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Chapter 289 Ruthless (hold the lamp for the drunk)

The first time he came to Chang'an, Yang Xuan felt that this was paradise.

Paradise is prosperous, but it is also highly hierarchical and the weak eat the strong.

It was just Yang's small vassal family that made him and Zhao Sanfu so embarrassed that they were almost killed.

This made Yang Xuan know that you cannot act according to your own temper in this world.

Zhong Er's aura gradually calmed down, and he looked at the world with more complex eyes.

He saw wealth and poverty.

He saw strength and weakness...

The strong squeezes the weak, as if it were the way of heaven.

Only then did he understand that the world and the mountains are the same: tigers eat sheep, and sheep eat grass; big fish eat small fish, and small fish eat shrimps...

Strengthening oneself has become the most urgent goal.

He worked hard to lay a foundation in Taiping, tried every means to gain a reputation for himself in Chenzhou, and won over everyone he could.

All of this was not only due to rebellion against the great cause, but also stemmed from the insecurity in his bones.

Those years in Chang'an were his first teacher to enter the world of flowers.

You have to be strong!

The strength of the old thief is not weak, but after all, his age is here, and it will be difficult to make progress.

Yang Lue was so powerful that even Yang Xuan didn't know his roots, but he couldn't stay by his side.

Wang Laoer's progress is gratifying. If he met the original Wahai now, Yang Xuan felt that the two of them would be equally matched.

But Wahai is just a master of the Waxie tribe, and is not worth mentioning when looking at the world.

The great cause of overcoming rebellion will continue to deepen, and the opponents encountered in the future will become more and more difficult to deal with. How to save his own life has become a problem for Yang Xuan and the small group.

Anyone can die, but not Yang Xuan.

With him gone, Yang Lue and others' half-life efforts and efforts would have been in vain.

Yang Xuan often thought, why didn't the emperor arrange some powerful guards for himself?

To say the least, you have to be an old man at this level. You don't have to worry about being assassinated when you go out, let alone being beheaded by your opponent when you charge.

After searching and searching for the master's traces, Yang Xuan gradually gave up, thinking that when his wings were full, he would bring Yang Xuan back from Southern Zhou. In this way, he would have a master by his side.

Unexpectedly, I found an expert in a small town in Southern Zhou Dynasty.

But the master obviously had no interest in him. After getting up, he just followed Wang Laoer.

Yang Xuan smiled and said in a low voice: "You're here, I don't believe I can't capture you!"

The old thief chuckled and said, "The villain said that the second child is lucky. No, his parents were killed by his enemies, and he is the only one who survived. When I arrived in Chang'an, I met Lang Jun, and today I met another master."

"Xiao Xuanzi, this is the protagonist's template!" Zhuque said happily.


Yang Xuan thought of the dull protagonist, isn't it like this?

Foolish people are blessed!

Stupid people can bully God!

When the group got off the city, someone arranged a place and even arranged a fragrant bath.


Yang Xuan entered the bathroom and didn't know what was put in the water. He smelled it and relaxed all over.


Two petite women are blessed, "Slaves are ordered to serve the nobles."

"Get out!"

"I don't dare!"

"He will be beaten to death."

Whose idea was this?

And so vicious, why?

He thought about Wang Zhong, is he trying to please me?

Yang Xuan frowned, "Then wait outside."


The two women didn't know whether they were angry or feeling lucky. They muttered after going out.

"This man looks so young."


"It is better to serve him than to serve a true nobleman."

"It said that a waiter and a lieutenant came here."

"Yes! The thieves attacked the city with great force. The servant fought bravely and finally killed the thieves."

"How is your family?"

"I, Aye, am back."

"My brother is back too."

A woman came over and said mysteriously: "Hey! I just heard that our people were afraid of death before, but it was the Tang people who saved us."

"Tang people?"

"Yes! The Tang Dynasty envoy led our people to kill many rebels. He is said to have commanded Ruoding and is a fierce general!"

"Ah! Is that so?"

"It is true that the people of the Tang Dynasty were brave and brave."

"Hey! I had known earlier that I should have served that envoy. Wouldn't it be great if I could follow him to the Tang Dynasty?"

"You think beautifully!"

Several women chattered until a small official came over to check.

"Why didn't you go in to serve?" the clerk was furious.

The three women knelt down, and one of them said, "That man doesn't want it."

The kings have just told them that they must serve the Tang envoy well, especially the envoy Yang Xuan.

The clerk knew what he was thinking, and he just wanted Yang Xuan to say something good for him when he returned to Bianjing. Although there was little hope, he would not lose anything if he tried.

But the woman who had been arranged was not sent out. Wang Shilang would definitely be angry with me later... Thinking of this, the little official's eyes became stern.

"Back then, wait for all three families to transport food and grass..."


The door is open!

Yang Xuan walked out, with moisture still coming out of his hair.

"Hey! What's the fuss about?"

When the clerk saw him coming out, he bowed and backed away, "I've disturbed you, so I'll leave now."

The three women cried miserably. They were not afraid of the so-called nobles, but they were afraid of the local officials. The nobles left as soon as they left, and would not remember a weak woman.

But the petty officials are local snakes, and they will find many ways to deal with their family later.

The clerk had previously said that the three of them would be sent to deliver grain and grass.

This is a military service, but you need to bring your own dry food. On this journey, no one is cultivating the fields at home. If you come back, you may see your family starving. In addition, the person who is serving may also die on the way.

A petty official can ruin a family!

Make your life worse than death!

The three of them knelt down and begged. The clerk backed away and looked at them gloomily.

If you don't serve the nobleman well, the local magistrate will make his life worse than death.

In the eyes of the people, petty officials are their gods and can control their life, death, honor and disgrace.

But in the eyes of petty officials, Shangguan is their own heaven, and they can also control their life, death, honor and disgrace.

Just like at this moment, the three women were panicked, and he was also panicked.

The three women were afraid of him, he was afraid of the local officials, the local officials were afraid of Yuan Xiao, and Yuan Xiao was afraid of the kings.

It's like a food chain.

Big fish eat small fish.

Whenever something goes wrong in this food chain, for example, big fish and small fish come to eat shrimps together...


The three women heard a voice coming from behind them, and the clerk stopped.

The three of them couldn't help but look back.

"I don't allow them to enter."

"Yes." The clerk said respectfully.

The three women had hope in their hearts, hoping that this noble man could help them.

One of them stopped talking.

But I dare not say it.

If you tell her now, when the noble lady leaves, the petty officials will intensify their efforts to harass her and her family.

No matter how powerful the Dragon Crossing the River is, it may still be this little official who decides the life or death of their family.

This is the saying goes that a strong dragon cannot overwhelm a local snake.

Yang Xuan came over and said, "Here comes someone."

Am I not a human being? The clerk raised his head.

An official came in and said, "Your Majesty."

Yang Xuan pointed at the clerk and said, "This man speaks rudely."

The official came over.

The little official was shocked, "The little man didn't..."


The official slapped him away and then beat him severely.

The king has ordered that he must serve this messenger well and try to satisfy him as long as his demands are not excessive.

What the officials knew more clearly was that the kings were planning to blame Yuan Xiao for all the mistakes of this trip. And to do this, he had to win Yang Xuan's favor.

Before the fate of a servant, a petty official is not even an ant.

"Someone is coming!"

Two sergeants came in.

The official pointed at the petty official and said, "This man is corrupt and collaborating with the rebels inside and outside. Take him away!"

This time, let’s not talk about wearing tattoos on the face and wearing hair somewhere.

Yang Xuan nodded, "Thank you for your hard work."

The official smiled flatteringly, "It's not hard, my dear envoy, we have prepared a banquet ahead, please."

The three women watched them go out blankly.

A man rushed in, but he was the brother of one of them.


The woman cried and talked about her experience, "Thankfully that noble envoy helped, otherwise our family would be in trouble."

Her brother had just gone to the top of the city to help guard the city. He was startled when he heard this and said, "You say he's your envoy?"

"Well! Brother, what are you doing?"

"That's the envoy of the Tang Dynasty!" Her brother said excitedly: "You didn't see before that the envoy commanded Ruoding. If it weren't for him, Yecheng would have been unable to save today. Hey! He is indeed a famous general of the Tang Dynasty!"

When he saw his sister in a daze, he asked, "Amei, Amei..."

The woman stamped her feet, "It's actually him? If I had known, I wouldn't have come out even if I risked my life."

When he woke up, Yang Xuan was a little confused by the unfamiliar place.

Gradually, yesterday's events were recalled one by one.

"Mr. Sir, it's time to have breakfast."

Wang Laoer is shouting outside.

I got up and moved my body, feeling full of energy.

Yang Xuan frowned, "Why does it feel like it's about to overflow?"

Qin Jian and Cheng Ran sat there a little tiredly. When they saw Yang Xuan, they managed to get up and salute, and then sat down, grinning.

"My whole body aches." Qin Jian smiled bitterly, "Back then, I was hunting in the mountains. I stayed awake for three days just to hunt down a wild wolf. I was still in high spirits after I returned. Hey! I'm old!"

Yang Xuan sat down and someone brought breakfast.

With rice and a few vegetables, it's quite rich.

Wang Laoer and the old criminal were sitting together. The old criminal came over and asked, "Do you believe Qin Jian's words, sir?"

Yang Xuan shook his head, "You can't outrun a wolf in the mountains. Not to mention three days and three nights, you'll be gone in the blink of an eye."

After breakfast, Yang Xuan found a clerk.

"Do you know about the old prisoner?"

The clerk said: "This man is called Tu Shang, who kills officials."


A chivalrous man breaks the law with force, this was the first thought that came to Yang Xuan's mind.

"Why kill officials?"

"I don't know, it seems like the whole family is dead."

This was said without any beginning or end, and Yang Xuan became even more confused.

The petty official observed the words and said, "I don't dare to hide anything, but I really don't know anything about this person."

"How many years have you been imprisoned?"

"Five years."

"Not executed?"

Any criminal who killed an official, whether in the Tang Dynasty or the Southern Zhou Dynasty, was dealt with strictly and quickly. On this point, all officials had the same attitude. Yang Xuan felt that it was the feeling of sadness that the rabbit died and the fox was at work.

"Originally he was going to be executed, but it happened that the queen gave birth to a prince, and as soon as his majesty was happy, he pardoned the whole world, and Tu Chang was spared from death."

"That's good luck."

The clerk chuckled and said, "You are lucky, but this person is suffering a lot in prison."

"But he didn't resist?"

Yang Xuan felt that Tu Chang's force was worth it, and if he wanted to resist, Ye Cheng's prison would not be able to trap him.

The clerk said calmly: "The people's hearts are like iron, and the official law is like a furnace. No matter how powerful a person is in prison, we will naturally have a way to catch him. Even if he can escape, the army will surround him and arrows will rain down like rain.

High cultivation will ultimately be of no use."

"Manpower is sometimes poor."

"Your Majesty, please see me."

"You are very articulate."

"This is the skill of a villain."

"Then what do you think of Ye Cheng?"

"Ye Cheng... General Zhang is a good man. There are some good and bad officials in the city, but there are still many good people."

"Where is Nanzhou?"

"The Southern Zhou Dynasty was prosperous, but there were also dark places. But if you want to come to the Tang Dynasty, you can't avoid this."

"Do you know why?"

Yang Xuan wanted to learn about the situation of the Southern Zhou Dynasty through the mouths of small officials.

"People will be greedy. Greedy people like to bully the weak and shy away from the strong. The superiors will squeeze their subordinates, and the subordinates will squeeze their subordinates. In the end, it is the people who will be squeezed. This is what people will do, and the Southern Zhou Dynasty or the Tang Dynasty are not the boundaries."

The clerk looked at Yang Xuan with a humble and probing look, "What I said is not a leak. If your envoy still has doubts, you can ask Shilang Zhang and the others."


"Your Majesty has over-rewarded me."

"Why didn't you get promoted?"

"The lie is that there are as many villains as stars in the Southern Zhou Dynasty."

"What's the truth?"

"The truth is that a villain has no one behind him, and he doesn't like to flatter him."

The clerk looked at Yang Xuan again, "I firmly believe that the same is true in the Tang Dynasty."

Yang Xuan was a little embarrassed by these words, "Why don't you flatter and rely on me?"

The clerk smiled and said, "The villain thinks it would be awkward to live like that. The villain is even more afraid that after leaving, he will have to live in the same way as those people. There are many ways to live in this world, and the villain's desire to be rich is only secondary.

The most important thing is that you have to live comfortably and comfortably... I feel that I am very comfortable and at ease now."

The clerk was in his thirties, and he looked humble, but his eyes were calm.

There are sages in the wild!

Yang Xuan sent people to find the kings and prepare to return to Bianjing.

Yang Lue took the risk to enter Bianjing, the purpose was not to plunder, but to see him more. In this way, the situation in Southern Zhou Dynasty was almost seen, and it was time to go back.

But the kings lay down.

"The doctor said that Wang Shilang's foot was injured during the fight and he needs to rest for a few days."

Foot injury?

The old thief thought about it carefully, "That day he shot once and hit a sergeant in the buttocks. How did he hurt his foot?"

"Maybe I stepped on something!"

But that night the king became feverish.

"I'm afraid I won't be able to survive."

Yang Xuan also took a look and found that he had a fever.

"Something dangerous."

On the third day, a group of officials with cold faces came quickly from Bianjing.

"Where is Mr. Wang?"

Wang Zhong was lying on the bed, a little confused from the fever.

"I deserve death for my crime!" The kings begged in a daze.

"It's all my fault and has nothing to do with anyone else."

Immediately, someone came and found Yang Xuan and others.

"Wang Shilang? That's right." Wang Zhong still doesn't know how many days he can live, and Yang Xuan is also happy to be a favor.

Yuan Xiao was captured immediately.

All the kings have fallen, and he is the greatest.

"Thank you, distinguished envoy."

The visitor thanked Yang Xuan.

Then everyone set off back to Bianjing.

Halfway through, the kings gradually recovered a little.

"This man's life is really big."

Uda sighed.

Qin Jian squinted at Qin Jian who insisted on getting off the car and riding a horse, limping when walking.

"It's said that a toe was broken." The old thief went to find out the news.

"I remember." Cheng Ran clenched his fists.

"What do you remember?"

"I was very tired after the battle that day. I was standing below to catch my breath when I saw Wang Zhong jump down from the steps. He glanced at Yuan Xiao, walked two steps and looked like nothing happened, and then started limping.


Yang Xuan said with a gloomy face, "If his toe is injured, he will instinctively choose to walk on."

"He took those two steps smoothly." Cheng Ran said through gritted teeth.

Wang Laoer asked: "What's wrong?"

The old thief said: "We were all deceived by Wang Zhong, and Lang Jun even said good things for him!"

Wang Laoer was puzzled, "But he is really missing a toe! Why?"

"He chopped it off himself!"

This chapter has been completed!
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