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Chapter 373: Grabbing the Site

Ma is back.

The speed was so fast that Zhou Ning even sat there without moving.

"Meet Madam."

Zhou Ning smiled and said: "Sit down. Flowers and tea."

Ma did not say the reason why he left and returned.

Zhou Ning didn’t ask either.

It was as if Ma had never been here before.

Ma glanced at Zhou Ning and said, "After your appointment as governor, the changes in Chenzhou can be seen with the naked eye! The people all agree, and the officials are not dissatisfied..."

"My husband mentioned Lan joining the army." Ma's man is Sicang joining the army Lan Shen. Zhou Ning said: "My husband said that Lan joining the army is serious about his work. Chenzhou's taxes have never worried him. There are so many people in Lin'an every day.

The traders are well organized, all thanks to Lan joining the army."

These are the responsibilities of Sicang joining the army.

Ma Shi smiled from ear to ear, "How could that person in my family do this without your guidance?"

"To say this is to belittle Lan Canjun, but my husband once said, what is this called..." Zhou Ning also thought for a moment, "Cooperation from top to bottom is indispensable!"

"Ouch! I'll tell him this later, and I'll make sure he'll be so happy that he can't sleep today..."

Zhou Ning just smiled.

Ma immediately stood up and said, "In this case, I won't disturb you. I will come early tomorrow. If you need help, madam, just talk."

"It's good when people come."

Zhou Ning stood up to see him off.

Just came back and sat down.

"Madam, Mrs. Wang is here."

Wang is here.

The beginning is the same as Ma's just now.

"When the commander arrived in Chenzhou, he was just Sima at the beginning. My man knew Sima Bufan. No, later on, Sima led the Taiping Army to destroy Vaxie. Oops! That was the first person to wipe out his clan in northern Xinjiang for many years!



Still respectfully resigned.

"Tomorrow slave will come to help you earlier."

"Easy to say."

All the six official ladies came.

It's just that they do it in private.

After seeing off the last official wife, Zhou Ning stood up and said, "Let the cook take the people to do shopping to prepare for tomorrow's banquet."


Auntie Guan continued her explanation and returned to the backyard with Zhou Ning.

"These women!" Huahong sighed as soon as he entered the room, shaking his head. "They were all reserved before, but turned their backs and quietly came to ask to see the lady. This is because they want to show their goodwill to each other alone. It is best that no one else comes."

Aunt Guan smiled and said, "You are quite smart."

Hua Hong is a little proud.

Yan Xiao couldn't help but feel a sense of crisis. He thought about going back and thinking about these matters by himself, so that he could help his wife when she needed it.

Once a person develops ambition, he will take the initiative to learn and observe. Slowly, he will change from a maid to a steward. This is the case for the steward.

Zhou Ning sat down and picked up the medical book.

Aunt Guan looked at her, "I don't know much about officials and wives, so I almost missed my lady's business today."

When she was in the Zhou family in Chang'an, she mainly assisted in internal affairs and was also involved in external affairs, but it was not her main duty.

When preparing for the dowry, Mrs. Zhou wanted to get more people to help, but Zhou Ning refused.

A group of people from the Zhou family swarmed into the Yang family. In a few years, just the few members of the Yang family would become the second largest family in the Zhou family.

"This is just a state in northern Xinjiang." Zhou Ning said: "In the future, Zitai will be transferred to other places. How to get along with those officials and wives at that time, we cannot stick to the rules, we must decide the attitude according to the place and the temperament of the people. However,

There is one thing, we need to keep some distance."


"Also, tell your family that if these women give you any benefits, they will be taken away if they are not too much."


"I'll report it immediately after receiving it, and I'll return the gift here."


If you don't accept someone else's money, you won't feel at ease. If you do, you'll be suspected of accepting bribes.

But he accepted it openly and returned the gift, and the exchanges added some human touch and fireworks.

Why do those men desperately want to marry girls from aristocratic families?

The huge resources of the girl's family are one thing. When a girl from aristocratic family marries into the family, it is no problem to support her husband and raise her children. She helps the men in the family to make progress, teaches their children and grandchildren to make progress, and establishes a family tradition...

It can be said that marrying a daughter from an aristocratic family can change the fate of a family for hundreds or even hundreds of years.

On the second day, Zhou Ning entertained guests at home.

Yang Xuan said early in the morning: "Everyone at home is at your disposal today."

Zhou Ning asked: "Really?"


"Then I will appoint a husband."

"What are you doing?"

"Go and greet the guests."

Naturally, Yang Xuan could not go to welcome the guests. When he arrived at Zhoushe, he happened to meet Sicang, who had joined the army, Lan Shen.

"I've seen the envoy."

Lan Shen seemed very enthusiastic and more like his own person.

Yang Xuan returned to the check-in room.

Later, several soldiers came to report today's affairs.

Attitudes have changed.

After they left, Lu Qiang said with a smile: "Originally, these six people were still a little unfamiliar with the envoy. Today, when I saw them, they all became very friendly, but I don't know why."

Pillow style!

Yang Xuan couldn't help but smile when he thought of the banquet being prepared at home.

Marry a virtuous wife, be honest and don’t deceive me.

And Aning is not only a good wife, but also as beautiful as a fairy.

My luck is really good.

Thinking of this, Yang Xuan said: "Second child."

The old thief came in and said, "Mr. Lang."

"Where's the second child?"

"The second brother said he was going out for a walk."

"Then you go back and tell my wife that I won't go back at noon."

In this way, Zhou Ning can have fun with those officials and wives today.

It can be considered a relaxation!

The old thief came out of Zhoulou and saw Wang Laoer squatting at the sideshow. He shook his head, smiled, and left immediately.

The juggling troupe has been in Chenzhou for a long time.

The so-called team, the leader is called Zhao De, who is in his forties; a young man is called Huang Er.

These two people do hard work, setting up shelves, packing things, collecting money...

Mrs. Qian is the soul of this team. Her juggling skills are quite outstanding. The most powerful thing is that she can lower her waist, turn her body around, and drill her head out of her legs backwards. She also holds a flower in her mouth.

Such difficult actions often attract rewards from the audience.

"Lower your waist!"

Qian is teaching Liang Huahua.

Fifteen-year-old Liang Huahua is a pretty girl. She started studying with Qian at the age of ten. In the past five years, she has learned almost all of Qian's special skills.

Now Qian is preparing to develop some skills that he cannot do himself and teach them to Liang Huahua.

Zhao De is looking forward to this.

Liang Huahua lowered her waist.

He easily slipped between his legs.

"Put one hand on the ground and prepare to flip. Flip!"

Liang Huahua turned over and her body bounced up lightly.

"Okay!" Zhao De stroked his hands, "When can we try it?"

The so-called try means to show off.

Qian shook his head, "Huahua still has to be helped by a slave. When will he be able to turn over on his own? Ten times over, when will he be able to take action?"

Zhao De sighed: "Juggling can only succeed but not fail. Once you fail, your reputation will be ruined."

Therefore, juggling has always been a high-risk industry. If nothing goes wrong, you will be fine. If something goes wrong, you will be injured, or even killed. Your reputation will be ruined, and it will be even more difficult to make money.

"Lang Jun." Huang Er looked at Liang Huahua with something else in his eyes, "The person who was in trouble yesterday should be more careful."

Yesterday, a stranger came to test me, and he was not a kind person.

Valley Tan

Zhao De nodded, "Lin'an is becoming more and more prosperous now, there are more and more rich people, and our income is also enviable. The man yesterday saw that he had just arrived in Chenzhou, and he wanted to take advantage of us. , if he feels he can be bullied, he will take action to drive him away. Huang Er, you should practice your fists, feet and sticks recently."

"Where are the swords and guns?"

"This is diagonally across from Zhouli. Do you think swords and guns can be used?"


Liang Huahua stood up and said: "Let's fight first and then report to the official."

As the class leader, Zhao De also used to juggle, but he was getting older and his muscles and bones were not as good as before. He gave up after a mistake and injury. Later, he met Qian. One wanted to seek shelter and the other needed a good performer, so they hit it off.

However, Qian was not too young and could not work for more than a few years. In the past few years, he had accepted several disciples, and finally retained the talented Liang Huahua.

Liang Huahua was a beggar. After Qian took a fancy to her, he taught her to practice for a few days. Unexpectedly, her progress improved rapidly, and she became the pillar of the future in the eyes of Zhao De and Qian.

Jugglers have no skills when they get old. They have been out for many years and have no fields to farm at home. If there is no savings, the future will be very miserable. Either go to work or go to the wine shop to help. Tell me about the things I saw when I traveled around. Son.

Therefore, most jugglers will find one or several disciples and train them carefully before they retire, and they will be supported by their disciples for the rest of their lives.

The saying that once you are a teacher, you will always be a father, this is also a kind of inheritance. If the disciple does not support the master, why should the master care for you and teach you unique skills?

Huang Er is very simple, he just does hard work and has some thugs.

Regarding Liang Zhu, Zhao De had very complicated thoughts. On the one hand, he had to coax him, and on the other hand, he had to suppress him. Otherwise, once Liang Huahua got angry, it would be difficult to control him in the future.

"That's the government!"

Zhao De said with a cold face, "Reporting to the official has ruined our reputation. When those sideshows encounter us in the future, they will say that we are the lackeys of the government."

Liang Huahua frowned, "But there are few of us."

"There aren't many people." Huang Er held his head high.

Qian said in a low voice: "Here we come."

Several big men came over. The leading man had fair skin and looked very kind. He smiled and held his hands in his hands: "Master Zhao."

Zhao Defo handed over his hand and said, "I haven't asked for advice yet..."

The man smiled and said, "My surname is Wang."

"Wang Langjun."

"Master Zhao's business is good!"

"You're welcome, we're just making ends meet."

"We came from other places and just arrived in Chenzhou. Leader Zhao is also traveling with us. As the old saying goes, when colleagues meet colleagues, tears will come to our eyes."

"Haha!" Zhao De smiled lightly.

Liang Huahua muttered, "When a fellow traveler sees a fellow traveler, he will be shot in the back."

"When colleagues meet, they should be given a bowl of rice to eat. Do you think this is true, Leader Zhao?" Bai Jingnan said with a smile.

"Huang Er."

"Mr. Lang."

"Give this brother fifty dollars!"

The fair man smiled and said: "Master Zhao, are you sending beggars away?"

Zhao De said: "Brother, do you think it's not enough? As a human being, you can't be too greedy."

"Class Leader Zhao, this place is the best in Lin'an and makes a lot of money!"


"Brother, I also want to set up a stall here, how about it?"

"Easy to say."

"But I asked, only one family is allowed here at most."

"Then go somewhere else."

"But I'm attracted to this place. Leader Zhao, I've heard that you've been here for a long time and you've almost earned enough money. It's time to leave!"

"Hey! As you said, I still want to settle down here!"

"Haha! An Jia? I have two ideas."

"Brother, please tell me."

"First, Team Leader Zhao led his people to leave Lin'an City... There is no room for two tigers in one mountain. Team Leader Zhao doesn't know this, right?"

"What about number two?"

"Second..." The fair-skinned man looked at Liang Huahua, "I reluctantly accepted this woman and helped you raise her for a few years."

Liang Huahua's hair instantly exploded, she jumped up and cursed: "I'm raising your mother!"

She turned around, "Huang Er, what are you waiting for? Take action!"

She picked up the stick and prepared to rush.

"Still a shrewd one? I like it!" the fair-skinned man smiled.

Zhao De retreated and stood side by side with Huang Er, preparing to take action.

Qian also got a wooden stick in his hand.

The fair-faced man smiled and opened his right hand toward his side.

The big man behind him was carrying a wooden stick and slashed hard at his arm.


The wooden stick was broken into two pieces.

The fair-skinned man took back his hand and moved a bit.

No shit.

"Try it?" he asked with a smile.

"You have cultivation!" Zhao De's expression changed dramatically.

Huang Er trembled and said, "Lang Jun, we can't defeat you."

Not to mention those big men, one fair-skinned man was able to sweep through their entire team.

Qian was also a little panicked.

"Use a knife to chop!" Liang Huahua threw away the stick and went to find the knife.

She pulled out a kitchen knife... As a busker, it is your duty to cook for yourself.

"Come on!"

Liang Huahua yelled at the man.

"She is a fierce girl." The fair-skinned man said with a smile: "A girl like this will become our pillar after a few years of training. She can be used for ten years, good!"

Before he finished speaking, a big man came over.

He took out a short knife and looked at his lower body.

He smiled ferociously and said, "Come and compete with Ye Ye's sword!"

This is the vulgar talk of Jianghu people.

Zhao De stepped back, his face turned pale, "I have something to say."

It's no match for fists, and it's no match for knives.

So what else can be compared?


The fair-skinned man said with a smile: "Don't say I'm unruly. Come on, give me two hundred dollars to Leader Zhao as payment. Have a good trip, Leader Zhao."

A big man threw a baggage over, and it hit the ground with a heavy thud.

But here you can earn dozens of dollars a day, and two hundred dollars is just a few days' work.

Huang Er was a little flustered, "Lang Jun, why don't you leave!"

If you don't leave, these people will take action quietly.

Unless they don't go out, they will be beaten up by these people sooner or later.

You might as well break your leg.

The fair-skinned man looked at Liang Huahua with a smile, "These legs are pretty good."

Liang Huahua was angry, "I won't leave!"

The fair man's patience gradually dissipated, "In this case, you will stay. Follow me and you must understand the rules, otherwise you will lose your legs."

"This is my place!"

When Liang Huahua was a beggar, she knew the benefits of a good land. Wherever the nobles passed by, and where there were only paths used by the poor, she had clear access.

It's diagonally opposite Zhouse!

There were too many rich and noble people passing by.

Such a feng shui treasure land is hard to come by.

Therefore, Liang Huahua gritted her teeth and said: "Lang Jun, fight with them!"

But Zhao De smiled bitterly and said, "Huahua, it's ready."

Can't beat it!

Fight like hell!

Liang Huahua shouted: "Is there any kind person who can make a decision for us?"

The white man said calmly: "Today I want to see who dares to stand up for you."

Wang Laoer, who had been squatting opposite, stood up and sniffed.


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