaning the room.


A little girl of six or seven years old was walking towards the kitchen, carrying a dustpan and leaning back. The dustpan was full of dried meat. She walked up the steps with difficulty. A woman came out, took the dustpan, and put her hand to her mouth. With a touch, the girl's eyes lit up and she said vaguely: "Mom, I'll go again."


The woman went in and poured the dried meat into the pot. When she came out, the girl took the dustpan and walked a few steps to see if there was anyone around her. Then she chewed hard on the meat that her mother had just stuffed in her mouth.

It's mutton!

So delicious!

The girl was reluctant to swallow it and chewed it slowly while walking.

A man came around and made a move, and the girl stumbled and fell to the edge, hitting her head on the water tank. She opened her mouth to cry, but then she covered her mouth again.


The old thief came out and happened to see her, and cursed: "Why did you push her?"

The person who came was from Nian Ziyue's side. This person looked at the girl and said, "She was blocking my way, so I pulled her."

Wang Laoer came out and when he saw this, he said: "She is just a girl, and you have the nerve to push her? What a piece of shit!"

This stupid sentence aroused the man's anger, "You bitch slave, what did you say?"

Immediately, more than ten people from the Southern Zhou Dynasty poured in, including Zhang Jing, followed by Nian Ziyue.

"Who are you scolding?" The old thief stepped forward.

When the man saw the princess coming, he said, "Why are you scolding her?"

The old thief raised his hand and slapped him.


The man covered his face, opened his mouth and spit out a few big teeth, saying vaguely: "Princess..."

Zhang Jing stepped forward, "Why do you do this?"

"I want to take action, why?" The old thief said hard.

Zhang Jing sneered, "Is this the way of hospitality in the Tang Dynasty?"

They were frightened half to death by a row of hanging rebels. At this moment, the old thief beat one of them, and their anger could no longer be suppressed.

"What's the fuss about?"

Yang Xuan and the others came out.

Zhang Jing said: "This man beat the princess's entourage."

Yang Xuan took a look and said, "It's just a scratch."

Half of the teeth in her mouth were missing. Is this a scratch? Zhang Jing's cheeks trembled slightly... She swore she never knew Yang Xuan could be so shameless.

The old thief said: "Lang Jun, this man pushed that girl down."

The girl had already stood up, looking at Yang Xuan with some confusion and fear.

That look hurt Yang Xuan, and he asked: "Did this person hit you?"

The girl nodded and shook her head.

Zhang Jing sneered, "You know how to lie at a young age!"

"Shut up!" Yang Xuan glanced at her and lowered his voice, "But you don't dare to say it?"

The girl nodded.


The girl hesitated.

"I make the decision for you." Yang Xuan smiled.

"Grandma... Grandma said, don't cause trouble, otherwise you will...have nothing to do."

"She is..."

The man was still shouting, but Yang Xuan straightened up suddenly and slapped him with his backhand.


The man was thrown away by the slap, fell to the ground and rolled his eyes.

Yang Xuan squatted down and asked with a smile: "Why do you have nothing to do?"

The girl looked at him blankly, frightened, and said honestly: "My mother-in-law takes me to work, she can bring five kilograms of grain, and she can also help me make a living."

"Eating for free?" Yang Xuan smiled and picked up the dustpan. When he saw Chang Yu coming, he said, "I think this girl should also be paid."

Sanyu lowered his head and said, "Yes, I will give her five kilograms of grain when she comes back."

The girl's eyes lit up, "Really?"

"Of course it's true." Yang Xuan rubbed the top of her head, "Second brother."

"Mr. Lang."

"Bring some jerky."

Wang Laoer was not stingy this time and brought a big bag of dried meat.

"Take it." Yang Xuan handed it to the girl. Seeing a woman on the left smiling uneasily at him, he said, "This child is not bad."

He got up and walked out.

Zhang Jing had a cold face and was about to follow her, but Nian Ziyue, who was leading the way, said softly: "I'll go."

"Princess!" Zhang Jing wanted to stop her, but Nian Ziyue had already left.

Outside is the only street in the small town.

At this moment, the sun was setting, and a long street was somewhat empty, with only a few hurried pedestrians.

Yang Xuan and Nian Ziyue walked side by side on the long street, leaving some distance between them.

Behind him, Zhang Jing led several guards, and the old thief and Wang Laoer were also there, walking side by side.

Zhang Jing led the people closer, and heard the old thief behind him say proudly: "Hey! You will hear something you shouldn't hear soon, be careful to be silenced."

Zhang Jing stopped and wished she could kick the old thief to death.

"I have never seen you so irritable." Nian Ziyue said calmly: "Even in that alley, you only dealt with the villain and were not so angry. Why?"

"That's just a girl."

"I know, but it was just a push."

"That's a girl from the Tang Dynasty."

Nian Ziyue was startled, "What do you mean?"

Yang Xuan said: "Girls of the Tang Dynasty cannot be bullied by outsiders."

Nian Ziyue didn't expect that he would think like this, "But as far as I know, people are being bullied everywhere in the Tang Dynasty. Can you handle it?"

Yang Xuan said: "I don't care what I see."

"What about the ones you can't see?"

"I will work hard if I can't see it."


"Yes, work hard to make this Tang Dynasty a better place. In this way, fewer and fewer people will be bullied."

Nian Ziyue turned her head and glanced at him, "Compared to before, you seem to be a little more aggressive."

"Is there any?"


"The princess will come back after this trip, right?"

"I don't know." Nian Ziyue's eyes were dim, thinking of the fight between the two factions in the country, it would be a mess!

Yang Xuan smiled and said: "Perhaps there will be no chance to meet again after this trip. Princess, please take care of yourself."

Nian Ziyue raised her eyes. Under the setting sun, her eyes seemed to be shining, which made Yang Xuan stunned.

"How long can the Tang Dynasty and Southern Zhou Dynasty live in peace?"

This question troubled Yang Xuan, "It depends on the emperors of the two countries. However, the Southern Zhou Dynasty has recently made frequent moves to encourage the rebels in southern Xinjiang behind the scenes, which has angered the Tang Dynasty."

Nian Ziyue shook his head, "Nothing."

Her eyes were sincere when she spoke.

"Whether it is, actually both sides know it."

At this time, Zhang Jing finally couldn't help but come up. When she heard this, she said: "Back then, there was a rebellion in Bianjing, and someone set fire to the city. Later, they took a thief, who was from the Tang Dynasty."

Nian Ziyue looked at Yang Xuan and wondered, did the Tang Dynasty also do such things in the Southern Zhou Dynasty?

Yang Xuan said seriously: "This matter was naturally not done by the Tang Dynasty."

"That's from the Tang Dynasty, verified." Zhang Jing stared at him.

Yang Xuan smiled and said: "There are still people in the Tang Dynasty who are horse thieves. Last time, I killed hundreds of them at once."


Zhang Jing felt that only people like Shen Zhong could deal with Yang Xuan.

As he spoke, heaviness came.

"Princess, it's time to eat."

He stood with his hands tied heavily.

Nian Ziyue was in a state of panic all the way, and finally managed to get out for a break, but found no peace.

Everyone went back slowly.

When they entered the house, they saw the girl carrying a dustpan and her face red, heading towards the kitchen step by step.

After seeing Yang Xuan, the girl's eyes lit up and she laughed happily.

Suddenly two teeth were missing from his mouth.

Yang Xuan also smiled warmly.

Nian Ziyue suddenly asked: "What do you want in this life?"

This is a question she has been thinking about, but she has never been able to find an answer.

Yang Xuan pointed to the old girl, "I want to see more smiles like this in my life."

Nian Ziyue stopped and looked at him, "In this way, the two countries should work together to build peace."

These were words of farewell. Yang Xuan subconsciously imitated the diplomats in the scroll and stretched out their hands.

Nian Zi was pleased to see him stretching out his hand, so he stretched out his hand for some reason.

The two shake hands.

Then he let go like lightning.

Nian Ziyue's face turned red and she walked away quickly.

A group of people around were stunned.

Zhang Ruo quickly stepped in.

"Mr. Yang, there are rebels ahead."

"How's the battle going?"

"Our army... was defeated."

This chapter has been completed!
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