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Chapter 444 What's wrong with this world

Under the setting sun, Lei Qi looked at the Tang army scouts showing off their skills under the city and said: "Today is just a test, tomorrow will be the real fight."

The smell of blood at the top of the city was very strong. Qian Nan retched and said, "In today's battle, do you think Huangzhou can defend it?"

He originally said that 20,000 defenders were enough to counter the 8,000 Tang troops, but after today's offensive and defensive battle, he changed his mind.

"It's difficult!" Lei Qi shook his head, "It's only been a month, but I'm sure."

"Why?" Qian Nan said: "The city is in danger several times today!"

"That's because Yang Xuan has become an elite as soon as he came. In addition, the old man who uses the spear is too powerful. If it weren't for him today, it wouldn't be such a critical situation."

"I have also seen that man. Once he moves his spear, no one can get close to him. He is really powerful. Can he deal with it?"

"Use elites. Besides, I also have good hands around me." Lei Qi didn't think that a good hand could affect the outcome of this battle. "Furthermore, Chen Yong and Chen Yong would go to the city to avoid the Tang army, no matter whether the assassination was successful or not. With him,

With the two of us here, the old man is not a threat."

"That way, I can feel relieved."

Qian Nan breathed a sigh of relief.

The setting sun shone slantingly on the top of the city. Qian Nan praised with emotion, "The setting sun is like blood, brilliant and vicissitudes of life. The most beautiful thing is the sunset!"

He was suddenly startled, "Hey! Who is that?"

Lei Qi also followed and saw under the setting sun, one person in front and two people behind, heading towards Huangzhou City.

The setting sun was dazzling, and it was impossible to see clearly the appearance of the three people.

"The two seemed... supporting each other, and someone was jumping." Qian Nan has good eyesight.

Someone next to Lei Qi exclaimed, "It seems to be Chen Yong?"

"That's Ding Yue!" Qian Nan also saw it.

"Who is that in front...who is that?"

"It seems to be the old man with a fierce shooting skills!"

Under the setting sun, Tu Chang had his hands behind his back, holding a rope. Behind the rope were Ding Yue and Chen Yong.

One of Chen Yong's legs was broken, and now he was holding Ding Yue's shoulder, jumping on one foot and following behind.

It's like an old farmer who has finished his work and leads his two cows home.

The three of them bathed in the sunset and turned towards the north.

"Chen Yong and the others are finished!" Lei Qi said with a bitter smile: "I still underestimated him!"

Qian Nan covered his head and said, "I'll be in trouble tomorrow."

Lei Qi looked at him and said, "Qian Zhizhou, can you send a letter to Bianjing and tell your two husbands that Huangzhou needs good people!"

Qian Nan shook his head slightly, "It's inappropriate to ask for help in the first battle!"

"What's wrong?" Lei Qi's temper could no longer be suppressed.

Qian Nan sneered, "You don't understand."

After Lei Qi's face gradually turned blue, Qian Nan explained: "This battle is not only watched by the two princes, but also Bianjing and the entire Zhou Dynasty. Reinforcements will be needed as soon as the contact is made. How will the people of the world think about it?


The thieves who join the army are indeed vulgar and uncivilized... Qian Nan sneered in his heart, "People in the world will think that the Tang Dynasty is extremely powerful, and the morale of the military and the people will decline."

Many times, war is not just a fight, but more often a contest of wills between a country and a nation.

Whoever has a stronger will will have the last laugh.

Public opinion plays a huge role in creating atmosphere and boosting morale.

Lei Qi was silent.

Qian Nan nodded, "I still have to check the warehouse."

Watching Qian Nan go to the city, Lei Qi's generals said dissatisfied: "He is making fun of the governor!"

"You can just say that he is making fun of my ignorance." Lei Qi said calmly.

"Why should the governor tolerate him?"

"In the current war, we should work together." Lei Qi turned to look at the Tang army scouts who were beginning to retreat from the city, and said: "People's morale is important, but if there are no good people, the news of Huangzhou's city defeat will be fatal to the people's morale.


That idiot, really thinks Jiangmen doesn't understand this?

Which of the two news, the request for help or the big defeat, is more exciting to everyone in the Zhou Dynasty?

Naturally it was a huge defeat!

Qian Nan's attitude was very high, and his contempt for warriors was hidden in him, and he couldn't help but let it out.

"Provincial Governor, what should we do?"

"If he doesn't send anyone, let's go!"

Lei Qi said: "Bring the four treasures of the study."

Someone went to the city to get the Four Treasures of the Study, so Lei Qi wrote a letter in cursive at the top of the city and handed it to his subordinates, "Send it to Bianjing quickly and give it to Prime Minister Peng or Prime Minister Fang. Be careful on the way!"

More than a hundred cavalrymen surrounded the messenger, mounted their horses and went to the south gate.

"Open the door!"

The general guarding the south gate said with a sullen face, "Where are you waiting?"

The messenger said: "I am going to Bianjing on the order of the governor."

The general is from Qian Nan. He stretched out his hand and said, "Show me."

The messenger was angry, "Discourteous!"

For a subordinate to read documents from a superior is an act of transgression.

The general sneered, "Discourteous? Yeah, you are really going to be rude today. Zhizhou ordered that no one can enter or leave without his order."

The messenger dismounted and came over, "Bianjing ordered Lei Inspector to command this battle. What does it have to do with Qian Zhizhou?"

It's a struggle for the initiative.

The general pointed to the city and said, "If you have the guts, go and talk to the magistrate."

The messenger was angry, "Just say it!"

He mounted his horse and angrily went to the state government office.

"I would like to ask the magistrate, why is the official not allowed to leave the city?"

Qian Nan narrowed his eyes and looked at him, "This is my order, do you think it's inappropriate?"

The messenger was overwhelmed with anger at this moment, "This battle is under the command of Inspector Lei!"

Qian Nan sneered, "How dare a thief with an army to humiliate me? Come on!"

More than ten sergeants rushed in from outside, "Zhizhou!"

Qian Nan pointed at the messenger, "Take it down and take heavy responsibility!"

The messenger turned around, "Who dares?"

More than ten people knocked him down, beat him severely, made him kneel outside the hall, and then whipped him.

Lei Qi hurried over after hearing the news and saluted upon seeing him, "This is a brave man who has made countless meritorious deeds. Why should he be beaten?"

Qian Nan in the hall sneered, "This man is rude to me. How come Governor Lei wants to excuse him?"

Lei Qi was stunned, "This person..."

"Lei Qi!" Qian Nan shouted sharply, stood up and pointed at him, "How dare you humiliate me when you are a thief serving an army?"

Lei Qi's face turned red and turned pale immediately, but he couldn't help but stand with his hands tied.

Qian Nan pointed at the messenger, "Hit! Hit hard!"

The messenger's miserable howl echoed throughout the governor's office.

I don't know how long it took, but a clerk came in and said, "Chief Lei, it's time to go."

Lei Qi looked up and found that the hall was empty. He said blankly: "Ah!"

The clerk smiled and said, "Qian Zhizhou has gone back long ago."

Lei Qi slowly moved his steps and walked out step by step.

Behind him, several clerks were whispering, but their voices were not quiet.

"How dare a traitor to be rude to Zhizhou."

"Zhizhou is the confidant of the two husbands, Lei Qi is nothing!"

"If the two husbands want to deal with him, they only need to open their mouths to make Lei fall into the abyss."

"You see, he was arrogant at first, but later he became frightened."

"Martial men, you still have to tuck your tail between your legs in front of civil servants!"

Lei Qi walked out of the government office, looked up at the sky, and felt sad.

"What's wrong with this world?"

After Yang Xuan's tour of the camp was over, he went to Wang Laoer's place.

The old thief is already on guard.

"Second brother! I got you a live cow. You can eat it as much as you want. You just need to wake up quickly, otherwise those Nanhe gang will steal all your meat."

"What did the doctor say?" Yang Xuan came in.

The old thief stood up and said, "He said he is getting better gradually. I think he will wake up today."

"That's good."

Yang Xuan sat down, "Those two were pretending to be ordinary people, and they clearly wanted to assassinate. Their target should be our general, and the second one took the blame."

The old thief smiled bitterly, "No. In the past, when my second son did bad things, he was worried about being scolded by Yi Niang, and he loved to let me take the blame. But now I have taken the blame once, but this time it almost killed him."

"It's good that he's not dead." Yang Xuan rubbed Wang Laoer's head, "If Yi Niang learns this news, I'm afraid she will be heartbroken."

The old thief sighed, "I'm afraid I'm going to be scolded."

The two smiled at each other.

"Those two people are probably good men sent by the city. Remember to remind me that after the city is broken, we will search the city to find these two people." Yang Xuan's tone was calm, but the old thief heard the murderous intention.

"It's time to pick up those little people's ways of serving others again."

"Lang Jun." Jiang He'er came in, "It's time to eat."

Yang Xuan shook his head, "I won't eat today."

The old thief also shook his head, "I won't eat either."

Jiang Heer went out and informed Han Ji.

Han Ji sighed: "That second son Wang!"

Jiang He'er was puzzled, "Lao Er Wang is so stupid. How come the husband and the old thief didn't even eat because they felt sorry for him."

"Foolish human kindness is the real thing." Han Ji said meaningfully: "In the eyes of Lang Jun, Wang Laoer is probably like a younger brother."

Jiang Heer thought for a while, "Then sir, don't you want to persuade me?"

Han Ji shook his head, "Many times I feel sad and don't want to eat it, so don't eat it. Otherwise it will be poison if you eat it."

Nan He came, "How is the second child?"

Jiang He'er said: "The doctor said that I won't be able to wake up today."

Nan He breathed a sigh of relief and said with a smile: "This is good news."

Jiang Heer frowned, thinking why everyone is like this.

Yang Xuan just sat there. From time to time, people came in to ask for instructions, and he dealt with them one by one.

"Where's Tu Gong?" Yang Xuan suddenly said: "He said he went out to relax, and it's time to come back."

"Go take a look, little man." The old thief got up and went out.

He went all the way to the edge of the camp and asked the sergeant guarding the gate.

"Have you ever seen Tu Gong?"

The sergeant said: "I've been out for a long time."

The old thief scratched his head, "Where can he go? To relax... I'm worried that he will wander into the city just to relax."

The sergeant pointed outside, "Hey! It seems like he's back!"

The old thief looked up.

Three people walked slowly under the sunset, one of them was jumping on one leg.

"That's..." The old thief didn't recognize those two people.

The sergeant smiled and said: "The butcher is holding the rope, he looks like an old farmer from his hometown."

Tu Shang led the two of them in.

The old thief asked: "Where did you get this person?"

Tu Shang led the two of them inside, "They are the two who injured the second child."

Old Thief: "You actually caught them?"

Yang Xuan closed his eyes and meditated. Suddenly he heard the noise outside the tent and frowned: "Be quiet!"

The curtain was opened and a gust of wind rushed in.

Yang Xuan opened his eyes, "Tu Gong?"

Tu Shang glanced at Wang Laoer and said, "Mr. Lang, what do the doctors say?"

"I'll probably wake up today."


Tu Chang came over and patted Wang Laoer's cheek gently, "Lao Er, I have brought those two assassins back. Wake up quickly. It's up to you how to deal with them."

Yang Xuan: "..."

Outside, the old thief winked at him.

Yang Xuan got up and went out, and saw a man and a woman standing together supporting each other.


There was impatience in his voice.

"Chen Yong." Chen Yong smiled miserably.

He knew that his end would not be good.

"Ding Yue." Ding Yuemei smiled and said: "I am willing to be the internal agent."

"Identity." Yang Xuan's face was expressionless.

"People from Southern Zhou!" Chen Yong stood up straight.

"I specialize in solving troublesome problems for those big shots." Ding Yue was very honest.

"How is it in the city?"

"I only know that Qian Nan looks down on Lei Qi."

"Then you are useless!"

Ding Yue knelt down, "I really know this. By the way, I also know...this battle is commanded by Prime Minister Peng and Prime Minister Fang. The reformists in Bianjing City are causing trouble and are dissatisfied with your Majesty's decision."

Internal strife?

"Is there more?"

"No more." Ding Yue smiled bitterly, "Then there are those shitty things that ruined the lives of noble people. The spies of the Tang Dynasty are so good that they know all about it."

It's okay to listen to those gossips after a meal, but it's not enough to use them to attack your opponents.

Just tasteless!

"Give her food!"

Yang Xuan pointed at Ding Yue and immediately entered the tent.

Tu Shang sat there and looked at Wang Laoer.

Yang Xuan sat down and said, "The second child is a good boy."

"Yes!" Tu Chang just felt Wang Laoer's pulse and felt it was still strong.

"Tu Gong...haven't you ever thought about renewing your relationship?"

People who are successful in cultivation, even if they are old, as long as they do not indulge, they will still be the same in that regard, like a dragon or a tiger.

The biggest motivation for many powerful people to practice comes from this.

Tu Shang shook his head, "I'm tired."

"Are you tired of this world and its people?"

Tu Chang nodded, "I look at the people in the world, even if they are as beautiful as gods, but I feel that they are not as alive as a grass."

"People are too fake and human nature is too ugly."

"I understand this because I am getting older and have encountered changes. Why is Mr. Lang so emotional?"

"I'm not that old, but I've encountered a lot."

Human nature is ugly, and he encountered a lot in Xiaohe Village.

"Many times, the seemingly ferocious beasts in the mountains are actually kinder than humans."

"Yes! It is instinct for animals to find food. Human desires are endless, greed, greed and anger..." Tu Chang felt Wang Laoer's pulse again.

"Tu Gong... do you want to recognize a step-grandson?" Yang Xuan asked with a smile.

Tu Shang was lonely and helpless, and so was Wang Lao Er. The two of them had the same love as their ancestors. In this case, why not take another step forward.

Tu Shang looked at him, "Many times, friendship is enough. As for the title, it's just a title."


Yang Xuan's face turned red and he changed the subject, "The second brother will get married and have children. His temper will not allow him to raise children."

There was a look of longing in Tu Chang's eyes, "I help him."

Think about it, Tu Shang's spear-wielding hands were helping Wang Laoer take care of his children. The scene was so beautiful.

"By the way, I'd like to ask Mr. Lang to consider this matter regarding my wife." Tu Chang said seriously.

"I know it." Yang Xuan said: "It's fine if others just look for one, but they have to search carefully."

The two of them were talking so passionately that they didn't realize that Wang Laoer had opened his eyes and looked at them curiously.

"Who are you talking about?"


This chapter has been completed!
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