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Chapter 335 You dare to kill the prince

Ye Li was like a lost dog, changing horses along the way.

After daybreak, he summoned his subordinates who had escaped and said, "It's all my fault this time, but there are many warriors scattered outside. You can stay and wait for a day to deal with them, and then go back and reward them generously!"

After last night's rout, the Tang army did not pursue him, so everyone was speechless and even a little moved.

Yeli hurried on like crazy and arrived outside the royal court in the south of the town on the second night.

He quietly touched it in.

All the way home.

His wife, Dunzup, was a tall and burly woman. She was originally the daughter of a leader of a large tribe. Yeli was of low status at that time, but she couldn't resist his sweet talk. She was also good at swordsmanship, so she coaxed Dunzup into the haystack in a few strokes.

Unexpectedly, this guy had a secret knot, so Yeli immediately came to ask for his hand in marriage. After being severely beaten, he went back with Dunzhu and his dowry.

My father-in-law was originally planning to let Dundup marry the leader of a large tribe, which was considered a strong alliance. Who knew that Dundup failed to control himself for a while, and Yeli took the lead.

Later, with the help of his father-in-law, Yeli's life was pretty good.

Originally some people in the tribe were dissatisfied with him, but since Dundup arrived, these dissatisfactions have dissipated.

Without him!

call out!

Yeli, who had just entered the tent, heard the sound and subconsciously knelt down.

A flying knife passed over his head.

A thick hand easily grasped Yeli's neck, just as he was about to exert force.


With his hands loosened, Dunzhu was surprised, "Why are you back?"

"Don't light the lamp!" Ye Li stopped Dunzhu, "We are defeated. That Yang Gou was actually prepared."

"I shouldn't have gone if I had known earlier!" Dunzhu said dissatisfied while putting on her clothes.

"I doubt Yang Gou got a warning from someone in advance." Yeli looked for excuses for his failure, but he didn't know that it was true.

"Khan?" Dunzup shook his head, "He won't."

"God knows, Xin Wuji is ruthless in what he does. If I go to report the failure tomorrow, Dunzhu, I will be doomed."

"If you don't report, can we escape together?" Dunzhu said dissatisfied: "I can do that, but what about the children?"

Yeli said: "My father-in-law's side is fine now, let's go and join him!"

Dunzhu sat down and was silent for a moment, "My father's side seems to be good, but he is old, and the brothers in the family are all fighting for the position of leader. My father is old now, and he is less decisive. He is reluctant to give up this one, and he is not bad for that one."

...If we go there, we will add fuel to the fire."

"Survival is important, what else do you care about?"

"Isn't it easy to survive?" Dundup said: "Just be loyal to the Khan. He is looking for someone to show his kindness. If you kneel down and beg for mercy, he will definitely comfort you. In this way, we can live peacefully in the future.


"But I am not willing to accept it! Dunzhu, that Xin Wuji is just a cheap slave, and he has become a khan!"

"Then what do you want?"

"Dunzhu, if you can cultivate for your own good, let's go and attack Yang Gou."

"Yang Gou is awesome, let's..."

"Let's pretend..."

When marching on the grassland, you must be close to water sources.

The nomadic tribes also had to be close to water sources.

So the water source became a gathering place for all parties.

The same goes for businessmen.

In early summer, the grassland is green and the river is winding and flowing quietly.

Just at the bend of the river, a tent was set up, with sheepskins spread outside and some dry food and milk wine placed on it.

The weather is a bit hot, so it would be more comfortable to drink some milk wine and eat some dried meat.

The stall owners are a couple, the man has a dark face and the woman is thick-set.

There is a pile of charcoal fire next to it, but the charcoal fire is currently covered by ashes, and only some exposed places occasionally have sparks exploding.

"Someone is coming." The man whispered.

The woman whispered: "Are you sure Yang Gou will come here?"

This is Yeli and Dundup.

"After they camped yesterday, this was the only water source along the way, so they would definitely go here."

"That's good."



"Just kill Yang Gou or one of his generals. Look, that's the best horse I've found. Let's go back together then!"


Two riders came slowly with a large cart.

"They are an old man and a young man. They look like businessmen."

The old man drove the carriage and the young man rode the horse, looking around restlessly.

"Hey! There is food here."

The young man pointed at the Yeli couple and said happily.

Yeli frowned, "What do you want?"

The young man asked: "Maybe a barbecue?"

Dunzhu said casually: "Yes."

Yeli glanced at her, and the anger in his eyes flashed away.

Dunzhu whispered: "There are two guests who are more like."

The young man dismounted, but did not help the old man.

He is unfilial.

Dunzup secretly cursed.

"Second brother, give me a hand!"

The old man said dissatisfied.

The young man then went over and helped him.

The two walked over, and the young man sniffed, "Your jerky is pretty good."

Dunzhu smiled and said: "You know the goods."

This is their own jerky, so it is naturally the best.

"Come on, some more..." the young man looked around, "roast some mutton, half fat and half lean, not too fat, not too thin."


Go to the barbecue quickly.

The old man sat down and took a few breaths, "Are there any tribes around here?"

Yeli said casually: "There are two."

"Is it big? If it is big, our grandparents and grandchildren will go for a walk and earn some money."

Yeli remembered that there was only one small tribe nearby, but his mind was not here at the moment, "Big!"

As for the two unlucky guys traveling for nothing and losing all their money, what does that have to do with him?

"Tsk! Two big tribes...the second one, the second one!"

The young man looked back, "Aweng, what are you doing?"

The old man said: "There are big tribes here, and they are afraid of coming to collect taxes. Let's go and see the business first."

Dunzhu was startled, "Let's go after eating!"

The old man shook his head, "It's too late to eat."

Dunzhu glanced at Yeli and whispered to the young man: "If you don't have a big tribe, don't go!"

The old man's ears twitched, "What? There is no big tribe?"

Yeli scolded: "You stupid woman!"

Dunzhu said dissatisfied: "My father-in-law is very old. If I go all the way in vain and lose money later, I'm afraid I'll be angry to death. You have to be conscientious in doing things."

The old man glanced at Yeli and said, "That's it, second brother, let's go!"

Yeli looked at him and thought that Yang Gou's team was not far away, and it would be better if these two people were there.

He said with a cold face, "The meat is roasted. If you two don't eat it, are you feeding the fish?"

The young man rolled up his sleeves and said, "What's the matter? You liar, you want to fight?"

Dunzhu pulled the young man and said, "If you don't want to eat, I won't eat. Don't do anything."

The old man shouted: "Second brother, let's go!"

The young man cursed and got on his horse, and the two of them drove away.

As soon as the two left, a group of scouts appeared in front of them.

"They're coming."

Yeli's breathing was rapid.

The scouts rode over and entered the tent to inspect it.

Then a large number of people came.

The sound of horse hooves shook the earth. Yang Xuan saw the barbecue stall and said with a smile: "There is barbecue?"

It was almost noon, and King Wei was also a little hungry, "Get some food."

"That's fine!"

The two thousand cavalrymen dismounted and led their horses to the river to drink water. They also had to replenish some water themselves.

Someone was holding the horses of Yang Xuan and others, and he and King Wei came over.

Yeli glanced at Dunzhu.

"Roast all the meat." Yang Xuan was very angry.


Dunzhu picked up the kitchen knife and cut the meat.

Yeli took a deep breath and saw Yang Xuan standing in front of the chopping board, watching Dunzhu cutting the meat with interest, and slowly approached.

Dunzhu's cultivation level was even stronger than his own, so the two of them joined forces to kill Yang Gou and then fled far away.

This achievement can shock the entire southern part of the town!

He walked over to Dundup and seemed to be inspecting the meat.

Yang Xuan was standing in front, with no one around him.

Good opportunity!

Yeli pretended to take something, reached behind Dunzhu, and gently patted her disgusting thick thigh.

This is a signal.

He got something.

An iron stick!

Yang Xuan bent down and picked up a piece of firewood and said: "This place sells dried meat, barbecue and wine. It's not bad. I guess the business is not very good. But it can be covered up. But I am very curious. When the barbecue seller sees the army,

Shouldn't it be an escape?"

Dunzhu and Yeli's bodies stiffened.

Yang Xuan smiled and said: "Is it possible that Yang's reputation for kindness has become unknown to everyone?"

"Do it!"

The kitchen knife left the mutton and reached the side of Yang Xuan's neck in an instant.

The iron stick appeared on Yang Xuan's chest like lightning, and it only needed one more inch to pierce his heart.


Li Han shouted loudly.

Yang Xuan waved the firewood in his hand and split the iron stick. The firewood continued to move forward and stabbed Yeli hard on the chest.

Just as Yeli flew backwards, Yang Xuan's left hand also hit the side of the kitchen knife.


Both hands froze.


The kitchen knife breaks!

I can finally smash the weapon into pieces!

From the first time he saw Yang Lue smashing the Hengdao with his palm outside Xiaohe Village, Yang Xuan had been looking forward to accomplishing such a feat one day.

I did it accidentally today and felt extremely comfortable.

Of course, he ignored the fact that this was just a kitchen knife made of inferior materials.

Just as Dunzhu was about to pounce, something heavy appeared on his neck.

King Wei held a giant knife in one hand and stuffed barbecue into his mouth with the other, "Where is it?"

Dunzhu was stiff and said, "It's from the south of the town."

Over there, Yeli was already controlled by the guards. With a slap, Yeli confessed quickly.

"The wild beast that attacked last night?"

Yang Xuan shook his head and Ye Li knelt down, "Mr. Yang, I am willing to be your internal agent."

"I can't trust you!" Yeli was the first one to escape last night, which shows that he is greedy for life and afraid of death. He set up an ambush today because he didn't know the right measures. Yang Xuan doesn't like such a person at all.

Yeli kowtowed, "I am willing to be Yang Shijun's dog!"

"Yeli!" Dunzhu shouted: "When a man dies, he dies, and dies standing! The children will be proud of you!"

Yeli scolded: "Bitch, you brought all this. Yang Shijun, Dunzhu is from a good family, I am willing to dedicate her to Yang Shijun!"

"Ye Li!" Dunzhu's face turned pale.

Yeli cursed: "You think I am willing to marry you? It's just for your father's tribe."

Li Han sighed: "There are so many heartless men."

Yang Xuan felt guilty in what he said, "Have you ever been a betrayed person?"

Li Han lamented: "There was a woman who was obsessed with me..."

King Wei said coldly: "I know about this. Back then, you hung out in a brothel for a while and fell in love with a female prostitute. You promised to redeem the female prostitute and take her into your home as a concubine. Later, you regretted it. The female prostitute

Curse you every day to never do anything in this life."

How come I know such a shameless person? Yang Xuan asked: "Can a female prostitute still enter your home?"

Li Han said calmly: "I wanted to piss that old guy off to death! But Aweng took action."

"What about the prostitutes?"

"After learning about the grudge between that old guy and me, he coaxed an honest man to run away with money overnight."

Who did the honest man offend?

King Wei said: "Just kill him."

The giant sword waved, and Yeli's head fell to the ground.

The giant sword was raised again.

"Mr. Lang!"

The sound of horse hoofbeats was heard, and Wang Laoer said happily: "There is a tribe ahead, and there is a lot of meat!"

King Wei raised his giant sword and heard someone shouting: "Save someone under the sword!"

King Wei glanced at it, but it was Wang Laoer. Wang Laoer said: "She is a good person!"

King Wei smiled grimly and waved his sword.


Something is coming roaring.

King Wei shouted loudly and struck with his giant sword.


King Wei took two steps back, and Li Han was horrified, "Zitai, that person..."

Tu Shang was brought back by Yang Xuan from Chang'an this time. He looked like an old man from the country. Li Han and others thought he was a think tank hired by Yang Xuan.

But at this moment, the wise man simply used the scabbard to repel King Wei.

My eyes...are they blurred?

Li Han rubbed his eyes.

King Wei was aroused, shouted loudly, and took action again.

Dunzhu closed his eyes.

It felt like a strong wind was passing by.

She opened her eyes and looked.

The old man who didn't eat barbecue had already arrived in front of King Wei, holding a horizontal knife in his hand.


The giant knife collided with the horizontal knife. The material of the horizontal knife was too poor and it shattered.

Tu Chang stretched out his hand and slapped the side of the giant knife heavily.

King Wei's body stumbled back.

Tu Shang stopped!

Stand with your hands behind your back!

He looked at Wang Laoer like an old country man.

Wang Laoer ran over and said, "Lang Jun, she is a good person."

The stern look in King Wei's eyes became more intense as he walked up and said, "You want to stop me?"

Wang Laoer was angry, "Why do you want to kill her?"

King Wei: "I kill people, so why do I need a reason? Are you going to let me do it today or not?"

He was talking to Wang Laoer, but he was looking at Tu Shang!

Tu Shang said: "So what if I don't give in?"

King Wei threw away his sword and punched him.

Dunzhu couldn't help but squint her eyes as the strong wind blew.

Tu Chang stretched out his hand, like an eagle's claw, to wrap around King Wei's fist, and the two flew away one after the other.

Tu Shang stopped, and as soon as his body moved, King Wei stepped back.

"Do you dare to kill me?" King Wei's eyes turned red.

Tu Chang raised his hand, and the next moment his palm reached the top of King Wei's head.

Those seemingly normal eyes seemed to care nothing!


Yang Xuan stopped the two of them in time.

Tu Chang let go of his hand and said calmly: "Next time you dare to be rude to me, I will kill you!"

Li Han said with great interest: "Do you really dare to kill the prince?"

Tu Shang glanced at him and said, "If you are happy, what if you kill the emperor?"

He thought King Wei would be furious!

King Wei's eyes lit up, "This idea is interesting."

Wang Laoer pulled Dunzhu aside and gave him some money, "You should leave quickly. By the way, do you want your man to be taken away? Or take his head away!"

Dunzhu looked at him and said, "No."

She walked over and dug a hole with a kitchen knife.

Seeing that she was pitiful, Wang Laoer went to get tools and dug a big hole in a few moments.

The corpses were thrown down and covered with soil.

"He treated you like this, why did you bury him?" Li Han asked.

Dunzhu straightened up and said: "With this burial, the bond between husband and wife has been fully restored. When I turn around, I will tell the children that their father died in the war."

Li Han was in awe, "What a strange woman!"

Wang Laoer asked: "Then will you protect him from now on?"

"I will take the children with me when I get back and find a man to marry."

Dundup buried Yeli and rode back.

Halfway through, more than five hundred Kibo cavalry stopped her.

"It's Yeli's mother-in-law. She was there last time when I had a drink with Vashebu." Someone recognized Dundup.

"Hey! Have you ever seen Yang Gou's men and horses?"

Dundup said: "I saw it."

"How many people?"

"More than a hundred."

"I want to touch him, what a Yang Gou. Our chance to make a meritorious deed has arrived. Brothers, kill him!"

More than five hundred Kibo Rangers left happily.

Dunzup turned around and put his hands together.

"Young man, may you have a safe life."

More than five hundred cavalry went to intercept Yang Dog happily.


Yang Xuan and the others have just finished repairing and are on their way.

"How many?"

"Five hundred riders!"

How dare you charge at two thousand cavalry with five hundred cavalry?

"Still elated!"

More than five hundred riders rushed over.

The banner with the word Yang fluttered in the wind. Under the banner, Yang Xuan's head was covered with black lines, "Attack!"

This chapter has been completed!
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