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Chapter 40


Flames suddenly rose along the perimeter of the convoy.

The people in the convoy were startled, and then someone shouted: "Breakout!"

The people on both sides threw away the clay pots in their hands and took out all kinds of weapons.

The flames distorted their vision, and the people in the circle ran in panic, but the flames had already completed the encirclement, and their running could only consume more energy.

The two carriages in the city gate rushed out wildly.

Outside the city gate, a mace flashed.

Zhong Hui walked out slowly with a mace in one hand and a shoulder behind his back in the other. He squinted at the approaching carriage and said lightly: "Why bother..."

The horse's butt was stabbed several times, and the two men behind him had cold eyes, as if they didn't know they were in a desperate situation.


The horse neighed, but the severe pain drove it to continue running.

Two men flew past each other.

As long as the horse knocks away the man who is carrying a mace and looks particularly free and easy, they can rush out.

After breaking out of Chang'an City, it will be difficult to catch them.

The man in the lead let out a slight whistle, his body rose into the air, and flew towards Zhong Hui.

Halfway through, his left hand waved.

Several darts flew past.

Another man arrived first and tapped his companion's shoulder with his toes in the air. He held a knife in both hands and stabbed at Zhong Hui like a spear.

The carriage was about to hit Zhong Hui, and several darts blocked his dodge routes. The only way out was to collide with the carriage.

On the tower, a sergeant exclaimed, "Be careful!"

The clock will move.

On one side of his body, the fingers of his left hand flicked continuously.



Two darts shot into the sky.

The horse pulling the cart rushed past the place where he gave way.

Zhong Hui jumped up gracefully, and the mace struck down.


This hit happened to hit the shaft of the cart, which broke and the cart suddenly fell down.

Zhong Hui was in mid-air, facing the two men flying past.

He smiled slightly and said, "Stop!"

Like a thunderbolt on a sunny day, the man who thought he was a big gun felt dizzy for a moment.

His body immediately relaxed.

A hand patted his neck.

It felt very light, but the man's body was spinning sideways.


The companion behind him happened to bump into him, and a foot hit the companion's body, and the sound of broken bones could be heard.

With this blow, Zhong Hui's entire body rose into the sky.

He crossed the city and saw the front.

The flames rose, and more than thirty people in the convoy had gathered together. After some actions, their figures began to blur.

A middle-aged man knelt down on the salted fish, pointing forward and shouting.

Two vague figures carrying short knives rushed into the flames without hesitation.

The flames rose suddenly, and then two blurry figures burned.

"Wasted among thousands of wines..."

Among the crowd at the Imperial College, a middle-aged man with disheveled hair held a wine pouch in his left hand and a long sword in his right hand. He raised his head and took a sip of wine, then rushed forward crookedly.

The long sword flashed and the sword whistled softly.

The two coachmen spun and fell into the flames, and then turned into two burning men.

This is Zhuang Xin, the big boss of the Wine and Soldiers Department of the Imperial Academy. He keeps his wine bag with him all day long and takes a sip at every turn. It’s okay to drink to gain insights, but this big boss will go into the woods after drinking too much.

He sang and danced there... took off his clothes and was beaten many times by An Ziyu and others.

Yang Xuan, as the conductor, was standing on a table at the back. Seeing Zhuang Xin finish off the two coachmen, the spies in the flame circle still gathered together and nodded slightly, "He is indeed brave and not afraid of death."

An Ziyu asked: "Do you want to fight in?"

"No need." Yang Xuan slowly pulled out the horizontal sword, "The longer it takes, the more painful their death will be!"

"Why?" An Ziyu seemed to want to take action, "By the way, why did you add those poisons to the kerosene?"

Yang Xuan said: "Maybe it can make them dizzy."

In his ear, Suzaku whispered: "In a fire, most of the victims died of poisoning or suffocation. Burning kerosene will remove oxygen, causing hypoxia..."

The secret spies inside gathered together, obviously thinking that they would rush in with great deeds, so that they could drag a few more people with them before they died.

"Yang Xuan, do you want to do it?"

a professor shouted.

"hold on."

Yang Xuan shook his head.

"What are you waiting for? They are becoming more and more calm." The professor was impatient.


In the convoy, a coachman's body swayed and he suddenly fell down with a thud.


The professor looked back at Yang Xuan, with surprise in his eyes and more confusion.

Someone exclaimed, "Yang Xuan knows magic?"

Yang Xuan rolled his eyes.


The second person fell down.

The waiting spies were stunned, and someone shouted: "I feel dizzy and have chest tightness."

"I can't breathe."

"help me!"

The middle-aged man kneeling on the salted fish was stunned. He took a deep breath, coughed violently, and then shouted: "It's poisonous, rush out!"


Yang Xuan raised his hand.

There are no sergeants, all the sergeants are on the outside, holding swords, guns, or bows and arrows.

"Why don't they let us go up?" A sergeant asked in confusion: "Let's fire a few waves of arrows to make sure no one can escape."

An Ziyu knew why.

Teachers and students also know why.

Just because the Imperial College needs credit!

An Ziyu looked at Yang Xuan, nodded slightly, then raised the ruler and was the first to rush over.

Yang Xuan shouted: "Don't leave anyone alive!"

He knew from bad people that these Southern Zhou spies were fearless and fearless, and there was no need to take risks.

The professors glanced at him with gratitude in their eyes, and then rushed over with the students.

The spies who had just stepped over the flames could not hide their figures. Their bodies were burning with flames and they rushed towards the teachers and students of the Imperial College crazily.

According to Yang Xuan's arrangement, a professor from the Imperial College led two students to charge and kill, with the professor in front and the students in the back, so they could experience the difficulty of killing the enemy.

On the cart in the middle of the motorcade, a middle-aged man flicked out a dart, killing several spies on the ground who were knocked unconscious by poisonous smoke and lack of oxygen.

Another secret agent stood beside him, holding a horizontal sword, very respectfully.

The fighting was brutal and ended quickly.

Five people fell in the Imperial College, all students.

"The injury is not serious."

This is good news that is gratifying.


Someone brought sand and poured it on the flames.

The flame gradually dimmed.

A group of professors stared at the two spies with unkind eyes.

"How long has it been since I killed someone?" a professor yelled.

The middle-aged man who was sitting there on his knees smiled slightly and said softly: "It's a hundred meters thick, but we are blocked here. But..." He looked up at the city head, "It's a suitable place to die here."

The middle-aged man suddenly swooped over, his figure flashed in the air, and then disappeared.

Yang Xuan smiled evilly, "I have long been prepared to deal with your ghostly methods! Professors, get up..."

The professors jumped up together, like the petals of a hundred flowers blooming, and their weapons shot towards the sky.


Blood dripped from the air, and the figure of a middle-aged man appeared.

An Ziyu flew over, and the ruler flew into the air, swatting the middle-aged man down like a fly.

The middle-aged man fell to the ground and said with a wry smile: "At least there is a big car leaving. I hope they will be more alert and run away when they hear the sound." After saying that, he gritted his teeth and black blood flowed from the corner of his mouth. The spy behind him had already stabbed him.

Wiped his neck.

Yang Xuan smiled and said, "The Tang Dynasty is very hospitable. If God refuses to accept guests, I will accept them!"

The cart was parked more than three hundred steps away from the city gate. The driver was sitting on the shaft, seemingly very calm.


Zhao Guolin turned around and left with Ma Cha on his shoulders.

Wen Xinshu put away his bow and arrow, feeling very depressed and said, "You shot too fast. I didn't even have a chance to shoot him."

Zhao Guolin said calmly: "Life and death are just a moment, how can there be so much care."

The man on the shaft of the car opened his mouth and stared silently at the sky. There was a bright hole in his throat.

After entering the city, Zhao Guolin and Wen Xinshu went to return their orders.

"Report to Marshal Yang, I will kill one person and take back the carriage."

"Okay." Just as Yang Xuang was about to arrange the next step, he heard the rapid sound of horse hoofbeats.

Someone at the top of the city shouted: "It's Deputy General Zhou of Jinwu Guard."

Yang Xuan mounted his horse and said, "I'm going to meet with Vice General Zhou."

Zhou Yan had just received news that there was a fight and a fire in Beicheng. As the general responsible for the security and order of Chang'an City, if he could not arrive in time to deal with it, his superiors would deal with him when he came back.

"The fire is gone."

Some subordinates were cheering.

"somebody is coming."

A horse came slowly.

The young man on horseback was dressed in a green shirt. He held a horizontal sword in his right hand and dropped it to his side. He smiled and said, "Long time no see, Vice General Zhou."

Zhou Yan reined in his horse and looked at the group of teachers and students, his heart skipping a beat.

"What are you waiting for here?" A confidant stepped forward and shouted: "Why are you fighting? Abandon your sword and come forward."

This is a standard procedure for catching bad guys.

But no one moved.

Someone trembled: "Look!"

A carriage slowly tipped over, and after the salted fish fell, there was a box.


A box falls and the lid pops open.

Under the sun, the golden light shines.

"It's all gold!"

Zhou Yan seemed to have been stabbed in the eyes by the golden light. He put his hand in front of his eyes and swayed on the horse.


Yang Xuan nodded, "Vice General Zhou has been searching for Southern Zhou's spies in the city with countless soldiers these days. I have few bad guys, but fortunately the Imperial College is willing to help. The city is occupied by Vice General Zhou, and we can only stay here. Who knows those spies?"

He actually jumped in... and accepted it."

The soldiers at the top of the city looked at Zhou Yan in silence.

Vice General Zhou made a big fuss this time and almost turned Chang'an City upside down. His intention to steal the credit was well known to everyone, but in the end it was the Imperial College that got the credit.

No, there is also that handsome young man smiling on horseback.

Zhou Yan felt a tightness in his chest, and subconsciously opened his mouth, feeling something welling up in his throat. He forced himself to hold it back, and there was a surge in his throat.

"Do you think this matter is over?" Yang Xuan's smile faded, and his eyes suddenly became sharp, "I tell you, this matter... is not over yet!"

Zhou Yan could no longer suppress the smell of rust in his throat, so he opened his mouth and sprayed.


The time was set back three days ago: Yang Xuan was sitting on the bed, holding a scroll screen in his hand, watching the movie attentively.

The treasury was robbed, and the police went out in full force. After a lot of hard work, someone exclaimed that they had discovered the stolen goods, and everyone immediately rushed to the scene. The scene was still cleaning up the stolen goods, and good news was constantly being transmitted on the phone. At this moment, a green car

The cart quietly passed through the lightly guarded checkpoint...

This chapter has been completed!
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