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Chapter 333

"Xin Wuji has met the master."

Scarface knelt down, Nan He was stunned.


Is this person Xin Wuji?

He felt relieved when he saw that the old thief and others were calm.

"stand up."

Yang Xuan also didn't expect Xin Wuji to suddenly appear.

Xin Wuji stood up.


Li Han's voice came from outside the tent.

Yang Xuan shook his head slightly.

The old thief winked at Wang Laoer.

Imperial nobles like King Wei and Li Han have bad tempers, and if the old thieves try to stop them, they will probably cause some discord. But Wang Lao Er is different...

Wang Laoer goes out.

"Li Langjun."

"Is Zitai here?"


"Hey! Why are you stopping me?"

"The husband is shitting."

Yang Xuan inside: "..."

The old thief's cheeks trembled slightly and he glanced at Tu Shang.

The old man had a calm look on his face, and there was a little more approval in his eyes.

here you go!

Wang Laoer came in and said proudly: "He's gone."

Yang Xuan nodded and looked at Xin Wuji with gentle eyes, "How are you over there?"

Xin Wuji said: "The villain led those people to fight with the Jibo tribe and the Tiger Yu tribe. The villain threatened those subordinates, saying that the Jibo tribe and the Tiger Yu tribe threatened to kill all the remaining Washe tribe and completely occupy the ranch. So everyone is brave and not afraid of death..."

This is the last resort.

Nan He was quite curious...Who is this person and he actually knows the art of war?

"But the two armies are powerful. The villain is resisting on the one hand, and on the other hand, he is making people show favor to both sides at the same time. He also says that the other arm is forcing too much. In this way, the two armies are suspicious and wary of each other, and the offensive slows down."

Somewhat interesting.

Yang Xuan left Xin Wuji on the grassland with the intention of making him a disruptor, but he didn't expect that this person was so good that he quickly established his footing.

Xin Wuji used to be just an abandoned general of the Northern Liao Dynasty, who was in constant panic. Now he has become a khan, with an army of tens of thousands under his command...

A man is poor but his ambition is short, and a horse is skinny and has long hair.

On the other hand, once a person becomes rich or powerful, his mood will naturally change.

Ambition is always driven by strength.

When Yang Xuan first learned about his life experience, he never thought that he would succeed in his rebellion. But now, he has become the governor of a state, holding an army and countless people in his hands.

At this time, his thoughts naturally changed.

So, what about Xin Wuji?

"...Immediately, the villain sent people to Tanzhou to express his goodwill to He Lianchun with generous gifts. He Lianchun took action decisively, stopped the two groups, and gave the southern part of the famous town."

Yang Xuan smiled, "Well done."

"It's all Master's help." Xin Wuji lowered his head and let his hands hang by his side.

Yang Xuan said: "Have you ever thought about being independent?"

Xin Wuji raised his head in panic, "If it hadn't been for the master's intervention, I would have died on the grassland long ago. I would never dare to have such an intention."

Yang Xuan smiled and said: "I'm just asking. By the way, what are you doing here?"

Xin Wuji's right hand moved slightly, "He Lianchun ordered the southern part of the town to give the master a look. I am worried about the master, so I came here to report it."

The old ghost is indeed like this... Yang Xuan sneered in his heart, but smiled and said: "I know."

Xin Wuji knelt down and said, "I say goodbye, little man."

"Go ahead, that's right." Yang Xuan thought for a moment, "He Lianchun didn't mean well by letting your department become independent. The Jibo Department and the Yuhu Department are powerful, and if there is no buffer zone in between, sooner or later there will be a big fight. In this way, Tan The state lost its weapon to check and balance Chenzhou."

"Yes." Xin Wuji looked calm.

Yang Xuan took out the oil paper bag and asked, "The scar on your face will itch when it rains?"

Xin Wuji's eyes moved, "Yes, it's extremely itchy, but I don't dare to scratch it."

"This is the function of qi and blood." Yang Xuan handed over the oiled paper bag, "Take this medicine back and mix it with wine and water for a tablespoon at a time. Use it for ten days and for thirty days in a row."

Xin Wuji took it and said, "Thank you, Master."

He looked at the oil paper bag and said, "May I ask the master, which doctor's wonderful medicine is this?"

Yang Xuan said calmly: "My wife."

Xin Wuji knelt down and said, "The villain is guilty."

Yang Xuan smiled, "What's your crime?"

Xin Wuji said: "The villain's mind is not pure."

"With a powerful soldier in hand, the thought of conquering the world will naturally arise in your heart."

Xin Wuji was shocked, "Master knows my thoughts?"

"You want to ask...since I know, why don't I expose you?"

Xin Wuji lowered his head and said, "Yes."

"I can defeat you once, and I can defeat you a second time." Yang Xuan looked at him, "I haven't built a capital in a long time."

Xin Wuji prostrates himself, "I don't dare to do that anymore."

Yang Xuan said: "If you are loyal, you should report your department's deployment as soon as you arrive instead of waiting for me to ask questions."

The old thief's eyes were a little subtle.

But Tu Shang remained the same.

Xin Wuji trembled all over, "This time, the villain's enemy Yeli in the south of the town volunteered to ambush the master. He has two thousand people under his command. The villain heard that he has a good soldier under his command, but he doesn't know who it is. Master, be careful."

Yang Xuan nodded, "Go ahead."

Xin Wuji didn't dare to get up.

Yang Xuan smiled and said, "I said, if I can defeat you once, I can defeat you a second time. But I don't have much patience. If I defeat you a second time, I will probably have to get a Jingguan... By the way,

Do you know what Jingguan is for?"

Xin Wuji shook his head.

Yang Xuan said calmly: "Pile up corpses or heads and cover them with earth to form a mountain. It is called Jingguan to frighten the rebels."

"The villain dare not!"

Xin Wuji sweated like pulp.

"stand up!"

Yang Xuan glanced at Tu Chang, "Tu Gong, send Xin Wuji off for me."

This kid just likes to boss people around... Tu Shang was still complaining when he felt Wang Laoer's gaze.

That’s it!

"Take orders!"

Tu Chang took Xin Wuji out and walked all the way out of the camp.

Xin Wuji turned around and said: "Please tell the master that this villain has suddenly woken up..."

Tu Shang coughed dryly and said, "You only have one life. If you lose it, you will lose it. Therefore, you can regret other things, but you cannot regret this kind of thing."


Xin Wuji glanced at Yang Xuan's tent.

There is a tree next to it, and Xin Wuji's war horse is tied to the trunk of the tree.

He was about to unbridle the horse.

"Need not."

Tu Shang said, Xin Wuji turned around, not understanding what he meant.

"This big tree looks like an eyesore. If someone accidentally squats on top of it, he can spy on what's going on in the camp. Even if he can't spy, it's embarrassing to see people pooping and peeing, don't you think?"

Tu Shang was like a verbose old man, and Xin Wuji nodded casually.

"Look, if you're looking for firewood, just look for firewood. Throw it everywhere. How bad is it if you hit someone? Even if you can't hit anyone, it's not good if you trip someone..."

This old man is so verbose!

Xin Wuji frowned, and just as he was about to reach out to touch the horse's reins, he saw the old man bending down, tremblingly picking up the dead branch as thick as his index finger, and then said casually: "Get out of the way."

The dead branches slowly stabbed towards the big tree.

Xin Wuji's eyes were dazed for a moment, as if what was stabbed was not a dead branch, but a spear.

The indestructible spear!

He couldn't help but retreat, but felt that he couldn't avoid it.

The dead branches suddenly accelerated and pierced into the trunk of the big tree like lightning.

Tu Shang's hand moved slightly, inserting a dead branch into the trunk of the tree.


The section of the tree trunk above the horse's reins was literally cut off, as if someone had chopped it off with a giant axe.


The big tree fell.

The horse's rein slipped.

However, the war horse neighed loudly, turned around and looked at Tu Shang with fear in his eyes.

Xin Wuji: “…”

Tu Shang coughed dryly: "I feel so comfortable now. Hey! Your horse is going to run away, hurry up."

He turned around and walked back slowly, his back slightly curved, like an old man walking.

Xin Wuji walked over slowly, took the reins of the horse, mounted stiffly, and subconsciously touched his back with his backhand.

Sweat has soaked through the clothes.

He looked back again.

Under the setting sun, a person came out of Yang Xuan's tent. He recognized him as Wang Laoer.

Wang Laoer trotted over and forced something to the old man. The old man didn't want it, so he dared to force it into the old man's mouth.

The old man still held the dead branch in his hand and patted Wang Laoer.

This guy should explode too, right?

But the dead branches were like the setting sun at this moment, gently caressing Wang Laoer's shoulders.

The old man had no choice but to let him stuff his mouthful of food and chew it.

Wang Laoer looked at him proudly and asked a few questions. The old man nodded helplessly.

Back in the tent, Yang Xuan was explaining things.

"Be careful at night."


"Do you have to keep an eye on me during the day?" Nan He asked.

"Just send out the scouts normally." Yang Xuan smiled, "I brought two thousand cavalry here. If Ye Li dares to appear opposite our army in the daytime, he will be a hero!"

This was extremely confident.

On the second day, the scouts went out and found scattered enemy cavalry.

"No large enemy forces were found."

"He doesn't dare to come." Yang Xuan laughed.

We camped in the afternoon and made flatbread and vegetable soup.

"Tu Gong, eat!"

Wang Laoer called Tu Shang over.

Tu Shang looked helpless at the big cake.

"I won't eat today."

Yang Xuan was curious, "Is Tu Gong going to live without grain?"

Tu Shang shook his head, "I ate dried meat yesterday and my big teeth were a little wobbly."

Second child, it’s your mother-in-law’s fault!

After dinner, Wang Laoer wanted to make some snacks as usual. When he saw him taking out dried meat, Tu Shang calmly avoided it.

Everyone gathered together to discuss matters.

King Wei said: "Since He Lianchun wants to do something to give Ning Xing an explanation, why don't we make a surprise attack."

Yang Xuan praised: "Your Majesty, this is a great idea."

King Wei said calmly: "I have been studying military science very hard recently. Last time I led an escort to the grassland and destroyed a small tribe."

"In this case, I will give the king fifty cavalry and invite the king to raid Helianchun."

King Wei: "..."

"Your Majesty?" Yang Xuan was stunned.

He Lianchun has five thousand cavalry in his hands, fifty cavalry... He is going to die!

King Wei clenched his hands into fists!

Li Han calmly leaned closer to avoid spilling blood on himself later.

Yang Xuan beat the King of Wei for a while, and then continued: "He Lianchun wants to use the three major troops to test me. If our army is defeated halfway, it means that Chenzhou is not worth cooperating with."

"So what?" King Wei asked.


Li Han looked disgusted, "Since He Lianchun is under suspicion, he must find a rival for Tanzhou. That's Chenzhou.

The three major divisions are separated in the middle, and people's hearts are separated from each other. The Jibo Division and the Tiger Control Division often come to harass and even attack Chenzhou. If Chenzhou is weak and defeated by them... what will He Lianchun do next? "

King Wei suddenly realized.

Li Han continued: "Once Chenzhou was defeated, He Lianchun became famous and at the same time in danger. So he tested Zitai, isn't it a desperate act of self-preservation?"

King Wei understood, "It's like this king has made countless military exploits in Northern Xinjiang..."

We are all our own people here. Li Han said: "Chang'an will be suspicious of you. Then you have to go back to Chang'an and live under the eyes of His Majesty and the four surnames of your family. You dare not move around. Otherwise, you will be imprisoned or put under house arrest."

Death means dying suddenly at home one day. Or..."

Or rebel!

The emperor would be suspicious of a son with outstanding martial arts skills. The four surnames of the family invested a lot in the queen's line. Even if the prince was imprisoned, there was still the Yue King card to play.

King Wei came forward, which broke their plan. What's the point of not dying?

The same is true for He Lianchun. Once Chen Zhou is gone, He Lianchun will be unlucky. He Lianfeng will definitely bring him back to Ningxing and keep him under his nose.

There was no telling when the emperor's uncle would die inexplicably on a woman's belly, or die suddenly overnight.

"He Lianchun is the one who least wants Chen Zhou to be weak, but he is also the one who doesn't want Chen Zhou to be strong." Yang Xuan casually threw a volume of books on the table and said calmly: "If Chen Zhou is strong, he will definitely become stronger.

Attack the three major ministries. Once the three major ministries are defeated, Chenzhou will definitely focus on Tanzhou."

"How did he survive these days?" Nan He felt a little sad for the emperor's uncle.

Li Han glanced at King Wei. King Wei had come here in this way over the years.

"He Lianchun wanted to give an explanation to Ning Xing this time, so he mobilized his troops and ordered the three major ministries to attack together. But he will definitely control the number of troops sent by the three major ministries. Otherwise, if there is an army of 10,000 in front, I will naturally turn around and go back.

, from now on everyone will be fighting for life and death!"

Yang Xuan smiled.

"We must ensure that Chenzhou is not too strong, but also ensure that it is not too weak. What is this?" Wang Laoer asked.

"Fight without defeat!" Yang Xuan said.

The matter was almost explained, Yang Xuangang reached out to grab the book on the desk, but King Wei was a step faster.

"I'm bored at night." King Wei grabbed the book and took a look.

"Parenting, is your wife pregnant?" Wei Wang Yangyang read the book in his hand.

Yang Xuan shook his head.

"Then what do you think you are doing right now?" King Wei threw the book on the table. "Besides, you have many maidservants at home, so why do you need to take care of them yourself? Just wait until the child is older and play with it."

"You don't understand!"

"My king has more children than your followers." King Wei sneered.

"Have you ever taken care of your child in person? Have you ever pooped or peed your child? Have you ever washed your child's diaper? Have you ever held your child to comfort him in the middle of the night?"

King Wei shook his head, "Of course there are people who do this."

"If you don't take care of the child yourself, where is the love between father and son?"

"The family relationship between father and son is a family relationship that is inherent in nature."

"What a fart! Are the children in your Majesty's family close to you?"

"As long as it's majestic!"

"That's your baby, not your subordinate!"

"Isn't it just about carrying on the family line?"

"I have nothing to say to you!"


"Get out!" Yang Xuan pointed outside the tent.

Will there be a fight?

Everyone was quite curious.

King Wei looked at Yang Xuan, feeling a little embarrassed and having trouble sheathing his sword.

In the distance, Ye Li and his two thousand subordinates were eating dry food.

After eating the dry food, watching the sunset gradually disappearing into the distance, Yeli's eyes burst out with a brilliant light, as if a wildfire was burning.

"After tonight, there will be no more Yang dogs!"

This chapter has been completed!
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