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Chapter 307 Aye

Yang Xuan took a leave of absence.

The reason is very good, I have to prepare for the marriage.

When Wang Xian heard the news, he just said lightly: Smart man!

People around me asked: "Why did Wang Zhanshi say that?"

"I work for the Crown Prince, and the first thing I do when I come up is to take action to establish my authority. After what happened in the East Palace, everyone is in danger, and it is time to move more people.

Yang Xuan has handled the follow-up matters and can be called the safest person in the East Palace besides me. If he is willing, he can win over a group of people at this moment and become powerful from now on."

"Then why didn't he pull?"

"This time the prince has become a useless person. Who will the anger of the four members of the family be directed at? If he is here, of course he will be indispensable. If he runs away, I am afraid that my life will not be easy these days."

Wang Xian scratched his head, "Yesterday, someone splashed dog blood on the door of my house. The smell is extremely fishy."

"Has Zhan's matter been reported to the official?"

"It's useless and embarrassing."

"Isn't it too shameless to have four surnames in one family?"

"This wasn't their doing."

"Who could that be?"

"The Zhong Sui clan was captured, but several people escaped. One of them said before leaving that he would fight for me."

Yang Xuan never thought about this at all.

He was waiting with some anxiety for a major turning point in his life.

As a husband!

Wei Linger and others rushed to help.

But when it comes to who should be the best man, even the bravest Tao Jian changes his face.

"This is about it..." Chen Zimao looked frightened, not even caring about the so-called gentleman's demeanor, "Nowadays, the custom of husband-in-law is particularly popular, and the Zhou family is so big, God knows what methods they will use."

Tao Jian said: "The whip is fine, but I'm afraid of using the stick over there."

The so-called son-in-law means that the father-in-law takes care of the son-in-law when he is getting married.

"At the time of the wedding, the groom is the wife's dog." Wei Ling'er looked strange, and Hong Ya whispered: "But who are you thinking about your future dog?"

Wei Ling'er blushed, "No. I was just thinking about what will happen to Zitai this time."

Wife’s dog?

Yang Xuan's face was earthy.

"I know how to fight with sticks." Zhang Dongqing sighed, obviously not agreeing with this custom.

"There was also a groom who was beaten to death by the bride's family when he was picking up his bride."

This can be called a mountain of swords and a sea of ​​fire! Yang Xuan took a deep breath, "Don't be afraid!"

Wei Ling'er praised: "Zitai is so heroic!"

After everyone left, Yang Xuan asked: "Yiniang, do you have any close-fitting armor? Something thinner."

Zhou Ning packed up her things, left the check-in room, and never looked back.

An Ziyu accompanied her, "Don't look at it anymore?"

Zhou Ning said: "I have seen enough in the past that I can think of it if I miss it. But now I feel hesitant to look at it again."

"You are open-minded, so I feel relieved."

Zhou Ning was walking in the Imperial College, and the teachers and students he met on the way nodded slightly.

Much less indifferent than before.

Bao Dong and several classmates stopped and watched Zhou Ning and An Ziyu slowly leave.

"The delicate flowers of the Imperial College were finally picked."

"The Imperial College has been dim and colorless since then."

"Bao Dong, you are a bitter person, do you have anything to say?"

Bao Dong looked up at the blue sky.

"I'm going to have a wedding banquet."

Zhou Ning walked outside the gate, turned around and said, "Si Ye, please come back."

An Ziyu held the handkerchief and choked with sobs: "Remember to come back and sit down if you have nothing to do."

"Yeah! Si Ye."


"I'm leaving."


"Remember to ask for a doctor."

Zhou Ning got on the carriage and immediately returned home to get married.

When Zhou Qin saw his granddaughter returning home, he sighed: "How many more days can we stay?"

Zhou Ning was speechless.

Finally, he said, "Aweng, let me give you acupuncture!"

"Don't!" Zhou Qin's expression changed drastically, and he started laughing.

The old servant looked at him worriedly, "Alang, be careful."

Zhou Qin laughed so hard that he couldn't breathe, "Hey! Hey! I'm so happy!"

Zhou Ning frowned and asked: "What's Awen Le?"

Zhou Qin said cheerfully: "Your silver needle is so long that I am scared to death every time it goes in. That little thief is nasty. I want to deal with him, but I am worried that you will be bullied in the past."

Zhou Ning lowered his head.

Zhou Qin said with a smile: "But when I think that the long silver needle will prick his body from now on, I will be very happy!"

Zhou Ning: "..."

After dinner, Yi Niang was checking the gifts she had prepared, and Zhang Siniang was assisting her. She was mumbling while checking and counting.

"We were just such a little girl back then, and now we're getting married."

Turning around, she saw Zhang Siniang squatting beside her, looking at Yang Xuan outside with a bewildered look, and said lightly: "Don't think about accompanying your husband before the wedding night, there is no chance."

Zhang Siniang pursed her lips.

Yang Xuan was enjoying the cool air in the yard.

In the front yard, Tu Chang, who was sitting under the eaves, suddenly frowned and looked at the wall on the right, picked up a stone and threw it into the backyard.

"Ouch! Who threw the stone?"

Zhang Siniang, who had just come out with a quilt in her arms, was hit by the attack. She covered her forehead with one hand and turned her eyes, trying to find someone to be unlucky.

Zhao Sanfu quietly climbed up the wall. This time he had experience. He sat on a place without sharp thorns and said calmly: "It's not fun to be on guard. It's fun when thieves get in."

He relaxed.

Suddenly someone behind me said: "Take the right path next time."

Zhao Sanfu turned around suddenly and put on a defensive posture. When he saw it was Wang Laoer, he said angrily: "Can't you say something?"

Zhao Sanfu carried the baggage and found Yang Xuan.

"This is a congratulatory gift."

Yang Xuan smiled and said: "It's rare that you, a famous person in the mirror, come to give gifts. I'm afraid it will scare many people if word spreads."

Zhao Sanfu sat down casually and said, "If you don't mind, I would also like to be the best man."

"Come on, if you become the best man, my father-in-law can kick me out."

Zhao Sanfu leaned against the wall, his legs hanging down at the foot of the steps, "You are very lucky about the East Palace matter."

"What's the meaning?"

"The emperor and the others have been trying to find a way to bring the prince back up, and our focus is on this. I was still thinking about how your majesty would respond, but I didn't expect that it would be over with just one assassination. How many people in the East Palace will be unlucky, how are you?

, actually got away with it."

"Did Jingtai have no involvement in this matter?" Yang Xuan felt that it was difficult for Jingtai to know about Wang Xian's matter.

Zhao Sanfu shook his head, "We can't get involved in palace affairs. Han Shitou is watching!"

"By the way, what do you think of Han Shitou?"

"Steady, act in a measured manner. If nothing else happens, he will be extremely wealthy before your Majesty leaves."

"Where is Wang Shou?"

"He? The mirror is the emperor's dog. He is bitten by the emperor. If he is wise, he can die a good death..."

Yang Xuan leaned against the wall, feeling a slight chill, "Knowing too much is also a dead end."

Zhao Sanfu was silent.

"I want to come to your banquet, but I can't."

"Thank you very much."

When the popular fried chicken comes to the banquet, what will happen to the guests?

"Let me celebrate you tonight!"

Zhao Sanfu magically took out a wine bag.

After drinking, he threw away the wine bag, stood up and said, "The East Palace is not interesting."

"I know." I know, but Yang Xuan still needs this qualification to lay the foundation for his next return to Northern Xinjiang.

"That place is a quagmire. I'd rather be aloof and aloof than get involved in it."

"You are on the mirror...I heard that Wang Shou values ​​you very much."

"Yes, he likes people who are free from greed and rationality."

"Be careful."

"I know."

Zhao Sanfu walked towards the wall, climbed up, and rode on top of the wall waving.

"Remember to take rejuvenation pills."


Yang Xuan gave him a middle finger gesture.

The third day is an auspicious day.

The wedding day is also today.

Zhang Siniang got up early in the morning and said, "Today we are going to worship our ancestors!"

Getting married is a major event in life, and the ancestors must be informed first.

Yi Niang is already making preparations.

When the time came, she covered her forehead and said, "I actually forgot to buy gold thread. Fourth lady, please go there."


Zhang Siniang went.

Only Yi Niang, the old thief and Wang Lao Er were left in the backyard, plus Yang Xuan.

In the separately opened ancestral hall, a tablet is currently covered by silk cloth.

Yi Niang walked in.


"Your Majesty, although women are not allowed to preside over such matters, Yang Lue and Cao Ying are not here, so I can only do this. Your Majesty, please don't be offended."

She arranged the sacrifices one by one, then turned around and said, "Mr.

Yang Xuan walked into the ancestral hall.

Yi Niang pulled the silk cloth and pulled it.

The four words "filial piety to the emperor" came into view.

Yang Xuan's breathing tightened.

Then calm down.

Amid the incense, Yi Niang whispered.

"Back then, Your Majesty ordered the slave to take the young man out of the palace. It has been sixteen years now. The slave is powerless and can only watch Yang Lue and the young man fleeing to the southern border."

Yang Xuan seemed to see a palace man carrying a basket nervously walking forward against the wall in that long bloody night.

The guards held knives and smiled at her to reassure her.

Immediately, these smiles were submerged in blood.

"Yang Lue and Xiao Langjun were dormant in Yuanzhou. The false emperor was guilty of being a thief, so he ordered the mirror to search the world to hunt down Yang Lue. Fortunately, the gods protected him, and Xiao Langjun was fine."

In the first ten years, Yang Xuan felt that it was the blessing of the gods, but in the next five years, it was just a fluke.

"Nu and Cao Ying received the young man in Chang'an. From then on, the young man's official career went smoothly and he is now the crown prince."

"Your Majesty is disgusted with a family of five surnames, but you don't know that the woman married by the young man is the legitimate daughter of the Zhou family in a family of five surnames."

"Your Majesty, you are going to be Aweng."

Yi Niang left with tears in her eyes.

Yang Xuan stood up and looked at the tablet.

"I don't know what happened back then. Yi Niang took me out of the palace, and Yang Lue protected me to Yuanzhou. Life in Yuanzhou is not good, but it's good to be alive."

"I've thought about a lot over the years, from speculating on Yang Lue's identity to cursing this thief. I'm thinking, why am I living? Is it just to live?"

"Yang Lue appeared again five years later and asked me to come to Chang'an. I came. Yi Niang and Cao Ying came to seek refuge mysteriously. I realized something was wrong early in the morning."

"When they revealed my identity, I was shocked and thought, why didn't you resist back then?"

"I've thought about it for a long time. If you resist, suppression will be inevitable, followed by chaos in Chang'an... I guess you don't want to see this scene."

"I don't know what happened back then, but Yi Niang told me that the false emperor and his son were causing trouble."

"I don't want to rebel. I just want to build a house in the countryside of Yuanzhou, marry a wife, and have a few children. I can feed them by hunting in the mountains, and then I live like this all my life."

"But I met Yan Cheng."

Outside, the old thief winked at Yi Niang, hinting that there was no problem.

Yi Niang shook her head and whispered: "Don't disturb the conversation between Lang Jun and His Majesty."

Even though he has been underground for many years, the old thief still shudders.

Wang Laoer was the most heartless, squatting beside him and eating beef jerky.

"What I don't like the most is trouble. Living is very tiring, and you have to put things on your head, such as herdsmen, fighting, the world, and great causes..."

"I have never thought about this. I am just following Yi Niang and the others. Yang Lue even fled to the Southern Zhou Dynasty for me. If I don't work hard, I will let them down."

"That day I went to the Ancestral Temple and met your divine master."

"At that moment, I didn't know why, but I suddenly felt trembling all over."

"Don't blame me... I really don't have much feeling for you as a father and son, but at that moment, I was inexplicably trembling all over and my eyes were hot."

"I still have my brother in Chang'an City. The pseudo-emperor and his son probably want to distance themselves from the relationship between your accident and them, so they are left to show off."

"I'm thinking that if you were willing to let one of them go out of the city, you would be more suitable to rebel against the great cause than an infant child!"

"But you still chose me. I think you want to obey God's will, right?"

"If I become a mediocre person or even die somewhere, then all my great achievements will naturally disappear."

"If I have great talent, then Yang Lue and the others will naturally follow your instructions and support me step by step."

"Today's Tang Dynasty seems to be in bloom, but inside it is in chaos. There are more and more refugees, and the military system of the government has collapsed. Everyone in the border areas is collecting taxes, recruiting warriors, and forming large armies. This is a scene of national subjugation, but

The false emperor is still intoxicated with singing and dancing."

"The family of five surnames is still huge and seemingly indestructible. The person I am marrying this time is the legitimate daughter of the Zhou family, so there is no conflict of interest."

"I like her."

"The Southern Zhou Dynasty supports the foreign rebellion in southern Xinjiang. What kind of new deal is being implemented in the country? I went to the Southern Zhou Dynasty and found that there are many problems in the country. The imperial army is corrupt. The country is divided into two factions for the new deal. They will fight among themselves. However,

Southern Zhou is rich."

Is it great to be rich?

Of course it is great, otherwise the Southern Zhou Dynasty would have been trampled over by the iron hoof of the Tang Dynasty.

"The Southern Zhou Dynasty was rich, but its country did not value warriors. It could protect itself but could not make progress. The Southern Zhou Dynasty provoked the rebellion of the alien races in southern Xinjiang. I think this was an act of inner struggle. It wanted to protect itself but also wanted to forge ahead. I

I think such ideas will lead to catastrophe sooner or later."

Strategic uncertainty and ambiguity at the national level will bring about many dangers, including domestic chaos, foreign affairs chaos, and even inexplicable offending of powerful countries that should not be offended due to wrong positioning.

"Bei Liao is very powerful. Just one Tanzhou has made Chenzhou miserable, and just three dogs have troubled Chenzhou for many years."

"Helianfeng is intensifying its troops. They are eyeing Northern Xinjiang and Chang'an."

"I am currently in Chang'an, but my heart is in Northern Xinjiang."

"If you want to fight against rebellion, you must first lay a foundation. Now I have a county in Northern Xinjiang, and Cao Ying is in charge of it. In addition, I am also working on Chenzhou, and the next step is Northern Xinjiang."

Yang Xuan saluted.

look up.

Look at the tablet.

"The road to overturning our great cause is difficult and difficult. You must want to ask me whether I am strong-willed.

Having said so much, I actually want to tell you that I am willing to bear this heavy responsibility... Aye."

This chapter has been completed!
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